ashe-graves · 10 years
Journal Entry 8, Stardate 92271.4
Tomorrow is my final day. I can either travel back to my time or stay here. The city here is so tranquil compared to the city back in my time. I really hope my time here makes a difference in the future. The only thing is. I might not exist in the future. I have no idea what would happen to me if I go back. I might blip out of existence or I may be able to continue living but under a different identity. No record of my birth or of anyone from my past. I don’t know if I want to go back… I’ve loved my time here so much. Going back I’ll just be alone in a corrupted and poisoned world. I could make so much more of a difference in this time and secure a much better future if I stay. I’ll have to sleep on this…
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ashe-graves · 10 years
Journal Entry 7, Stardate 92268.66
I am not overly worried about my father finding out about how I have sold out company. Even if he searched through the entire web history he would find no trace of me. In 2066 the entire internet crashed erasing almost everything forever. This included obsolete websites such as Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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ashe-graves · 10 years
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ashe-graves · 10 years
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Last item that I traded for the lamp. Finally off my hands and will hopefully help bring down Intelegene #projectover #done #yush!!!!
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ashe-graves · 10 years
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Traded my final item for this. #thanks #finally! #stakeout #nailedit
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ashe-graves · 10 years
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Good morning!! #relaxing #sun #morning
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ashe-graves · 10 years
Journal Entry 6, Stardate 92260.43
OK here goes.
For the first 20 years of my life it was relatively normal. I was home schooled and gained a PhD in Business and Chemistry by the time I was 18 like any other teenager. I had a 2 year internship at Intelegene to help prepare me when it came my time for taking over the company. Now this is where it gets a little fuzzy. What I though i had done was after my internship finished. I traveled to Japan for 10 years of traveling on and business to help expand Intelegene. But my father had actually sent me to a secluded Dojo for those 10 years for rigorous training in all forms of martial arts. They had just edited my memories so I only could see small snippets of my time there.
After my 10 years of intense training. I was a paid Assassin for Intelegene. Killing off key people from rival companies. Delivering and carrying out threats. Taking down anyone who stood in my father’s way. After almost 30 years of being a cold blooded killer who because of the drug. I had been programmed to ignore the feeling of fear, pain and remorse.
But that didn't stop me from falling in love.
She was my Target to kill. Her name was Charlotte and was the daughter of one of the leading scientists from a rival company. They were making advantages with Unobtanium that threatened our Companies profit margin. I was waiting for her on my motorbike opposite her house ready to execute a hit and run but as soon as I saw her.
But I couldn’t kill her…
It was love at first sight. I had studied her profile thoroughly. I had followed her around for weeks studying her every move. Learning her small habits and subtle quirks. I had grown to love her from afar. Her caring personality. The way she hid behind her hair when she was nervous.
I tried my hardest to protect her and keep her safe without her knowing. Taking down other assassins who had been sent to finish the job and bring me in. she was completely oblivious to my existence until she walked into the middle of a fight I was having in the middle of her living room just as she arrived home. After I had pinned him down and snapped his neck killing him instantly. I sat her down in the kitchen and explained everything to her as she stitched me up. Like any person who had just walked into a full on fight, witnessed someone’s neck being snapped and has just been told that she is being hunted down. I even declared the affection I felt towards her. Much to my surprise, she returned my love. I persuaded her to come away with me and hide deep within Tokyo City. For 3 blissful months we lived together happily as lovers.
One day I returned to our home to find my father lounging on the couch with a pistol resting in his right hand. He turned his head away from the view of the city skyline from the living room window to me. I sprinted to our bedroom to find my love splayed out on the bed with a bullet in her head.
I spun on my heel only to see my father standing there with the gun pointed to my head. What he said next will haunt me forever.
“The company owns you”
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ashe-graves · 10 years
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Tastes the same as it does back home! #home #starbucks #insta
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ashe-graves · 10 years
Journal Entry 5, Stardate 92257.69
You are all probably wondering why I am so driven to do this. The truth is, after my father told me about all that had been going on behind closed doors at Intelegene. I confided in my fiancé and told him about how I had always felt like something was missing from my memories. The chip at the base of my neck only allows me to see certain parts of my memories. It felt like they were blocked from me. When I asked the doctors why they said it was because I have lived for so long my brain cannot handle the amount of knowledge I have.
I thought nothing of it at the time but from what my father has told me I had a feeling there was more to my past than he was letting on. My fiancé agreed to help me unlock my memory chip and allow me full access of all of my past.
We snuck into the lab in the dead of night to use the equipment. I don’t really remember much after that… but from what my fiancé, Brad has told me. The procedure made me have a seizure and I lost consciousness for a week. He said it was just my brain taking in all this new information and was rebooting itself in away. But all these new memories of things I have done… are too horrific for me to think about right now. Just the thought…
I will tell more another day. But for now I cannot handle it.
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ashe-graves · 10 years
I know who Shaydn is
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ashe-graves · 10 years
you don’t.
but once you know
its quite obvious 
Identity up for sale
I’m willing to sell my identity for 15 points.
Only 5 people will know.
So first in, first served.
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ashe-graves · 10 years
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First item! Perfect for my giant pet back home #toothbrush #artifact
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ashe-graves · 10 years
Identity up for sale
I'm willing to sell my identity for 15 points.
Only 5 people will know.
So first in, first served.
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ashe-graves · 10 years
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I love the open ocean! #ocean #blueskies #plane
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ashe-graves · 10 years
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I love flying! #plane #beach #ocean
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ashe-graves · 10 years
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Rough sketch of Unobtainium chemical makeup. #chemistry #job #sketch #cafe
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ashe-graves · 10 years
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#beach #ocean #sunset
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