artmcfarts · 12 days
My partner is in bad living conditions right now and I want to help her so bad.
I know I don't usually do this type if stuff, but she really needs it.
If you're kind enough to donate, that'd mean the world!
Please help her! I love her so much and I hate seeing her suffer. Thank you!
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artmcfarts · 15 days
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artmcfarts · 16 days
On one hand, I'm proud of Stolas for maturing and realizing that things might not change between him and Blitz. But on the other hand, it sucks seeing him cut ties with him. Seeing this man go from a miserable marriage to a more miserable situationship had me in knots. And poor Octavia, she's stuck in the middle :(
Cutting ties from someone or something bringing you unhappiness shows growth. I'm proud of Stolas for speaking his mind and helping Blitz out despite it hurting him in the end. He really, truly cares for him and it shows. "If you love something let it go."
As for Blitz, this poor dude. Ya, he got Fizz back and I'm happy they're on great terms now! But it sucks because I'm sure I wasn't the only one who thought things were going to get better for him. I think Blitz really cared for Stolas but in his own sad, twisted way. Maybe he actually kind of low keyed felt closer to Stolas when they were intimate, but sadly, sexual intimacy can't fix or change relationships. Seeing Stolas pour his heart out to him and cutting ties, I could tell his whole world got rocked AGAIN. He lost another relationship AGAIN. Whether or not Blitz loved Stolas or not it doesn't change what he's been through. Getting knocked down again and again, feeling like he'll never be truly loved, that changes a person's mindset and it makes them finally think they'll never love again. So hearing Stolas say he thinks highly of him...DAMN.
This episode was BRUTAL. But I'm glad these two KINDA talked. I just want these two to sort things out and be happy!
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artmcfarts · 3 months
Here are some Hazbin Hotel Theories that I made up or that I like
1. Alastor is nice to females because they're more polite. Or he has Hella mommy issues.
2. Eve is actually Roo and owns Alastor's soul.
3. Eve is in Heaven and has been pretending to be Lillith while Lillith is actually trapped somewhere.
4. This is a BIG one, but at SOME POINT, Blitz is going to end up at the hotel. Not much of a theory I just want it to happen CAUSE IMAGINE THE CROSSOVER
5. Husker will help angel out of his deal with Valentino and Angel will do the same for Husker
6. Mimzy was one of Alastors victims when she was alive, but she can't remember how she died
7. Crymini might be the push to make huskerdust Canon
8. Each of the characters in the hotel represent a sin.
I ran out of theories, but I'll add on more if I think of more!
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artmcfarts · 4 months
I have a dirty mind
And as much as I don't want to think about it
Do Demons have genitals based on the animal they are or...
Listen please don't come at me
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artmcfarts · 4 months
Vaggie's backstory, aka:
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artmcfarts · 4 months
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AdamsApple? 👏
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artmcfarts · 4 months
Someone said Alastor is always smiling because the person he made a deal with sowed his mouth in place of a smile.
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I can see it.
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artmcfarts · 5 months
Yall listen I'm not saying Lillith is a psychopath for leaving Lucifer but..
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No wait that's EXACTLY what I'm saying
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artmcfarts · 6 months
Okay, I know we're all suppose to hate Amy Shcumer, and I get it I do too. Like ew.
But, I think she gives Velvet a unique voice. And TO BE FAIR, she did a pretty decent job. I'll give her credit.
Still was expecting her to bust out a vagina joke but DreamWorks wouldn't allow it.
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artmcfarts · 6 months
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Knife Condemned To Week Inside Saran-Wrapped Brownie Pan
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artmcfarts · 6 months
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This is why C.ai is Mid
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artmcfarts · 7 months
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I can be your angle
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Or your Devle
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artmcfarts · 7 months
I saw the new Trolls movie and it's so good UGH! I have a few complaints but nothing too severe. The music slaps as always and you know I love seeing my JT sing 😩🎶
But of course, watching the new film made me want to watch the whole trilogy and I couldn't help but notice something in common with most trolls...
Where are the parents?
Mostly the mothers cause Poppy and Barb don't have them, but for some reason Branch had his grandma?
Are female trolls more delicious to Bergens then male trolls?
What would happen to Poppy if her and Branch decided to have kids?
And now that I think TOO deeply about it, in the 1st movie, Poppy was the one chosen by the chef to feed Grisle.
It has been shown that trolls can be born asexually, seen by Guy Diamond with Tiny Diamond, but would that mean female trolls can give birth asexually too?
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Given that the Bergens don't eat trolls anymore, would more female trolls be moms now?
Yall I have way too many questions and I don't know if anyone asked themselves thus before, but I feel like the truth is darker then we think.
But Branch had his Grandma and not his mom or dad. I guess the easy answer is they got eaten. Who knows...
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artmcfarts · 7 months
All I want for Christmas is for Fizzaroli and Ozzy to adopt Oliver, the deaf imp boy 😩
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artmcfarts · 8 months
This just in; Blitzø has fucking brain damage
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love this running gag. is he ok
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artmcfarts · 8 months
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Inspired by Tonights episode
Look, Fizz, I know it's your job to help this guy and everything, but I think this guy is a lost cause. He has obviously made up his mind. Why don't we just cut our losses and get out of here?
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