ashswordsman859 · 1 day
Ok so I know people probably won't care but sharing anyways! So my grams has a fan she's had for 12 years and barely worked found out why! So for context I use this fan due to temp regulating issue with me and as little as it did at least it was something well I finally got around to cleaning it. So. Much. Built. Up. Dust. I kid you not I turned it back on and now works like new; clicked for a few minutes getting used to running faster again but after that? No issues.
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ashswordsman859 · 4 months
So Poppy playtime toy theory doesn't make sense to me. Yes normal people can't survive the falls our character does but neither can the toys as proven by huggy. It would make more sense with project playtime having similar designs for the armor that we may just be wearing a prototype or old piece of armor. which would be explainable if we were security staff which would also explain why mommy knows us and others don't seem to or at least not really. Mommy long legs with how violent she was towards staff would make sense if she had guards dedicated to her and her alone. So the guilt of protecting and failing the kids while being a game station guard would make sense.
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ashswordsman859 · 5 months
the effects of the gases used by the bigger bodied smiling critters
Bobby bear hug: rose helps with stress, seizers, aging, and diabetes. (Nurse?)
Hoppy hopscotch: peppermint helps with pain management, digestive issues, common cold, sinus infection, and headaches. (Child care?)
Kicken chicken: ylang ylang is good for anxiety, depression,mood enhancement, and cognitive function. (Councilor?)
Craftycorn: jasmine is useful for immune support, blood circulation, optimizing hormone levels and relieving stress. (Nurse?)
Picky piggy: citrus is useful for heart health, help maintain cell health in brain tissue, prevents heart disease, kidney stones, brain dysfunction, and emotional regulation. (Food?)
Bubba bubbaphant: lemon grass helps with menstrual issues, improve digestion, nausea, headaches, muscle cramps, spasms, rheumatism (joint pain), high cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, bloating, and boosting red blood cell counts. (Child care for kids with chronic issues?)
Dogday: vanilla as said before helps relax and calm people by reducing anxiety and calms the nerves but also helps with fevers, spasms,blood clotting, although from what I found large amounts can lead to sleep issues but I don't know how accurate that is so take that with a grain of salt. (Kid care?)
Catnap: poppy flower as known does cause a fatigue affect but also has traces of opioids, along with that it also analgesia (inability to feel pain.), euphoria (the laughter), respiratory depression (breath shallow leading to build up of carbon dioxide in the blood.), decreased gastrointestinal mobility (digestive problems resulted when nerves or muscles in the gut do not work in a coordinated way.), and physical & psychological dependency.
eat your heart out au makers!
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ashswordsman859 · 5 months
poppy au ideas!
so what if each of the bigger bodied smiling critters had gas like catnap related to their scents? While most while researching their scents I found ones that I thought fit different roles with their gas they belonged on other areas then originally thought. Like kicken actually would do better in the counselors area and bubba's has relieves a lot of the symptoms found with chronic illness so I imagine he would be around the kids with chronic issues. Dogday also would seeing as vanilla relaxes and calms. Where as catnap would deal with kids at night....except those with ADHD or the like due to his poppy gas most likely having the opposite effect much like meth and other similar opioids that is found in poppy flowers that acts like a more concentrated version of Adderall. I'll make a list in a different post with what the effects of each gas would be and suitable jobs for the bigger bodies.
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ashswordsman859 · 6 months
catnap and dogday full color
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ashswordsman859 · 6 months
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ashswordsman859 · 7 months
ok hear me out.....
so the small smiling critters are hungry right only going after us with the promise of food and safety.....my head cannon is we can tame them with fruit snacks or beef jerky. Like imagine player is running through the factory and has fruit snacks or something stored and sees the adorable wiggly eared critters and feeds them the fruit snacks then bring them along. They both get food and safety why wouldn't they want to hang around? And in that case we could theoretically save dogday as well. (For the daddy issues.....I should not have gotten attached to a character so quick.) They have a medical ward so they must have wheelchairs and they have multiple big bodied toys so there must be at least one dogday's size. We get little friends and a father figure dog to go with us in our endeavors!
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ashswordsman859 · 7 months
Finally got Minecraft!
really excited to play I have been wanting to get it for my laptop for a while now! Any recommendations for adventure maps?
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ashswordsman859 · 8 months
love parentification.
god I feel like I'm parenting my dad at this point. He's 41 years old and I just had to get on him about going to his doctor's appointment he knew he had today! I'm so frustrated he has pulled this kind of thing so many times and this was an important appointment. And I wish I could say this was the first time I've had to get on him about important things he will refuse to do.
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ashswordsman859 · 10 months
growing up with my mother
is like having a friend if your friend was a toxic person. To be the one to comfort her after a fight. It’s like crying and begging her to spend time with you but for her to say she’s to busy only to go do something with your brother. It’s being told your dad was the issue when really…..she was the snake in the bushes. It’s hate and a dependency not even love anymore….its raising yourself because even though you’re a child the adults and siblings come first.
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ashswordsman859 · 11 months
Why is it just kids up to middle school that have fun learning apps? Like I want to learn algebra 2 and calculus while doing quests! Would make it so much easier to concentrate and enjoy math.
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ashswordsman859 · 11 months
chronic illness
Growing up with a chronic illness is like......bringing up to people you don't feel good constantly and your parents think you are faking to get out of school when you love school. It's like wanting to go out and do things but you can't so others call you lazy. It's bringing up that you are in pain but because you are a kid they tell you it's just growth pain. It's seeing things you used to do when you were younger sometimes even just a year ago and knowing your body can't do that thing anymore. It's needing a cane but being too scared to use one because people can be cruel. It's people telling you that you are exaggerating even if your heart rate is 120 just sitting down or pain in your knee and hip so severe your body won't stand. I wasn't exaggerating I have pots and joint pain that went undiagnosed due to the ignorance and dismissal of doctors and the adults I trusted that brushed me off due to my age.
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