aeriaharp · 4 years
Harp for Healing 2 
Beginner harp player... :))
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aeriaharp · 4 years
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Gemini 💨💨💨
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aeriaharp · 4 years
Paranormal novella: Vanity
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If you’re looking for a new story to read, please consider my debut novella #Vanity ;) FREE on #Wattpad now 
Read here
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👽Follow me @aeriaharp on Wattpad
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aeriaharp · 4 years
Love this arttt~ can’t wait to get into character design for my stories ^_^ 
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A commission for @argent-sun, featuring my greatest enemy …a background! but at the end I kind of proud of it.
She´s Khriss from White Sand and other Cosmere stuff, this time with Roshar as setting
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aeriaharp · 4 years
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Paranormal novella, Vanity on #Wattpad now! https://my.w.tt/O6xQYVZTJ5 When, Emerie, a young teenaged girl comes home to the unraveling of her mother, she is forced to relive one of the darkest moments in her past. Taking place in the city of Padanta, everyone knows to hold onto their Mirrors which they use to monitor their emotionauras, what they believe is a physical representation of the true soul, the state of someone's internal being. After all, everyone had heard of the haunting experiences that those who neglected the daily use of their Mirrors experienced. Dangerous when unkempt, Padanta's citizens are dedicated to self-reflection as a lifestyle. Ms. Dey, Emerie's mother, has not used her Mirror in two years and has not turned back. Perhaps this explains why Emerie recognizes her mother less and less and the recent frightening activities within her home. As her mother's monsters become her own, Emerie is faced with the choice to run or, worse, hurt the one she loves most.
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aeriaharp · 4 years
Avenge Medusa ::: I want to make art that tells the stories they need to be told. 
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This is the content that I desire to see. Her story needs to be retold from a fair perspective
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aeriaharp · 4 years
I’ve always loved mermaids <3 
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💚MerMay Day 19!!!
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aeriaharp · 4 years
Lovely inspiration for magical black women in stories
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I created this collage September of 2018. I wanted to showcase supernatural sistas . So Here's Maria Laveau, Tia Dalama, Rochelle and Queen Akasha
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aeriaharp · 4 years
character inspo
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aeriaharp · 4 years
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Sharing this in case somebody doesn’t know
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aeriaharp · 4 years
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Part I of my first story, Vanity, a paranormal, drama, fantasy story for FREE on Wattpad! https://my.w.tt/hHT7PUSTz5 Part I: The House with No Reflection out now! Like, share and comment! Use hashtags #vanitynovella and #aeriaharp for reblogs! :)
Vanity When, Emerie, a young teenaged girl comes home to the unraveling of her mother, she is forced to relive one of the darkest moments in her past. Taking place in the city of Padanta, everyone knows to hold onto their Mirrors. The people of this city are dedicated to using them to monitor their emotionauras, what they believe is a physical representation of the true soul, the state of someone's internal being. After all, everyone had heard of the haunting experiences that those who neglected the daily use of their Mirrors experienced. Dangerous when unkept, Padanata's citizens are dedicated to self-reflection as a lifestyle. Ms. Dey, Emerie's mother, has not used her Mirror in two years and has not turned back. Perhaps this explained why Emerie recognized her mother less and the recent frightening activities within her home. As her mother's monsters become her own, Emerie is faced with the choice to run or, worse, hurt the one she loves most.
Cover: Canva.com
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aeriaharp · 5 years
I love this. :) 
I’m all for fantasy stories where supernatural characters protect their human friends, but does anyone else want some stories where the humans are the ones who are looking after their supernatural friends?
A human girl exchanging her silver engagement ring for a cheaper one after she realises why her werewolf friend has been refusing to high five her.
A group of humans throwing coats over their vampire friend because he forgot it was the Summer solstice and was caught out by the sunrise. Those same friends coming to visit him when he wakes up in the late afternoon, bringing him blood from the butcher’s and putting up with his whining about the nights being shorter.
A human hearing that someone stole their selkie friends pelt and coming over to her new “husband"s house immediately and threatening to punch his lights out unless he tells them where it is.
Humans petitioning the counsel to build a wooden climbing frame in the local playground because the old one has iron parts and their fairy friend’s kids can’t use it without burning themselves.
I’ll post more if I can come up with any.
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