ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
[So glad to see that you're back though! You were gone for so long, I was worried. How was your vacation?]
it was great, but i haven't been on a vacation this long, i just never got back to my blog for some reason, and i might not remember where some of the stories on this site ended.. ((SO PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF I FORGET SOMETHING OR SOMEONE, I LOVE YOU ALL
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
Gone. Elizabeth could only cough as she stared up at the looming Hale house, now empty due to its previous owner went missing. She didn't know where or why, but Derek was gone. He's been gone for awhile. The young researcher had grown quite well. She was no longer the fourteen-year-old she was before. She was now sixteen and her mind was sharper, hands dirty from killing people to survive. Liz frowned. If only she had seen it coming, his disappearance.
((hi welcome to this blog! so glad you wanna join, but you will notice that at this time it's not so active... but it will be after season 3 starts, but continue rp'ing and derek will join your story when apropriate:D))
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
"A new beginning"
*derek drags himself up the stairs in front of the house, bloody , messed up physically and mentally exhausted from happenings he could not remember.
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he stumbles into the house and falls down on the hallway floor. his eyes were blurry and all he could see was fragments of old memories.* "my sister, uncle.... murderer!" *he yells. he drags himself across the floor, trying to get up, but fails* "this boy who is he? brown eyes, black hair
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and his friend.... short hair, who are they again?? ... something else... a beast... snake-like" the broken memories was floating inside his head.  unable to remember the past, he looses consciousness, breathing heavily
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... "what happened?" was the last word he could shape with his mouth before everything went dark once again.
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
I don't know... I just wanted to know, I guess... *she sat down too, looking at the city shadows grow as the sun inched towards sunset*
*completely quiet, gazing at the little town*
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
[Try "Bienvenido" from Marquess! ;O]
((thank you so much sweetie!!!
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
(I'm not much of an Rp'er. I just like to read your pack adventures. Sorry but anon I shall remain.
(okay, but keep messaging and rp'ing :*)
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
"Kanima..." whispers "Wait, I know that creature!... But I've seen them as a were-jaguar" says confused.
yeah, this i s not a were-jaguar... it's a were-lizard, i thought they were were-jaguars too, until i saw the lizard back away from it's own reflection.. that's a common thing to do for kanimas..
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
*she looks down toward him. He seemed genuinely calm* Hey Derek? *She looked back up toward the town* Where are you happiest...?
*hesitates* i was really happy in NY.. before the fire happened. why?
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
(I read the rp's, silly)
(i know that, i just trying to make it dramatic
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
Looks at him "I'm sorry" said looking away"Just... Were you the one who bit him? 'cause maybe you are the master he's looking for. You are the alpha" shrugs "What if his real parents are just the same as him?"
i.. yes it was, but i am a werewolf. how the hell could he turn into ..THAT? *gets frustrated*
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
*they reach the top of the hill, a small breeze going by.* wow... you really can see everything... *she looks down at the town, fascinated*
yeah, now you know how everything looks. *sis down to admire the view* 
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
I'm no one important but I'm certainly not that psycho threatening you. I just feel that your niece may not be prepared for the possible dangers ahead.
you've got a point, how do you know this?
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
(( a message from the girl behind ask-derekhale))
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((hey guys, again thanks for all the support, and i am so sorry i have been away so much... unfortunately i am leaving tomorrow again.. i am going to greece, but will go on tumblr as often as i can, so keep asking questions.. but first i like to ask you guys one: ANYONE KNOW ANY GOOD SUMMER-SONGS OR JUST CATCHY SONGS IN GENERAL FOR MY TRIP??<3<3 i am desperate, thanks in advance, going to miss all of you so much:*<3<3)) goodbyee!!<3<3
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
*nods* Okay. I'll be out in a bit. Just let me get ready. *smiles cutely, closes door and panics* Shit. Now what? Throw it out the window? *pauses* No, no, no, no. That's stupid. That's actually stupid of me. Um, oh! *drags the body out and hides it in the closet.* Um. Yeah. *dresses quickly, grabs things, opens the door casually* I'm ready! *smiles widely*
*stands outside the door, smiling to the nurse who were on her way to some other room*
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
Crosses her arms and raises up her chin "You're not the only one who has a broken family. I raised my brother since I was a little girl. My parents were never with us. Your family died. But you know they loved you and they still do. But it's different when they're alive and they don't even care" she tried to hide all of her feelings as she spoke "Another question... Were you the one who bit him?"
i am sorry *looks down wondering what it would be  like if his parent were alive, but chose not to have contact with him*
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
How would you feel if you lost the last member of your family? She's nothing special so you may want to keep an eye on her
trust me, she is something special... but ofcourse i am going to watch after her.. who are you anyway?
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ask-derekhale-blog · 12 years
Who's coming after Elizabeth and threatening the pack? *Eyes turn bright orange*
he's dead, nothing to worry about... at least for now... they are just some old friends of elisabeth.
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