ashiiewappa · 3 years
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Non-verbal actions for me includes actions that expresses what you feel that words cannot suffice. Some non verbal actions could be so minimal like eye movements, facial expressions, hand gestures and body movements that sometimes it’s hard to comprehend or deliver a message through it. The non verbal actions I usually do to express my love or my feelings is hugging or holding a person. However it’s an innate way for me to show what I feel through facial expressions and hand gestures in a daily basis. I show these non verbal expressions casually and intensely depending to whom I show it to. To those people really important to me in which I show my non verbal action which is hugging and holding, these are my family, my friends and my dog. While I casually show non verbal actions like hand gestures to my peers in class and to some acquaintances. These non verbal actions help me express myself in a way that no words can, non verbal actions for me is really important as I am not a talkative person. I am very lazy to talk, as I feel that it consumes a great amount of energy and so through these non verbal actions I could express myself without feeling lazy or consuming much of my energy. In a way I do believe that actions speak louder than words as reactions and gestures are less likely to be filtered, with this in mind actions are most likely to be genuine rather than words. When you speak you think about it and so it can be filtered and fabricated in a way that cannot really be supported by actions. However, I still think that both should go together as words and actions play a very important role in communication or expressing one’s self.
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ashiiewappa · 3 years
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Rio 2016 Individual Women’s Rhythmic Gymnastics
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Court Dimensions:
The standard performance area for both men and women is 12m x 12m. The border is 100cm minimum and where there is a delimitation strip between the performance area and the border, the strip is 5cm wide and included as part of the performance area.
Basic Skills:
Figures of eight
Figures of eight
Small circles
Technical and Tactical Skills:
The aim of technical preparation is to create and improve sports skills. Each sports skill has a given way of solving a motor task (contents of a sports skill) in accordance with the rules of a given sport, biomechanical rules and locomotive possibilities of the athlete which are referred to as technique. Specific individual adjustment of technique by an athlete is referred to as style.
understanding the technique as a unity of its internal and external features
step-by-step procedure of its acquiring
stabilizing the technique
comprehensive conception (contents organization)
conscious activity of both the athlete and coach
Tactical skills are understood as certain procedures or models of competition situations solutions acquired by training.
strategy is understood as a pre-prepared plan of actions in a specific competition
the plan is defined by key strategy points (points in competition when the athlete makes decisions according to given strategy in so-called conflicting situations)
tactics further analyzes and shows possible solutions of individual competition situations (conflicting situations)
focuses on practical implementation of these situations within given plan (strategy)
tactics (individual, group, team, offensive, defensive)
Implementing tactical actions is carried out on the following axis:
perception and analysis (situation occurence – situation recognition – situation analysis)
mental solution (solution proposal – soluction selection)
movement solution (solution execution, feedback)
Tactics is being solved within competition situations which are characterized by conditions.
We can differentiate between two types of conditions:
fixed (sports ground, sports area, equipment etc.)
changing (referee, audience, route, ball bounce etc.)
Rules of the Game:
Only female athletes compete in Levels 1–4. Levels A, B, C, and Group are mixed gender.
Athletes must compete on the same level in all chosen individual events. (Either A, B, C, 1, 2, 3 or 4.)
Athletes may specialize by competing in one or more events at their chosen level. Gymnasts who do all four events at a level are considered All-Around. (i.e., Specialist: Level I Hoop and Ball; All-Around: Level I Rope, Hoop, Ball, and Ribbon)
A gymnast may perform in one or two group routines in addition to individual routines, or perform just in group routines (no individual).
The video of the compulsory routines is the official version. If a difference exists between the video and the written text, the video must be followed. For group routines, the video is the only version of the choreography
Compulsory routines may be reversed in their entirety (mirror image).
Olympic order for rhythmic gymnastics is rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon.
Unified Sports Rhythmic Gymnastics Events
All rules and regulations apply equally to athletes and partners.
Unified competition is allowed in both Pairs and Group events.
In Unified Pairs events, the athlete and unified partner can either perform together as a duet or separately. One panel of judges will evaluate the athlete’s routine and one panel will evaluate the unified partner’s routine. The scores are added together for a unified team score.
In the Group events, there must be an equal number of athletes and partners in each group. Modifications
Visually Impaired Athletes – Coaches must notify the meet director and judges of the athlete’s visual impairment before the competition and prior to each routine. In order to aid the athletes, the following types of assistance are permissible for all levels of competition without deduction:
Audible cues, such as clapping, may be used in all routines.
Music may be played at any close point outside of the mat, or the coach may carry the music source around the perimeter of the mat.
Hearing Impaired Athletes – Coaches must notify the meet director and judges of the athlete’s hearing impairment before the competition and prior to each routine.
The athlete may receive a visual aid from the coach to begin her routine as the music starts. Awarding of Medals
Medals (or ribbons) are awarded for each event and for All-Around.
Gymnasts may receive a maximum of seven awards: one for each of the four events, one for All Around and two for group.
Gymnasts who compete Group only may receive a maximum of two awards: one for each group routine
Rope specifications
Material: The rope may be of hemp or synthetic material, provided that it possesses the identical qualities of lightness and suppleness as rope made of hemp.
Length: The length should be proportionate to the size of the gymnast.
Ends: Handles of any kind are not allowed, but one or two knots are permitted at each end. At the ends (to the exclusion of all other parts of the rope), a maximum of 10 centimeters may be covered by an anti-slip material, either colored or neutral.
Shape: The rope may be either of a uniform diameter or be progressively thicker in the center, provided that this thickness is of the same material as the rope.
Color: The rope may be any color or combinations of colors.
Hoop specifications
Material: The hoop may be of wood or plastic, provided that the latter retains its shape during movement. Foreign particles should be removed from inside the hoop before use.
Diameter: The interior diameter of the hoop should be from 60-90 centimeters.
Weight: A minimum of 150-300 grams and up.
Shape: The cross-section of the hoop may be in several different shapes: circular, square, rectangular, oval, etc. The hoop may be smooth or ridged.
Color: The hoop may be any color or combination of colors. The hoop may be partially or fully covered with tape to add colors.
Ball specifications
Material: The ball may be made of rubber or synthetic material (pliable plastic), provided that the latter possesses the same elasticity as rubber.
Diameter: 14-20 centimeters.
Color: The ball may be of any color.
Clubs specifications
Material: the clubs may be made of wood or synthetic material.
Length: 25-50 centimeters from one end to the other.
Shape: A shape similar to that of a bottle. The wider part is called the body. The narrow part, the neck, ends in a small sphere, the head.
Color: The clubs may be of a neutral color or may be colored (all or partially) with one or several colors. 
Ribbon specifications
Material: wood, bamboo, plastic, fiberglass.
Diameter: a maximum of 1 centimeter at its widest part.
Shape: cylindrical or conical, or a combination of the two shapes.
Length: 45-60 centimeters, including the ring, which permits the fastening of the ribbon to the stick. The bottom end of the stick may be covered by an adhesive, anti-slip tape or may have a rubber handle a maximum length of 10 centimeters at the level of the grip. The top of the stick where the ribbon will be attached may consist of:
A supple strap (string or nylon) held in place by a nylon thread wound around the stick for a maximum of 5 centimeters.
A metal ring fixed directly onto the stick.
A metal ring (vertical, horizontal or oblique) fixed to the stick by two metal pins held in place
by nylon or metallic thread wound around the stick for a maximum of 5 centimeters.
A metal ring (fixed, mobile or pivoting) or a supple strap fixed to a metal tip of no more than 3 centimeters.
A metal ring fixed by two metal pins held by a metal tip of 3 centimeters long, which is lengthened by nylon or metallic thread wound around the stick, adding up to a maximum length of 5 centimeters.
Color: any choice. Ribbon
Material: satin or similar non-starched material.
Color: any choice of a single color, two colors or multicolored. Width: 4-6 centimeters.
Length: From one end to the other, the finished length of the ribbon should be a minimum of 1 meter to a maximum of 6 meters (for Levels A, B), a minimum of 2 meters to a maximum of 6 meters (for Level C) and a minimum of 3 meters to a maximum of 6 meters (for Levels 1-4). This part must be in one piece.
The end which is attached to the stick is doubled for a maximum length of 1 meter. This is stitched down both sides. At the top, a very thin reinforcement or rows of machine stitching for a maximum of 5 centimeters is authorized. This extremity may end in a strap, or have an eyelet (a small hole, edged with buttonhole stitch or metal circle), to permit attaching the ribbon.
  Attachment of the ribbon to the stick
The ribbon is fixed to the stick by means of a supple attachment, such as thread, nylon cord, or a series of articulated rings.
The length of this attachment is a maximum of 7 centimeters (not counting the strap or metal ring at the end of the stick where it will be fastened).
13 meters by 13 meters with a security zone of 1 meter around. A carpeted area may be used or a floor that is neither too tacky nor slippery.
The ceiling height does not need to be 8 meters (26’ 3”), but should be fairly high.
How to Officiate the Sport:
Coaches - gives instructions to athletes, makes sure that they are on a good condition, give support and constructive criticism to the athletes.
Referee - assess penalties, explain and enforces the rules
Head Judge - does the final decision
Line Judges - positioned at opposite corners of the competition floor to record out-of-bounds violations
Timers - records and monitors the time of the performance
Hoop Gymnasts
Russia - She really displayed some great exhibitions with her hoops, she exudes overflowing confidence. Her leaps and turns are very precise and controlled, she moves with grace yet defined actions.
Azerbaijan - Displayed new and unique stunts and tricks, she moves one with her hoops. A little mistake during the start but quickly composes herself and displayed a great performance. Her music really suited her movements and very timing with the beats.
Russia - Amazing display of spot on flexibility, she uses her hoop very well. Her performance could really move the audience. You could hardly tell that the hoop is separate from her body as it slows so smoothly together like it is one.
Belarus - Her costume is very chic and stylish, her moves are very smooth. She handles the hoop as if it is a part of her body. However I can’t tell that her moves were unique or apart from the other performers.
France - The costume is really eye catching and cute, I could tell she is not as flexible like the others. There were some mishandling of the hoop, she did however perform with grace. She finished great and really showed exquisite leaps.
Belarus - Her costume is very colorful and chic, her turning leaps are very spot on. She displays amazing flexibility, however there are small lapses in her performance. Her music somewhat made it hard for her to connect her movements with the beats.
Espanya - Her music is appropriately displayed through her performance, there are also lapses in her performance. She displayed turns and loops that are uniquely exhibited with the use of her hoops.
Korea - Her costume is very attractive and dashing, her movements are very smooth and graceful. She uses her hoop well, and her leaps are spot on. She displays her flexibility in a different way.
Ukraine - She displayed great control and precision. She is very flexible and handles her hoop smoothly. Her leaps are very powerful and energetic, her use of lively music was very great.
Bulgaria - Her hoop handling is very precise and graceful at the same time. She is very flexible, displays powerful movements. You couldn’t see a hint of hesitation, she ended her performance amazingly.
Ball Gymnasts
Russia - Her ball handling is amazing and without fail. She handles the ball with grace and elegance. Her flexibility is great, she finished her performance strong.
Azerbaijan - Her performance shows speed yet the way she handles the ball is very smooth. Her tricks are very amazing, committed minor mistakes in the middle. Nevertheless a great performer.
Russia - Her costume is very chic and eye catching. Her leg raises really show her flexibility and her ball handling is on point. She moves around the platform with grace and elegance and she finished her performance strong.
Belarus - Her costume is so stylish and snazzy, her music is upbeat which was shown through her performance. You could see speed yet smooth all handling. Her bends really show so much of her flexibility.
France - the color of her costume scream elegance, she used a dynamic music which is clearly displayed through her performance. She has great elevation with her throws, she also displays her amazing flexibility. Although there are also lapses in her performance.
Belarus - Her ball handling is precise, she also shows her flexibility through different stunts. Her confidence really shows all through out her performance.
Espanya - A stylish blue costume, a great display of flexibility. Her music choice is appropriate for her performance. Her dance could really move audience, She has great ball handling.
Korea - She exudes confidence, her leg raises are very precise. Her gracefulness is very evident as she moves with clarity. Her ball handling is great and displayed amazing stunts.
Ukraine - Her costume is a little off for me however her movements really synchronized with her movements. Her ball handling is very smooth and clean, she displays great flexibility. She performed difficult pivots yet didn’t make a single mistake.
Bulgaria - She performs with speed in line with the beat of her music. Her stunts are unique and very precise. A little trouble in handling the ball, but continues performing greatly and ending it with power.
Club Gymnasts
Russia - Her music is too fast for her movements. I don’t see the synchronization of her movement with her music. She did however exude confidence, and has great club handling but a slight problem with her control.
Azerbaijan - Her costume is chic, she displays great control. She displays her flexibility  amazingly and handles her clubs with rhythm.
Russia - Her flexibility is shown in accordance with her body control. Her music choice is somewhat off with her movements. She shows mastery in handling her clubs and she ended strong.
Belarus - Her movements are unique and graceful. Her flexibility is on point and she displays great mastery in handling her clubs. Her chosen music is very solemn and is appropriate with her movements.
France - Her performance doesn’t coincide with her music. She mistakenly dropped her clubs and was a little hesitant with her movements after. She did however ended amazingly.
Belarus - She has great club handling, she uses her platform well. Had trouble in handling her clubs, her performance was not the best I’ve seen so far as she had too many errors.
Espanya - Her music is very lively coinciding with her actions. She shows speed all through out her performance. Has great synchronization and displays amazing stunts. Her flexibility is very amazing and was displayed well.
Korea - Her costume is very stylish and beautiful, she somehow made errors in handling her clubs. Her performance had lapses and lacks effort to me. She did however ended amazingly.
Ukraine - Her club handling is on point, her music coincide with her performance. She displayed speed all throughout without losing focus and grace. Her flexibility was amazing and she ended her performance astonishingly.
Bulgaria - Her costume is very bright and attractive. She shows mastery in handling her clubs, there was no visible hesitation during her stunts. Her music is somewhat off from her performance but nevertheless a great over all performance.
Ribbon Gymnasts
Russia - Clean movements but I am not very fascinated with her ribbon handling. She did however displayed her flexibility well. She also has great control and balance. An over all great performance.
Azerbaijan - A very festive and stylish costume at the same time. She displays great elevation during her leaps. Her ribbon handling is very fascinating to watch and it’s as if the ribbon is floating and moving on its own. Her speed is incredible which really highlighted the movements of the ribbon. Her finishing performance was splendid.
Russia - Her ribbon handling is great, it really grabs an audience’s attention. I could however say there us a lack of speed in the ribbon movements. But over all a performance that’s shows elegance.
Belarus - She performs with speed especially in handling the ribbon. She displays great control and her performance was very fascinating especially with how the ribbons move. She used the space very well to her advantage.
France - Her ribbon handling is great but not the best I’ve seen so far. She did display however unique stunts and moves. Committed some errors along the way but managed to end her performance well.
Belarus - Her costume is so attractive and festive, Her ribbon handling is amazing especially with her speed. She had minor mistakes but she was able to display a great performance. She didn’t disappoint as her performance was over all splendid.
Espanya - Her flexibility mixed with her ribbon handling was superb. Her music choice was amazing and really fitted well with her performance. She did however used too much time in performing and ended a little badly.
Korea - Her costume is stylish and very bright, she shows mastery in handling her ribbon. Her speed is also enough to display the ribbon amazingly. Her flexibility matched well with how she handles her ribbons. Her execution of the moves are spot on.
Ukraine - Her costume is unique, and her ribbon handling really shows great mastery. Her speed in handling the ribbon is exceptional. Shows great precision and clearly enjoys her own performance. And she ended amazingly with overflowing confidence.
Bulgaria - Her costume is not the only thing festive but it also greatly matches her chosen music. Her choreography is amazing especially with her ribbon handling that shows speed. Her energy not faltering even for a second and really ended her performance well.
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ashiiewappa · 3 years
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PyeongChang 2018 Women’s Figure Skating
Figure Skating
Court Dimensions:
Olympic-sized rinks have dimensions of 30 m × 60 m (98.4 ft × 197 ft), NHL-sized rinks are 26 m × 61 m (85 ft × 200 ft), while European rinks are sometimes 30 m × 64 m (98 ft × 210 ft). The ISU prefers Olympic-sized rinks for figure skating competitions, particularly for major events.
Ice skates
Ice skating bag
Skate guards
Absorbent cloth or towel
Skate soakers
Skating clothes
Spare Laces
Lace tightener
Boot covers
Basic Skills:
Sit on ice and stand up
March forward across the ice
Forward two-foot glide
Forward swizzles — 6–8 in a row
Backward wiggles — 6–8 in a row
Beginning snowplow stop on two feet or one foot
Bonus skill: Two-foot hop in place
Scooter pushes — R and L
Forward one-foot glides — R and L
Backward two-foot glide — Glide the length of skater’s height
Rocking Horse (one forward swizzle, one backward swizzle) — Repeat twice
Backward swizzles — 6–8 in a row
Two-foot turns from forward to backward in place — clockwise and counterclockwise
Moving snowplow stop
Bonus skill: Curves
Beginning forward stroking showing correct use of blade
Forward half swizzle pumps on a circle — 6–8 consecutive clockwise and counterclockwise
Moving forward to backward two- foot turns on a circle — clockwise and counterclockwise
Beginning backward one-foot glides — focus on balance
Backward snowplow stop — R and L
Forward slalom
Bonus skill: Forward pivots – clockwise and counterclockwise
Forward outside edge on a circle — R and L
Forward inside edge on a circle — R and L
Forward crossovers — clockwise and counterclockwise
Backward half swizzle pumps on a circle — clockwise and counterclockwise
Backward one-foot glides — R and L
Beginning two-foot spin — Up to two revolutions
Bonus skill: Forward lunges — both legs
Backward outside edge on a circle — R and L
Backward inside edge on a circle — R and L
Backward crossovers — clockwise and counterclockwise
Forward outside three-turn — R and L
Advanced two-foot spin — 4–6
Hockey stop — both directions
Bonus skill: Side toe hop — R and L
Forward inside three-turn — R and L
Moving backward to forward two- foot turn on a circle — clockwise and counterclockwise
Backward stroking
Beginning one-foot spin — 2–4 revolutions, optional free leg position and entry
T-stops – R and L
Bunny hop
Forward spiral on a straight line — R or L
Bonus skill: Shoot the duck — R or L
Technical & Tactical Skills:
Technical demands refer to the use of techniques in sport performance. Techniques are the way in which a movement is performed or equipment is used e.g. a tackling movement in basketball or the way a hockey stick is held for a slap hit. Techniques are always specific to the activity and environment. For example running technique would vary for a sprinter compared to a long distance runner to ensure both performers due to the differing demands on the body.
In some sports such as figure skating the technical ability of sports performer is key to success as incorrect technique can lead to automatic point deductions. In this case it is likely that the techniques will be carried out in isolated conditions, however in many sports it may be that techniques need to be continually adapted to meet the demands of a changing situation e.g. passing can be long, short, fast, slow etc.
Rules of the Game:
The women’s, men’s and pairs’ short programs last a maximum of two minutes, 50 seconds. The women’s free skate lasts between 3:50 and 4:10, but pairs’ and men’s free skates can last between 4:20 and 4:40.
The ice dance short dance can last anywhere from 2:40 to three minutes, and the genre of music is dictated by the International Skating Union. For the Olympic season, the short dance must use music with a rumba rhythm plus any number of the following Latin American dance rhythms: samba, mambo, meringue, salsa, bachata and any closely related Latin American or Caribbean rhythms.
The Pyeongchang Olympics are the first Games in which women, men and pairs skaters are permitted to use music with lyrics. The new rule was introduced for the 2014-15 season, but this is the first Olympics the rule change affects. Ice dancers had already been allowed to use music with lyrics.
The free dance has no required musical genre, but the music must be arranged in such a way that it has a rhythmic beat and creates an “interesting, colorful, entertaining dance program.” It lasts about four minutes.
The women’s, men’s and pairs’ short programs last a maximum of two minutes, 50 seconds. The women’s free skate lasts between 3:50 and 4:10, but pairs’ and men’s free skates can last between 4:20 and 4:40.
The ice dance short dance can last anywhere from 2:40 to three minutes, and the genre of music is dictated by the International Skating Union. For the Olympic season, the short dance must use music with a rumba rhythm plus any number of the following Latin American dance rhythms: samba, mambo, meringue, salsa, bachata and any closely related Latin American or Caribbean rhythms.
The Pyeongchang Olympics are the first Games in which women, men and pairs skaters are permitted to use music with lyrics. The new rule was introduced for the 2014-15 season, but this is the first Olympics the rule change affects. Ice dancers had already been allowed to use music with lyrics.
The free dance has no required musical genre, but the music must be arranged in such a way that it has a rhythmic beat and creates an “interesting, colorful, entertaining dance program.” It lasts about four minutes.The members of the judging panel evaluate each element based on how well it was performed, assigning a grade of execution between -3 and +3 to the element’s predetermined base value. The highest and lowest scores get dropped while the remaining seven scores are averaged.
Then, the judging panel adds the base values with the grades of execution to get the total element score.
The program components score is based on the judges’ determination of the overall program, and not the individual elements. The judges mark five program components on a scale from 0.25 to 10.
The scores are averaged to form the score out of 10 for each component. Then, that total is multiplied by a factor, which differs for each program, so that the total element score and the program components score are weighted more equally in the makeup of the score.
The factored results are rounded to two decimal places and added, providing the program components score.The total segment score is the technical and program scores added together. The skater’s final score is the total minus any deductions, which can be taken for missed time limits, illegal elements, costume violations, program interruptions and falls.
How to Officiate the Sport:
Evaluators - assess skaters at assessment days arranged periodically by Skate Canada member clubs, so that their skaters can be assessed and move on to the next level or test. Evaluators are responsible for assessing the following levels:
STAR 6 – Gold Free Skate Assessments
STAR 6 – Diamond Dance Assessments
STAR 6 – Gold Skills Assessments
STAR 7 – Gold Artistic Assessments
At an assessment session, the evaluator coordinates and evaluates the assessments to which they have been assigned. During the assessment session, the evaluator acts as the assessor and referee controlling the on-ice activities. Candidates training to become an evaluator will be taught how to manage assessment days where the importance of making decisions in the best interests of the skater is emphasized.
Technical Specialists and Technical Controllers - are former athletes, coaches, Skate Canada judges or referees recruited for the correct identification of elements and levels of difficulty of these elements when attempted by skaters and teams in competition.
Judges - officiate at all levels of competitions, and are responsible for assessing the quality with which a skater performs in competition and also assess competitive tests.
Referees - oversee the ice conditions, ensures that all rules applicable to an assessment or competition are followed and acts as chairman of the judges’ panel and arbiter in policy or procedure disputes. At smaller events, the referee will typically act as both referee and one of the judges.
The Referee is also responsible for writing reports on the judges assessing their performance at a specific event. The reports are reviewed as part of the process of officials promotions.
The Referee also conducts review meetings with the judges at the conclusion of a Challenge or Canadian Championships.
Data Specialists - are the individuals responsible for calculating the marks awarded by the judges and tabulating the final result. If open marking is used at an event the data specialists are normally found at ice level. At other events, they will be in the result calculation centre. Generally, each event will have a Chief Data Specialist who ensures all accounting rules are followed when determining the result of an event. They work with the technical representative or referee and technical controller to post results, attend draws and to answer questions regarding results calculation.
USA : She performed triple loop, however failed to land properly on her next jump spin. She was able to perform a graceful camel loop with straight extended leg holding it for 8 turns. She has smooth footwork especially when turning or gliding. Her axle spin was on point and over all performance was great despite a mistake during the first minute.
Brazil : Her glides and turns are very elegantly performed, she has not failed a spin and jump. You could clearly see her enjoying and displaying different exhibitions to add spice to her performance. You could clearly see though that she is not very flexible.
Ukraine : Her costume is well designed and really fashionable. Her spins are not very powerful and confidently executed, she has failed to do triple loop twice. Her footwork however is really great and exquisitely done.
Latvia : Her footwork is elegantly executed, she is displaying great confidence during her performance. She was able to display the essential moves and spins without mistake. A small lack in flexibility, but is being over powered by the power she exerts with her spins.
Korea : Her glides are very smooth and graceful, best triple loops I’ve seen so far. She is showing great flexibility, and displays unique moves and exhibitions. Over all performance very great with a shower of elegance.
Sweden : Performed amazing spins and loops, footwork is continuous and very smooth. Her dance is paired with great music, some turns were awkwardly positioned and performed. But still over all performance is great.
China : Her glides are very relaxing to watch, she mistakenly land on her first triple loop. Her spins somewhat lack in speed and power, however she does display great flexibility. Her axle loop was executed perfectly, and her laid back position to side ways was performed magnificently.
Switzerland : Her costume is very cute and fashionable, she has executed triple loops perfectly. Her glides are smoothly done and displays amazing footwork. Her spins are very powerful and shows speed.
Kazakhstan : Her costume is very snazzy at the same time shows elegance. Her glides are smooth however her turns are somewhat executed poorly. Her spinning jumps however are great, her movements also display grace. Her step sequence look off to me but she finished strong.
Finland : The music played is very soothing, astoundingly performed triple loops with massive jumps. Her glides are smooth and graceful, she exudes speed with her glides and turns. Displays great flexibility and shows off great lifts. Elegant body movements during her step sequence.
Canada : Her glides are very powerful and oozes with confidence. The music started great however becomes somewhat distracting during mid performance. She exudes speed on her glides, slightly shaking during landing of her axle spin. Some movements displayed somewhat were insignificant.
France :  She doesn’t display great flexibility, however her glides are very smooth with good speed. Her spins are marvelous, she is a great performer. Her step sequences is really entertaining to watch.
Australia : Her costume is classy and at the same time showing off sass. Her spins lack in power and speed, however her glides are executed smoothly. Her spins are presented in a safe way, but her flexibility is very great.
Hungary : Her theme is very unique and really made her stood out from the rest. The triple toe was executed on point, her spins shows power and speed at the same time. A slight shake with her landing on a lift and her glides are quite rusty. A great display of a Russian split and over all a very entertaining performance.
Italy : Smooth glides accompanied by speed, her triple spin was done great however lacks combination. Her transition is very interesting and her step sequence exudes elegance. Her moves were awkwardly performed, however the audience still enjoyed it as it displays uniqueness.
Belgium : Her glides are smooth and powerful, her spins clearly display speed. Her lifts are huge and she executed triple spin and toe amazingly. She moves with grace and elegance, her footworks are great as well. Some moves were kind of awkward, her performance however was fully packed with moves. Her laid back spin was marvelous before she ends.
Germany : Her triple flip was executed perfectly also her triple toe. Her glides are smooth and graceful, her spin however lacks speed and power. Her spins are executed more on the safe side, her last moves really were great to end her performance.
Slovakia : Her spins lack power and speed, however she did perform a  great side spin with overflowing grace. Her axle spin if executed greatly, she doesn’t really show great flexibility. Over all her performance was great but not as entertains as I’d hope.
Japan : Her glides are smooth and graceful, she spins with elegance. Shows amazing flexibility, her movements are very calming. Great camel spins and wonderfully executed triple spin, triple toe and triple loop. Most amazing performance yet, with no visible mistakes.
USA : A terrible landing on her first lift, making her go down on her knees. Her glides are very smooth, she comes back fierce with a great balanced landing on her triple spin. Her step sequence are very graceful, Her spins lack speed and there is uncertainty in some of her moves. She did how ever end powerfully.
Canada : Her glides are smooth with incredible speed. Such a shame that her combination was not completed flawlessly. Very graceful footwork with amazing speed and power. She executed a spin marvelously, like her axle spin with great speed as a performance ender.
USA : Her starting exhibition was really powerful however she did land wrong. The sound used is very soothing and calming. Her glides are a little rowdy but still have grace. Her triple loop was successful. She has great flexibility and balance and ends elegantly.
Kazakhstan : Her glides are powerful yet very smooth, she also displays speed. Her combination spins is very magnificent. She executed triple spin, triple toe and axle spin successfully which is an essential in her performance. Her amazing speed never falters all through out her performance.
Korea : Her movements lack speed and power, I consider rather lousy. Her triple flip however was executed on point, her glides are smooth with a tinge of rowdiness. Her spin however draws out speed and shows great flexibility.
Russia : Her costume if very chic and snazzy, with a blend of beautiful colors. Her glides are smooth accompanied by power and speed. She started with a flying camel followed by amazing triple flip and triple toe. Her moves are really graceful as she lands beautifully during her triple loop. She displayed a marvelous spin combination and ended with a powerful laid back spin.
Japan : Her glides are smooth and powerful, her triple loop and triple toe was executed on point. She transitioned smoothy to a camel spin, she moves with grace. Her triple loop was astonishing especially with her secured landing. She exudes elegance as she glides through the rink. Her double axle and laid back as and ending was remarkable.
Canada : A staggering triple loop and triple toe with a firm landing. Her glides are graceful and smooth, also not forgetting speed and power. Her moves are oozing with confidence and were executed perfectly. Her flexibility is phenomenal, the music really coincide with her performance on the rink. Her ending was very powerful and yet elegant at the same time.
Russia : Her costume is very chic and spiffy, with great color combination. What a stupendous consecutive triple loop and triple toe with a high leap. An amazing display of spinning leap without hesitation in movements. A beautiful combination spin with speed, power and elegance.
Italy : A very cute and sassy costume, with an eye catching color. Her triple loop and triple toe was successfully executed. However she did shake during her second loop landing, Her glides are smooth and fast. Her leap spins are thrilling to watch, she exudes grace and elegance throughout her performance. Her ending spin was very powerful and sophisticated.
Russia : A snazzy costume with tinge of royalty, embellished with stones. Her glides are graceful and smooth, her first triple loop was a fail. Her step sequence is marvelous, she was able to successfully execute a great combination of triple loop and triple toe. A but trouble in the landing of her camel spin, her ending was not super great though but over all nonetheless an amazing performance.
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ashiiewappa · 3 years
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Rio 2016 Full Team Artistic Swimming
Artistic Swimming
Court Dimensions:
The pool must be at least 20m wide x 30m long, and at least 2.5m deep. One area, 12x12m or larger, must be at least 3m deep and the slope between the change in depths has to be completed over a distance of 8m or less.
Nose Clip
Underwater Speakers
Hair Gel
Basic Skills:
Crane Position
Ballet Leg Double Position
Side Fishtail Position
Knight Position
Flamingo Position
Split Position
The Platform Lift
The Stack Lift
Technical & Tactical Skills:
Stages of Technical Preparation
The process of learning motor skills is based on theoretical findings on motor learning.
Accomplishing the aim is conditioned by:
understanding the technique as a unity of its internal and external features
step-by-step procedure of its acquiring
stabilizing the technique
comprehensive conception (contents organization)
conscious activity of both the athlete and coach
The process of learning is not linear and even; it is a long-term process unlimited by time.
In practice, the following stages appear:
learning the objectives of selected sports discipline
drilling the techical basics of relevant sports skills
This stage proceeds in the follow axis:
introduction (rules, feeling the water, ball etc.)
defining the task (couch’s input, athlete must identify him/herself with the image)
creating image
initial attempts (verifying the image under simplified conditions), repeating („repeating without repetitions“)
firming, improving and subsequent adjusting techniques in given specialization
gradual interconnection of technique and fitness requirements and physiological functions of the athlete
focussing the stage aims at further shaping the image
All information is integrated in a single unit of complex locomotive analyzer which is sport specific. Firming and improving is carried out through sophisticated repetitions of relevant exercises which lead towards automation. This stage continues to improve mainly kinematic (time and space) and dymanic (strength) parameters of motion structures. Techique should be gradually interconnected with its fitness basis and energy supply.
The main aim of this stage of technical preparation is final technique firming and stabilization.
firming and stabilization of sports skills complexes as units which are ready to be involved in programs for competitve activities of the athlete
mutual interconnection, combination and adjustments of these units to most demanding conditions under which sports activity is employed
attempts to firm and stabilize lead to another, more in-depth, uniting of technique, fitness, psyche and tactics into highly functional units
The substance of stabilizing technique in this stage lies in automation of relevant structures and actions of skills structures and their continuous adjusting to competition conditions.
Methods of Technical Preparation:
Methods: analytic, analytic-synthetic, concentration, dispersion.
Procedures: whole, from whole to part, from part to whole.
Tactical Preparation
It is necessary to differentiate between two terms:
strategy is understood as a pre-prepared plan of actions in a specific competition
the plan is defined by key strategy points (points in competition when the athlete makes decisions according to given strategy in so-called conflicting situations)
tactics further analyzes and shows possible solutions of individual competition situations (conflicting situations)
focuses on practical implementation of these situations within given plan (strategy)
tactics (individual, group, team, offensive, defensive)
Implementing tactical actions is carried out on the following axis:
perception and analysis (situation occurence – situation recognition – situation analysis)
mental solution (solution proposal – soluction selection)
movement solution (solution execution, feedback)
Tactics is being solved within competition situations which are characterized by conditions.
We can differentiate between two types of conditions:
fixed (sports ground, sports area, equipment etc.)
changing (referee, audience, route, ball bounce etc.)
Drilling Tactical Skills
Tactical skills are understood as certain procedures or models of competition situations solutions acquired by training.
Acquiring tactical skills presupposes influencing the athlete’s:
perception (space, rhythm, objects)
thinking and decision-making (analysis, synthesis, generalization, intuitive solutions – solutions outside the scope of perception)
knowledge (rules, organization of sports combat conduct, principles of tactical actions in specific situations, knowledge of strategy)
experience (memory, anticipation)
Principles of drilling tactical skills:
tactical skills are closely related to technique
there is a certain specific solution for each competition situation
theoretical background (algorithms, patterns) must be acquired before drilling itself
suggest solution to a situation when drilling and perhaps let athletes to discuss it
at first, teach without pushing, increase resistence and pressure (time, space, fatigue) after they handle individual parts
group skills (power play patterns) must be practised in an analytic way (in pairs or groups of three)
it is preferable to handle solving smaller number of situations with better quality
adjusting situation to expected competition conditions
Solving competition situations
When creating strategy plan, pay attention to the following:
competition aim,
competitor power
competitor strategy
own power
information on environment and conditions
Solving practical situations is based on the level of preparation during training and the extent of their indefiniteness (i.e. they cannot be prepared in advance)
We differentiate among:
Algorithmization (standard situations I.) the athlete chooses from several pre-peraded solutions (A, B, C options). Medium indefiniteness.
Patterns (standard situations II.) everyone knows what to do in a given situation, both me and other team-mates (e.g. direct free kick, ofensive combination, service in volleyball. Minimum indefiniteness.
Instant unprepared solution is improvised. Creativity is of very high importance. High indefiniteness.
Rules of the Game:
No Touching The Bottom - One of the things which makes the lifts all the more impressive is that artistic swimmers are not allowed to touch the bottom of the pool at any point during their routines.
No Bling - Presentation is a unique and important part of artistic swimming but there are certain restrictions on what swimmers can wear. For example, artistic swimmers are not permitted jewellery, theatrical make-up, or inappropriate costumes.
No Goggles - Another restriction during artistic swimming routines is goggles. However, swimmers in figures competitions are permitted to wear them.
Team Means Team
Teams normally contain eight swimmers, but the minimum number for a team is four. Teams lose marks for every swimmer they have under the full complement because it is easier to synchronise the fewer people there are in a routine.
Stick To The Schedule
Routines can be anything from two and a half minutes to five minutes long, depending on whether they are performed alone or as part of a team. However, swimmers are penalised if they take 15 seconds fewer or longer than the specified time.
Before participating in the Olympics, the swimmers must clear the qualifying competitions
If we focus on Olympics, there are only two events played in each Olympics i.e. team and duet
There are two routines included here one is free routine and one is technical routine
Players can perform both in team and duets
Technical routine is predetermined and should be performed strictly according to certain elements
Free routine is not predetermined so the players are free to do their performance and in free routine, they have to show their creativity in choreography, dancing, and coordination
In duet event, there are two swimmers and one alternate swimmer. In free routine, the time limit is 3:30 minutes and in technical routine time limit is 2:20 minutes
In team event, there are eight swimmers and one alternate swimmer. Time limit in free routine is 4:00 minutes and 2:50 minutes in technical routine
In each event, there is relaxation of utmost 15 seconds
The judges give points according to the level of difficulty of the performance shown by the players
Marks awarded ranges from 0.0 to 10.0
How to Officiate the Sport:
Clerk of the course - organize the competitors so that they are ready for their events at the required time. During figure competitions, they ensure that the swimmers are in the correct order to perform their figures.
Scorer - record marks from the judges and make the necessary computations for each routine. There are two levels of synchro scorer – national scorer and chief recorder.
Judge - essential for running synchronised swimming competitions as they provide scores based on the performance of each routine. They are also responsible for marking grade level assessments. To reduce the level of subjectivity in scoring, all synchro judges must be expertly-trained. They require a full understanding of FINA and the ASA’s rules and regulations for synchronised swimming competitions.
Referee - oversee the control of a synchronised swimming competition. The referee makes sure all aspects of the event are run smoothly and follow FINA rules.
Egypt - Very synchronized and have exquisite leg work. Timing of movements are precise with the used sound.
Australia - Great formations and artistic exhibitions. At some point the formations become chaotic the used sound not really in match with their dance. Nevertheless their synchronization is very on point.
Italy - Very graceful in movements like water ballerinas. Used music is very great matching the displayed moves. New and artistic exhibitions are shown applying great synchronization. Pleasing to the eye formations and movements are very timing with the sound.
Brazil - Colorful and amazing costumes matching their theme. The sound used is very festive and energizing. Great formations and timing with their moves despite having a  fast paced sound. Showed new exhibitions and precise moves.
Russia - Exquisite and well-thought out costume design matching their theme. Showed great and amazing stunts. Heavenly movements with great precision  and power. On point timing and leg movements while being graceful and synchronized with each other. A very powerful and impactful performance.
Ukraine - Intense used sound along with stunts and exhibitions. Very quick in movement and has great timing with the beats of the sound used. Showed new and unique stunts. Amazing formations and flexibility of performers.
China - Festive and colorful costumes matching with their chosen theme. Amazing attention to detail moves, having exquisite moves. Moving in precision without sacrificing the on point synchronization. No dull parts during the performance, always giving powerful moves and stunts. Great interpretation of the used sound. Intense yet graceful routine with amazing formations.
Japan - Very dramatic and scintillating costumes to match their theme. Precise with their formations and moves. Impeccable timing with their movements coinciding  with the beats of the sound. Performers having great flexibility with graceful yet intense moves. Synchronized amazingly with each other. Stunts are unique and all the while exquisite. Used enchanting sound which is very pleasing to the ears. Tremendous effort in executing their routines.
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ashiiewappa · 4 years
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Rio 2016 Tennis Women’s Singles
Indoor Tennis
Court Dimensions:
The measure of the tennis courts 78 feet x 36 feet or 2,808 square feet. However, the full area of the court is used only for doubles matches. The singles court measures 78 feet x 27 feet or 2,106 square feet. Every court is composed of quite a few elements, so let’s take a look at each component.
Wrist Bands
Head Band
Tennis Shoes
Basic Skills:
Drop Shot
Technical & Tactical Skills:
From the practical perspective, a tennis player’s technique/skills will determine what that tennis player is consistently capable of doing with the tennis ball through different types of strokes (forehand, serve, backhand, slice, etc.), in a variety of practice situations and then during a variety of match situations. Some key words and terms here are “consistently” and “variety of practice and match situations.” This is because something could be classified as “highly-skilled” or “proficient,” only if it can be successfully repeated multiple times under different conditions (situations). For example, a tennis player’s forehand cross-court could be considered technically highly proficient (skilled) if that tennis player is able to make 90 percent or more of their forehands while hitting in various situations in different ways.
In situations such as feeding drills and live ball rallies, hitting your cross-court forehand on the run and hitting the cross-court forehand slice shot, during practice points, are effective techniques. Hitting your cross-court forehand on the rise and hitting a cross-court forehand with more or less pace, height and spin will bring variation to your game. Once the tennis player has the technical ability (skill) of the specific element (stroke) in tennis, one can hope that that kind of skill would be successfully transferred to official tournament match situations.
This logic could be applied to mastering all different types of elements/strokes in tennis, such as slice, serve, return, volley, overhead, drop shot, etc.
Naturally, it is wise to work on a variety of technical skills in tennis because the more skilled the tennis player is, the more tactical (decision-making) options in a match they will have and will be able to successfully execute.
To be able to compete well in a match, a tennis player needs (besides specific tennis skills as described in the paragraphs above) to consider some of the tactical aspects of the game, such as understanding patterns of play (the geometry of play), higher versus lower percentage choices of plays/shots, and an opponent’s strengths and/or weaknesses, to mention a few important ones.
Also, to compete well in a match, a tennis player needs to understand, feel and be realistic about their own level of specific tennis skills. This awareness can contribute significantly to the quality of their own match performance. For example, a tennis player who is more realistic about their own level of specific tennis skills is more likely to manage those skills better, or in other words, make better decisions (shot and pattern selection) during points. With that in mind, the player will be able to perform on a higher level in the match relative to their level of specific tennis skills than a player who is less realistic about their own level of specific tennis skills.
Rules of the Game:
A ball must land within bounds for play to continue; if a player hits the ball outside of bounds, this results in the loss of the point for them.
Players/teams cannot touch the net or posts or cross onto the opponent’s side.
Players/teams cannot carry the ball or catch it with the racquet.
Players cannot hit the ball twice.
Players must wait until the ball passes the net before they can return it.
A player that does not return a live ball before it bounces twice loses the point.
If the ball hits or touches the players, that counts as a penalty.
If the racquet leaves the hand or verbal abuse occurs, a penalty is given.
Any ball that bounces on the lines of boundary are considered good.
A serve must bounce first before the receiving player can return it.
Points – Smallest unit of measurement. Points increment from Love(0)-15-30-40-game.
Games – Games consist of 4 points each, and is won when a player reaches 4 points with at least a 2 point advantage.
Sets – A set consists of 6 games and is won by the player/team who reaches 6 games first with least a 2 point lead.
Advantage Set – If a game score of 6-6 is reached and advantage set rules are used, a player/team can only win a set with a 2 game lead.
Matches – A match is usually played as best of 3 or best of 5 sets.
Deuce – Occurs if a score of 40-40 is reached. In order to win the game, a player/team must win 2 consecutive points in order to take the game. If a player wins one point, they have advantage, but if they lose the next point, the score returns to deuce.
Tie-break game – If a game score of 6-6 is reached and tie-break set rules are used, players must play a tie-break game in order to decide who wins the set. In a tie-break game, a player/team must reach 7 points with a two point advantage to win. For the serving format of a tie-break game, player 1 serves for the first point, player 2 serves for the next two points, player 1 serves for the next two points after that, etc.
How to Officiate the Sport:
Line Umpire - This official is primarily used at professional events. As a member of the on-court officiating team, the line umpire assists the Chair Umpire in determining if a ball falls within or outside of the boundaries of the court.
Chair Umpire - Responsible for all aspects of the match to which he/she is assigned, the chair umpire applies the Rules of Tennis, Code of Conduct, and Tournament Regulations on court, either as a solo chair umpire, or working with a lines crew.
Roving Umpire - The roving umpire exercises jurisdiction over more than one court at a time, in the case of matches played without a chair umpire. His/her duties are similar to those of a chair umpire – and also include working with the Tournament Committee to ensure that assigned courts are ready for play, resolving scoring disputes, controlling spectators, parents, and coaches.
Referee - The referee is the final on-site authority for the interpretation of the Tournament Rules, Code of Conduct, Rules of Tennis, and all aspects of play. The referee is an integral part of the Tournament Committee and ensures that the event is organized in a fair manner according to the Tennis Canada guidelines. All sanctioned events are required to have a referee on-site while play is in progress.
Chief of Officials - At larger, or professional events, the line and chair umpires are often hired and managed by a chief of officials, who may also be responsible for training and evaluation of the officials during the event.
An off start with Puig she got the ball out resulting to Kerber’s points. A great start for Kerber earning two consecutive points when Puig got the ball out and was not able to return it. Puig trying o catch up with the scores after Kerber not being able to return the ball. Kerber got a little short in spiking the ball, earning Puig a point. Kerber using the same technique as the first point, got a little short right now because the balll wasn’t counted as out. A great tactic shown by Puig to get a point from Kerber. Kerber showed sluggishness that she wasn’t able to strike the ball back to Puig. Puig got a little bit short on spiking the ball losing a point to Kerber. A slight mistake made by Puig earning Kerber a point. A great save by Kerber earning her a point and winning the first set. Puig seemed caught off guard by the save of Kerber, resulting to not being able to save the ball and losing the first set. What a comeback for Puig in the second set, as Kerber kept committing errors continuously losing her a point and earning Puig all the points. Puig got the win for the second set as Kerber ties with her. Kerber seems more sluggish during the third set repeating her mistakes and seems not correcting those errors. Whereas Puig really played intensely with high offense, which shows as she won the third set. Kerber slowing getting back up from her defeat, stepping up with her game play. Puig lost to the fourth set while Kerber got the win. What a neck on neck game between Kerber and Puig, Puig not wanting to lose also set up her great offense and defense earning a win on the fifth set. During the six set it was again Kerber playing on high offense against Puig, earning Kerber the win. It was still continuous neck on neck between the two after the eight set however having both players four wins of set, Puig got the upper hand and won the ninth set and another win for the tenth set. Over all a great play displayed by both players, as Kerber really tried her best to tie up with Puig’s score. As determined as she may be Puig never let her guard down and played with so much enthusiasm and passion that she still out scored Kerber and won the Gold medal.
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ashiiewappa · 4 years
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Rio 2016 Table Tennis Men’s Singles
Indoor Table Tennis
Court Dimensions:
For a full-size table tennis table, the upper surface is called the playing surface. It requests a certain elasticity and good bounce of a ping pong ball. The dimensions of a full table tennis table size are 2.74 meters long, 1.525 meters width, and 76 centimeters height measure from the ground. There are white sidelines along the length of both sides of the table. The width of the sideline is 2cm. There is also a white end line along the width of both sides of the table. The width of the sideline is 2cm. There is also a white center line across the table. The width of the centerline is 3mm. It is used to divide the table into equal halves when playing double games.
Nets and Posts
Paddle Cases
Penhold Paddles
Rubber Covers
Pingpong ball
Table Tennis Paddle
Table Tennis Shirt
Table Tennis Short
Table Tennis Shoes
Basic Skills:
Forehand drive technique
Backhand topspin close to the table
Forehand push
Backhand push
Forehand flick
Backhand flick
Backhand loop the underpin ball
Forehand attack the semi-long ball
Forehand fast serve
Forehand pendulum serve
Backhand side-spin serve
Technical & Tactical Skills:
Ma Long:
Ma has a great type of serve however in first minutes it shows that his defense in quite down, thus he fell for the same trick Zhang used twice. Zhang also using a unique type of serve, however this didn’t stop Ma from setting up his defense and playing using his own tactic earning him a point. Ma getting hyped and trying to score through a strike, failed however Zhang kind of step on his trap making him swing with more force than needed thus over throwing the ball and earning Ma a point. Ma using the same tactic again but failed to score because of too much force as he got too excited. Ma earned a point when Zhang committed similar mistakes he did. Ma earned a point after Zhang was not able to make the ball cross the net. Another point for Ma after Zhang over threw the ball. Ma got consecutive points after Zhang committed yet again the same mistakes. Ma won the first set with a two point gap from Zhang just proving how determined both players are to win, however Ma just must have been more determined as he won the first set. Ma got the first point for the second set, however Zhang scored right after. Ma took the lead in terms of score having five points while Zhang has 2. Ma once again won the second set with a much higher gap than the first set. Ma lead the third set once again but Zhang also kept up his pace and stay to catch up with the score. Ma however just plays with a great offense that was able to win the third set. The fourth set was spiced up that both players were playing their best play, but Ma once again proved that he is a greater player by winning the four sets. 
Zhang Jike:
A good start for Zhang despite a difficult to predict type of serve by Ma he was able to return it and got a point. Zhang used the same technique twice and scoring two times in a row because Ma can’t help but fall for the same trick twice. Zhang got a little bit too excited and he overthrows the ball earning Ma a point. Just as when Zhang seems to take a lead he also makes the same mistake twice by overthrowing the ball and earning Ma a point. Zhang Earning a point after Ma got too excited and also over throws the ball. Seems that both are just committing similar mistakes and alternately earn points, this time Ma got the point while Zhang was the one who committed the mistake. Zhang got short on force having the ball not cross the net. Seems that Zhang can’t help but repeat his mistakes overthrowing the ball, earning Ma a point. Zhang seem determine to catch up he was able to tie the score at eight points when he takes his offense up. Zhang and Ma were neck on neck at twelve points after both up their games. Zhang changed tactics for the second set and played with great offense against Ma. Zhang struggles to keep up with Ma leaving a four point gap in terms of score. Seems that Zhang’s new tactic didn’t work against Ma after he lost again during the second set. It was a clear neck on neck during the first minutes of set three as Zhang tries to catch up. Zhang keeps repeating hist mistakes, seems that he was not learning from it that lost him the third set too. Zhang was swept by Ma after he lost the fourth set  with a huge gap with their points.
Rules of the Game:
A Game is played to 11 points. A Game must be won by two points. A Match is generally the best three of five Games. 
Each side of the table alternates serving two points at a time. EXCEPTION: After tied 10-10 (“deuce”), service alternates at every point. Can you lose on a serve in ping pong? Yes! There is no separate rule for serving on Game Point.
How do you serve the ball in ping pong? Hold the ball in your open palm, behind your end of the table. Toss at least 6” straight up, and strike it on the way down. It must hit your side of the table and then the other side. NOTE: Once the ball leaves the server’s hand it is in play, and so counts as the receiver’s point if the ball is missed or mis-hit. 
There is no restriction on where the ball lands on your side or your opponent’s side of the table. It can bounce two or more times on your opponent’s side (if so, that’s your point), bounce over the side, or even hit the edge. 
The serve must bounce in the server’s right court, and receiver’s right court (NOTE: landing on center line is fair). Doubles partners switch places after their team serves twice.
Can the ball hit the net in ping pong? Yes, during a RALLY, if it touches the top of the net and then otherwise lands as a legitimate hit. BUT not when serving. If a served ball hits the net on the way over and otherwise legally bounces in play, it’s a “let” serve and is done over. There is no limit on how many times this can happen. 
Doubles partners must alternate hitting balls in a rally, no matter where the ball lands on the table. 
Can you hit the ball before it bounces in ping pong? No. In regular tennis you may “volley” the ball (hitting the ball before it bounces on your side of the net). But in table tennis, this results in a point for your opponent. NOTE: When your opponent hits a ball that sails over your end of the table without touching it and then hits you or your paddle, that is still your point.  
If you hit the ball in a rally or on a serve and it bounces back over the net after hitting your opponent’s side of the table (due to extreme spin), without your opponent touching it, that is your point.
What happens if the ball hits your finger or hand during a ping pong rally?  If the ball touches your PADDLE hand and otherwise results in a legal hit, there is no rule violation and play shall continue as normal. Your paddle hand includes all fingers and hand area below the wrist. But what if the ball touches a player’s body anywhere else during a ping pong rally? You may not touch the table with your non-paddle hand for any reason. It will result in a point for your opponent. BUT if  your opponent’s hit sails over your side of the table without touching it, and hits any part of you or your paddle, that is still your point.
You may touch the ball or the table with your paddle hand (after reaching in to return a short serve, for example), or other parts of your body. NOTE: If the table moves at all from your touching it during a rally, that is your opponent’s point. 
An otherwise legal serve or hit may contact the top edge of the horizontal table top surface and be counted as valid, even if it bounces sidewise. The vertical sides of the table are NOT part of the legal playing surface.
If no referee is present during a match and the players disagree on a certain call, the “honor system” applies and the players should find a way to agree, or play the point over. Ping pong carries a tradition of fierce but fair play. Help us keep it that way!
How to Officiate the Sport:
Umpire - is required to exercise judgment in applying the table tennis laws and regulations during the match, such as deciding whether a rally should be a let or whether the players behaviour is acceptable. When the umpire is officiating alone, his decision is final on all questions raised during a match, including decisions on edge balls and service. The umpire is also responsible for the timing the duration of play. The local umpires are required to pass the umpire test and volunteer at a local level before proceeding to international tournaments.
A good start for Zhang despite a difficult to predict type of serve by Ma he was able to return it and got a point. Zhang used the same technique twice and scoring two times in a row because Ma can’t help but fall for the same trick twice. Ma has a great type of serve however in first minutes it shows that his defense in quite down, thus he fell for the same trick Zhang used twice. Zhang also using a unique type of serve, however this didn’t stop Ma from setting up his defense and playing using his own tactic earning him a point. Zhang got a little bit too excited and he overthrows the ball earning Ma a point. Just as when Zhang seems to take a lead he also makes the same mistake twice by overthrowing the ball and earning Ma a point. Zhang also using a unique type of serve, however this didn’t stop Ma from setting up his defense and playing using his own tactic earning him a point. Ma getting hyped and trying to score through a strike, failed however Zhang kind of step on his trap making him swing with more force than needed thus over throwing the ball and earning Ma a point. Just as when Zhang seems to take a lead he also makes the same mistake twice by overthrowing the ball and earning Ma a point. Zhang Earning a point after Ma got too excited and also over throws the ball. Ma using the same tactic again but failed to score because of too much force as he got too excited. Ma earned a point when Zhang committed similar mistakes he did. Ma earned a point after Zhang was not able to make the ball cross the net. Another point for Ma after Zhang over threw the ball. Ma got consecutive points after Zhang committed yet again the same mistakes. Zhang Earning a point after Ma got too excited and also over throws the ball. Seems that both are just committing similar mistakes and alternately earn points, this time Ma got the point while Zhang was the one who committed the mistake. Ma won the first set with a two point gap from Zhang just proving how determined both players are to win, however Ma just must have been more determined as he won the first set. Ma got the first point for the second set, however Zhang scored right after. Ma took the lead in terms of score having five points while Zhang has 2. Ma once again won the second set with a much higher gap than the first set. Ma lead the third set once again but Zhang also kept up his pace and stay to catch up with the score. Ma however just plays with a great offense that was able to win the third set. The fourth set was spiced up that both players were playing their best play, but Ma once again proved that he is a greater player by winning the four sets. Zhang got short on force having the ball not cross the net. Seems that Zhang can’t help but repeat his mistakes overthrowing the ball, earning Ma a point. Zhang seem determine to catch up he was able to tie the score at eight points when he takes his offense up. Zhang and Ma were neck on neck at twelve points after both up their games. Zhang changed tactics for the second set and played with great offense against Ma. Zhang struggles to keep up with Ma leaving a four point gap in terms of score. Seems that Zhang’s new tactic didn’t work against Ma after he lost again during the second set. It was a clear neck on neck during the first minutes of set three as Zhang tries to catch up. Zhang keeps repeating hist mistakes, seems that he was not learning from it that lost him the third set too. Zhang was swept by Ma after he lost the fourth set  with a huge gap with their points.
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ashiiewappa · 4 years
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SEA Games 2019 Quarterfinals Men’s Singles: Philippines  vs. Thailand
Indoor Badminton
Court Dimensions:
The badminton court is 13.4m long and 6.1m wide. For singles the court is marked 5.18m wide. The lines marking out the court are easily distinguishable and colored white or yellow. The lines are 40mm wide. A court may be marked out for singles only. The back boundary lines also become the long service lines and the posts or the strips of material representing them are placed on the side lines. The diagonal full length of the court is 14.366m.
Badminton Racket
Badminton Shoes
Badminton Attire
Wrist Band
Head Band
Basic Skills:
Technical & Tactical Skills:
A great start for the Philippines, being strategic with his hits and strikes. Two in a row miscalculated stroke by Philippines earning the lead for Thailand. A great smash by the Philippines earning a point making scores equal with Thailand. On the other hand Philippines is very poor in focusing on precise moves to score against Thailand. A lazy play by the Philippines having poor defense only focusing on his offense in which he can hardly score because of the great defense by Thailand. Philippines starting to step up his offense play slowly catches up with the score of Thailand. During the end of the first set the Philippines played a good offense however not enough to score and catch up with Thailand making Thailand win the first set. During the second set Philippines clearly been stepping up his game and shows a good offense play. Thailand also showing excellent defense and offense play against the Philippines. Philippines also giving peeks of his tricky defense play in which it’s shown as a cool defense tactic but is surely doing its job. Philippines trying to catch up with Thailand stepping up his game, however Thailands game just seem to never falter thus always having the lead score. Philippines again playing a poor defense and just being reckless with his play, making a huge gap in scores. Philippines almost like not match with Thailand specifically with their defense play, while Thailand plays both smoothly seems like Philippines put much in offense leaving behind his defense.
A miss calculated strike by Thailand, in which cost a point for the Philippines. Mistakes made by the Philippines earned 2 points for Thailand. A surprising smash caught Thailand off guard losing him a point. Thailand also show cased a great established smash which Philippines  didn’t foresee. Thailand been sporting a great offense play however commits same mistake earning a point for the Philippines. Thailand adapting the strategy of the Philippines counter attacking using the same strategy to score against Philippines. Thailand showing off a great offense and defense striving to keep the shuttle off the ground, and trying to score by making it land on the side of the Philippines. Philippines also committing the same mistake as Thailand making a huge lead by Thailand. A smash which got caught in the net by the Philippines, a play that shows too much aggressiveness. A smart play by Thailand which gives him a huge lead not only in terms of scoring but also in tactics and strategy play. Philippines playing recklessly and not calculating his strikes could lead to a potential loss. Thailand really showcases a great smash leaving the Philippines in shock. Seems to me that almost all the scores made by Philippines was out of luck and not because of an exquisite offense play. A wise play by Thailand showing off great strategy with his offense play against the Philippines. What a great win by Thailand against Philippines, sweep two sets in the Quarterfinals.
Rules of the Game:
A player must wait until his opponent is ready before serving. If the opponent attempts a return then he is ruled having been ready.
The feet of both players must remain in a stationary position until the serve is made. Your feet can not be touching the line at this time.
It is not a fault if you miss the shuttle while serving.
The shuttle cannot be caught and slung with the racket.
A player cannot hold his racket near the net to ward off a downward stroke by his opponent or to interfere with his racket.
The shuttle, at the instant of being hit is higher than the servers waist or the head of the racket is higher than the servers racket hand.
The shuttle does not land in the correct service court.
The server's feet are not in the service court or if the feet of the receiver are not in the court diagonally opposite the server.
The server steps forward as he/she serves.
Any player balking or feinting his opponent before serve or during serve.
A serve or shot that lands outside the court boundaries, passes under or through the net, touches any other obstructions or a players body or clothing. The boundary and service lines are considered in play.
The shuttle in play is struck before it crosses the net to the striker's side of the net. You may follow through over the net.
A player touching the net or its supports with his body or racket while the shuttle is in play.
Hitting the shuttle twice in succession by a player or team.
A match consists of the best of 3 games of 21 points.
Every time there is a serve – there is a point scored.
The side winning a rally adds a point to its score.
At 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first, wins that game.
At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point, wins that game.
The side winning a game serves first in the next game.
How to Officiate the Sport:
Referee - is the most important official of the whole tournament. He or she is in charge of the competition and needs to ensure that the tournament is conducted following the Laws of Badminton (including court, rackets and shuttlecock measurements), the regulations of the Badminton World Federation and/or any other regulations that might be relevant in that specific competition.
Umpire - is the maximum authority in a particular match and it is in charge of the court. The duty of the umpire is to make sure that the specific match is conducted following the Laws of Badminton, the regulations of the Badminton World Federation and/or any other regulations that might be relevant in that specific competition. It is the umpire responsibility to judge service faults and other player faults. The umpire keeps a record of any misbehaviour or incident and reports it to the referee. He/she is also responsible for keeping the match score, which will be announced after each point of the match.
Service Judge - is responsible for making a ‘service fault’ call and to provide shuttles to the players. Due to the way badminton is played, the serve is one of the most important and perfected shots of the player and, especially when playing doubles, players will bring the serve to the limit of the legality in order to gain as much advantage as possible.
In addition to checking the service, the service judge usually takes care of the shuttles, providing the players with new shuttles whenever required.
Line Judge - are responsible for indicating whether a shuttlecock landed “in” or “out” if the shuttle lands near the lines he/she is assigned to control. Due to the fast speed of the game and the skill of the players, this is a very challenging job and, as a result, the line judges are the officials that usually get more pressure from the players.
A great start for the Philippines earning a point from a great strategy. However two consecutive mistakes by the Philippines earned a lead for Thailand. A surprise smash by the Philippines which caught Thailand off guard earning the Philippines a point. In return Thailand also show cased a great established smash which Philippines  didn’t foresee. Thailand been sporting a great offense play however commits same mistake earning a point for the Philippines. Thailand adapting the strategy of the Philippines counter attacking using the same strategy to score against Philippines. Thailand showing off a great offense and defense striving to keep the shuttle off the ground, and trying to score by making it land on the side of the Philippines. Philippines also committing the same mistake as Thailand making a huge lead by Thailand. A smash which got caught in the net by the Philippines, a play that shows too much aggressiveness. A smart play by Thailand which gives him a huge lead not only in terms of scoring but also in tactics and strategy play. Philippines playing recklessly and not calculating his strikes could lead to a potential loss. I could notice that precise moves of Thailand making it his advantage in order for him to predict the strikes of Philippines. On the other hand Philippines is very poor in focusing on precise moves to score against Thailand. A lazy play by the Philippines having poor defense only focusing on his offense in which he can hardly score because of the great defense by Thailand. Philippines starting to step up his offense play slowly catches up with the score of Thailand. Thailand really showcases a great smash leaving the Philippines in shock. Seems to me that almost all the scores made by Philippines was out of luck and not because of an exquisite offense play. During the end of the first set the Philippines played a good offense however not enough to score and catch up with Thailand making Thailand win the first set. During the second set Philippines clearly been stepping up his game and shows a good offense play. Thailand also showing excellent defense and offense play against the Philippines. Philippines also giving peeks of his tricky defense play in which it’s shown as a cool defense tactic but is surely doing its job. A wise play by Thailand showing off great strategy with his offense play against the Philippines. Philippines trying to catch up with Thailand stepping up his game, however Thailands game just seem to never falter thus always having the lead score. Philippines again playing a poor defense and just being reckless with his play, making a huge gap in scores. Philippines almost like not match with Thailand specifically with their defense play, while Thailand plays both smoothly seems like Philippines put much in offense leaving behind his defense. What a great win by Thailand against Philippines, sweep two sets in the Quarterfinals.
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ashiiewappa · 4 years
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Olympic Games Rio 2016 : USA vs Serbia
Indoor Basketball
Court Dimensions:
Regulation basketball court dimensions are 94 feet long by 50 feet wide.
Basketball court size varies depending on the league and level of play. For NBA court dimensions, as well as for WNBA and college, the court measures 94 feet long by 50 feet wide. Note the paint area – the free throw lane – is 16 feet across. The foul line is 15 feet from the face of the backboard and 2 inches wide.
International Basketball Federation (FIBA) and Olympic basketball courts call for the court to be slightly smaller at 91.9 feet by 49.2 feet. In meters, that’s 28 by 15 meters.
Basketball Jerseys
Basketball Shoes
Compression Garments
Basketball Shorts
Basketball Socks
Shooting Sleeves
Basic Skills:
Technical & Tactical Skills:
A lousy play on the first quarter by USA, playing arrogantly and recklessly. Seems that they are not taking the game too seriously having committed too many mistakes. They also don’t seem to be doing anything much to correct the mistakes they’ve committed. Having an almost neck-on-neck score with Serbia. However USA takes lead bye the end of the first quarter because of the lay up of Cousins and three point shot of Durant. The start of the second quarter was great for USA having Durant rain three point shots, only making the score gap with Serbia higher. USA plays great offensively against Serbia having eleven point lead. A great play by Durant, Irving and Thompson that lead to a twenty one point lead by USA on the second quarter.
Serbia starts off great during the first quarter having to score first. They showed great offense play against great basketball players. Serbia takes advantage of the lousy play by the USA, however it cuts short when USA started giving them straight plays. Making USA lead the score by the end of the first quarter. Second quarter was a great start for USA, while Serbia commits mistakes in terms of passing and their defense play. During the start of the first half of the second quarter Serbia seems to start scoring again however there is still a huge gap in terms of the score with USA. Serbia losing the effectiveness of their defense and offense play as USA leads the score by twenty one points.
Rules of the Game:
1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.
2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands (never with the fist).
3. A player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw it from the spot on which he catches it, allowance to be made for a man who catches the ball when running at a good speed if he tries to stop.
4. The ball must be held in or between the hands; the arms or body must not be used for holding it.
5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping, or striking in any way the person of an opponent shall be allowed; the first infringement of this rule by any player shall count as a foul, the second shall disqualify him until the next goal is made, or, if there was evident intent to injure the person, for the whole of the game, no substitute allowed.
6. A foul is striking at the ball with the fist, violation of Rules 3,4, and such as described in Rule 5.
7. If either side makes three consecutive fouls, it shall count a goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the opponents in the mean time making a foul).
8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted from the grounds into the basket and stays there, providing those defending the goal do not touch or disturb the goal. If the ball rests on the edges, and the opponent moves the basket, it shall count as a goal.
9. When the ball goes out of bounds, it shall be thrown into the field of play by the person first touching it. In case of a dispute, the umpire shall throw it straight into the field. The thrower-in is allowed five seconds; if he holds it longer, it shall go to the opponent. If any side persists in delaying the game, the umpire shall call a foul on that side.
10. The umpire shall be judge of the men and shall note the fouls and notify the referee when three consecutive fouls have been made. He shall have power to disqualify men according to Rule 5.
11. The referee shall be judge of the ball and shall decide when the ball is in play, in bounds, to which side it belongs, and shall keep the time. He shall decide when a goal has been made, and keep account of the goals with any other duties that are usually performed by a referee.
12. The time shall be two 15-minute halves, with five minutes' rest between.
13. The side making the most goals in that time shall be declared the winner. In case of a draw, the game may, by agreement of the captains, be continued until another goal is made.
How to Officiate the Sport:
Referee - is the official in charge during and after the game. He is the official who watches a game or match closely to ensure that the rules are adhered to and sometimes to arbitrate on matters. He has the full responsibility to enforce the rules and maintain the order of the game. The referee has the final say on disciplinary matters. He also controls the game and takes up positions on opposite sides of the court.
Timekeeper - also called Timer is charged with certain duties, according to the rules of basketball. The timekeeper should be familiar with all of the rules and obligations in the game. Mastering these rules and regulations can help avoid confusion during the game for both the officials and the timekeeper. He keeps a record of playing time and stoppages in play, and times the time-outs, and indicates when each half or overtime ends.
Scorer - also called scorekeepers keeps a record of points scored, all fouls called against each player, timeouts charged to each team, notes the starting line-ups, and keeps a record of all substitutions.
Serbia started strong despite their opponents being some of the best basketball players of all time. USA seemed to be arrogant and laid back that it gave way for Serbia to lead the game. USA is not playing their best during the first quarter, their play was kind of sluggish and not taken seriously. During the first minute of the game USA already had two turnovers. USA wasn’t very careful and this puts Serbia at an advantage to lead. Serbia really doing well in defense and not being intimidated by their opponents. USA play recklessly that lead to Serbia’s lead in scores, too many errors by USA and seems like they are not doing much about it. Both USA and Serbia constantly misses a shot, falling short or just plain miss during the first quarter. USA leads by the end of the first quarter courtesy of  Cousins lay up and Durant’s three-point shot. The start of the second quarter the gap between the scores only gets higher, as Serbia commits many mistakes and can’t seem to get their offense up. USA starts to get a little serious with the game and showing off straight plays. Three minutes on the second quarter Serbia shoots three-points after playing smartly in their offense against a good defense by USA. However there is still an eight point lead by team USA which keeps on getting higher as Durant rains three point shots. USA already weakening their defense play to make Serbia score, but looks like Serbia is not playing a hundred percent with their shooting. Despite the given opportunity to score Serbia keeps missing and not scoring a bit to catch up with the score of USA. Starting off third quarter with a huge gap in score between Serbia and USA, having USA on the lead. It seems that Serbia is starting to feel intimidated by their opponent, affecting their game play. As the end of third quarter approaches USA leaves behind Serbia by thirty point lead. USA starts fourth quarter with a great offense play, while Serbia is really falling behind. Serbia has not been playing greatly with their offense, having too many shots falling short and misses. Game ends with an undisputed winner the USA with a thirty point lead.
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ashiiewappa · 4 years
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SEA Games 2019: PHL VS VIE Women’s Volleyball
Indoor Volleyball
Court Dimensions:
The game is played at Subic Tennis Center on a smooth-surfaced court 9 metres (30 feet) wide by 18 metres (60 feet) long, divided by a centre line into two equal areas, one of which is selected by or assigned to each of the two competing teams.
Volleyball Net
National Jersey
Athletic Shorts
Knee Pads
Elbow Pads
Indoor Trainer Shoes
Basic Skills:
Technical & Tactical Skills:
They started strong not only in their offenses but also in their saving of the ball every time it is deflected by the opposing team. Still giving their great effort in saving the ball and trying to score against Vietnam. They were surprised by the spike the Vietnam threw their way making them unable to save the ball. Philippines making comeback scored another one using a strategy in which the ball being set and tossed just slightly over the net. Another unpredictable spike by Vietnam which gained them a point. Philippines showed great defense by defending where the trajectory of spike goes, showing jus how great their defenses were. Philippines was unable to predict the change of strategy by the Vietnam unable to save the ball. The Philippines are very keen with their flexibility, having to adjust their play depending on the play of their opponent is really a big advantage however the Vietnam were doubling their effort to win the second set. On the third set they were almost too aggressive resulting to minor errors and making Vietnam take the lead score.
They have really great defenses on the first throw of the ball, making the PHL have difficulties in making the ball cross the net. Vietnam really did make it hard for the Philippines  to score having really great defenses and also using strategies to take a score. They spiked so quick that it was almost difficult to save. They might have been surprised by how the Philippines played with the ball thus they were unable to foresee it and so losing them a point to the Philippines. The Vietnam once again threw a spike to the opposing team and earned a point. Vietnam trying hard to keep up with the scores of the Philippines however they keep on using their “spike strategy” making it easier for the Philippines to defend. Vietnam changing tactics during the second set after committing  various errors. Vietnam really double their effort for the second half of the second set and was able to win. During the third set Vietnam look like they were already getting the hang of how Philippines play, so they already know how to play their offense and defense.
Rules of the Game:
6 players on the floor at any one time - 3 in the front row and 3 in the back row
Maximum of 3 hits per side
Points are made on every serve for wining team of rally (rally-point scoring).
Player may not hit the ball twice in succession. (A block is not considered a hit.)
Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
A ball hitting a boundary line is in.
A ball is out if it hits an antennae, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the antennae, the referee stand or pole, the ceiling above a non-playable area.
It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player’s body.
It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball.
A player cannot block or attack a serve from on or inside the 10-foot line.
After the serve, front-line players may switch positions at the net.
Matches are made up of sets; the number depends on level of play. 3-set matches are 2 sets to 25 points and a third set to 15. Each set must be won by two points. The winner is the first team to win 2 sets. 5-set matches are 4 sets to 25 points and fifth set to 15. The team must win by 2 unless tournament rules dictate otherwise. The winner is the first team to win three sets.
How to Officiate the Sport:
First Referee - watches the blockers for net touches, calls the double hits, lifts, technical fouls, timeouts and starts each play with a whistle blow to each server.
Second Referee - is across from the first referee on the opposite side of the net officiating the game from the ground.
Scorer - operates their functions from a table, the scorer's table which is located behind the second referee. 
Linesman - have responsibility is to judge whether a volleyball has landed inside or outside of the sidelines or service lines and to call any block touches.
It was a good start for the Philippines they were able to not only be best in their offense but also quick in saving the ball every time it is being deflected by Vietnam. Scoring the second time was really thrilling for both Vietnam and Philippines having both team exert no less than maximum effort in their offenses and defenses. Both really were quick with their reflexes trying to make the ball stay a float. Liberos of both team really were good in handling the ball and keeping it off the ground. The third score was gained by Vietnam giving a spike to the Philippines  making it difficult to save. Another score for the Philippines, using the strategy of setting the ball and just slightly throwing it over the net making the Vietnam unable to foresee and save the ball. Vietnam are really great with their spikes earning them their second point and having the Philippines caught off guard. Philippines really haven’t faltered in showing great effort with not only in their offense but also their defense. Philippines in the lead in the first half of the first set. Philippines won the first set, being consistent with their offense and defense strategy, while Vietnam striving to keep up with the scores however having also commit minor errors one of the reason for their loss. A great start by the Philippines for the second set still not faltering in their offense strategy, whilst Vietnam struggle to keep the ball afloat causing them to make errors along the way. A sudden turn of events for the second half of the second set, Vietnam got the lead while the Philippines was also doing their best to keep up. Vietnam despite having small errors during the near end of second set, still won. Vietnam really did a comeback during the third set exerting more effort than the last set giving them the lead for the first half of the third set. The Philippines also stepping up their game caught up with Vietnam however they were slightly too aggressive thus committing  errors along the way. This made Vietnam take the lead for the score. The Philippines really struggling to keep up with the score of Vietnam for the second half of the third set, due to errors and could be pressure also. Vietnam won the third set leaving a slightly huge gap in the scores, nevertheless the Philippines still showed their perseverance to catch up sadly wasn’t enough. Philippines starting strong for the fourth set, while Vietnam catches up. Philippines taking the lead score for the first half of the fourth set and Vietnam stepping up their game to take the lead. A win for the Philippines for the fourth set correcting their errors and playing great with their offense and defense. Vietnam starts strong for the fifth set taking the lead, but Philippines quickly catches up however before the end of the first half of the fifth set Vietnam immediately take the lead again resulting to their win.
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ashiiewappa · 4 years
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UAAP Season 82 : UST Golden Tigresses vs. FEU Lady Tamaraws Sport: Indoor Volleyball Court Dimensions: The game is played at Mall of Asia Arena on a smooth-surfaced court 9 metres (30 feet) wide by 18 metres (60 feet) long, divided by a centre line into two equal areas, one of which is selected by or assigned to each of the two competing teams. A tightly stretched net is placed across the court exactly above the middle of the centre line; official net heights (measured from the top edge of the net to the playing surface—in the middle of the court) are 2.2 metres (7.4 feet). Equipment: Volleyball Net,Ball,Headbands,School Jersey,Athletic Shorts,Knee Pads,Elbow Pads,Indoor Trainer Shoes Basic Skills: Passing,Setting,Spiking ,Blocking,Digging ,Serving Technical & Tactical Skills: Technical skills are serving, passing, setting, attacking, blocking, and digging. Tactical skills are their overall play and response to the attack of the other team.
The Tactical Triangle 1. Reading the play or situation 2. Acquiring the knowledge needed to make an appropriate tactical decisio Applying correct decision-making skills to the problems at the correct time Rules of the Game: 1. 6 players on the floor at any one time - 3 in the front row and 3 in the back row 2. Maximum of 3 hits per side 3. Points are made on every serve for wining team of rally (rally-point scoring). 4. Player may not hit the ball twice in succession. (A block is not considered a hit.) 5. Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve. 6. A ball hitting a boundary line is in. 7. A ball is out if it hits an antennae, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the antennae, the referee stand or pole, the ceiling above a non-playable area. 8. It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player’s body. 9. It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball. 10. A player cannot block or attack a serve from on or inside the 10-foot line. 11. After the serve, front-line players may switch positions at the net. 12. Matches are made up of sets; the number depends on level of play. 3-set matches are 2 sets to 25 points and a third set to 15. Each set must be won by two points. The winner is the first team to win 2 sets. 5-set matches are 4 sets to 25 points and fifth set to 15. The team must win by 2 unless tournament rules dictate otherwise. The winner is the first team to win three sets. How to Officiate the Sport: First Referee - watches the blockers for net touches, calls the double hits, lifts, technical fouls, timeouts and starts each play with a whistle blow to each server. Second Referee - is across from the first referee on the opposite side of the net officiating the game from the ground. Scorer - operates their functions from a table, the scorer's table which is located behind the second referee.  Linesman - have responsibility is to judge whether a volleyball has landed inside or outside of the sidelines or service lines and to call any block touches. Analysis: It was a good start for the UST Golden Tigresses having to score first and continuously. During the first set the FEU Lady Tamaraws committed too many errors and had holes in their defenses resulting to their loss. During the second set the FEU Lady Tamaraws strive to catch up with the UST Golden Tigresses. The Lady Tamaraws were able to catch up by serving aces, but the Golden Tigresses were very determined and smart in their defenses resulting again to another win. By the last set the Golden Tigresses were very keen on leaving a big gap on the scores, having to score 5-1. By this time the Lady Tamaraws have committed way too many errors making them struggle to catch up with the scores of the Golden Tigresses. After two timeouts the Lady Tamaraws found their fire and were burning in the court to catch up with the scores, however the Golden Tigresses were more fueled up and very energized to win resulting to a win of 25-17.
Referred video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnLIvt7xGck
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ashiiewappa · 4 years
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Shall death penalty be implemented in the Philippines?
The overwhelming majority in the country’s prisons are poor folk who can’t afford bail and/or the pricey lawyers who sell their skills mostly to the rich, and hence can’t secure their temporary liberty while they’re on trial or waiting for their day in court. Some have spent years in prison for stealing food or for snatching cellphones. Still others have been convicted by incompetent judges, or are in jail because they confessed under torture to crimes they did not commit, or on the mistaken assumption that they would be released once they do so.
Like the entrance to Dante’s Inferno, the gates of Philippine prisons might as well warn all who enter them to abandon all hope. But as in many other areas of life in these isles of despair, this warning applies only to the poor and powerless.
Even if they do somehow get convicted of rape or murder, the wealthy and well-connected need not despair. They are enclaves in which rich and powerful inmates can come and go as they please no matter what the crime they have been convicted of. They can construct an air condition mini-condos, indulge their worst vices, and even bribe their way out. Some of those accused and even convicted of such crimes as graft and plunder are spared their horrors and detained, if at all, in special prisons or in the comfort of “hospital arrest.” (Teodoro, 2019)
As firm as I stand supporting the reinstatement of capital punishment in our country, I give credence to the fact that our country is not ready for it.
It is no surprise that the Philippine justice system is unfair, corrupt and biased. According to Teodoro majority of the prisoner’s are underprivileged and this is when unfairness is exhibited. Corruption and being biased in our justice system appear when politicians get entangled with the laws.
The last of the triad of Senators accused of receiving hundreds of millions in kickbacks from the pork barrel scam walked away a free man on December 7. Former Senator Ramon “Bong” Revilla, Jr. was acquitted for plunder and was released by the Sandiganbayan from Camp Crame. Revilla’s acquittal follows the release of Jinggoy Estrada and Juan Ponce Enrile from police custody, both of whom were given back their freedoms after posting bail for a crime that is supposedly non-bailable. It will be recalled that back in July 2016, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was also released from hospital arrest after being cleared of plunder by the Supreme Court. (Masigan, 2018)
Evidences mentioned are already enough to conclude that our justice system can not be trusted for it can be twisted and bended by people with power. The reinstatement of the death penalty could lead to powerful people framing innocent underprivileged people as “sacrificial labs” for their crimes. I support the reinstatement of death penalty in the Philippines but, the state of our justice system hinders us from bringing back the capital punishment ensuring that proper justice is served not only for the rich but also for people with less.
Teodoro L. (2019, September) Retrieved from https://www.bworldonline.com/heinous-prisons/
Masigan A. (2018, December) Retrieved from https://www.bworldonline.com/a-broken-justice-system/
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ashiiewappa · 4 years
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Speech One (Nelson Mandela: Freedom and Justice)
The purpose of this speech is to inform the public, and so its purpose based on the speech is Exploratory or Informative.
I do believe that he was able to inform the public clearly of the message he wishes to convey to them through his speech based on the response and reactions of his audience. Because he was reading from a manuscript he had full control of the words he said and was able to put emphasis on some part which he wants the audience to really remember or understand.
The manner in which his speech was delivered was Reading or Speaking from a Manuscript.
Speech Two (Emma Watson: Gender Equality)
The purpose of this speech is to talk about Gender Equality, what it is about and why it is important. Based on the speech its purpose is to persuade thus it is a Persuasive Speech.
I certainly think that she was able to inform the audience and let them feel the purpose of her speech which is to persuade. She gave not only facts but also was able to express her opinion in order to persuade her audience more and let them self-reflect on all the things she said and make them reconsider their opinions if it was a contrasting opinion to what she proposed.
The manner in which her speech was delivered was Memorized Speech. 
Speech Three (2016 World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren Tay Wen Jie)
The purpose of his speech was not entirely to make the audience laugh but rather to inspire and empower them. Based on the speech its purpose is an Entertainment Speech.
I definitely believe he was able to impart the message of inspiration to his audience through his speech by entertaining them but still making sure that his audience fully grasp the concept he wishes them to understand and not be distracted by being entertained at the same time.
The manner in which his speech was delivered was Extemporaneous Speech.
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ashiiewappa · 4 years
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0 notes
ashiiewappa · 4 years
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The Tv Anchor I chose is Mike Enriquez from the news program 24 Oras.
What I like about him is that he is very professional when he reports, he has good posture and doesn’t slouch which could give a bad impression to the audience watching and his voice is really fit for news reporting. The only thing I kind of noticed when he speaks that I think is unlikeable is that the pacing of his report is very fast sometimes that the audience could not make out clearly what he said. That is unlikeable because he is a news anchor and it is very important in reporting news that the audience would be well informed and thus no information should be omitted whether it is intentional or accidental. When I asked my sister what she thought about him, she also mentioned that he does speak fast and sometimes he swallows the words he is saying. Nevertheless she thinks that he is still an effective news anchor and that he is still doing a good job in reporting news.
He was very effective in communicating what he needed to convey to the audience. He emphasizes the right words in order for the audience to really know what the news report is all about. He also gives eye contact to the camera which would help audience to really listen and focus to the news he is reporting.
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ashiiewappa · 4 years
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On the beginning of the film the problem was already shown, in a way that King George VI or rather Prince Albert Duke of York at that time was supposed to present a speech but his speech defect got in the way. His wife didn’t give up on him and ended up meeting Lionel Logue. Lionel Logue was somewhat known for treating or helping people with speech defect and so the wife of Prince Albert asked for his help. On their first session the Prince wasn’t fully cooperative and was prideful that ended up having a misunderstanding with Lionel. Nevertheless the Prince continuously met with Lionel for different sessions that helps straighten his speech, with those meeting unexpectedly a friendship was formed. When the King died Prince Albert’s brother descended the throne and became King, however things turned unexpectedly when he stepped down as King because of the woman he loves and wishes to marry. So the throne was passed to Prince Albert who then changed his name to King George VI, and was required to declare a speech about the war his country was about to face because of Hitler. During his speech his good friend Lionel was with him to encourage and support him.
Watching the movie I felt really sleepy and uninterested at first, however the movie seemed to captivate me as I kept on watching till the end. The movie had an organized plot that on the introduction of the movie the viewers could easily know why it was entitled The King’s Speech. On the introductory part of the movie the problem the main character was facing was shown, that is Prince Albert Duke of York who has a speech defect. The movie really revolves around Prince Albert and his inability to communicate with his peers effectively. Thus he needed help of a Speech Pathologist, his wife then met Lionel Logue who was kind of popular for helping war veterans with their effective communication. Prince Albert didn’t really think that his stammering would stop and wasn’t really deduced on Lionel helping him. The sessions the Prince had with Lionel had many ups and downs, they argued and had many misunderstandings. Nevertheless Lionel was understanding enough to not give up on the Prince just like the wife of the Prince who supported Prince Albert all through out his sessions. However the movie took an unlikely turn when the King died and Prince Albert’s brother Prince Edward descended the throne. Nevertheless King Edward had poor choices and was highly criticized by the Archbishop because of his choice of woman to marry who was already divorced twice and as the head of the church it was inappropriate. So King Edward made the decision to step down and pass the throne to his brother Prince Albert, who descended the throne as King George VI as per advice of his Prime Minister. As King George VI descended the throne that’s when he found out about Lionel Logue whom he thought was a real doctor or Speech Pathologist. They had an argument but then Lionel used this opportunity to mock the King and let his emotion burst which resulted in the King speaking without any stammering. During this time Germany lead by Hitler declared war against the United Kingdom. King George VI was requested to present a speech about the forthcoming war his country would face. Minutes before his speech the King felt nervous and anxious and was totally doubting his own capability but with the help of Lionel who let the King curse, sing and say gibberish to help with his stammering. The King was then able to give his speech to his people without his speech defect interfering with Lionel guiding him. I believe that the advocacy portrayed in the film was for people who are also suffering from these speech defect that causes people to struggle in communicating effectively. The movie wants to show that with proper therapy they could be able to communicate well and all they need to do is cooperate and believe in their selves. Stammering or having these defects doesn’t necessarily stop you from communicating rather it only implicates how you let your message come through.
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ashiiewappa · 4 years
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The collage I made above represents, Everyday Conic Sections. After doing this activity I constantly look at stuff and notice all the conic sections it represent. I find it really interesting how after I took pictures of different conic sections, that when I look at anywhere in our house I seem to notice everything and identify it’s type of conic section.
The first picture is a Parabola that opens downward, it is a light fixture in our Dining Room.
The second picture is an Ellipse that stretches horizontally, it was an orange taken in our Dining Room mirror.
The third picture is a Circle with an approximate radius of 7 inches, it is a plate in our Dining Table.
The fourth picture is a Circle with an approximate radius of 4 inches, it is a plate displayed on our Living Room.
The fifth picture is an Ellipse that stretches horizontally, it is a vitamin bottle taken in our Bedroom.
The sixth picture is a Parabola that opens downward, it is a juice container I use for my drinks.
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ashiiewappa · 4 years
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Throughout his journey travelling to meet and document different primitive tribes communication really played an important part. Like in the first experience he shared wherein they had a misunderstanding with the said interpreter because he only wanted the money while Jimmy was so excited that he jumped right into the offer not knowing that the interpreter knew the language the other valley spoke and not the one they were headed to. Facing this problem he felt that he failed because he couldn’t even communicate with the tribe but then one silly happening became the reason for a conversation to spark between them. Having to speak only little context with some gestures they were able to communicate and understand each other. With his second experience he also had a miscommunication between the person who is supposed to lead him to another tribe because apparently this person didn’t mention that the tribe were nomads meaning they kept on moving that the person don’t know where they are however he does know that where there are reindeers the tribe would surely be there. And after days travelling in a tank they were able to locate where the tribe is although at first meeting he was not able to understand what the chief of the tribe told him after asking if he could take pictures and document the tribe. But in the end he was able to do it and publish his book, watching the video I could really tell that he is passionate of what he’s doing and that despite the problems he encountered throughout his journey he loved every moment of it and seeks for more of those.
Questions for the speaker:
What fueled his passion for travelling almost literally to nowhere and document tribes?
Is travelling around the world searching for some tribes tell something about who we really are?
What if you meet a tribe that is dangerous are you still going to be passionate about documenting them?
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