ask-cheesy-ii · 8 days
Okay so what kinda cheese ARE YOU.
”Nacho Business!” He giggled loudly to himself.
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ask-cheesy-ii · 9 days
- 📦
“Awwww, Hey Box!”
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ask-cheesy-ii · 21 days
@ask-lightbulb-ii 💡
((OH HI woogie btw I own the lightbulb ask blog lol😭))
”Hi, Lightbulb!!!!! You’re glowing today!”
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ask-cheesy-ii · 21 days
Oh, right now-? Uhh.. okay, what's up with you then?
Paintbrush faces Cheesy again, their hands fidgeting with the pen as if there was something on their mind.
”Nothin’ much! Just hangin’ out. I was watching John Mulaney.”
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ask-cheesy-ii · 21 days
They trail off after seeing the bite marks, briefly staring at the pen with a frown.
Oh. ...Uh, anyways-! Yeah. Thanks. I'll just head out now-
”No problemo! But c’mon! Let’s chat! It’d be a paint not to talk to you more often!” He chuckles at his own joke
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ask-cheesy-ii · 21 days
Paintbrush peeks into the room, eyes scanning the surroundings for a moment until they see Cheesy.
Oh, hey! Uh, sorry if this is a bad time or anything, but do you still have that pen I gave you-?
“Hm? Oh, yeah! I kept in my drawer, unh..”
He starts rummaging through his bedside table, when he checks the bottom drawer you could see a couple bottles of something pink before he quickly shuts it.
“Here ya go!” He gives you the pen, with some complimentary Cheesy chew marks on the middle(not the back for some reason) too!
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ask-cheesy-ii · 2 months
Hollyberry woke up hungover. Ow. She couldn’t remember what happened, but she was in bed, at least it was comfy. The walls were orange, they reminded her of her good friend, Golden Cheese. She wondered who’s cottage or.. whatever.. she was in. And why her thoughts were so.. not-focused. They were all the same volume, which was strange. Speaking of strange, her hand looked different. It was black, as if frosted with dark licorice, and it looked weird, less.. flat. How strange. It felt like she had ganacheten rebaked, somehow. She giggled out loud at the pun she made in her head. Her voice sounded off. More male. Her thoughts continued to float from topic to topic, she should get a glass of water for her hangover.. eh, it can wait a sec, she was comfy there, minus the terrible headache.
( @itz-bow-xd @pure-vanilla-trophy @dice-anon @nickel-ii )
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ask-cheesy-ii · 2 months
Hollyberry woke up hungover. Ow. She couldn’t remember what happened, but she was in bed, at least it was comfy. The walls were orange, they reminded her of her good friend, Golden Cheese. She wondered who’s cottage or.. whatever.. she was in. And why her thoughts were so.. not-focused. They were all the same volume, which was strange. Speaking of strange, her hand looked different. It was black, as if frosted with dark licorice, and it looked weird, less.. flat. How strange. It felt like she had ganacheten rebaked, somehow. She giggled out loud at the pun she made in her head. Her voice sounded off. More male. Her thoughts continued to float from topic to topic, she should get a glass of water for her hangover.. eh, it can wait a sec, she was comfy there, minus the terrible headache.
( @itz-bow-xd @pure-vanilla-trophy @dice-anon @nickel-ii )
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ask-cheesy-ii · 2 months
“Fine.. I think.. this cheese block creature had really sharp teeth, huh?”
Wait, Cheesy never had sharp teeth.
Hollyberry woke up hungover. Ow. She couldn’t remember what happened, but she was in bed, at least it was comfy. The walls were orange, they reminded her of her good friend, Golden Cheese. She wondered who’s cottage or.. whatever.. she was in. And why her thoughts were so.. not-focused. They were all the same volume, which was strange. Speaking of strange, her hand looked different. It was black, as if frosted with dark licorice, and it looked weird, less.. flat. How strange. It felt like she had ganacheten rebaked, somehow. She giggled out loud at the pun she made in her head. Her voice sounded off. More male. Her thoughts continued to float from topic to topic, she should get a glass of water for her hangover.. eh, it can wait a sec, she was comfy there, minus the terrible headache.
( @itz-bow-xd @pure-vanilla-trophy @dice-anon @nickel-ii )
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ask-cheesy-ii · 2 months
Hollyberry woke up hungover. Ow. She couldn’t remember what happened, but she was in bed, at least it was comfy. The walls were orange, they reminded her of her good friend, Golden Cheese. She wondered who’s cottage or.. whatever.. she was in. And why her thoughts were so.. not-focused. They were all the same volume, which was strange. Speaking of strange, her hand looked different. It was black, as if frosted with dark licorice, and it looked weird, less.. flat. How strange. It felt like she had ganacheten rebaked, somehow. She giggled out loud at the pun she made in her head. Her voice sounded off. More male. Her thoughts continued to float from topic to topic, she should get a glass of water for her hangover.. eh, it can wait a sec, she was comfy there, minus the terrible headache.
( @itz-bow-xd @pure-vanilla-trophy @dice-anon @nickel-ii )
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ask-cheesy-ii · 2 months
She silently looks in the mirror, processing her new appearance.
Hollyberry woke up hungover. Ow. She couldn’t remember what happened, but she was in bed, at least it was comfy. The walls were orange, they reminded her of her good friend, Golden Cheese. She wondered who’s cottage or.. whatever.. she was in. And why her thoughts were so.. not-focused. They were all the same volume, which was strange. Speaking of strange, her hand looked different. It was black, as if frosted with dark licorice, and it looked weird, less.. flat. How strange. It felt like she had ganacheten rebaked, somehow. She giggled out loud at the pun she made in her head. Her voice sounded off. More male. Her thoughts continued to float from topic to topic, she should get a glass of water for her hangover.. eh, it can wait a sec, she was comfy there, minus the terrible headache.
( @itz-bow-xd @pure-vanilla-trophy @dice-anon @nickel-ii )
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ask-cheesy-ii · 2 months
”Huh. Would’ve been more fitting for Goldy, eh?” There’s a pause. “..Could I have a mirror?”
Hollyberry woke up hungover. Ow. She couldn’t remember what happened, but she was in bed, at least it was comfy. The walls were orange, they reminded her of her good friend, Golden Cheese. She wondered who’s cottage or.. whatever.. she was in. And why her thoughts were so.. not-focused. They were all the same volume, which was strange. Speaking of strange, her hand looked different. It was black, as if frosted with dark licorice, and it looked weird, less.. flat. How strange. It felt like she had ganacheten rebaked, somehow. She giggled out loud at the pun she made in her head. Her voice sounded off. More male. Her thoughts continued to float from topic to topic, she should get a glass of water for her hangover.. eh, it can wait a sec, she was comfy there, minus the terrible headache.
( @itz-bow-xd @pure-vanilla-trophy @dice-anon @nickel-ii )
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ask-cheesy-ii · 2 months
”What am I then..?”
Hollyberry woke up hungover. Ow. She couldn’t remember what happened, but she was in bed, at least it was comfy. The walls were orange, they reminded her of her good friend, Golden Cheese. She wondered who’s cottage or.. whatever.. she was in. And why her thoughts were so.. not-focused. They were all the same volume, which was strange. Speaking of strange, her hand looked different. It was black, as if frosted with dark licorice, and it looked weird, less.. flat. How strange. It felt like she had ganacheten rebaked, somehow. She giggled out loud at the pun she made in her head. Her voice sounded off. More male. Her thoughts continued to float from topic to topic, she should get a glass of water for her hangover.. eh, it can wait a sec, she was comfy there, minus the terrible headache.
( @itz-bow-xd @pure-vanilla-trophy @dice-anon @nickel-ii )
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ask-cheesy-ii · 2 months
”What kind of cookie are you?” She would’ve tilted her head, but her neck felt rather.. stiff.
Hollyberry woke up hungover. Ow. She couldn’t remember what happened, but she was in bed, at least it was comfy. The walls were orange, they reminded her of her good friend, Golden Cheese. She wondered who’s cottage or.. whatever.. she was in. And why her thoughts were so.. not-focused. They were all the same volume, which was strange. Speaking of strange, her hand looked different. It was black, as if frosted with dark licorice, and it looked weird, less.. flat. How strange. It felt like she had ganacheten rebaked, somehow. She giggled out loud at the pun she made in her head. Her voice sounded off. More male. Her thoughts continued to float from topic to topic, she should get a glass of water for her hangover.. eh, it can wait a sec, she was comfy there, minus the terrible headache.
( @itz-bow-xd @pure-vanilla-trophy @dice-anon @nickel-ii )
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ask-cheesy-ii · 2 months
”Fine.” When she opened her eyes she saw a.. trophy?? “!? I apologize, uh, you’re not pure vanilla are- wait, you have his soul jam.. what’s happening here..?” She reached for her shield next to the bed as she said this.
Hollyberry woke up hungover. Ow. She couldn’t remember what happened, but she was in bed, at least it was comfy. The walls were orange, they reminded her of her good friend, Golden Cheese. She wondered who’s cottage or.. whatever.. she was in. And why her thoughts were so.. not-focused. They were all the same volume, which was strange. Speaking of strange, her hand looked different. It was black, as if frosted with dark licorice, and it looked weird, less.. flat. How strange. It felt like she had ganacheten rebaked, somehow. She giggled out loud at the pun she made in her head. Her voice sounded off. More male. Her thoughts continued to float from topic to topic, she should get a glass of water for her hangover.. eh, it can wait a sec, she was comfy there, minus the terrible headache.
( @itz-bow-xd @pure-vanilla-trophy @dice-anon @nickel-ii )
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ask-cheesy-ii · 2 months
Hollyberry stretched, rubbing her eyes.
Hollyberry woke up hungover. Ow. She couldn’t remember what happened, but she was in bed, at least it was comfy. The walls were orange, they reminded her of her good friend, Golden Cheese. She wondered who’s cottage or.. whatever.. she was in. And why her thoughts were so.. not-focused. They were all the same volume, which was strange. Speaking of strange, her hand looked different. It was black, as if frosted with dark licorice, and it looked weird, less.. flat. How strange. It felt like she had ganacheten rebaked, somehow. She giggled out loud at the pun she made in her head. Her voice sounded off. More male. Her thoughts continued to float from topic to topic, she should get a glass of water for her hangover.. eh, it can wait a sec, she was comfy there, minus the terrible headache.
( @itz-bow-xd @pure-vanilla-trophy @dice-anon @nickel-ii )
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ask-cheesy-ii · 2 months
”Thank youuu, vanillaaaa…”
She thought it was Vanilla, who else had that healing effect? Though it was weird how easily he lifted her, and his voice was kinda wrong, but so was hers, maybe they were both experiencing the same thing.
Hollyberry woke up hungover. Ow. She couldn’t remember what happened, but she was in bed, at least it was comfy. The walls were orange, they reminded her of her good friend, Golden Cheese. She wondered who’s cottage or.. whatever.. she was in. And why her thoughts were so.. not-focused. They were all the same volume, which was strange. Speaking of strange, her hand looked different. It was black, as if frosted with dark licorice, and it looked weird, less.. flat. How strange. It felt like she had ganacheten rebaked, somehow. She giggled out loud at the pun she made in her head. Her voice sounded off. More male. Her thoughts continued to float from topic to topic, she should get a glass of water for her hangover.. eh, it can wait a sec, she was comfy there, minus the terrible headache.
( @itz-bow-xd @pure-vanilla-trophy @dice-anon @nickel-ii )
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