ask--strange-dark · 9 years
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((OMG THANK YOU THATS SO CUTEEEE)) Strangedark: "mod please stop being so loud" ((s-sorry QuQ Happy new year too >w
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
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We Hope you like this. Happy holidays!
~~~~~~~~~~~ ((OMG OMG SHIEETTT I DIDNT SAW THIS QAAAQQQQQ -that's why people that owns askblogs on tumblr should check on tumblr more than 2 times in a month kids.- OH MY GAWD THANK YOU QWQ STRANGE DARK SAY THANK YOU TOO CUZ THIS PRESENT IS AWESOME AND CUTE)) Strangedark: "........thank you and happy holidays to you too- even when christmas is over- happy new year"
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
Strangedark: "what you wanted to say hmm?"
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Dark: “call me like this again if you want to die.”
M!A: Girl 1/5
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
Mod speaks: ((l-like i said on Aitetsus blog @ask-aitetsulen It's hiatus time QwQ Yeaah... my parents forbid me to draw cuz they think drawing is 'useless' for my future [school, job searching and blablabla] I-I have lotz of stress in school and have depression. When you want to talk to me i'm in my personal blog @d-do-you-want-some-tea QuQ Rest in tears mod. Strangedark is a neko and have to stay female. Aitetsu is still in this 'halloween' event thing that i still havent finished. Bluemoon is sulking in the emo corner cuz his guitar dont looks cool. And punkish... erm... well... shit i forgot that i even have this askblog QwQ My muses are totally happy Yea totally happy because they have a mod like me xDD goodnight/morning/evening guys! –Mod))
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
This weeks activities will be:
• Costume shopping • Pumpkin carving • Decorating the hotel • Making halloween-treats
and just basically hanging around your hotel rooms, hope you have fun!
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
Munday questions! Send me a symbol~
☮: five things I have in common with my muse
✿: five things that are different about me from my muse
✈: five places I'd love to travel
☠: selfie
☯: three things I'd change about myself if I could
♥: three blogs I recommend
✌: favorite video game
✖: favorite band
☢: favorite female singer
☣: favorite male singer
☤: do you have any pets?
♧: do you believe in luck?
♂: gender?
♀: sexual/romantic orientation?
☁: favorite type of weather?
☂: five favorite books
☃: five favorite movies
♔: favorite disney princess
♕: why you chose the muse you did
♪: five favorite songs
♫: five songs that remind me of my muse
☜: a muse you've always wanted to play, but haven't
☝: a muse you'd like to play again
☞: an insecurity you have about your writing
☟: something other rpers/fanfic writers do to your muse that drives you CRAZY
☑: 3 good qualities about me
☐: 3 random facts about me
☒: 3 bad qualities about me
✉: write a letter to your muse
✍: do you keep a diary or journal?
♈: last time you screamed
♉: last time you cried
♊: last time you hit someone
♋: any pets?
♌: what's your family like?
♍: other blogs?
♎: would you date your muse?
♏: would you and your muse be friends?
♐: 3 things that scare you
♑: five female faves
♒: five male fives
♓: one thing you're looking forward to
☹: five things that make you sad
☺: five things that make you happy
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
hiya! just wanted to say-- you shouldn't feel bad about not updating your blogs or anything of the like. your health and happiness are the most important things. your blogs are super cute and I love seeing when you post things, but you're so much more important than that. please take good care of yourself and take as much time off as you need to. stay healthy
((*hugs the second anon* *cries*))
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
i don't know you in personal, but i hope you'll doing fine!
((*hugs the anon* t-thanks..... *tears up*))
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
((yea i put this here aswell.... i'm sorry b-but i dont know when i update.... i first have to get off from suicide thoughs... that might be long... idk))
ugh mod speaks
((s-so.. i know i dont update much on this or any others of my askblogs ;; i-i’m sorry… I am just so busy with school and all… Depressions became a LOT bigger than before and I try to fight against it okay… please i hope you understand why i am not really active. B-but I promise you I will update soon…. so… have a good day QwQ
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
anonymously tell me how you feel about me. i can't reply, i just have to read it and post it.
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
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Black Star: Ask us! 
Blue Moon: Please ask us some questions! she can get on my nerves sometimes…
Blackstar: Hey!!
Bluemoon: we are free for questions!
an unofficial askblog for the modules Bluemoon and Blackstar. Design by NEGI. note: two mods are running this blog. Blackstar mod draws digital and Bluemoon mod draws traditional
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
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Come and ask me, fellow…..Puppets. I’m TOTALLY sane!
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
Please remember!
For every (Ask-)blogger-
of any kind of fandom, despite of age and experience ☆
You have no obligations
all you do is on a voluntary basis
you (probably) don’t earn money with it
- take your time - don’t overdo things - don’t push yourself
- do whatever you make for fun; and not for getting famous/‘cause this ain‘t gonna make you happy
- take a break from time to time and do something else
and most important:
- be good to yourself ✿
/this message is really important especially for younger Mod’s out there. You can forget this easily/
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
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Strangedark: *lays on starmines shoulder and watches the firework* Starmine: "it's beautiful ne?" Strangedark: "yeah....." Starmine: "but do you know what is more beautiful?" Strangedark: "......." Starmine: "you hehe" *kisses his forehead* "i love you" Strangedark: *whispers* "i love you too you moron" Starmine: *happly hums the songs fireflower*
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
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a vampire and a piece of gum argue a lot
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ask--strange-dark · 9 years
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