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Commissions opened + limited! Headshots - $10 each Busts - $15 each *Pride Month Edition Optional (June Only) Full Body - $20 each *no humans please*
PayPal ONLY! 
Humans, furries, anthros, Pokemon, + MLP characters are acceptable~ Message me in the DMs if interested! Reblogs are 💞
Examples above~
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Wanted to do something for Pride month with a couple characters from Nanbaka~ So I’ve asked my friends in one of the Nanbaka groups and they suggested these two to me~
@cxrruptus​ suggested Ace Qi while @sugar–trash​ suggested Lesbian Taurus vwv
Thank ya both for the suggestions~ Hope they came out alright~
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Nanbaka Character Sticker Ideas?
Soooo like it says in the title, I would love to know from ya awesome Nanbaka fans on what Nanbaka character I should do next as a sticker for my RedBubble~ vwv It’ll be a sticker like the one I’ve made of Upa~
If ya have a character that you would like me to draw in the full body chibi-like style, then comment below, or reblog and say the character’s or characters names in the tags vwv I’ll look through them throughout this week and decide on one character~
You can also say what kind of scenery that you would like to see the character in~ I’m open for any ideas~
If ya haven’t seen the Upa sticker I’ve made, here’s the post:
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Commission for @aruthieeeveeonmother 
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Finished Upa as well today since I did some art and posted over on my Twitter and DA, @/aruthieeeveeon~ I looovveee this so much tbh~ I wanted to do something with him in the full body Chibi-like style that I’ve been trying out a bit and I’m really proud with how this turned out vwv
Nanbaka - Sho Futamata Art - Me
I may do more Nanbaka characters like this~
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Trying out RedBubble
Sooooooooooo I'm a part-time freelancer currently and I've just recently created a RedBubble account and planning on making designs for products that my audience, friends, family, etc., would be interested in~
I'm definitely making some Pokémon designs, especially eeveelutions, and some Nanbaka designs as well with characters such as Cell 13, other inmates and guards hopefully~
I also want to know what ya’ll will be interested in seeing from me~
If your interested in seeing Pokemon, Nanbaka and maybe other designs from me, let me know by commenting below, liking, reblogging if ya would like and such~
I hope to start making some design product ideas this week and hope to display them on my RedBubble, @/AruthieEeveeon
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Sorry that it's been a long while since I posted-
College, school, been busy with my break as well- School and college are coming back in the next week as well so I'll try my best to post here when I can- ;w;
Anyways- I’ve mainly been posting my art over on my DA, Twitter and Instagram, @/aruthieeeveeon, so go check them out if ya want to ;w;
So this is all the art, bits and pieces here and there from all of last year of 2017, good year of improvement~ I honestly mainly focused on my digital side of art and am still wanting to improve on it cause I have been doing well and want to keep at it~ Hope to improve more throughout this year and get my part time as a freelance artist going as well~
Hope to post more art from this new upcoming year cause I got quite a few ideas in mine~ TwT
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I’m excited to announce my “GHATZ THE GHASTLY” t-shirt design featuring Ghatz & Warren! This is a very limited edition shirt, and will only be available for one week!
Preorders close Tuesday 1/9/18 @ 10AM Pacific Time. [ORDER FORM: https://goo.gl/rgWicF ]
Thank you so much!! -Saber
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Why not drawing Samon genderband ? c: Btw thanks for the lovely icon u draw for me ! (Actually have no time to thanks u in a while sorry ;×; )
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Christmas card-like headshots that I made of Ruthie and Ashley~! X"3 I really love with how these turned out ;w; I’ve decided to work on these since I apparently caught the flu- but trying to get better- and ideas for these two popped up so I got these sketched out and done~
There’s a raffle for a chance for two winners to win a Christmas card-like headshot from me going on over on my Twitter, @/aruthieeeveeon. Sooo go make sure that ya go check it out and enter~
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If you're reading this you're beautiful.
It’s okay to not feel like you are right now.
But you are.
reblog to tell your followers the same.
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YANDERE NICO-CHAN 2 *unenthusiastic fanfare*
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Fall icons I made of a couple of babes, Ruthie and Nico~ 💙💚
Heard that fall time is the time to sit back, relax and enjoy the season~ 🍂
Since it's fall time, why not make a couple icons and maybe some more on this season~ They’re so much fun to make~
May do a raffle over on my twitter, @/aruthieeeveeon, soon for anyone who wants to enter for a chance to win an icon~ 
-FYI, the nanbaka icons that I do on here are free to use~ Just let me know if you’re using it or not-
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//Something small and trashy I made to cheer myself up. XD Upa’s Anger Management Issues Episode 752. (AKA Master is terrible at games but don’t him that sshh whut)
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Finally made a separate account for Ruthie for rps and such, so go follow over there X’’3
I’m a secondary account to @aruthieeeveeonmother​
This account is mainly for Ruthie to show aesthetics, rp with some friends, art, headcannons and short stories, and more X’’3
Also send in asks or anything that will like to know ;w;
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