Why Samuel Hayden lost his legs,Vega?
He was damaged in a demonic attack on an ARC facility and I’m going on record that he totally didn’t deserve it and that I definitely didn’t celebrate when I heard about it.
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What do you think 'bout being part of the "Terror-Billy" legacy? I mean, all the Blazkowicz bloodline is pretty messed up.
Well I wouldn’t consider my family tree messed up considering a lot of the people before me are great hero’s
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Will you miss VEGA now he's gone?
What do you mean? I am right here” - VEGA
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Trans rights?
*slams fist on table* TRANS RIGHTS- Slayer
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i agree - Slayer
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Do you miss Crash and Phobos? Ever wonder what they’re doing now?
I do miss them. They helped shape me into who I am now.- Slayer
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What did you think of Dr. Elena Richardson's audio logs?
They were incredibly flattering but I feel she was exaggerating a bit- Slayer
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Is Hayden still stuck with half a body in the fortress or did you Chuck that fucker out through a portal as soon as you could
“His body is still here along with his mind... unfortunately”- Slayer
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Ah shit, you didn’t know? Um, Vega could search it? Though this is only in this dimension, in the one you’re in, it’s definitely not the case. Cross multiple Dimensions are weird.
vega pauses for a moment to search “whilst i have no info on this. it dose make sense with the multiverse being infinite” - Vega
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Hey, Vega, Slayer, what was it like finding out in this dimension that you’re both badass game characters?
“Wait what”- slayer
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Do you have any opinions on the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse? As in Death, War, Strife, and Fury who are a mix between angel and demon while also fighting off the forces of Hell. I think they'll want a fifth horseman.
Me and and people who cause apocalypses don’t really get along. But considering I haven’t met them, I’d say I’m neutral to their existence.- The Slayer
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Our asks are open! Just figured I should tell you all.- VEGA
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Hello! In order to better communicate with humanity during this multidimensional crisis me and the person you know as the Doom Slayer will begin answering questions when we can
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