ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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I would be very concerned
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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How it is representing a whole country? Boring as Hell. Tho, I do love my people, they kinda make it worth it.
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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Well, obviously, the pizza I make. No one is better at pizza than me.
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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Guess what time of the year it is?
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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(( I just want to thank you guys for 100 followers! I never thought I would get more than 8, ehe... Also I'm really sorry for being so inactive, but school has been hard on me. Also that, and the fact that I haven't really gotten any questions. But I will try to update this week! Keep a look out for that! Once again, thank you sososo much! ))
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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(( Costest! Gonna do the Tomatryoshka group with some friends at Confusion, so I decided to try it out! I failed a bit with the nose part but other than that I'm happy, how about having a Tomatryoshka event while I'm at it...? ))
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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Now when did you get a hold of Mr. Mustache...?
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The mustache trilogy
APH Netherlands 
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
I was tagged!
Rule #1: Always post the rules. 
Rule#2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you and make 11 new ones. Rule#3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post. Rule#4: Let them know you have tagged them. Tagged by: missameriko
Questions: 1. Have you ever broken or fractured a bone in your body? Nope, never have! 2. Is there a cosplay that you would absolutely love to do? I'm actually going to do Takamina the 5th from AKB0048 at a con in December, and I'm really excited for that! Other than that I would love to do APH Hong Kong and Katara from atla 3. How would you react to someone recognizing you out of cosplay from your blog? I would probably freak out tbh. But in a good way. I would be really happy, I think it would make my day. 4. What’s your favorite movie? The HSM movies or Mamma Mia. Or My sisters keeper! 5. Is there anyone that’s an inspiration to you? All of my friends, and some of my fav singers 6. What were the last three songs you listened to? Lullabies - ATL, Brick by boring brick - paramore, Jasey Rae - ATL 7. Do you prefer the rain or sunshine? sunshine 8. Are you more of a summer person or winter? I'm pretty much both tbh 9. What’s your favorite Fairytale/Legend? Peter Pan 10. Ricktatorship? Single and too awkward to mingle 11. Did you know that you’re a blessing? Enjoy your day! I don't really know how to answer this. I've had a really bad time lately so this made me really happy!
I don't really have any people to pass this on to, and I'm not that good at coming up with questions, so I'll just leave it like this.
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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Nonono! Its okay, I appreciate it, I really do! 
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Hey Chiara!! Look what I’m wearing ah? 
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Your on the right track Bel! You do know that Italia Venezia is the name of my sister tho, right? 
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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Hey Chiara!! Look what I’m wearing ah? 
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Your on the right track Bel! You do know that Italia Venezia is the name of my sister tho, right? 
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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Definitely not that french bastards Eurovision song...
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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I'm really really annoyed by it. I was a small country for a very long time, and therefore spent a lot of time looking like a human child, but I think countries fail to realize that I was alive for a long time while nonno was still alive, and therefore I'm actually older than they are. And I lived alone for a long while too before anyone took me in, what do they think I did during those years? I'm a grown ass country and I can take care of myself god damn it.
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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Do you really need to ask?  Sight
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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I’ve missed you too! WAIT- Are you hanging out with Spain?
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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WHA- Yes I am ! That doesn’t mean that I can’t dream tho, right?
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ask-chiaravargas · 10 years
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We’re actually pretty good friends! He snapchats me the most stupid pictures sometimes (yo Lovi whaddup)
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