“If you’re hot, I can get you an ice pack. One second.” Starchbottom said and left, his worry for the dwarf showing clearly.
The queen took his hand and steadied it before giving him the small glass, as his hands were shaking. “Careful, now.” She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “I know you must be stressed, so get some rest...Hey, that rhymed!” She giggled, and then got an idea. “A lullaby! That’s sure to help you relax!” Without hesitation, she began humming random notes, trying to create a song. After a few moments, she had found a sweet, high pitched tune, and started singing it.
♪ I know you’re feeling stressed, so lay right down and rest... ♫
♫ Just calm that aching head for awhile... ♪
♪ When you’re awake once more, you’ll feel better than before, ♫
♫ And we’ll be right here to greet you with a smile~ ♪
As Delightful repeated the melody, sounding more cheerful with each word, Starchy came back, confused at first by the sound of singing. Once he heard the charming little song, he grinned. The queen certainly had a lovely singing voice. He went over to the bed and handed him the ice pack. He smiled fondly at Bashful and listened to Delightful’s song.
“When was the last time you checked your temperature?" ((ask-delightful-and-starchy Thought this would be fun, take all the time you need to answer ^^))
{ Sick sentence starters }
{ “When was the last time you checked your temperature?” // @ask-delightful-and-starchy }
“…Oh, I-I don’t know, guys..”
Bashful replied, as he slowly walked over to the two. He didn’t fell good at all, but he didn’t want them to know. Working late nights in the mine, Bashful developed a terrible cold. But, he didn’t want something like that stopping him from doing his job.
So when the Queen rang the Bing Bong Bell, he arrived with the rest of The 7D, but he was sneezing all over the place. Even Sneezy wasn’t this sick. Queen Delightful and Lord Starchbottom offered to look after Bashful for the rest of the day, while the others went out for supplies.
“B-But, I’m fine–really!” He kept protesting as a couple of sneezes came out of him.
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OT3 drawings of Queen D and Starchy hOLDING THE BOYFRIEND
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The queen looked shocked. “You’re even worse than we thought! We’ll take you to the nearest guest bedroom at once!” she said, and began to walk off. She turned back to Starchy for a moment. “Lord Starchbottom, would you be a dear and carry Bashful? It seems he’s quite dizzy, and I don’t think he should walk there himself.” She gave another soft smile and continued down the hallway.
“Oh! Of course, your majesty!” He looked at the dwarf. “Uh, sorry, Bashful, but she’s right.” he said, but it wasn’t as if he minded. The aide gently picked him up and walked after the queen. He went very slowly, keeping Bashful steady. Delightful slowed her pace to join the other two.
“Are you cold? Hot? Do you want anything to eat? I should get you some water. Be right back!” she said, and hurried off in the other direction. She was so concerned for him. It was just a cold, but she hated to see him suffer.
Starchy and Bashful came to a door, which Starchy freed a hand to open. Inside was a beautiful bedroom that looked warm and comfy. As he stepped in, Delightful returned with a glass of water and set it on an end table. Starchbottom put him down carefully on the luxurious looking bed.
“When was the last time you checked your temperature?" ((ask-delightful-and-starchy Thought this would be fun, take all the time you need to answer ^^))
{ Sick sentence starters }
{ “When was the last time you checked your temperature?” // @ask-delightful-and-starchy }
“…Oh, I-I don’t know, guys..”
Bashful replied, as he slowly walked over to the two. He didn’t fell good at all, but he didn’t want them to know. Working late nights in the mine, Bashful developed a terrible cold. But, he didn’t want something like that stopping him from doing his job.
So when the Queen rang the Bing Bong Bell, he arrived with the rest of The 7D, but he was sneezing all over the place. Even Sneezy wasn’t this sick. Queen Delightful and Lord Starchbottom offered to look after Bashful for the rest of the day, while the others went out for supplies.
“B-But, I’m fine–really!” He kept protesting as a couple of sneezes came out of him.
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“You certainly don’t sound fine.” Starchy replied skeptically.
Queen Delightful wasn’t that convinced either; she figured that going back and forth like this would get them nowhere, and decided to settle the argument. “Here, Bashful, let me see if you have a fever. It’ll only take a moment, I promise.” she said with a reassuring smile. The queen knelt down and (before he could react) put a delicate hand under Bashful’s hat to feel his forehead, being careful not to move it off of his face. After a moment, she gasped and moved her hand away slowly. “Oh goodness, you’re burning up!” she exclaimed worriedly.
“And you’ve been coughing and sneezing all day!“ Starchbottom added, “It looks like you have a pretty bad cold…”
She looked at her advisor and nodded. “We’ve got to get him to bed!”
“When was the last time you checked your temperature?" ((ask-delightful-and-starchy Thought this would be fun, take all the time you need to answer ^^))
{ Sick sentence starters }
{ “When was the last time you checked your temperature?” // @ask-delightful-and-starchy }
“…Oh, I-I don’t know, guys..”
Bashful replied, as he slowly walked over to the two. He didn’t fell good at all, but he didn’t want them to know. Working late nights in the mine, Bashful developed a terrible cold. But, he didn’t want something like that stopping him from doing his job.
So when the Queen rang the Bing Bong Bell, he arrived with the rest of The 7D, but he was sneezing all over the place. Even Sneezy wasn’t this sick. Queen Delightful and Lord Starchbottom offered to look after Bashful for the rest of the day, while the others went out for supplies.
“B-But, I’m fine–really!” He kept protesting as a couple of sneezes came out of him.
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That anon sure was something wasn't he? Sending you guys on a treacherous journey. You both look beat.
The two were about to speak, but stopped as their long adventure suddenly caught up to them. They both only realized how exhausted they were when the anon mentioned it.
“I…suppose you’re right, heh…” Starchy said, sounding more drained than before now that he was fully aware of it.
Delightful managed a smile “Well, I don’t know about you, but I feel just….” Her sentence faded, and she collapsed on the floor and began snoring.
This startled her advisor awake a bit. “Your majesty! Are you alright?” He was answered by more soft snoring. “I suppose she, um, has the right idea,” he said with a chuckle, “Don’t worry I’ll get her to bed. And do the same for myself...”
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Can I hug you two?
The queen nodded excitedly, overjoyed to see a friendly anon. “Yes, yes, yes!” squeaked her happy, high pitched tone.
Starchy disagreed. “N-” It was too late, as the small grey person had already leapt onto both of them at once. “AH!” the aide uttered in surprise. He had his arms pinned to his sides, and would make no attempt to return the gesture anyway.
Delightful, however, hugged them back cheerfully. “Oh, what a nice anon!”
“You can, uh…let go now.”
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Hey Starchy, why do you love your job so much anyway? I heard your job and dedication to the queen are things you love most in the world.
“That’s about right,” Starchy said, “I love my job; I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Of course it, um, gets quite tiring, but knowing I’m helping the queen and the rest of Jollywood makes it all worthwhile.” He smiled.
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How old are you two?
((I don’t really have age headcanons for them, and I’m not quite sure what they’d be, so I like to leave it up to interpretation. :) ))
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The anon reached into his pocket and pulled out two red heart shaped stones. "Here, I want the both of you to hold these." He gave the stones to the queen and advisor. He stood up from the queen's throne and began to walk away. "Oh and by the way, I don't know how to unlock the safe. You're going to have to ask the All-Knowing-Being of Smartiness. So good luck getting your hats, friends, dog, and personal diaries back." With that the anon swooped away on his magic broom. MUAHAHAHA ;)
“Wait, you don’t know???” the queen said, dumbfounded, “Come back here! You said-” Starchbottom cut her off.
“Your majesty, I, uh, don’t think we want them to come back. We can just figure it out on our own.”
She agreed after coming to her senses. “Very good point.” 
He thought about what else the anon had said. “Personal diaries? How did they keep taking our stuff?? I’ll bet they were just bluffing…”
The 7D’s laughter could be heard from inside the safe. “Ha! Your diary is funny, Starchy!” said Happy’s voice.
“Hey, stop reading that!!” he yelled at the dwarfs, only to get another laugh in return. He grumbled.
The two then looked down at the gemstones in their hands. “Now what could these be?” asked the queen, “Why would they just give us….Oh dear.”
“These are….” Starchy said, coming to the same realization that she had.They finished the sentence together as a strange red dust began swirling around them.
they shouted just as the magic spell overtook them. Both of them blinked out of the momentary daze, and promptly caught sight of each other, their pupils turning into the shape of hearts.Both of them gasped; Starchy smiled and spoke in a mindlessly cheerful voice.
“Your majesty, I don’t know why, but I feel like-”
She grinned blissfully as she interrupted. “Giving me a big hug?”They pranced towards each other and wrapped their arms around one another. The queen giggled. “…What were we doing again?”
Bashful’s voice answered, still inside the safe. “Rescuing us?”
“YEAH!!” The other six concurred loudly, hoping to break the trance.
Fortunately, it worked. Queen Delightful shook her head, her eyes returning to normal. “Goodness, you’re right!” She tossed the stone across the room as quickly as she could, grabbing the one from her advisor’s hand and doing the same.“Huh?” Starchy said, returning to normal and realizing he was still tightly embracing the queen. He quickly let go. “Oh! Um, my apologies, your majesty.”
“Don’t worry about it, Starchy,” she smiled, “And thank you, 7D!”
“No problem…” said Bashful.
Starchbottom eyed the safe. “Now, how do we get them out of there? That is, besides consulting whatever the “All-Knowing-Being of Smartiness” is.” he said, rolling his eyes. He walked over to the large combination lock on the door. Musing out loud to himself, he put a hand on it. “Perhaps we could figure out the-” His sentence stopped abruptly as something happened that was…unexpected to say the least.
The lock opened.
The queen’s eyes widened. “Was that…..unlocked…?”
Starchy was silent for a moment. Had it been unlocked the whole time? Did they even have to go and retrieve the diamond? Could they just have pushed that ridiculous grey blob out of the way and opened it?? He inhaled deeply as he put his head in his hand.
The 7D filed out of the safe, embarrassed that they hadn’t considered that either. Sir Yipsalot ran out happily, dragging the queen’s crown. He jumped into her arms, and she put it back on her head. “Oh, Sir Yipsalot, I’m so glad you’re safe! And 7D, I’m sorry you got mixed up in all this,” she said, then looked at her still frustrated aide, “but I think maybe you should go…” They nodded silently and made their way out.Starchy fastened on his hat, still groaning with anger, both at the anon and himself.
A strange cackling could be heard in the distance…
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The anon examined the diamond closely, making sure it wasn't a fake but for some reason there was a dent on the side. Anon set it down carefully by his side. "You two have done well. But one small little thing..."
Starchy’s hopeful expression turned into an exasperated glare. “What? What else could you possibly want? That was not our agreement!! We brought back the diamond, so you give everything back and get out!” He seemed quite heated, but Delightful put a hand on his shoulder, a small “Psst!” passing through her lips.
“Lord Starchbottom,” she said quietly into his ear, “I know you’re angry, but maybe we shouldn’t upset the anon, seeing as they still have our friends…” She smiled pleadingly, though she was irritated at the anon herself. The queen’s faithful aide nodded, still a little disappointed that they had to further listen to the anonymous fiend.Queen Delightful cleared her through politely. “Now, then. What is this small thing?”
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And so, Queen Delightful and Lord Starchbottom embarked on a trek through howling winds, blistering deserts, and treacherous mountains, all within the span of 11 minutes. Finally, they came to a dark cave and found the diamond that the anon had spoken of. They took it back to the castle as quickly as they could, thanking their unbelievably lazy writer for making the way back so much easier. They walked through the castle door into the throne room and presented the anon with the diamond.
The queen held up the jewel. “Here it is, anon. We did what you asked.”
Starchbottom finished for her. “Now give us our hats and Sir Yipsalot and the 7D back!”
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You two must go on a journey to the most dangerous world imaginable and retrieve the biggest diamondy diamond! And then I'll give you your hats, the dog and the 7d back!
Queen Delightful nodded. “Alright, we’ll-wait-the 7D?!? You took them too!??” she asked in disbelief. Sure enough, they both could hear the 7Ds’ muffled voices calling from inside the safe (which seemed to have gotten bigger). The queen’s patience was rapidly thinning.
“This is getting ridiculous.” Starchy said, trying to suppress an oncoming headache. “Fine, anon. We’ll go on your little quest, but once we return, you must leave the castle and never come back!” he took a step forward for dramatic effect.
As they began walking away from the anon, Delightful quickly turned back around.
“Don’t worry, 7D and Sir Yipsalot! You shall be rescued soon!!”
With that, they set off.
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Unless you do me a "favor" then I'll give you stupid hats and dog back hahahaahahahahahshshshshdbhejkdllcdplejfjckkchdbbd
“Dog?” Lord Starchbottom said questioningly, “What do you mean “dog”? Sir Yipsalot is right h-” He stopped as he looked to the queen’s side and realized the beloved royal pet was missing. “Huh? What have you done with-” again his sentence was cut off, this time by a familiar sound coming from the safe.
“Yiip yip yip! Yiiip!!”
Delightful let out another gasp. “You’ve taken Sir Yipsalot!? Why you, you…” She began spinning around with her arms out. “OOHWEEOOHWEEOOHWEE!!” She looked up at her bare head, where her crown would usually be sitting with glowing lights coming from it. “Poofysnoggins. I don’t have my flashy-lights…”
Starchy gave a puzzled glance to the queen before looking back to the anon with a bitter expression. “Alright. What “favor” do you ask of us?” he made pretend quotation marks with his hands.
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First hats, and then the WORLD!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! The safe cannot be unlocked...unless...
“Okay, now you’re just spouting nonsense.” Starchy remarked at the first statement.
Delightful looked at the anon, curious. “Unless what?”
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The hats are mine! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA...ha. *throws them into a hat safe* try and get them now!
Queen Delightful gasped. “Return our hats at once!” She crossed her arms and glared.
“Yeah!” said Starchbottom, pointing accusingly, “Unlock the safe and get out of the castle, you little punk!”
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*anon swoops by on a broomstick and steals the queen and starchy s hats, calling maniacally*
The two momentarily froze in confusion. Starchy shook his head and looked to the little grey thief.“HOW DARE YOU!” he shouted, “Give them back!!!”The queen snapped out of her shock as well.“You naughty anon! Come back or I’ll ring the Bing-Bong Bell!!”
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Queen Delightful, have you ever broken a bone?
“Why, yes! Once Sir Yipsalot wanted a snack and a whole bone was too big, so I just broke it in half!” She smiled.
Starchy rolled his eyes slightly. “Um, your majesty, I believe they were referring to a bone in your body.”
For a moment, the queen had a slightly clueless expression. “…Ooohhh! Silly me!” She giggled and continued. “But yes, I did break my right arm when I was a girl, as well as my left foot a few years ago. It did hurt, but I was alright!” Delightful once again smiled cheerfully.
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