ashadowstouch · 2 years
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Please don’t cause an international incident…
@bakapandy DTIYS Time slip
Except I accidentally made it about him running into Shikaku
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
We are thrilled to announce the prompts for ShikaTema Month 2022, running from September 2nd - September 30th 2022! ♥
Be sure to tag your creations for this event with the tag #ShikaTemaMonth2022 or #STMonth22 for us to share here and on Twitter, for all fellow ShikaTema lovers to find!
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Thank you to all who contributed prompts during our interest check for helping us build this vast prompt list - we couldn't do it without you ♥
Please find larger images and a written list below the cut, and check out our FAQ for any questions!
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Day 1: Rematch ♥ Seasons ♥ "Show me what you've got."
Day 2: Thunderstorms ♥ Fantasy ♥"I loved you then and I love you now."
Day 3: Legacy ♥ Celebrity ♥ "And then there were three."
Day 4: Forest ♥ Historical AU ♥ "I would've come for you."
Day 5: Bodyguard ♥ Love Language ♥ "I did it for you."
Day 6: Paint ♥ Games ♥ "I'd love to see you try."
Day 7: Reunion ♥ Drunk Confessions ♥ "There were times I hated you."
Day 8: Kiss ♥ Hotel Room ♥ "I wanted to say goodbye."
Day 9: Arranged ♥ Broken Promises ♥ "Just say yes."
Day 10: Hourglass ♥ Roommates ♥ "Friends don't fuck on weekends."
Day 11: Bookstore/Library ♥ Everybody Lives ♥ "Happy Birthday."
Day 12: Bewitched ♥ Band ♥ "Love me like you want to be loved."
Day 13: Burn ♥ Marriage ♥ "Spit it out."
Day 14: Crime ♥ University ♥ "I'm not drunk."
Day 15: Free Day ♥
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
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How Gaara became a father
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
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the way I think about them every day
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
Imagine a Time Travel AU where there's no major angst or struggles. Shisui wakes up after dying and decides to make it everyone's problem
Instead of being depressed or troubled or whatever he looks at himself in the mirror and goes "You know what? Following the rules and trying to get as little attention as possible got me dead. Now we do things my way"
No one understands how Shisui went from 'friendly and energetic but manageable' to 'fucking unhinged and impossible to control' in the span of a single night and he loves it
He doesn't break the rules nor does he do anything that could have him branded as a traitor, but he works hard to find any loophole possible in every law ever created, he does missions his way and makes sure to do everything the mission asks him to... But the wrong way
Hiruzen is still trying to figure how does that work
Kakashi hears about it from Itachi and decides that he must become friend with Shisui just to be trolls together. Somehow Gai gets roped into this as well, and he immediately loves how Shisui is just as weird as him but different at the same time
At some point a glitter bomb explodes in the Hokage office the exact moment Danzō is in there alone. No one saw Shisui put up the trap. No one saw him entering and leaving. No one has proofs that it was him, and thus no one can do anything about it
Ibiki has a constant migraine because Inoichi keeps sending Shisui to T&I once every two weeks for an examination to try and understand if this is some sort of mental breakdown, but Shisui always comes out of there with the results being nothing short of perfect and a smug smile on his face
Anko once witnesses Shisui using shibari rope to tie up an enemy in the most NSFW way while acting like it's completely normal. "This is the best way to tie someone up, don't you think Anko-san? The ropes pull at aa~all the right spots to completely paralyze the enemy!"
She wants him as her best friend
Shisui starts attracting every single weird shinobi/kunoichi of Konoha while Fugaku's hair start going grey because the police has no proof to arrest Shisui even if he knows full well that he's the one doing all the trouble
Shisui targets the Uchiha who are pro-coup enough times that Fugaku convinces himself that this is all a plot from the Hokage to stop them and he ends up begging Hiruzen to just stop this madness and that they won't even think about the coup anymore
Shisui stops targeting them as much once they actually start working to make things better. Meanwhile Danzō is wondering who the fuck is skilled enough to infiltrate into the ROOT HQ and target him without ever being caught and no one ever seeing anything
Shisui is cackling like a madman in the background and Itachi is honestly worried that his friend might be insane for real
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
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Naruto x My Hero Academia Collaboration Illustration by Kishimoto (LQ)
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
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Naruto x My Hero Academia Collaboration Illustration by Kishimoto (LQ)
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
What are friends for?
“I’m a horrible father…”
Shikamaru couldn’t help but let out a loud sigh. It was about time Naruto brings up something about his family. “I know why, I want you to tell me yet again.”
“I know little to nothing about my kids…heh…” Naruto laughed bitterly. “I don’t spend enough time with them to even figure out that. Everyone knows Boruto doesn’t like me.”
“You need to prioritize them over your duties as Hokage. Don’t give me that look. We both need to prioritize our families better.”
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
What are friends for?
Naruto and Shikamaru set side by side at a bar, drinks in hand. It was the day they both agreed to take a time out from their lives to think about life in general. This often takes place with their other friends, former teammates more at it now. Now, is the time to let some steam out and not worry about titles.
“Have you talked to Hinata?”
“Yeah, we agreed I need to reconnect with my family.”
“Good. Wanna call it a night?”
“Need help getting home?”
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
What are friends for?
Shikamaru couldn’t help but smirk at the sight of the Hokage snoozing away on his desk. It was only a matter of time before it would happen. With a chuckle, Shikamaru grabbed the necessary paperwork of the day to take it to the other room to finish it.
Hopefully Naruto had finished some of the work considering the fact the blonde arrived at the office before himself.
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
What are friends for?
If there was something that was public knowledge, is that the Nara Clan deal better during the day than night. Mainly for the fact they could actually sleep then and do nothing productive. Contrary to popular belief, during the night, is when they truly feel alive. More so when the moonlight falls before them. It makes using their shadow techniques far more interesting than during the day as they meld into the shadows, even in plain sight.
“Shikamaru! Where are you?”
“Dammit, Pineapplehead!”
“Just come out already!”
Shikamaru hid further into the shadows, using the moon as it gave him enough light to camouflage himself with his surroundings.
“Found you.”
Shikamaru twitched, of course Naruto had found him. “What?”
“I heard about your mom… Shikadai and Temari, had me look for you.”
“…Go away.”
“No. We went through this multiple times. We’ll get through this again. Now stop hiding.”
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
What are friends for?
During the day, the two spent it side by side, working together. The other always knew where the other was.
Hokage and Advisor.
The Knucklehead and Lazy Genius.
One would think that the Lazy Genius is the Hokage while the other is the advisor. Nope. Quite the opposite. Even so, this is just during the day. What everyone see is that during the day. A Hokage and the Advisor.
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
What are Friends For?
The first time Shikamaru met Naruto, he had to defend the troublesome idiot from a bunch of older kids. That moment on, the Nara Heir thought the village pariah as a good-hearted idiot. Sure, everyone’s behavior towards him raised alarm bells but not the bad kind.
Why are they afraid of him and why do they want him to keep his distance?
After talking to his father, Shikamaru continued to see Naruto as a good guy. An idiot, but a good guy.
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
Master List
What are friends for?
One-shots/Blurbs that revolve around Naruto and Shikamaru's friendship. The good, the bad, the ugly and at times… depressing. Let's see how things go?
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6....
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ashadowstouch · 2 years
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Naruto x My Hero Academia Collaboration Illustration by Kishimoto (LQ)
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