ask-frozen-meadow · 2 years
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They reached a point where the forest opened up, revealing a big glade where significally less snow covered the ground. Many Pokemon could be seen all over the place.
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Polaris: "C'mon! We have some tasty apples ready for you!"
Zorro: "A-ah! Wait for me!"
Polaris and Zorro have reached what seems to be the home of the Glaceon!
[Some new characters are now open for asks and interactions!]
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ask-frozen-meadow · 2 years
Pandora approached the collapsed Absol and the Glaceon, worried. "Are you okay? What happened? I'm Pandora by the way, what's your name?"
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Polaris: "I live out here and found this kid collapsed on the ground! Sure got me worried that I was too late."
Zorro: "I'm not hurt or anything… just uhm… h-hungry…"
Polaris: "You collapsed out of hunger?!? We need to fix that asap! Come on, we're close to home!!"
The unlikely duo says their goodbye to the Zoroark and continue their path into the quiet looking forest, vanishing between the snow-covered trees.
[Character information has been updated.]
Do you want to follow them?
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ask-frozen-meadow · 2 years
[coming back from hiatus?]
[Mod Speaking]
uhm...hi! yeah this is awkward..
I know I lost interest in this blog really fast - the main reason being really big exhaustion from drawing multiple fully shaded artworks for asks. Yeah that wasn't a good idea on my side tbh
but I kinda want to go back to askblogging a lil bit now - so you can expect a few posts on here too, but with simpler artworks. Sorry about that.
Let's see if I can do it this time bc I have a bunch of interesting characters planned for this! :D
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ask-frozen-meadow · 2 years
[Mod Speaking]
decided to reblog it here bc of obvious reasons! thank you so much for this artwork!! I love this so much qwq
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To: @ask-mirai-and-friends
From: @phantomguild
My secret delibird entry for ask-mirai-and-friends. Decided to go with Zorro here.
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ask-frozen-meadow · 3 years
"What are you two doing out here in the cold? And who are you?"
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"A-ah, please don't be worried about me anymore. I'm fine-”
“Nope, already decided! Come now, follow me!”
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ask-frozen-meadow · 3 years
[Mod Speaking]
I just woke up to 23 followers and
how?? did you all end up here??
But thank you for your interest! I am beyond amazed and happy 💙
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ask-frozen-meadow · 3 years
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“Ah, you woke up! Are you hurt?”
The stranger helped the collapsed Pokemon on their feet again.
“T-Thank you...”
A very unusual looking Glaceon appeared to help!
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ask-frozen-meadow · 3 years
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[Oh no! It looks like someone collapsed in the snow!]
Do you want to approach and check if they are alright?
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