Observer, I dare you to put on one of Habit's ugliest Hawaiian shirts. Just for shits and giggles.
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[Ask box open again. But with a twist:]
[The ask box is open from now again. But, as soon as there are 5 asks, it will be closed again due to some things happening in our lives.
With that, ask away and let the madness begin.
~ Max, Ami]
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Oh shoot- Obs I'm sorry, just don't worry about it. Actually I might have an idea for it! Start with writing a nice note that says 'you look pretty today' and leave it for him to see. Then tomorrow write 'You're doing great!' It might startle him at first but he'll slowly start to like it! Just don't put your name on them! Make it look like he has a secret admirer!
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53 notes · View notes
Do you two have any opinion on, well, us? 🤔
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Heyo Observer!! You should tell Noah you have a crush on him. It can’t end up that bad, right?
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So habit is sleeping then whats vinny doing
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Obsy, what’s your opinion on Deadhead and Swain? And also, you and Noah would be ADORABLE together.
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[Trigger warnings]
[Hey guys! So, a quick question for everyone:
Should we start adding trigger warnings to our posts? And if so, which specific ones would you like to have added? (The posts that are already here will be updated respectively. The blood tw will already be added shortly.)
~Max, Ami]
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just tell him!
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i love you both unconditionally umu
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Did you ever killed someone together? You two seem to almost hate each other, maybe there is some tolerance between you two. Killing seems something that you both would do great without complaint with the other!
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[Ask box closed for now.]
[We will open the ask box again once we finish the asks that are already there since there is a lot going on for both of us at the moment. But we are both very glad you enjoy our content and want to thank you for 118 followers! You are amazing, guys! ~ Max, Ami]
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do you two have any plans for today?
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Aww! That's kinda cute Obs! But uh.... do you really think he's gonna you know... accept these feelings if you ever tell him? I mean you're literally torturing him and making his life hell.
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Wow I can't believe I made Observer pass vy telling the truth
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Well I can take a guess on who obsever like he likes crispyboi FIREBRAND I can't hide that either.
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