How does it feel knowing your girlfriend is missing and you can’t do anything about it? She’s gone. You didn’t get to say goodbye, you didn’t even get to tell her you love her. When was the last time you told her that? What if the last time you hung out with her was the last time ever, and you never knew? - @boneanon 🦴
.γɒʞo ɘd ll'ɘW .γɒʞo ƨ'ɘʜƧ .ɿɘʜ bnυoʇ I ,won ɿɘɈɈɒm Ɉ'nƨɘob Ɉi ...ʇi ʇlɘƨγm ɘviϱɿoʇ ϱniʞɔυʇ ɿɘvɘn b'I ,ʞɔɒd ɿɘʜ Ɉɘϱ oT
⸮⸮⸮Ɉʇiɿ ɘʜɈ ʜϱυoɿʜɈ ɘmɒɔ ϱniʞɔυʇ I ʞniʜɈ υoγ ob γʜW
(Why do you think I fucking came through the rift???
To get her back, I'd never fucking forgive myself if... it doesn't matter now, I found her. She's okay. We'll be okay.)
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its been a while since you posted
lol ɒγ oɈ ɈɒʜɈ ob lliw noiƨnɘmib ɿɘʜɈonɒ ni Ɉƨol ϱniɘઘ
(Being lost in another dimension will do that to ya lol)
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Omg I can't anymore, can you find a place where there's signal and try and contact me? You guys are gonna die in there!
- Rin ( @ask-rinny-shivani )
ƨɒ---ɔ b--nυoʇ --- won ɿoʇ γɒ---ʞo-o-o m'I
Ɉ--iʜƨ ƨ--I-I lɒ---nϱ--iƧ
Signal is shit
I'm okay for now- found cas)
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⸮⸮⸮ɘɔɒlq ƨiʜɈ ƨi ʞɔυʇ ɘʜɈ ɈɒʜW
.Ɉɿυʜ Ɉon ɘɿ'υoγ bɘvɘilɘɿ Ɉƨυį m'I ,no ϱnioϱ ƨi llɘʜ ɘʜɈ Ɉɒʜw wonʞ Ɉnob I-I
(I-I dont know what the hell is going on, I'm just relieved you're not hurt.
What the fuck is this place???)
⸮⸮υoγ ɈɒʜɈ ƨI
Is that you??)
⸮Ɉɿυʜ υoγ ɘɿA ⸮υoγ oɈ nɘqqɒʜ ϱniʜɈγnɒ biႧ ⸮γɒʞo ɘɿ'υoγ Ɉiʜƨ γloH
Holy shit you're okay? Did anything happen to you? Are you hurt?)
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⸮⸮υoγ ɈɒʜɈ ƨI
Is that you??)
⸮Ɉɿυʜ υoγ ɘɿA ⸮υoγ oɈ nɘqqɒʜ ϱniʜɈγnɒ biႧ ⸮γɒʞo ɘɿ'υoγ Ɉiʜƨ γloH
Holy shit you're okay? Did anything happen to you? Are you hurt?)
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...ɘʞoqƨ ɘw ɘmiɈ Ɉƨɒl ɘʜɈ ɿɘʜ bɘvol I γɒƨ Ɉ'nbib I
ɿɘʜ Ɉɒ bɒm Ɉon m'I ɿɘʜ llɘɈ bnɒ ,niɒϱɒ ɘƨolɔ ɿɘʜ bloʜ oɈ Ɉnɒw Ɉƨυį I ,bnɘiɿʇlɿiϱ γm ƨƨim I
.ɘɿɘʜ bloɔ nmɒb oƨ ƨ'ɈI
(Un-mirrored text:
It's so damn cold here.
I miss my girlfriend, I just want to hold her close again, and tell her I'm not mad at her
I didn't say I loved her the last time we spoke...)
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Hey Sparkplug, Where are you? People are looking for you…
and Vera… wait.
Wait you two didn’t go into a rift did you?
- Emily ( @ask-emilyrosestein )
--υm oƨ ɿɘʜ ɘvol I .ɘʇɒ......Ƨ .ɘɿɘʜ ʞɔɒd ɿɘʜ bɘɘn I .ni oϱ oɈ......bɒʜ I
.γɿ....ɿoƨ m'I
(Un mirrored text
I'm sorry.
I had to go in. I need her back here. safe. I love her so much.)
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⸮ɘɿɘʜ ʇo Ɉυo llɘʜ ɘʜɈ Ɉɘϱ nɒɔ ɘw oƨ mɘʜɈ bniʇ Ɉƨυį ɘw nɒƆ
.llɘʜ ƨɒ bloɔ bnɒ ,γʞɒɘɿʇ ƨi ɘɔɒlq ƨiʜɈ ɈiʜƧ
(Un-mirrored text
Shit this place is freaky, and cold as hell.
Can we just find them so we can get the hell out of here?)
Ɉi ʜɈɿow ɘd ll’Ɉi ,ƨɒɔ bnɒ ibni bniʇ ɘw nɘʜw
.ʞɔυʇ ƨɒ bloɔ bnɒ .oʜɈ ,ɘɿɘʜ ʞɿɒb ƨ’Ɉi
noiƨnɘmib ɿɘʜɈo ɘʜɈ ni ɘɿɒ ϱυlqʞɿɒqƨ bnɒ ɘm
!!Ɉi ɘbɒm γllɒniʇ ɘw
we finally made it!!
me and @ask-ghostbustersintern-sparkplug are in the other dimension
it’s dark here, tho. and cold as fuck.
when we find indi and cas, it’ll be worth it
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I don't really like caramel 🧍‍♀️...
What’s your favorite milkshake flavor? -🧽
Vanilla, basic ik, but it's just so good :]
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What’s your favorite milkshake flavor? -🧽
Vanilla, basic ik, but it's just so good :]
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Rootbeer or Sprite? -🧽
If I had to choose, sprite, but preferably neither.
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Have you ever gone skydiving? Would you like to? -🧽
I haven't, but it seems fun. Scary, but fun!
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...oh annie...
My mum and dad... they're dead...
Mum died in train accident when I was 7 and pa died last year of cancer...
I'm so sorry. You can stay with me though, I'd be glad to let you.
And uh yeah, people call me sparkplug now, but you don't have to, I know a lot has changed for you already.
Morgan? Morgan is that you? Its annie, that nice Ethan guy gave me your contacts and stuff
- @ask-annabelle-miller
Annie? But... i-i thought you were dead... you and your parents you- in the car and the hospital they called my parents to tell them and-
I-I'm sorry, I'm rambling, how are you here? Are you okay? Why are you only here now?
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Morgan? Morgan is that you? Its annie, that nice Ethan guy gave me your contacts and stuff
- @ask-annabelle-miller
Annie? But... i-i thought you were dead... you and your parents you- in the car and the hospital they called my parents to tell them and-
I-I'm sorry, I'm rambling, how are you here? Are you okay? Why are you only here now?
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haiii goober goof
is being a engineer for the ghostbusters MEGA LAME or is it SUPER AWESOME
what’s it like dating a silly ginger :P
you get in2 so many shenanigans that it’s hard 2 keep up it almost looks like!! uh. Do you have . A therapist. At all. I’d need one if i were you.
- sent with the silliest of concern from the colony , 🐜
Oh hi ^^
Uhh, being an engineer for Ghostbusters is really cool, I get to do all sorts of awesome stuff
Dating cas is awesome, but we have to remember sunscreen lol... I miss cas, I hope she's safe...
And nope, I don't have a therapist, I've heard it suggested before, but I think I'll be alright
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How’d you get the nickname “Sparkplug”? -🧽
It's a long story, but the time it became used by pretty much everyone, I was in the school workshop and electrocuted myself on a sparkplug and cried, so people figured it'd make a funny nickname haha :]
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Maybe one day, human beings won’t need buildings anymore. Although for that to happen we’d probably need to evolve skins made of bricks. And that might take at least another 30 years.
I mean, your estimate of time isn't technically wrong, that would take atleast 30 years but at the same time...
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