#꒰ kasper꒱ starter. ❞
artisticopy · 1 year
starter for: @conkniving ! setting: Kasper's Apartment ! time: evening !
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The designer hummed to himself as he walked around the mannequin infront of him, the comforting grin staying present as the pride soaked into his expression like an added emotion he hadn't had in so long. He had been doing different sort of custom work for fallon along with others when asked of him to do so purely for the sake of business.. but he's definitely someone who chooses to add himself in when he knows he has things that can benefit the client in his vision of a piece.
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He heard the familiar sound of his doorbell as he walked to the front from his studio inside the apartment, his hum escaping as he tried his best to shush the husky who was howling at the door at the sound of the visitor. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the living room, almost giving a playfully offended look as he saw the pup give a grumble and subtle side eye to him. "Little brat." He mumbled under his breath, shaking his head. His hand soon moved to grab the handle to the front door, his grin only widening as he saw the sight of her. "Welcome on in dear, want a water or anything? and don't mind the mess.. just had a shipment of fabric and it has been hell attempting to organize."
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lovinglearnings · 2 years
muse:  eren  kasper,  he/him,  paralegal  /  single  dad open  to:  m  /  w  /  enby plot:  your  muse  is  eren’s  daughter’s  daycare  teacher  and  they  run  into  each  other  at  a  shopping  mall.
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shopping  was  always  the  hard  part.  his  ex  always  seemed  to  handle  this  part  of  it.  eren  was  lucky  if  he  tied  his  daughter’s  hair  in  a  ponytail  correctly.  sure  he  was  sort  of  clueless  when  it  came  to  the  cosmetic  side  of  things,  but  he  made  it  through  just  fine.  most  of  the  time.  today?  not  so  much.  bea  was  throwing  a  tantrum  because  he  wouldn’t  let  her  get  a  toy  from  an  outside  claw  machine.  and  she  was  super  hyper  because  he  let  her  have  two  cookies  from  the  food  court.  probably  not  the  best  idea,  but  he  can’t  ever  seem  to  say  no  to  her.  anyway,  the  two  were  inside  a  children’s  clothing  store  and  eren  turned  his  back  for  two  seconds  to  look  at  some  jelly  shoes  when  bea  went  running.  he  swore  beneath  his  breath,  following  suit  only  to  bump  into  a  nearby  person.  '  shit,  i’m  sorry.  '  eyes  follow  to  bea  who  was  hiding  behind  said  stranger’s  legs.  his  daughter  repeated  the  swear,  yelling  '  shit  '  throughout  the  store  while  giggling.  eren  could  have  died  right  there.  the  brunet  scolds  his  daughter,  apologizing  profusely  to  the  stranger.  he  soon  recognizes  the  other,  though,  to  be  bea’s  daycare  teacher  and  some  relief  eases  onto  him.  '  oh  -  hi.  well,  now  i  feel  a  little  less  petrified  that  she’s  clinging  to  your  legs  so  tightly.  still  i  -  '  and  eren  scoops  bea  up  despite  her  protests,  holding  her  at  his  hip.  '  sorry,  again.  '
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patroklides · 1 year
❛ don’t bark if you can’t bite. ❜ [ khoa to lex ]
"from the villain" starters. // accepting.
his opponent is attempting to goad him into making a mistake, he suspects. it's a decent strategy – or at least, it would be, against someone less wise to the tactic. he's trying to bait him into an act of aggression, something that will leave him open to attack; it's a commendable effort, but there's only one fencing partner who could ever truly get under his skin, and all that's left of him is a faint stain on the concrete in front of the lexcorp plaza.
[ too emotional, his father had said of him back then; he doubts anyone would think him such now. ]
" i've hardly done either thus far, kasper. " he hits the name with a little too much emphasis, gaze sharp as he narrowly parries the first blow.
he's rusty, by any estimation, but his feet seem to remember the steps as well as any dance, the clash of metal-on-metal rhythmic and familiar. his opponent's strikes are single-minded and aggressive, like it hasn't even occurred to him that he might lose. but there's an arrogance in his movements, also; he adds an unnecessary flourish with the blade just before each thrust, all style over substance.
whether it's meant as an intimidation tactic or simply a sign of how little regard the other man has for him as an opponent, he can hardly say, but he intends to make him regret it.
he parries a second time, a third, and the opening the other man leaves right after he strikes doesn't escape his notice.
" you know, if you're going to use a fake name— " another parry, knocking the blade to one side, before he lunges in. " —you ought to at least choose something less obvious. "
the tip of the foil presses lightly against the other man's sternum, and he gives him a thin smirk. " i believe that means the first point is mine, ghost-maker. "
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rpvlix · 2 years
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18+ only | carrd | main; @550110 | misc. muses; @rpvmsx | I use beta editor | like, reply, or rb this post if you'd like a starter | personal; @exculis
A palace stands alone, tall and imposing. Quiet... disturbingly so. What will you find inside...?
Hi there~! I'm Dune, a longtime roleplayer that's new to the Tumblr indie scene. The link above will lead you to an always-open starter thats suitable for most characters to meet any of mine. Seeking mostly other OCs to write with, but I won't turn away a canon muse with good interaction potential. My comfort zone is semi-lit and below with a focus on character interaction and growth. I don't focus on smut but I am fine with it, in the right circumstances.
Though my characters are powerful, god-like beings, I keep them from doing anything that would ruin the fun. And they're more than 'happy' to interact with any sort of being, mortal or not. A human AU is also in the works, if that's more your speed. Check out my muse list, or, if you'd rather jump into their world fairly blind, just check out my rules and get in touch!
I use tumblrs inbuilt community labels feature for sensitive content. Please make sure your filter settings are correct so you see or don't see the relevant posts.
Memes and open starters never expire (even if someone else has already replied to them)! Feel free to interact with them at any time
You're free to follow my personal if you want, but I can't recommend it. I post a LOT.
header image photo by Kasper Rasmussen on Unsplash
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lampung7com · 3 months
Denmark Lolos 16 Besar Usai Imbang Lawan Serbia
Duel Denmark vs Serbia tersaji di partai terakhir Grup C Piala Eropa 2024, Rabu (26/6) dini hari WIB. Hasilnya, pertandingan ini berakhir imbang 0-0. Denmark menurunkan Kasper Schmeichel, Joachim Andersen, Andreas Christensen, Jannik Vestergaard, Alexander Bah, Morten Hjulman, Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg, Joakim Maehle, Christian Eriksen, Rasmus Hojlund dan Jonas Wind sebagai starter. Di sisi lain,…
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bombardos · 1 year
MEME NIGHT: accepting you sentence starters & headcanon questions 
dennis creevey, diana dyer, ian borgin, kasper madsen, maisie cattermole, neville longbottom & oliver wood
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ccmpletemess · 1 year
closed starter for @lcvelymxnifest ( mona & kasper ! )
Mona wished she was anywhere else, instead of sitting opposite Kasper in his own apartment. The last time she'd been here, things had been ridiculously different. Though that exact situation is what had led them to now, Mona's feet tapping nervously against the floor as she tried to figure out the words. "Sorry, I'm just trying to figure out the best way to word this," She admitted, a sigh escaping her lips as she rooted through her purse. "You remember we hooked up a few months ago? Well, turns out we weren't as careful as we thought we were," Mona spoke slowly, sliding the scan photo over towards him. "I'm not one for sleeping around, so I know they're yours. I have every intention of keeping this baby, but your decision is up to you. I won't force you to be in the babies life if you don't want it."
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wickcdcreations · 3 years
@strikersunindie​  //  a closed starter for kasper & max.
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  “i’m so sorry that i’m late, baby.” kasper was at least twenty minutes late, which wasn’t anything new for the busy a list actor who seemed to always have something booked but he insisted he have the day off to celebrate his anniversary with max. although his agent wasn’t happy with it, noting he had a few voice overs he had to record for an upcoming film, he only agreed when kasper agreed to meet with a director for the next upcoming film he was approached for. “interview went late and you know how malcolm is.” he dropped his bags on the ground, grabbing his husband to kiss him on the lips. “we didn’t miss our reservation, did we?”
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narrators-corner · 3 years
☀️It’s nighttime, you find yourself up in the Mountains of the Forgotten Sun. The night is chilly, the wild is softly making its way through the mountain range. You see a small little fire in the distance, near some of the rare golden leaf trees that grow in this range. There you find a small campsite belonging to a sun themed adventure.☀️
☀️ Strike up a conversation with the stranger?☀️
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artisticopy · 1 year
starter for: @nvnetcilednymph ! location: hospital ! time: early morning !
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The man walked around the hallways of the local hospital with a hum escaping his lips, his eyes scanning the familiar hallways as he arrived to the nonemergency area of the hospital. Due to him still needing to have his biannual checks for his levels for his testosterone, he had the way to the office memorized. As his eyes finding his dcotor's office, he didn't want to admit the faint nervousness that came to him as he walked in.
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"Hello darling, appointment for Kasper Bradley?" His voice held the familiar softness he always tried to hold with those he never was used to seeing more than once. He had a small bag of things with him for a specific nurse he always had requested on his charts if he was working, and did not want to admit he hoped they would be there. After getting the confirmation, waiting along with heading to the room he was called in for the appointment he simple waited. His hands soon moving to pull the phone out his pocket as one leg crossed over the other to have the comfortable stance, the chair adjacent from the door as he awaited to hear the familiar knock alongside the smile of whoeever decided to greet him.
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pcachybvtch · 6 years
( open starter )
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“¡vamos! sopla las velas de una puñetera vez ¡que necesito comer tarta! mi metabolismo pide azúcar”
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tentaciion · 6 years
◦‘゚❀ 。 ›» @easytolovc
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Cuando terminó con sus horas de entrenamiento, se fue directo al estudio de baile en donde sabía estaría ensayando Avery, era posible que ni ella recordara haberle mencionado ésto hace un tiempo atrás en sus conversaciones telefónicas, pero lo recordaba, por su buena memoria y porque a diario estaba preocupado de ella. Buscó la dirección en su teléfono y manejó en su moto hasta allí esperando no haber llegado demasiado tarde. Estacionó y entró al recinto, consultándole a una empleada del lugar adónde debía dirigirse. Al llegar al fin a la amplia sala de baile, con inmensos espejos que cubrían las paredes, sus par de esferas cacao fueron atraídas instantáneamente a la silueta femenina que danzaba como si su vida dependiera de ello, era inspirador verla bailar y no estaba equivocada, su talento era superior a su habilidad para cocinar, y demonios que amaba sus comidas. Embelesado seguía cada movimiento de la bailarina, como destilaba emoción en cada uno de ellos, sensación que podría estremecer el alma del espectador, y no sabía si estaba idealizando demasiado el arte por ser ella la protagonista, pero no podía evitar mirarla con estrellas de luz que destellaban de sus madretierra, una sonrisase instaló en sus carmines, sin siquiera notarlo. Cuando la pista terminó y el paso final fue ejecutado por la artista, Kasper salió de su escondite aplaudiendo, dando zancadas pausadas hasta ella. “Wow... eso fue asombroso, en serio.” Aseguró con la energía que le caracterizaba. “Al parecer si bailas mejor de lo que cocinas, eh.” Bromeó, plantando sus pies frente a ella. “¿Cómo has estado, enana?” Inquirió, cabeza ladeada y comisuras izadas amenizando sus expresión.
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elspethhaddock · 6 years
kasper. ( @kasperpeters )
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“ryker doesn’t even know how to do his own laundry, katie.” words expressed in such a dramatic manner, as though this was truly the end of the world. “so really, in pining for him you’re pining for your future life --- and you know what that consists of ? ” before her company can even get a word in, elspeth is back at it again. “it consists of you giving up ANY dream you may have to be known as a the next iconic female figure, and for what ? to become a housewife who spends all her time cleaning and cooking for someone with an IQ that’s not even a quarter of her own. DISGRACEFUL.” with that, the blonde throws herself back on the armchair she currently resided in, an exasperated sigh escaping from between her lips. really, this was the last way she wanted to be spending her friday night ; stuck at some lame party she got dragged to, trying to convince katie once more of all the reasons she should stop chasing after ryker. yet, here she was --- and apparently this was only the tip of the iceberg. “FUCK,” the femme exclaims beneath her breath, hands reaching up to plant on her own head, concealing herself from view upon spotting a familiar figure entering the living area. “this is the last thing i need right now.”
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poeticnightmxre · 4 years
{ Open to: Females | Males | Non-Binary }
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a quick sigh fell from kasper’s lips as his gaze lingered on the other for a moment. he was studying them in an attempt to try and figure out if they were serious or not, but when the expression didn’t flicker from their features, his lips pressed together almost immediately, eyes squinting slightly as his brows furrowed delicately. “what...” fell from his lips first in exasperation. “look we just made out, nothing too serious to even be concerned about,” kasper’s shoulders lifting up in a shrug as his gaze continued to stare at them, not attempting to look away at all. “besides---” his head tilted to the side as he ran a hand through his dark hair. “why do you even care? it’s not like we are dating or anything,” he paused for a second, gauging their reaction carefully. “are you jealous or something?”
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tempestrio · 3 years
Dōtaku Island Staff OC!
As the person who pretty much kickstarted the Dōtaku Staff OC trend, it was pretty much my job to make my own staff oc. In light of that, here’s Kass! As always the art and Kass belong to me, while Dōtaku Island and Prof. Peach both belong to @prof-peach! (Go check out their blog it’s amazing!) More info under the cut!
Name: Kasper Rhinehardt (Goes by Kass)
Age: 24 yo
Gender: Non-Binary (They/He pronouns)
Height: 5’ 3”
Job: Groomer (Specializes in reptilian pokemon as well as most fire and bug-types)
Hometown: Motostoke City, Galar
General Info: Kass is a former gym trainer for the Fire-type leader Kabu, and now works on Dōtaku Island as a pokemon groomer and a staff member. Due to their experience under Kabu, they have the patience, willpower, and persistence to deal with pokemon of almost all temperaments. In their downtime they love cooking, foraging, and spending quality time with their team. Pretty much almost all of the treats that Kass gives his clients are homemade and his team are more than willing to taste test his creations. They also help teach the Fungi Foraging 101 and Foraging for Beginners workshops due to it being a hobby of theirs. Fun Fact: Kass is so lightweight that he’s been easily benched by Peach multiple times as a testament to how physically stronk she is. (They also turn red like a tomato berry at any mention of those occurrences.)
- Howl the Obstagoon: Looks like they could kill you, is a cinnamon roll; Met on Route 3 of Galar; Is a huge crackhead™ most of the time, but otherwise is a very sweet boy; If you ever hear a scream when you’re picking up/dropping off your pokemon from/for grooming, that’s usually Kass getting soaked by Howl shaking after he just got a bath because he won’t sIT STILL!
- Kaen the Centiskorch: Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll; Given to Kass by Kabu, and is Kass’ starter; An absolute perfect pokemon in all sense of the word; Loves to give people warm hugs and is incredibly good with little kids; His best quality is his wiggles™; Often seen either taking care and occupying smaller pokemon while others are being groomed or helping Kass with their cooking.
- Espada the Grovyle, Gargoyle Variant: Looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you; Met in the forests of Dōtaku Island; The most recent addition to Kass’ team and is the most surprising member; Used to be distant and a tad violent, but due to Kass’ persistence he’s now an attention hog and loves getting scritches; Often assists Kass with grooming and is surprisingly good at helping cut and de-shed stubborn fur; He and Kaen are also Kass’ go-to when helping Peach calm down a rowdy pokemon and during the Battle contest.
- Canyon the Silicobra, Eastern Hognose Variant: Looks like they could kill you, would actually kill you; Met on Route 6 of Galar; You’d think that all of Kass’ pokemon are all of these well-behaved angels, but then there’s this petty brat; He will bite and gnaw when he doesn’t get his way, which is often (Kass is so used to it that it doesn’t work on them); His sand glands are underdeveloped, so he pretty much relies on his biting moves more than his ground-type moves; He is so dramatic that he usually throws a tantrum once a day, much to Kass and the other staff member’s amusement.
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If I Could See The World
♡Vilde x Chris♡
One might say that Vilde Lien Hellerud had gotten far in life, but here as she stood over the casseroles, sweat pipling on her forehead, trying her best to not get annoyed at the constant "Mamma!" coming from the two children, she wasn't sure she agreed so much. She wasn't even Vilde Hellerud anymore, not even Lien. Vilde Bakke was her name now. Married with children. All within the age of 26.
Her husband had texted that she needed to set the table for an extra guest, because apparently a colleauge was joining them. They had to have some important meeting after hours in their home. Vilde had felt the knot tying in her gut at the text. Never had she started to clean and prep their house as fast as today. Her husband was relatively new in his job and let's just face it; it had been sheer dumb luck that he even got the job in the first place. The man was a lousy deadneck, and certainly wasn't qualified for the job. It was way above his league. She knew he'd be pissed off if the house they recently purchased wasn't spotless when he and his colleauge arrived.
Vilde did love her husband, she was almost certain she still did. He perhaps wasn't the kindest person, never did anything to lift a finger, he had been jumping from one job to another, always quitting before it became too obvious he was a lousy, lazy man. Yet, Vilde felt she...owed him? You see, at the mere age of 18, she got pregnant. And god knows she didn't dare tell the actual dad, so Vilde left Oslo, and started her life as a single mom. That was when she met her husband, four years older than her but he did seem to really like her and she did too. And even better, he didn't mind her son.
Now, they had moved back to Oslo. Vilde had been skeptical but well; she was unemployed and barely any education. She just had to follow her husband. Whenever an idea of leaving begun spinning, she had to let it go quickly; after all, she had NOTHING. No money, no friends anymore, just herself, her kids and her crippling mental state.
"Er middagen klar?" The entry door opened and Vilde refrained from clenching her jaw as he didn't even bother to say hey, just demanding as always. "Ja." she simply replied from the kitchen, before calling down the children from their rooms. "Kasper, Sandra, middag. Husk, vi har gjester." almost at once two children ran down the stairs. Kasper, 8 years old, and Sandra, 5. Sandra was almost certainly a splitting image of her mother. Just as blond and with the exact same tiny little nose. Kasper? Well...he was quite similar to his actual dad, even if Vilde had always told her husband that he wasn't. He would probably dislike that his 'son' looked like his biological dad.
Vilde carried the food to the dining room and that's when her far too frail arms almost lost the heavy casserole. Everything was spinning, her heart was pumping hard, and she felt as if she honestly was about to die. The colleauge her husband had brought home wasn't some random person. Her worst nightmare was coming true. It was Christoffer Schistad, Penetrator Chris,
Kasper sin biologiske far.
starter for @thenightmareofyourdrems
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