Ah, i apologize for butting i was just curious. I absolutely love both aus by the way id never want to see them fight.
 It’s alright, I just know that both deus and deity are getting a handful of messages from anonymous and I’d like for it to stop. I don’t want the admins on either side to feel trapped or bad because of this, and I also don’t want to see my friends on my side worry over if they did something wrong. 
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What was the reason for making the diety au and separating from the deus au?
 In all actuality, I had my own personal reasons in which I left. 
That doesn’t mean that there was a conflict of sorts inside of it that caused me and a few others to make this one. It’s simply that we all left for our own reasons and decided to group up. End of story. 
While we’re at it, I would like to make clear that whoever is sending these anons needs to realize that both au’s are fine with each other, and that we will not be starting any conflict. And in any case, this matter shouldn’t be discussed publicly. ))
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Please adopt me, Dad
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“Please stop”
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just gonna say, because it happens a lot: make sure to change the "part of the deus au" thing in your desc, so no one gets confused! :D
Oh goodness I completely forgot- thank you so much for reminding me!
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Important Notice:
This blog is leaving the Deus AU and becoming a semi-independent blog that functions with some others. The url changed from ask-deus-canada to ask-deity-canada, thank you for your patience, expect updates soon! 
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🎈Do you remember the start of your life? How long ago was it?
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“I don’t quite remember it ell. It was eons ago, yet I can certainly remember wondering around clueless to my becoming for a while, until I found what my duty was.”
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is canada a goat?
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“Mercy will prevail, no matter how much it’s hope has been shattered, it is determined to keep moving forward.” 
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What's this AU about? It seems so interesting!
Hello! Mun here, this is an au about aph characters as gods, you can find out more about it here: https://deustalia.tumblr.com/ ))
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can the world have a bit mercy on my failing grades?
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“I…I’m sorry but that’s something not even I can help with.” 
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Work's hard enough on its own, can you stop keeping me from going down down to the mortal realm already? You're causing a backlog.
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“F-Fuck off.” 
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| Important |
Hey everyone!  Since we’re reaching around 30 members or so we’re going to be temporarily closing this AU to new applicants! We’re so grateful for everyone who applied and who even showed interest in the idea, and to all of the supporters so far! You guys are awesome.   While the current members are going to be working on developing our muses and whatnot, we’d like to issue our condolences to those who either applied and haven’t been accepted, or missed the deadline. We’re planning to open the AU again sometime in the near future, so keep checking back for updates! - Chaosmun
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Questions for Immortals/Ancients
For ancient and/or immortal muses, here are some questions to build your headcanons!
😇Do you think you’ll ever experience an afterlife? 😷Do you have any weaknesses that could challenge your lifespan? 👥Have you met others like you? 👨‍👨‍👦Are you part of a family of ancients/immortals? 🎈Do you remember the start of your life? How long ago was it? 💔Is there anyone from your past that you missed for a long time? 😢Do you still think about people you knew years, even centuries, ago? 👶Do you have children? If you don’t, do you think they would be like you? 🍼 Would you ever consider having offspring with a mortal? 📕Do you ever run out of things to be curious about? 📗What is one of the most valuable things you’ve learned? 📘In the remainder of your life, what else do you hope to learn? 💀What is your opinion on death and mortality in general? 🥀Do you create bonds with mortals or avoid getting attached? ☹ Talk about your memory of a tragedy you’ve witnessed. 🖤Do you believe immortality changes someone for the worst? 🕗In your time, what has been one of the most interesting time periods?  ⏳Do you ever wish you had a mortal lifespan? 😿Is there any one person you would sacrifice your immortality for? 🎁Name one thing that never gets old or loses its charm for you. 🔮Have you ever considered (or looked for) ways to end your immortality? 🤡How do you deal with avoiding suspicion while living forever? ✨Other than immortality, do you have other supernatural abilities? 🌱What is one thing about the world you’ve come to appreciate? 🌼Have you traveled? If so, name one place that you love the most. 💾Do you ever have trouble with new technology? 💗Is there one mortal in your life you will never forget? 🎼What is your opinion on how music, art, and culture has changed? 💕Do you think two immortals could handle one another’s company forever? 🙄How do you handle boredom and monotony? 💿What is one (or more) inventions you’re thankful exist in your current time? 👿Would you ever use your power and knowledge to destroy? 🌋Do you think you will be alive to see the end of the world? 🗻Do you ever want to escape society altogether for a while? 🤠Have you ever disguised yourself or gone by different names?
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(Ask-deus-america) hey there dude!
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“Nothing can make injustice just but mercy.”  ASK BOX OPEN  
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