ashe-hallow · 28 days
I know i’m functionally a gay DARE officer at this point but I do in fact feel some sort of way about Cocaine being back in vogue. Surely I sound like a square + narc and I’ll concede ok do whatever you want, nobody can materially stop another person from using drugs if they really want to 🤷🏻 I don’t really care that it’s hip to do party drugs, moreso I want to articulate a general level of caution and concern that I never see a sidecar of harm reduction and safe using practices along with the commonplace clips of people straight up snorting coke I’ve seen for “brat summer!!!1!!”
You 🫵 are not immune to ingesting fentanyl or any number of other additives. Do you think drugs at the gay club are different than the drugs people are taking under bridges and in gutters? I promise they’re not! So if you want to use drugs and continue being alive, do your part to be safe. Protecting yourself protects others and your community.
Do not accept drugs from strangers. Test your drugs with fentanyl test strips. Carry narcan and know how to administer it. Never use alone. Have an exit strategy if you’re using drugs in a public space. Know the contact information for your local harm reduction groups, overdose emergency hotline, and if you need/want it, addiction treatment orgs. This is all the bare minimum for community care if you intend to be out in the world using drugs. Mainly I encourage you all to be buzzkills if it means you don’t have to die of an accidental overdose. Overdose is the leading cause of death for Americans under 40. I have a whole lot of social workers in my network and however bad you think the synthetic opioid crisis is, it’s worse. The war stories I’ve heard from my people on the ground are… The shit of nightmares. Don’t let it be you or anybody you love.
If you live in the state of Georgia, DM me for a longer list of resources.
Fentanyl information (harm reduction.org)
Get Narcan
How to use fentanyl test strips
Call 311 to find out where to get Narcan in your community at no cost to you
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ashe-hallow · 2 months
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where's that masterpost of quotes that have no right going as hard as they do. I'd like to submit "Protagonism is best left to teens and the insane"
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ashe-hallow · 2 months
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ashe-hallow · 3 months
I hope the mutuals I never talk to are doing well.
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ashe-hallow · 3 months
i just saw a tiktok (<- cursed cursed site) that started out good, talking about how "show don't tell" is something you should keep in mind. It used the example of "instead of saying 'she opened the door', try 'her shaking hand twisted the doorknob, letting out a loud creak'".
And, yeah, if you're trying to convey the hesitance, fear, and eventual sucking-it-up that seems to be going on in the scene, that's great.
The tiktok ended with, "see? Showing is ALWAYS better." And I just...
Friends & enemies, that's how you end up with that insufferable always-showing always-active YA writing style that does not know when to just shut up and say "she opened the door".
Because, yeah, I'll say it. Sometimes "she opened the door" IS better. Sometimes, the act of opening the door is literally just announcing a setting change, and you don't need to focus on it.
Show don't tell is about conveying important or relevant information, not about literally everything you're writing. You're allowed to say "she opened the door" & similar, and in fact, I encourage it in many scenarios.
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ashe-hallow · 9 months
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ashe-hallow · 9 months
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Daily drawing 1531: Whatever magics created the landmark sword, keep it to this day. Only wear from a long forgotten battle marks the blade, Time bearing no power over the strange metal. But to whatever end the sword was forged, Time has claimed its rightful position of being the sole keeper of that memory.
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ashe-hallow · 9 months
Few of my fave creator gap moe
Reverse is appealing as well
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ashe-hallow · 9 months
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I simply thought too hard about them. I think they're neat.
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ashe-hallow · 9 months
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ashe-hallow · 9 months
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ashe-hallow · 9 months
CDC advises you to reread the post at least two times before commenting
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ashe-hallow · 9 months
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Catie speaks the truth.
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ashe-hallow · 9 months
the worst part about having huge autistic fantasy worlds in your head is that it takes like 8 billion years to turn that into something substantial you can show people
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ashe-hallow · 9 months
Since I logged in today, here's how BotP is going -
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But somethin didn’t feel right. Maybe it was the way he grimaced when he said it. Maybe it was the dull look in his eyes. Or maybe it was his clean-shaven face. The look of a gentleman who was old and defeated. We tried not ta dwell on it. Instead, I asked the question that’d been botherin me fer some time. I’d tried ta push it outta my head. Didn’t wanna b’lieve it. B’lieve him. That night, I assured meself that Gov. Lumator had procured my portrait as oracle trickery. But as time went, I began ta trust him. I knew I shouldn’t, but... “Gov. Lumator?” “Speak.” “That lady in the portrait...the one ya showed me back at the farm. Who...is she? I know ya said she was a priestess and all, but...what does it hafta do with me?” Gov. Lumator sighed. His eyes hardened as he touched his chin. Then, realizin he didn’t have a beard no more, he brought his hand ta his hair. As he ruffled it, he turned his eyes from us. “The academy doth hold the belief that thou art the reincarnation of Sacrona Aemma.” I furrowed my brow and shook my head. That name didn’t mean nothin ta me. But the look on Gov. Lumator’s face was solemn and heavy. The air ‘bout him was so somber that all other conversation died. Now everyone’s focus was on us.
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ashe-hallow · 9 months
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ashe-hallow · 9 months
the main hurdle of online safety posts made to warn teens and kids is that you guys suck at trying to deliver the message without becoming smug and annoying about being smarter than the newer generation. I'm not the target and it makes me cringe so hard i have to scroll through lol
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