ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
I come out of no where, react to a few posts, then dissapear for another hundred years
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
Im working on a mini comic for an ask but i am not home nor can i finish it on the ipad cause i cannot draw on the fucking ipad
So it’ll be a while before i upd8 again
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
I am a .. stupid bitch and Dirk’s cooking specialty is asian cuisine ... sepecially japanese cuisine
I forgot my own fucking facts cause i am stupid!
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
ok not to be a downer on everyones fun, but i *do* think you should at least talk about it? or be open to a conversation in the near future. because well. people arent really the best secret keepers, if u catch my drift. just, calm down, take some deep breaths.
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
quit being a coward and rip off the bandaid already
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
I also have asks that are unrelated to this current “”event”” i suppose. Ill get to them when this gets resolved uwu
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
Dirk has now stolen 3 sprites from 3 different characters
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
Why don't you confront him about this already? Beating around the bush clearly isn't doing anything.
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I’d rather never talk about it and stay his friend than talk about it and possibly ruin everything I have with him.  
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
Dude, stop listening to the others, theyre fucking u up for no reason
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GOD. i dont want to talk about this anymore.
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
wa dirky u ok here ? :(( ((@ ask-tipplegnostalgic)
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
What would you do if he doesnt take it well?
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
You sure Jake is over... well all that? It looks a bit messy
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why don’t you ask him yourself!
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
Do you regret it?
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
vibing?? in THIS ECONOMY???
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TT: hell yeah we are vibing in this economy 
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
So, Dirk, how did you come to terms with being gay? Was it difficult to come to terms with it or did you just know all along? Was it like a switch that flipped or was it drawn out over an extended period of time? Was your brother supportive or does he not know?
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fight through a lot of “internalized homophobia” as Dave put it and ... certain events...
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ask-dirk-crocker · 4 years
So how’s the corporation going? And what exactly do you do at crocker corp? Give us a walkthrough of your business
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