arwenofrph · 4 years
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We are almost full on applications, and I honestly can’t believe it. So excited to kick off The Season with everyone! We’re missing just a few fellas that I’d love to have. Have you considered…
→ The Duke | A villain at cards, the Duke is a clever man with a quick smile, who prefers London to anywhere else in the world. → The Marquis | Wiser than he is kind, the Marquis is a rarely-seen figure on the London scene. → The (Second) Earl | Boastful and brash, the Earls are two cousins whose Earldom has been shared for generations. They are at once best friends and arch rivals, constantly looking to show each other up and fiercely loyal against outside threats. 
We’d love to have you at The Season. 🌸 Send us your app!
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arwenofrph · 4 years
in 2021 , can we please start including diverse sexualities in groups ? i love seeing so many bi muses , but can we get the ace and demi and aro and poly muses too ??? E S P in groups where the admins literally are able to put this in and not just expect members to do it for them .
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arwenofrph · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if maybe you had any twd-esque/zombie apocalypse rpg that's appless or semi appless for OCs. Or if maybe one of your followers knew of some? I'm coming up empty in my searches. Thank you so much.
hi there !! i’m not a thousand percent sure if this exactly what you’re looking for but , therezortrp seems to fit ! i have looked through every combination of tags i can think of , and the only other ones i found closed at least a month ago . but hey , i could be mistaken ! if anyone knows anything that might sound a bit like what this anon is looking for , feel free to reply !!
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arwenofrph · 4 years
does anyone have their theme-makeovers opened ? either commissioned or free !
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arwenofrph · 4 years
stop normalizing camila cabello
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arwenofrph · 4 years
does anyone know of any high contrast red / black color psd’s available for purchase or any free one’s that are able to be used on poc’s ??? or know of any tutorials to avoid whitewashing ??
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arwenofrph · 4 years
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hi , it’s me again ! i am very new to doing coloring on images , and i was hoping to get some feedback on these images ?? are either of them white-washing lana ?? i am going to be completely honest ; i do have trouble seeing colors properly so i’m not sure if my vision is showing it’s ok , whereas it’s a blatant obvious error to others .
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arwenofrph · 4 years
hallo rpc !! i’m looking for 2 - 4 people to help admin here at glasmereshq . it’s an original medieval-based skeleton bio rpg . think hunger games meets king arthur during the apocalypse . currently i’m looking for help getting some of the skeletons up , as well as graphics for the rpg . if anyone is interested , please don’t hesitate to give us a dm at glasmereshq ! i’m hoping to launch around mid-november so if you wouldn’t mind reblogging or giving a shout-out to help our admin search if you want , that’d be amazing too !
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arwenofrph · 4 years
hihi !! i know i’m really knew to the rph / rpt scene but i was really hoping to maybe get some input on which plot to do ?? they’re described under the cut and you can find the poll RIGHT HERE !!  tw: the following plots briefly discuss the subject of murder and death as well as the mention of blood
plot a : loosely based on the red queen series and the everless series
ever since the beginning, children have gone missing. It didn’t matter if you locked your doors at night, or kept watch as your daughters slept; some way, somehow, they’d disappear. In time, it became a way of life. When your child was stolen, you blamed it on one of those creatures from your grandmother’s old stories. You cried, you mourned, and you moved on. There was no time for anything more. And they, the noble Blue Bloods in their towering castles and pretty clothes, turned a blind eye to the misery that plagued their people simply because it was never their children missing. After all, what’s a simple peasant girl’s life worth? They ignored whispers that it was the Enchantress stealing away the children to drain the girls of their time and beauty to keep herself young and immortal. But that was only a nightmare, a scary story to keep your little ones in bed. The Enchantress didn’t exist, never did. The deaths were simply the result of bleeders, preying on the vulnerable, easy targets. That was, until now. Five months ago, Elara Ululo disappeared from her room in Espea. Two months later, Maren Sansano from Doissa vanished during a ride with her guards. And if that wasn’t worrying enough━ three weeks ago, Allynna Demito of Celygus went missing while her own brother was keeping watch in her chambers. Fear had finally managed to settle within the Nobles; tormenting them with the very idea that whatever this thing was that had been tormenting the poor, unsightly villages might even consider taking one of them. Will you survive in Dolos, and discover the secret behind the kidnappings? Will you be one of the lucky ones; and keep your time and blood long enough to grow old? Or will you fall victim to the darkness that plagues the lands and watch your time run out? There’s only one way to find out.
plot b : an element - inspired plot drawing from original canon
The country of Silvera is separated into five kingdoms. To the East, lay the airbenders and the Kingdom of Wista; ruled over by the noble Joralei. To the West, is the kingdom of Meririwen where the waterbenders live. The North is the home of the earthbenders in the kingdom of Brerith, while the South is home to Calere where the firebenders live. And at the very center of Silvera, lay the home of the spiritbenders: Setta. Since the beginning of Silvera’s creation, the five kingdoms have been at peace. Working together to ensure that all of their country flourished. They even arranged marriages between their ruling families. But all that changed when the heir to Calere, Prince Tarron Magdithas, was found slaughtered in his bedroom a mere month before he was meant to wed Neia Helenen of Meririwen. The window was found open. Broken glass was found around his lifeless body, and dirt at the foot of his bed. King Aubron Magdithas, who’s mental state was already fractured, completely shattered and he blamed all the other kingdoms for the death of his favorite child. He’s declared war on the rest of Silvera and will not rest until those he blames responsible are but a pile of ash and Silvera is nothing more.
plot c : loosely inspired by ever after high , the children of the storybook heroes and villains must attend school together but murder and secrets threaten the peace attempted to be made
In the beginning, there were two warring countries: Atria and Tamion. They were separated by a treacherous mountain range over two thousand miles long, save a single pass no bigger than ten feet wide. It was a road very few dared to travel, and those that did; disappeared.
Tamion lay to the left of the mountain. A dark and dreary place where the wicked and proclaimed-villains were forced to live. The sun rarely shone, the lands were barren, and what little did grow was bitter and never enough. Smiles and happiness were foreign there, and as their magic could not work; they were forced to live in squalor. It was a well-known fact that anyone in Tamion was a monster of the most devious kind. You were never supposed to trust anyone from there, and if you were unfortunate enough to meet one, it might be the last thing you do.
To the right of the mountains lay the beautiful Atria. A bright, wonderful place by the sea where all the fairytale heroes lived out their happily-ever-after. Things were storybook perfect there, with bountiful harvests, balls nearly every weekend and not a care in the world. Thoughts rarely strayed to their neighbors to the east, and if they did, it was met with a chill and terror. Unlike their neighbors, no one ever got sick, went hungry, or longed for anything. If anyone from Atria showed up on your doorstep, you could breathe a sigh of relief for no one from there could be anything but kind and lovely.
The two countries went on with great unease for many years; each deciding to leave the other alone and do their best to forget.
Then the sickness came. In less than a day, the fields in Atrion withered to dust. Within a month, their people had gone through the stores and were starving. Their closest trading partner would takes weeks to send assistance, and even what they could send wouldn’t be enough. The greatest minds came together, wizards and godmothers and fairies from all over Atrion tried their best, attempted to come up with any cure to the sickness that plagued their land to no avail.
They were lost. Until the Snow Queen spoke up with a dreadful suggestion. A Queen from Tamion known as Grimhilde, had a known proclivity for potions, curses, and poisons. She could provide an answer, and maybe even a curse, from the terrible infection that was one the verge of obliterating their kingdom.
Very few supported her proposed plan, saying that if anyone from Tamion knew just how weak Atria was, they could attack and win. But still the Snow Queen insisted, reminding their council that they could either keep their pride and cost their citizens their lives, or they could be the rulers their people thought they were, and ask for help. Even if it was from Tamion.
Lengthy discussions were had, plans drawn and ignored, before finally they all relented and their five most powerful, skilled rulers embarked on the journey to Tamion.
It took almost two weeks of meetings with Grimhilde to even consider helping Atria, for her hatred for the little princess who banished her and stole away the kingdom that was rightfully hers, had grown with every passing year. Yet eventually, with the promise of making things right by all those in Tamion, she consented to lend her skills.
But only for a price. Grimhilde wanted a chance at a fair life for her unborn babe; that none of Grimhilde’s sins would counted against the child. Or any of the children born in Tamion, for they were innocent of their parent’s misdeeds.
That night several deals were struck. Atrion would allow for Tamion to be one of their trading partners, and allow for a section of the mountain range to be removed so that they could reach the sea and sun themselves. Tamion would pledge to never engage in war with Atria, and come to their aid should they ever be in need. In addition, a place would built for both the children of Tamion and Atria, where they would all receive and equal education and then decide where they wished to live.
But perhaps the most important part, was the one Grimhilde arranged to ensure that Atria kept their end of their bargain. Eight children, each a child from the rulers of Atria, no matter if they were already born, was to marry a child from a ruler in Tamion. An attempt at peace, hoping that one day the two countries may become one and return them to true power.
They accepted, but only on the condition that the children were not to learn of their betrothals until they left T’Atria. Satisfied, Grimhilde provided a solution the next day, and within a week, Atria returned to its flourishing state.
As promised, they began construction on the promised school with help from both sides. It was built on top of the mountain range, ensuring that it was truly neutral and fell under neither’s reign. Named T’Atria, it was the most beautiful creation either country had ever seen and the children couldn’t wait to attend.
It was all anyone could talk about, and finally, it opened and it was unlike anything anyone had ever seen. Barriers broken, no one seemed to care about who came from where or who’s parents did what. They went off exploring and meeting each other, claiming others as friends and taking them with them as they took in everything T’Atria had in store.
For an entire season, it was nothing but excitement. A new adventure awaiting them every day.
But as anyone from Tamion could have told you, nothing good lasts forever.
Princess Rose of Escarla was the first to discover the gruesome sight the morning after the winter solstice, her screams so loud they woke everyone in the school. At the base of the main staircase lay Princess Aoife of Llyr; her body so badly beaten it was near impossible to identify her at first. And if that wasn’t horrifying enough, a message was written on the wall behind her in her blood; warning that this was only the beginning.
It’s been a week since her body was found, and the students are trying their best to move on. There’s too much as stake for them to just return home, too much risk.
But the threat of this murderer still being out there looms of the them, dark as the sky of Tamion. Will this mystery killer claim another victim? Will war break out when their parents learn of this treachery? What could have brought this on?
Join us, and find out exactly what happens after, happily ever after.
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arwenofrph · 4 years
anyway i hope muslims have a good december especially muslims forced to wear christmas shit or literally lose their job 😐 you’re the best 💖
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arwenofrph · 4 years
I hope dark skinned women, especially the ones who are having trouble loving themselves, have an amazing day today.
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arwenofrph · 4 years
ive never done crack but i feel like it’d be similar to sitting on tumblr at 4am reblogging canon destiel content in 2020 legally not allowed to leave my house because theres a global pandemic while checking us election results every two seconds and then also putin resigns 
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arwenofrph · 4 years
hihi !! i know i’m really knew to the rph / rpt scene but i was really hoping to maybe get some input on which plot to do ?? they’re described under the cut and you can find the poll RIGHT HERE !!  tw: the following plots briefly discuss the subject of murder and death as well as the mention of blood
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arwenofrph · 4 years
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chag chanukah sameach let's get lit 🕎
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arwenofrph · 4 years
Hey just because Elliot also uses he/him pronouns he's not a trans man. Elliot has confirmed (via his team approving the GLAAD journalists guide) that he is nonbinary. They're not a man simply bc they are comfortable with he/him pronouns as well as they/them.
Please stop calling them a man, it's really telling the nonbinary ppl in your life that their pronouns are the only way you'll recognize their gender.
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arwenofrph · 4 years
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On December 4th, 2020, Casey Christian Goodson Jr. (23 years old) was shot three times in the back and murdered by a Sheriff’s Deputy as he was entering his home in Columbus, Ohio. Goodson’s family stated that he was returning home from a dentist appointment, holding a Subway sandwich, his face mask, and his keys, when he was shot.
Two days later, the Columbus Police Department made a statement alleging that James Meade, the deputy responsible for Goodson’s death, saw a man believed to be Goodson with a gun while driving. Meade then approached Goodson after he exited his car and walked home, where he was shot.
Hours after the shooting, the US Marshal for the Southern District of Ohio, Peter Tobin, confirmed that Goodson was not the fugitive they were searching for. However, Tobin also added that he believed that the shooting was justified, claiming that Goodson was shot after he refused to drop his “weapon.”
Yet another Black man murdered by the police.
art credit: @alex.albadree on instagram
graphics credit: @worldawarenessassociation on instagram
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arwenofrph · 4 years
hihi !! i know i’m really knew to the rph / rpt scene but i was really hoping to maybe get some input on which plot to do ?? they’re described under the cut and you can find the poll RIGHT HERE !!  tw: the following plots briefly discuss the subject of murder and death as well as the mention of blood
Keep reading
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