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Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana |r leg wrap and grab the toe: fold for 5 breaths|: • "Make me sanguine, help me genuinely kill the doubt that strangles my self-worth, paint the picture that I swore I heard" - avett • Today I realized just how many posts I will have to make to get through the primary series. So bear with me y'all! You might get sick of me by the end of it- but that's ok! I'm having fun. It is going to be quite the journey. As is this practice. @hillarylibby reminded me today: stay on the path, keep walking, even if you don't know what is at the end. Just stay open to what comes. So I'm wide open y'all. Also feelin that 80s vibe with my crop top and leg warmers #haaayyyy. #bringyourasstoclass #bearwithme #primaryseries #ashtanga #practicealliscoming (at Yoga Landing)
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Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A+B+C | l leg: all together now!|: • "When the restrictions you have do not limit you, this is what we mean by practice" - zen mind, beginners mind • This morning it was just me and @andebeachley for about an hour so we chatted about life and yoga. She showed me this quote and I have been thinking about it since. I feel like I don't restrict myself, but I do. My restrictions look like "I have to try hard every day". But what does it look like to bring ease and flow into your practice? To tune into what just comes to you. Observe the things that this practice has brought ease to. I practiced in this mindset of allowing ease and flow and noticed that some of the binds I was able to do with little effort, my jump backs seemed a bit floaty, and I didn't strain or push too hard. I also noticed where things were still hard. My tryharder mindset sometimes clouds my vision of what I can ease up and where I should put more effort. I think there are some days for trying hard and others to allow yourself to be. Don't be limited by what you tell yourself. I don't have to try hard all the time. Sometimes my practice looks like ease. Sometimes it looks like getting up early. Sometimes it looks like learning the chants. Be patient and let it come. ( and enjoy the wobbles!) #ashtanga #bringyourasstoclass #primaryseries #practicealliscoming #patiencelittleone (at Warehouse Row)
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Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana C |r leg:hold for 5 eternally slow breaths|: . Look ma no hands! I asked for it and I got thrown in. Training wheels off! I am subbing for @davisgirl32 and leading my first Led Half Primary series class today. Grateful to her and @yogalanding + @jessicajollie for giving me a chance! So nervous but excited for a new layer to add to my practice. (Be easy on me y'all 😳). But first im going to visit @wildflowerteashop to get some tea to calm my nerves. #help #doonethingadaythatscaresyou #trustthepractice #bringyourasstoclass #lovefirsts #ashtanga #ledprimary #goalgetter (at Yoga Landing)
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Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A |r leg:1 breath:chin to shin|: "Your thoughts create your words. Your words create your actions. Your actions create your habits. Your habits create your character." . For as long as I can remember, I have told myself (and everyone else) that "I am not a morning person" and so I wasn't. But this morning I changed that story. Inspired by @taylorhuntayc 's video about the importance of routine, I started mine. I woke up at 445, put my feet on the floor, made coffee, ate a little snack, took a hot shower, enjoyed my morning. Then I went to practice at 6. The time I took for myself to arrive into my day allowed me to be fully present from the opening mantra and Sun A. And I felt energized. I'm changing my story. Hi. My name is Abi and I am a morning person. #thanksAshtanga #bringyourasstoclass and also #bringyourbraintoclass #nocoffeenoprana #possibility #shapecommunication #thesweatlife (at Wildflower Tea Shop & Apothecary)
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Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana B |r leg:5breaths|: finding balance is a feat of strength. I have a hard time saying no to things, working too much, then trying to fit in social life, climbing, yoga #allthethings and then wondering why I feel so out of balance. Someone told me last week that "sometimes saying no to something is saying yes to yourself". In this balance pose, I have to keep my core strong and my eyes (or drishti) focused otherwise I fall out. Stay the course. Nourish yourself, find strength within, and stay true to your purpose and goals. Even if it means saying no. #ashtangalifelessons #bringyourasstoclass #yoga #balance #ashtanga #itsaneverydayhustle #thesweatlife (at Yoga Landing)
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Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A |r leg:5 breaths| : "Free is not your right to choose, It's answering what's asked of you: to give the love you find until it's gone." @theavettbrothers . I find freedom in my practice but I also feel the calling to be greater and do greater. Not for myself, but to give of what I can to others. Anything else would be selfish. #feedyoursoul #feedotherssouls #ashtanga #bringyourasstoclass #itsaneverydayhustle #primaryseries #ashtangalifelessons #findyourtruenorth
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Parsvottanasana |R side + 5 breaths|: "You've seen my descent, now watch my rising" -rumi I'm coming down off the Leadership Conference high and my feet are planted back in Chattanooga and back in my life. The temptation is to go back to the comfort, sink into the regular. Those high points serve as a spark, but without the right fuel and feeling the fire daily, the flame will die. But I am determined to keep rising more fully into myself. Now the work starts. Now it's time to show up every day and fuel my fire with my practice. #bringyourasstoclass #primaryseries #ashtangalifelessons #practicealliscoming #ashtanga #rumi #leadinluon #thesweatlife #iamthereforeweare @lululemon (at Yoga Landing)
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Parsvottanasana (5 breaths): when you tryin' to get your practice in and enjoy a good hike but your dog's like "nah". Talk about a lesson in focus and patience. #bringyourasstoclass #trumanforever #dogsandyogamats #primaryseries #neveradullpractice #getoutside #homesweethome #chattanoogawins (at Stringer's Ridge)
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Prasarita Padottanasana D 4/4 (5 breaths): I am Abi. I am yogi. I am an Ashtangi. I am a student. I am a teacher. I am strong. I am empathy. I am a survivor of abuse. I am not a victim. I am worthy. I am not my past. I am support for others. I am grounding. I am grounded. I am committed to my practice. I am devoted. I am standing fully in my strength. I am grit. I am authentically me. I am. Who are you? #findyourtruenorth #closertomypurpose #andthefloor #ashtanga #practicealliscoming #99percentpractice1percenttheory #bringyourasstoclass #ashtangalifelessons #leadinluon #iamthereforeweare (at Whistler, B.C. Canada)
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Prasarita Padottanasana C: (5 breaths) 3/4 - had to snag another pose up here because it was such a gorgeous day. Ended today with a meditation and singing bowls and 900 leaders in Lululemon singing Sanskrit...isn't that how every corporate work conference closes their day? No? I'm super grateful to have this job and this company who values those things and taking care of their people. As LP said : "never take it for granted." So I won't. #leadinluon #ashtangalifelessons #ashtanga #whistler #primaryseries #practicealliscoming #99percentpractice1percenttheory (at Lost Lake (Whistler))
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Prasarita Padottanasana B (5 breaths): 2/4 of this fold. I'm in Whistler! And it's for work and so we went on this hike, got lost, ended up in this rock. I went to a class that wasn't what I expected- not bad, just different. It's surprising how much I crave the sequence of poses, just how they are- when something is left out or added, it changes the effect. I had to concentrate on doing what I needed despite what was being taught and trying to focus (and not judge) was SO hard. But then I went of the hike with my TAK ladies and felt better. Next time, I'll do better research. #somethingmissing #bringyourasstotheRIGHTclass #solotomorrow #ashtanga 📷: @morrisdreamteam (at Lost Lake (Whistler))
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Prasarita Padottanasana A (5 breaths): this is the first of 4 wide legged forward folds in the series. I've been at my teacher @taylorhuntayc workshop last night and today and learning all the things. One thing I loved: he talked about how the great thing about Ashtanga practice is practicing the same series every day but it is also its main problem: because it's easy to be on autopilot and lose awareness. If we can learn to be present to all the stuff happening in our mind, body and breath while we practice, that's where change and learning comes. And ultimately no matter your progress or pose, the asana is a tool but the question is: is what you're doing on the mat every day making you less of an asshole? ☺️ [side note: I've also been able to have interesting conversations about self-awareness with my parents so that's cool too.] #bringyourasstoclass #birminghamyoga #ashtanga #primaryseries #ashtangalifelessons (at Mountain Brook, Alabama)
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Parivrtta Parsvakonasana(both sides 5 breaths each): I wanted to compare sides of this pose and interestingly enough, the left side (which seemed easier to me) in this comparison looks like it need more work (bottom). And the right side ALWAYS feels like I have to work SO hard (top). It reminds me of how we perceive the world - may be true for us but it doesn't make it true. Just because we FEEL strongly about something doesn't make it right. By really looking at ourselves in an objective manner can we begin to peel back the truth. And that is a lifetime of practice. How we occur for ourselves is so different that how we occur for others. #ashtangalifelessons #bringyourasstoclass #ashtanga #primaryseries #ParivrttaParsvakonasana #dailypractice #practiceandalliscoming (at Warehouse Row)
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Utthita Parsvakonasana (left side 5 breaths): "and your life' doesn't change by the man that's elected." I know a lot of people are very fearful of what is happening right now in our country. I am not usually one to get caught up in politics. I'll usually pick who I like and then move on. Last night watching the debates I felt all those things: fear, anger, amazement, shock, dismay, WTFishappeningrightnow etc. I want to say I rose above the noise but I didn't. And this morning faced myself on the mat. I basically crawled there, but I did my practice. I have to remind myself of that @theavettbrothers song and know no matter what happens, I will have yoga, my pups, and friends and family I love. Let's not polarize one another based on who we like most. If we allow that, no one wins. And lets be honest, I'm pretty sure most of you aren't super thrilled with who you are supporting- (if you even know). Here's the other side of Parsvakonasana. #bringyourasstoclass #thankgodforyoga #mysorepractice #primaryseries #prayforpeace #anotherdebatepost #yoga
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Utthita Parsvakonasana (right side, 5 breaths): For those of us that practice Ashtanga, we practice the same series of poses in Primary Series every day, or usually 5-6 times a week. It is a nice reflection of how life occurs. It's repetitive for sure, but it shows me something new every day. It will never be boring if I allow myself to be present to the little bits of progress that maybe only I can see. Today I celebrate the little opening I noticed in my left hip, which is typically much tighter. I noticed small engagements in my knees that I maintain more frequently to prevent hyper extending them. Small progress through practice is what leads to finally achieving the hard pose or goal. It doesn't happen overnight. Neither does my life. I think the struggle comes in when I look too much to the future and put my happiness in achieving the next (pose or goal or job). So I will commit to the daily of celebrating these small victories each day and be present to my life as it is now. I can choose to be happy where I am. Because who knows what could happen later on? #bringyourasstoclass #smallvictories #ashtanga #mysorepractice #Parsvakonasana #choosehappiness
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Utthita Trikonasana A (left side): what happens when we are distracted? What do we miss? And then when we enter that space, what is to be done? Being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult this comes up a lot. I flit from one thing to another, forget important things, lose stuff, etc. I am impulsive, disorganized and lack structure. I know it affects people around me and some days are better than others. One of the reasons I came to Ashtanga was to introduce some structure in my life. What it also brings is a practice of focus and presence. Often I am still distracted on the mat. Today was like that. On my mat I forgot the sequence and lost alignment. So what is to be done when that happens? Something that helps me is to clear my mind on a regular basis. You might hear me say "clear your field!" So, my practice is asking "okay- what is distracting me? What is coming into my space that needs to be addressed?" When I can bring awareness to what the thing (or things) are, then the question is "what is to be done?" Sometimes the answer is: "nothing it is out of my control" other times it's making commitments to myself of what is in my control and what to do about it. Once I can get clear, then I can move forward. "This thing in my hip feels off so I will make sure I pay attention to it". "This bill needs to be paid and I will set aside time to look at my finances and pay it. "This conversation needs to happen so I stop thinking about it and I will make sure to reach out today to talk it out." Maybe I need to reprioritize my day. Whatever it is. Make a commitment to yourself. Then clear it out. Then I can be present. Focus on my mat. My drishti. Focus on your moment and what I am able to accomplish here and now. And if nothing is to be done, then leave it behind. Overthinking or nourishing it won't serve me. It will only keep distracting me. (And then repeat all day). #ashtangalifelessons #trianglepose #bringyourasstoclass #yoga #ashtanga #clearyourfield #doitnow #dailypractice #day8 #realpeopleofashtanga #primaryseries (at Warehouse Row)
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Utthita Trikonasana A (5 breaths): something I read recently is how we sometimes think yoga will make us better people. That it'll make us less stressed, take away anxiety, bad feelings, less judgmental. But in reality what it really does is just help us notice and understand ourselves better. This came up as I was stressing out about work, finances, etc. my first thought was "I shouldn't be stressed! I practiced today!" But then I realized something. I am actually learning how to better notice when I enter those places and then what I need to do to shift out of it. It's like entering a posture, feeling out what in my body feels tight, or out of balance, where my mind wanders or my pride gets in the way, and then learning where to shift to correct it. Knowing that it even when I can shift (because sometimes I can't or won't) it doesn't make me perfect or better. I just know I don't have to (or even want to) sit in those bad feelings. I begin to understand how to adjust from complaint to solution. Return to the breath. Do what I can. Accept myself. Call a friend to vent. Cancel some plans. Reprioritize. Ask for help. Rest. And I can be in choice around all of it. Hopefully, I'll keep learning how to choose better. #thisiswhyipractice #ashtangalifelessons #day6 #trianglepose #bringyourasstoclass #yoga #ashtanga #mysorepractice #practiceandalliscoming #yogalanding #realpeopleofashtanga (at Yoga Landing)
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