asitiswritten · 3 years
You know when you miss tumblr because you haven't been active for like, years and then you check the dash and it's like what the fuck has happened??
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asitiswritten · 5 years
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Ike left Tellius so he wouldn’t have to face the true final boss- Aimee
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asitiswritten · 5 years
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10 mins doodle because I need something to help me lighten up my mood
I need 100 of this pair.
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asitiswritten · 5 years
*throws a frisbee for the dork*
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        As soon as amber eyes landed upon the toy in the gray faced ones hands, they widened and excitement coursed through him. His tail lashed from side to side, ears twitched and a shudder of anticipation ran down his spine. ’Throw it, throw it!‘ It was not but a moment after these thoughts flew through his mind that the frisbee had been tossed and was cleaning cutting through the air in a gentle glide.
        “Raff!" A bark left the boy as he immediately took off after it, it was far from intimidating but he didn’t particularly care. There was a large grin on his face as he chased after the plastic sailing through the air, his tail continued to wag and determination gleamed in his eyes. He would catch it, it would be his and he would have much fun playing with it.
        Before he could bring it back for it to be thrown again (such a simple game but he found so much joy in it), he needed to catch it. A low growl left Beta as he put more effort into his legs, taking just a moment to barely crouch before he launched himself into the air. More precisely, he jumped, an arm outstretched so that fingertips could hit against the edge of the frisbee and knock it off course.
        He landed hard on his feet, the slight shock forcing himself to take a few moments before he could move once more, and then was off again. The frisbee wobbled in the air and was threatening to make acquaintance with the ground- but he caught it. Fingers firmly wrapped around the edge and Beta let out a happy bark as he turned around to grin at the anon, proud grin on his face for having caught the toy they threw for him.
        Isn’t he such a good puppy~?
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asitiswritten · 5 years
@ordonraised ❤ ‘d for a starter!
          It had been pretty slow around the market so far that day; the square actually rather quiet instead of bustling with noise as usual, people milling about aimlessly and minding their business... It was boring. No one seemed as if they would be much fun to engage, leaving Zenzi to mope in her spot perched upon the roof of one of the buildings. Legs kicking absentmindedly as she nibbled on an apple (was it stolen? She’d never tell) while her eyes gave just one more scan of the market- lighting up with interest when she saw someone different wander in. Oh ho ho~
         “Heh, gotcha~”
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          The apple, now down to just it’s core, was gripped within her fingers before she was throwing it. Not hard enough to smash, but with enough force it flew far enough to hit the mans shoulder before bouncing off and rolling away into the abyss of passerby’s feet and swishing skirts. She wasn’t going to say anything, not yet; she wanted to see if he could even figure out what happened and who did it- hopefully he didn’t end up being boring, she was really looking forward to some entertainment damnit!
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asitiswritten · 5 years
Brief ‘about the ocs’ until I get their bio pages done 
         Fandom verses such as Zelda and Fire Emblem, as well as basic fantasy and modern verses, will be available for basically all muses- I’m adaptable so please feel free to request whoever you want and I can think of a way to make things work <3
         Akane; shared oc, mainverse fandomless, egotistical sword woman with a snarky attitude and a big butt (had her own blog at one point)
         Zelda; technically an oc because she is mother of Ocarina of Time Zelda, on the cusp of the Hyrulean civil war, slightly racist and full of herself (her blog)
         Zenzi; Gerudo warrior, will kick anyones ass, always ready for a fight, foul mouth but with a softer raspy voice, she’s gr8 (her previous blog)
         Bella; talk about content warnings lmao, she’s awful, a ‘pet store’ owner who cares only about herself and enjoys the suffering of others. Kitsune with a secret, don’t trust her, mainverse is fandomless
          Jace; cute fluffy kitty boy, works at a flower shop, mainverse fandomless, he is incredibly precious, loves wearing sundresses and is a pacifist (his old blog)
        Jasper; witchy boy who owns a quaint little cafe, you want a shot of happiness in your tea, maybe a boost of confidence sprinkled over your cupcake? He’s your man. Just, don’t bring him around fire- he’s terrified of it
         Kristoff; what’s the male version of nymphomaniac? That’s him. Proudly pan, he’ll fuck near anyone tbh. A magic wizardy type, also with a Summoner for FEH verse- poor Askr doesn’t know what’s in store for it
         Travis; physic medium who sometimes has difficulties knowing if he’s speaking with a real person or a ghost. Always cold, a little sassy but overall quite polite and considerate- rather brave and courageous as well tbh
        Adriel; A literal angel of music. Sweetheart; absolute darling, too precious, mainverse was once Supernatural but might possibly change- very much based mostly in my own lore stuff for angels rather than the canon Supernatural had made for the angels, or following anything biblical for the most part (her old blog)
         Jaxian; Asshole. A noble with a long deep family history; mainverse is set in Zelda but can be thrown into other fandoms. At one point his family was good and wonderful, but over time greed and corruption happened, now the Trevonts are known for being collectors of rare and beautiful items- or people. He’d probably be a frequent customer of Bella’s tbh
         Kai; Botw Linksona! I actually have a post taken from my personal blog right here that has information about him on it <3
          More to come in the future!
        Look at that, more muses were added!
        Rayumi; her temper is as fiery as her hair, she’s a fire magic user, terrified of ghosts, will throw a punch @ almost anyone but at least does not actually fight folks as Zenzi does. 10/10 great boobs tbh, she’s proud of them, they help bring in the tips bc she’s a barmaid
        Riin; ice magic user, not to be cliche but he’s pretty chill. Non-judgemental, soft spoken, just kind of along for the ride y’know? 95% of Rayumi’s impulse control tbh, he’s the bartender at the tavern their good friend left to them- it works out well bc he likes listening to people talk but he doesn’t take shit and while he’s difficult to anger when he’s actually angry?? Hoo boy!
         Silviius; literal whore. Also a dragon- tho his bloodline is ‘cursed’ and he’s got markings over his body that he has thus far been unsuccessful in finding someone to translate for him (magic earrings keep them glamoured to hide them from others). He can’t take a dragon form but he’s still got some instincts of his dragon blood, same w/ pointed ears because I’m always a slut for those. His beauty is ethereal almost, he’s the top favourite of the brothel- also the favourite of the brothel owners, almost like an adopted child to them, as strange as that may be.
          Eski; fabulous gay man. A biromantic homosexual with an intense passion for fashion and wearing dresses as well as other cute clothes. Specializes in designing feminine clothing that fit more than just petite skinny women, though occasionally dips into lingerie or more ‘masculine’ clothing for folks other than men. Full of sass and confidence, Edna Mode is a role model tbh and he aspires to big in the industry. 
         Rayanne; precious kitty ;w; She’s quiet and friendly; very caring and adventurous, she likes to travel and in fact even has travelling companions- a snake; a fox and a bluejay, though tbh I can’t… Remember their names ffff. She has the misfortune of finding herself in not the best situations often, she seems to be a magnet for trouble even though she is pure and legit just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time rip
        Tyriel; meant to be a guardian fairy but was tainted by Ganondorf’s… Well, darkness and through living inside of the Forest Temple has become corrupted, turning him into a ‘poisonous’ fairy who causes unease, even anxiety, paranoia or fear in those he is near- prolonged exposure to him or ingesting his fairy form’s dust can lead to intense vivid nightmares if not a coma. He doesn’t quite understand emotions well and has patched himself together a personality by watching how others interact with each other; his curiosity is perhaps his most defining trait, next to the ever looming sense of loneliness slowly creeping through him.
       Lavender; a badass :U A water elemental dragon warrior who fights for those who can’t fight for themselves. She has a strong set of morals; she’s trained hard to be skilled and strong enough to protect others, perhaps a little reckless and oblivious at times (something she gets from her father, honestly), though enjoying causing a little noise and having a good time when she’s not ‘on duty’ so to say. Protective of her loved ones and with a fiercely determined spirit, she’s honestly one of my top ten fave females of my own ocs <3
It’s succubus time- slight nsfw themes for the first five muses added.
      Any after those first five are not succubi
      Lillian; A succubus who preys on the rich, she particularly enjoys going for married men and destroying their marriages for fun. She’ll be their kitten; their princess, she’ll call them Daddy, all so she can laugh as they fall apart and she runs off with the money afterwards. 
       Millie; Lillian’s sister, also a succbus; the classiest one you will ever meet in fact. Despite the sexual nature of their kind, Millie is quite the sweetheart; she’s got herself a bit of a southern style drawl, she’s caring and dotting, quite like a mom friend actually- A mom friend with a preference for women more than men. She likes showing girls a good time, especially if she knows that they haven’t been shown the best of times by previous lovers. Poor dear is pining for someone she knows she’ll never have, has accepted this and is attempting to move on but is struggling to forget the one she fell for.
       Catherine; Succubus (not Catherine™), usually goes for casual flings in bathroom stalls or lazy sex on a frumpy couch surrounded by the haze of cigarette smoke, but when she’s in the right mood for it or finds the right person she’s actually a laid back dominatrix. A more calm and easy going but yet still intense and thorough kind of gal y’know?
       Catalina; Catherine’s twin, total weabo tbh. She loves things like anime; video games, fandom stuff, she’s quite the fan of romanticized japanese culture (I believe that’s the best way to describe it?) She tends to target fellow weabos, most of the time appearing and kind of guiding them through ‘self love’ so she feeds from their sexual energies/life energy but she doesn’t actually have to do things with them. She has a part cat part tentacle creature as a pet, her name is Maggie and Catalina adores her.
       Ayani; The last succubus on the list, out of all of them her true form is the most demonic and truthfully she may very well be the most powerful. She specifically targets r•pists for her victims; delights in letting them believe they have overpowered her and they are in control. Unlike the other four succubi who very rarely completely drain their partners of life, Ayani leaves no one alive- unless it’s the rare occasion she seeks someone out for fun, then they’ll survive the night, but those who she preys on as they prey on others? They’re marked for death as soon as they decide she’s the one they want to hurt.
       Ariella; reincarnation of Aryll, the sister of the Hero of Wind’s. She’s a feisty young woman with confidence abound and an optimistic outlook on life. Due to unfortunate circumstances when she was younger, she was raised by pirates; a motley crew of ruffians who aren’t the scariest sailers of the sea but support one another and take care of each other. Recently she has left her family to seek out her own adventures, venturing onto land alone to explore on her own as she has never done before.
      Poppy; a mysterious fennec woman with ties to powerful magic. A travelling fortune teller with a deep understanding of the world around her as well of other people; a collector of puppets, at times using them to put on shows for the children of villages she passes through. To those who know her name, her craft and she herself, they speak in hushed whispers fearful of her overhearing them talk of her- those who show her disrespect may very well end up as her newest puppet, after all.
A new oc has been added <3
       Toriel; mainverse is modern fandomless but I can easily toss her into fandom verses! She’s  popstar/idol (not sure if the terms are interchangeable or not whoops); loves her career and interacting with fans, overcoming challenges and giving everything her all. I’m not quite sure what to put here tbh because like, I adore her so much!!! And I will end up word vomiting actual paragraphs about her if I don’t hold myself back x’D Just know that she’s amazing and I highly recommend her bc I’m proud of her!!
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asitiswritten · 5 years
The hero shows up at the villain’s doorstep one night. They’re shivering, bleeding, scared. There’s also a slightly dazed look in their eyes– they were drugged. They look like they were assaulted. Looking up at the villain, swaying slightly as they’re close to passing out, they mumble “…didn’t know where else to go…” then collapse into the villain’s arms.
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asitiswritten · 5 years
@paigewritten ❤ ‘d for a starter!
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         “Elvóthien.” Quiet is Riin’s voice, as was usual for the man, as he addresses his coworker, brow slightly furrowed and hands tucked casually into the pockets of his jacket. “I heard that someone attempted to give you trouble the other night, are you alright?” Not that he felt she couldn’t take care of herself, but Riin felt it his duty as a fellow bar worker along with being a decent person to ensure that she had no lingering fears or worries over the encounter. It had nothing to do with the fact that had she been manhandled in any way, Riin would track the son of a bitch down and break their nose- nothing at all.
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asitiswritten · 5 years
❤ // How about for Mom?
Shipping meme!
❤ – How affectionate is your muse? How do they feel about PDA? 
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        Thank you for sending this in, darling daughter!~
         Zelda is actually fairly affectionate, surprising as it may be. She enjoys hugging children when she spends time with them; frequently has a warm smile at the ready for her people, gives gentle comforting touches to shoulders or elbows, you know casual but friendly kind of affection- to strangers that is. She’s a little more informal with friends and family; looping her arm with one of their own, brushing things like dust off their clothing, brushing hair away from their face, little things like that to show she cares. 
        With someone she loves? She isn’t over the top affectionate, but she is still affectionate. She adores hand-holding; loves cheek and forehead kisses, enjoys brushing her fingers through their hair or their fingers through her hair, she’ll learn the things they like so she can do things to surprise them- ie ask the bakers to make their favourite snack for them, or find a special book if they like reading etc etc. Zelda very much enjoys showing she cares, but she does it in more soft and subtle ways instead of suffocating someone with it.
        As for PDA, she doesn’t mind it- much. The aforementioned hand holding is okay; as is cheek kisses, nose nuzzles and holding one another close, that’s cute and loving. Chaste pecks of the lips? That’s fine. But things such as inappropriate touching; making out, attempting to remove clothing etc etc? That’s a big no from her.
        A special note should be made, as this Zelda is specifically before Ocarina of Time and therefor the Zelda on the cusp of the unification war- she’s prejudice against Gerudo and Sheikah, as she was raised to be. She holds no affection for Gerudo; holds Zora and Goron in a tolerable light and her being ‘affectionate’ to a Sheikah? Is treating them coldly like an actual person instead of just a tool for the royal family to use as they please.
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asitiswritten · 5 years
Shipping Meme OOC
💋 – Is your muse a good kisser? Would they consider themselves one?
💍 – What style engagement ring would your muse like best? What is their ring size?
👶 – What are your muse’s top three baby names for each gender?
👑 – How do you feel about royalty AU’s or Arranged Marriage AU’s?
💐 – What are your muse’s top three favorite flowers? What would they have in their wedding bouquet/boutonniere?
🎄 – What does your muse think is the most romantic holiday?
🍰 – What do your muse’s kisses normally taste like?
🍓 – Does your muse find any foods particularly sexy or romantic? Do they have any known aphrodisiacs that get them in the mood? Are they into food-play?
🍵 – Is your muse a gossip? Do they like to meddle in other people’s relationship business? Do they like to play matchmaker? Would they let someone match-make for them?
🍭 – What are some thoughtful gift ideas to get your muse?
🍷 – Describe an ideal date for your muse.
🎱 – Does your muse believe in serendipity or fate, when it comes to relationships and love? Do they have good or bad luck in relationships? What have they done to try to turn bad luck around?
🏩 – How long does your muse usually wait before having sex with their partner? What is their view on sex and intimacy?
⛪ – What are your muse’s thoughts on marriage? How long would they wait before marrying a partner? Do they want a big wedding, or something smaller? Who would be their best man/maid-of-honor?
💌 – Is your muse the type to write love letters? What about accepting them?
✂ – How does your muse handle a break-up? Have they ever been dumped before? How do they break-up with a partner?
🔮 – Does your muse believe in soulmates? How do you feel about writing Soulmate AU’s?
❤ – How affectionate is your muse? How do they feel about PDA?
💘 – What is a romantic AU you’ve always wanted to write, but haven’t yet?
💔 – How do you feel about writing love triangles? What about unrequited love?
⚠ – What is a ship (or type of ship) that you have no intention of writing?
🏳️‍🌈 – Does your muse have a gender preference for shipping partners? What is their orientation?
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asitiswritten · 5 years
Permanent starter call!
        Hey there lovelies~
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        Mutuals if you give this post a like (or comment/reblog if you’re a side blog I’m following) it means that you’re okay with me doing things such as; popping into your inbox unprompted by memes for IC things, tagging you in random starters, popping into the inbox prompted by memes, generally just a ‘Yes please I would love to interact with you at any time’ sort of thing~ Some people just follow because they like seeing someone’s content on their dash, this tells me that you want to actually interact : >
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asitiswritten · 5 years
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“Sarcastic and above it all? Sounds more like you have a prickly stick shoved up your ass!”
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         “Please keep any thoughts you have of my ass to yourself.”
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asitiswritten · 5 years
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         “Is that what you call it?”
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asitiswritten · 5 years
She'd never met this guy before in her life, but what she had heard of him around Askr made her more than happy to give her (only SLIGHTLY) stolen gold to a good cause. It sucked that it meant HE got the gold, but hey at least she got to (hopefully) lob a pie at his face so that was pretty great. Cue Zenzi carelessly thrusting a bag of gold in front of herself, one hand placed firmly on her cocked hip in a confident manner, before demanding "Shut up and take my money!" //good luck Zenzi bby!
(Get Pied, Son!)
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“Oh, I’ll take whatever you want me to take, baby…” Valter purred, letting his eyes wander over the dark skinned warrior woman. What a fit body, YOWZAH. He was certain she packed quite a–
Result: 18!
Before he could finish that thought, the pie whipped at his face at a lightning speed, striking the entire left side of his face as he stood there, gaping in disbelief. 
“… Fine. I hope this was satisfying,” he grumbled softly, wiping the bits of cream and pie crust away. “… Come again tomorrow and see if your aim is still as good. I doubt it.”
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asitiswritten · 5 years
bEEP BEEP hi omg i adore your babies, okay?? I remember sitting down and reading through the post you circulate about your OCs that gives a quick rundown of each and just being heavily engrossed from beginning to end of the post. I adore how much thought and devotion you put into your characters; each one definitely has so much depth, and it's IMPRESSIVE for such a big list. They're all so unique and expertly molded. I look forward to any and all interactions as we go forward!!! :D
How’s my portrayal?
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         Aaaahhhh!!!!! ;^; Thank you friendo, this means so much to me more (despite having legit near 360 already) that fear is ever lurking in the back of my mind. This is super reassuring however, and I deeply appreciate you sending this in
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asitiswritten · 5 years
beep beep how’s my portrayal ?
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asitiswritten · 5 years
         I can’t believe I haven’t made one of these yet!!!
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         Small starter call! Mutuals only.
         I don’t know what my cap will be yet, but I know I don’t want to overwhelm myself. These will likely be on the shorter side; either comment or im me to let me know which muse you’d like the starter from/for if you are also a multi-muse <3
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