#꒰ fallon꒱ conkniving. ❞
artisticopy · 10 months
starter for: @conkniving ! setting: Kasper's Apartment ! time: evening !
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The designer hummed to himself as he walked around the mannequin infront of him, the comforting grin staying present as the pride soaked into his expression like an added emotion he hadn't had in so long. He had been doing different sort of custom work for fallon along with others when asked of him to do so purely for the sake of business.. but he's definitely someone who chooses to add himself in when he knows he has things that can benefit the client in his vision of a piece.
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He heard the familiar sound of his doorbell as he walked to the front from his studio inside the apartment, his hum escaping as he tried his best to shush the husky who was howling at the door at the sound of the visitor. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the living room, almost giving a playfully offended look as he saw the pup give a grumble and subtle side eye to him. "Little brat." He mumbled under his breath, shaking his head. His hand soon moved to grab the handle to the front door, his grin only widening as he saw the sight of her. "Welcome on in dear, want a water or anything? and don't mind the mess.. just had a shipment of fabric and it has been hell attempting to organize."
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b4rredteeth · 8 months
@conkniving (just before 11.30pm)
Matevos wasn’t much interested in the outcome of the costume competition. He didn’t think he was going to win with his Zorro outfit, certainly not since Diego was walking around in much the same fashion, and it fitted him much better. He had adopted a terrible Spanish accent, and he’d long since lost his sword and mask, so he was just himself but dressed in black. 
He slung an arm around Fallon’s shoulders, grinning, but making sure not to practise too much force on the other, although he really wanted to. He was glad to see her there, gladdest to see her of all people, and also he was trying his best to ignore real world issues and just have fun. “Ay compadre,” he said. “And who are you dressed up as?” He walked along with her towards the Parlour.
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sugcrxspice · 11 months
You can pick five people go to with you to an exclusive party, who would you take?
"Easy. Mindy, Bronx, Fallon, Benny, and Lou. Those five are a good time, so an exclusive party wouldn't be wasted on them." ( @nvghtcrrors, @thvnderr, @conkniving, @b4rredteeth )
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wiithstars · 8 months
where : the parlor when : before 11:30 pm who : @conkniving
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ANNAKI WAS IN AN EXCITABLE MOOD, always loving when they had a wide range of people to be around and interact with. They were naturally a social butterfly and flourished in an environment like the one the Halloween party provided. However, it would be a lie if the receptionist tried to think there wasn't one person in particular that their grey eyes weren't searching for amongst the many people that graced the mansion. Images of the last time Fallon had visited then, littered their mind no matter what they were doing or where they were. Atticus' words regarding the situation often had not been forgotten, but the youngest of the quadruplets didn't heed the warning very well, not that Annaki considered trying to possibly be seen as a bit cooler to impress the Bastard as changing herself. A softer sort of affection crossed their face when they noticed exactly who they were looking for, somehow looking even more beautiful than they thought possible. Easily, the short Strawberry Shortcake made her way through the crowd pushing past costumed bodies until she was close enough to catch the other's attention. "Fallon!" Annaki's usual bright smile was on her face as she said her name, grey eyes growing a bit wide as she was given a better view of her all dressed up. "You look....amazing," she breathed, wishing she could have provided a more eloquent compliment, but her mind being at somewhat of a loss of words restricted the formation of one, even as one hand came up to reach for Fallon's hand, if only to brush her fingers against it. "I was going to get a drink, if you want to come with me? I heard they have a bunch of cool, festive ones!"
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smckesprite · 9 months
mireu: kill, betray, zombie apocalypse team: fallon, anka, lou
        “i would probably kill fallon before it even occurs to her about doing it first, ‘cause if looks can kill, it’d be hers... just saying. don’t really know this lou... so i’d betray him... or them? one hundred percent have anka in my zombie apocalypse team.”           ( @conkniving / @hxneybvns / @thvnderr )
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thvnderr · 1 year
CLOSED: Sky x Fallon ( @conkniving​ ) LOCATION: Sugar’s Lounge VIP Room #2
bronx: just be @SL at 8:30pm moon: you really have no idea what’s coming
Those were the last messages sent to the group chat. If these two were involved and so was the Sugar’s Lounge — as a repaid favor to Bronx from the manager — one could expect private party or... well, nothing much aside of a private party. What else could one expect in a VIP room of the strip club organized by those two?
Lights were dim, red neon bouncing on the black leather large couch giving a whole mood inside the room and while one could definitely get an idea of why Moon and Bronx had manipulated Fallon into that place... she would be met with a rather unpleasant surprise. There was a curtain and a door behind it from where the talent would come and go and so would security in case any client got particularly disrespectful and in this case, once when she was already guided into the room, a familiar figure came out. Black t-shirt, leather jacket and worn out jeans were the outfit of choice instead of pristine shirts and elegant trousers. Sky knew better than anyone that he should not stand out in places like this one and even less with a killer on the loose.
“We need to talk”.
No charming entrance or gentle greeting. The usual smile decorating his lips was also absent and in its place there was a stern expression and fixed eyes.
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with: @conkniving location: scaredy cat club, out rear
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"I'm surprised you're even allowed anywhere near here." Long, lanky frame leaned up against the mostly-windowless van, the back of which they loaded mostly themself with their drum kit and other various equipment, mostly amps. Their body ached from years of chronic pain, mixed with the exertion from playing a show and loading equipment. A cigarette was placed in between heart-shaped lips as Taka lit the end and took a long drag, sighing the smoke into the cool, late-night air. "Don't those things usually have a curfew on 'em?" They nodded towards Fallon's direction at the ankle monitor. Another long drag, this time exhaling the fumes through their nostrils in a tired sigh. "Welcome back, though. What can I do ya for? Need me to do somethin'? You been standin' there for a few minutes watchin' me so I figured, y'know, there's somethin' on your mind?"
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jofms · 1 year
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josette had never looked so unwell out in public. while she appreciated heejin moving in with her, she'd suddenly felt smothered and had just left to walk, with no intention of a destination, just a walk despite her being exhausted. the lack of sleep was causing her to shut down, being unable to process things or react in a logical way. the woman had already felt at an all time low and then this had happened - it was all for nothing and not only did she fail in keeping amelia safe but she felt like she was the reason she was dead. however, once she caught sight of fallon, that changed. "who let you out?" josette wasn't up to date on the happenings, only skimming the news for hints of justice that weren't there. stepping frantically in front of the other, eyes were welling up but with anger. "why did you kill her? she was still young, so why did you kill her?" the woman's voice was getting louder and louder, not caring if she made a scene. "did you hold her down as she bled out?" an injury like that had occurred before she had been face down - why? this couldn't continue, her accosting people in the street with this aggressive energy and a heavy accusation but she couldn't stop herself. she wanted her back.
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nefelibcta · 1 year
closed  ›  @conkniving​​
What was it that the old literates would say? Boredom breeds contempt. 
Or perhaps not, though she was certainly bored and unsettled, which may or may not have caused her to grin as soon as she spotted Fallon Amarin, a companion she usually only saw within the dim lighting of bars and various other sketchy basements so disparate from the opulence of the party. While the element of surprise was still on her side, Hei Ran barreled towards the other, using momentum to slam them both into the nearest wall. 
“Fun fact!” she began energetically, as if this was any other normal, socially accepted greeting. “Anywhere can be a fighting ring, if you try hard enough.” 
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b4rredteeth · 1 year
Matevos licked his bottom lip, reaching up a hand and pressing it against the middle, he took it back and looked confused at the blood for a moment. Then he pushed himself off against the wall behind him and joined Fallon. "Does it look swollen?" he asked, pointing at his bottom lip as he waited for the other to set the pace away from their last meeting. "I should not have let him get a punch in," he scolded himself. Ever the capable fighter, he liked to think he was far better at deescalation. Though sometimes the situation called for it.
Then he grinned, despite himself, flung by another emotion he did not control, looking at Fallon with that glint in his eyes that suggested he had set upon some action that was both impulsive and odd. "Will you nurse me back to health?"
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thvnderr · 10 months
Closed: Lynx x Fallon ( @conkniving )
Location: Black Dog Motel
Their knee bounced impatiently while waiting for her to arrive. Lynx had flopped on one of the crappy lobby seats as the receptionist seemed to be updating the books or something. Nervousness obvious as they scratched their bottom lip with the index. Lynx had lost faith in all humanity, most of it at least, except of one person whose ring still hung from a chain around their neck.
Teeth chipped away black nail polish as the obnoxiously loud clock marked each second like his final sentence. She's not coming. She's totally not coming. Anxiety was eating them alive, senses going supersonic after the well-practiced survival in jail. Steps at the distance. Lynxie chewed on his cheek. The clerk seemed to lock eyes with someone and give them a little smile. The door opened. They looked up anxiously just to find a drunken man stumbling to the desk to ask for a room. "Fucking fuck", they muttered before standing from the chair and heading outside, at least the cold would have more mercy on their soul.
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gcld-rushes · 7 months
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This is exactly why Onyx doesn’t permit himself to get close to many. The loss takes too much of a toil on his body. Among other natural remedies, he’s begun to take belladonna for increased inflammation and joint pain, gelsemium for the crying headaches, and lycopodium for the digestive problems within his grief stricken stomach. Despite treating his bodily symptoms, the pain in his heart burns for the friend he once had. Matevos, was, and this wasn’t a joke, the emergency contact for the kitten known as Alanis having been there for her the moment Onyx finally decided to call her his familiar. And though it was explicitly said to many that Matevos was his friend, the wizard had forgotten if he’d told Mat this information to his face and regrets not doing so enough. The sadness he feels for Matevos is endless, and he knows time will have to heal that sadness.
The self proclaimed wizard adroitly navigates the intricacies of their withdrawn nature, conducting a serene sense of seclusion with the skill of hibernating rabbit. He digs his proverbial holes, and buries his face in them, he hides and keeps himself tucked away. This is not a mere predilection but a deliberate adherence to a code that courses through the very fabric of their being, a silent covenant forged with the ethereal forces that linger at the fringes of reality. Now it’s one they’ll stick to with Fallon being the one exception to what was left of a social semicircle of friends aside from his coworkers. And so, figuring that she’d show up at their place- a creek hidden in the trees, he smiles knowing she’s there. The sadness within paints a ghost-like film of where Matevos is supposed to be standing, but Onyx knows once the living pass on, there's not much they could do.
Having met through the veterinarian, he can hardly imagine how Fallon must feel. He wonders if her loss is even deeper than his, and realizes that pain is something he’d never wish on anyone. “Hey.” he offers. Each step into the cold depths of snow is a judicious maneuver, a strategic shield safeguarding the fragile core of their soul from potential abrasions in an unpredictable world. Onyx's withdrawn demeanor isn't a fortress; however, and he knows he shouldn’t try to hide his grief from the one person who’d understand. “I’d offer to pay for food, but…” that’s right, Onyx’s one joy in life has been taken from him. “Not much of an appetite lately…” He takes another cautious step forward, “I come here sometimes, just in case you decide to show up, I guess today is the lucky day, huh?”
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b4rredteeth · 11 months
Matevos spotted Fallon on the other side of the street and ran through traffic without giving a single fuck about the cars honking at him. He pulled her into a hug without second thought, which lasted for a few seconds because he knew cats didn’t like hugs, dogs didn’t always either. He wasn’t a true hugger. Except if he got to hug dogs. “You’re free!” Or well, at least she was out of jail. “I really thought I gave those interviewers a run for their money and lied you your way out, but shit, they’re smarter than that, aren’t they. How are you? I got a nutjob who didn’t want to pay me because he said some shit about us Bastards not being able to keep each other out of jail, wanna come with and beat him up?” 
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thvnderr · 1 year
Closed: Kintsugi x Fallon ( @conkniving )
Location: Chun Residence
It had not been long since the bail was paid, the arrangements made and she was released. They all gave her enough time to sleep properly, eat something decent and recover enough for her to hold this conversation. Dae-Hyun had taken both him and Fallon in his car to Sky's place; few words had been exchanged in the past days between them and her, knowing that any wrong word and a vomit of monologues and and scolding and complaining would immediately follow. Knuckles went white every now and then from the pressure on the wheel as she bit his tongue back from speaking, from reaching out, from solving their silence in the same way they always solved things. "We all need to talk", those had been Sky's words and they allowed for no space to let her go against it. It had been a very clear order.
The mansion rose proudly above the permanently blooming gardens that Sky personally tended to, Moon upset but still rushing to open the passenger's door for her. The oldest was already waiting at the entrance and next to him... Bronx. His eyes gave away the pinch in his chest when he saw her after months, a silent yet scolding expression from Sky sending him back into control which implied crossed arms and an evasive expression. "To the greenhouse", Sky simply spoke and Bronx headed out first, afraid of being too close to break down right there and then — his act a bit of a rebellious one too, walking through the garden path and to the backyard without the company of the host.
Had she noticed properly, maybe Fallon could see the glint of sadness that shone in her ex's eyes for a moment as she approached, she could have noticed the way he held his breath to avoid throwing himself to her with nothing but soothing words and words full of concern. Maybe if she noticed with the appropriate light, she could see that he had been crying.
"Let's go", Moon said with a gentle tone as he placed a hand on her lower back to motion her forwards; two words that let her know there was still affection and overall an interest for her well-being—— and how he hoped she could get that from his words ——.
And so, they all made it to the greenhouse, beautifully decorated with a comfortable yet expensive lounge, the perfume of flowers filling the air but delicately to avoid overstimulating the senses, everything done by a perfectly placed ventilation system. They arrived and Sky invited everyone to sit down, but half a word had not left his lips when Bronx had plopped down heavily with an attitude proper of a child. None of the other men said anything against it.
Sky closed the crystal doors and regained his place next to Dae-Hyun who remained up with crossed arms. "You know why we brought you here, don't you?", he asked with a tone more calm than he had originally used at their arrival. "We are worried", Moon added. Bronx limited himself to huff, looking at the ground as his forearms rested on his knees. "We all are", Sky added as he threw a glance towards the ex-bastard.
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wiithstars · 1 year
when : july 13th where : annaki's home, delilah den's gated community @conkniving
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THE MOMENT ANNAKI WAS ALERTED THAT FALLON was released, she was immediately texting her, unable to keep the spam of text messages to themself. After not getting to see or speak to her due to the pig incident, she had been aching to see her, see how she was. Annaki had no familiarity with the criminal system and, because of that, no reason to have an understanding of it, leaving her mostly in the dark during this whole process. All her knowledge came from crime shows that she would usually avoid, choosing to instead watch something cheesy or romantic. Because of that, she was only left to believe the worst of what Fallon was going through, the concern only encouraging her multiple messages towards the biker when they had gotten word that she was finally not being contained. Inviting her over without second thought, practically telling her to appear as soon as she had a moment, Annaki wondered if Fallon would actually show, if she had too many things already going on to spend time to see her. Mochi was lazily laid upon the couch, eyes dutifully following his owner while the miniature pig waddled around, following in Annaki's footsteps wherever she moved. When there was a knock on her door, it felt as if her heart skipped a beat, rushing to throw it open. Seeing Fallon on the other side only born a smile that could've almost broke her face in half. Without a word, she threw her arms around the other's neck, affection given without question. "You're here." There weren't words to describe how happy she was to see her, not even trying to find them. One hand coming to one of her shoulder blades, the receptionist pulled Fallon into her home, quickly following with, "If I leave the door open too long, Pickles will sneak out. I tried to bring him to see you. I didn't think it was a big deal, but then they kept me at the police station for a couple hours and sent him to the animal shelter!" The disbelief in her voice was obvious, and her eyes dropped to look at the pig himself as she closed the door. With the door now closed, she could take in Fallon's appearance, her expression. "Are you okay?" her tiny voice finally asked, the hand that was on the back of her shoulder dropping to run down her arm, landing to hold her forearm gently. "I made coffee?"
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b4rredteeth · 1 year
make me choose: saving cerberus or saving fallon
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"I'm about 99 percent sure that Fallon would tell me to save Cerberus if she had to make the choice, so I'd go for that one, and save Cerberus. And then I'd come back and also save Fallon."
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