~The tailors apprentice had came back to school, he was on crutches sadly and he couldn’t fight until he was healed so now was the challenge he rarely ever won was “try not to get chewed out by John” which was gonna be tough~
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~The Tailors apprentice was woken up by Lafayettes presence, his ankle and a part of his foot was still in wraps and had an icepack on it, his nose also had some smaller bandages covering it~
~Crowds gather around the halls as everyone was gasping and some chanting the word “fight!” The Frenchman was currently fighting a kid, but why?~
Alexander tried to look above the crowd to see what was happening, but due to his shortness he couldn't.
"Move, i wanna look..!"
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“Ill be okay..”
~The tailors apprentice manages a pained chuckle that turned into a wince since he tried to move his ankle so he could move the laying position he was in on this blue table thing the nurses had~
~The tailors apprentice was in the nurses office, some ice and bandages over his ankle and thankfully his nose stopped bleeding~
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~The tailors apprentice was in the nurses office, some ice and bandages over his ankle and thankfully his nose stopped bleeding~
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Hehe crying out? *The kid grins and hits Hercules’s nose pretty hard causing blood to spill*
~The tailors apprentice whimpers~
“I-I-I don’t want to fight just leave me alone..!!”
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*A kid pushes him into the bathroom* Oh Hercules Mulligan the “big fighter” guy, acts like a guard for his little friends. When he’s in reality a soft little kid.
*The kid then trips The tailors apprentice down onto the floor causing him to hit his ankle weird*
“Argh! My ankle what-what did I do to you..!?”
~The tailors apprentice yelps out grabbing at his now extremely red and painful ankle~
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~The tailors apprentice smiled softly and took the taco~
“Thank you”
~The tailors apprentice enjoys his taco~
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can i make alt highscool versions of other not taken hamilton characters
Ask @ask-chubby-hamilton
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“It’s NOT called having a stick up my ass it’s called one trying to not get my ass beat from John, two trying to not get into a fight cause of yalls actions and three it’s also called leaving others alone”
Alexander was sitting on a desk in a empty classroom, looking through a list of things the he could do to screw with the jeffersqaud, on his phone. "What do you think, Herc? Got any ideas?"
“Alex we should just leave them alone you know..they’re minding their business..”
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“Alex, all he does is make an even worse rumor about you, and I don’t feel like getting into another stupid fight again..please just don’t..besides if you mess with the jeffersquad your messing with my little half brother and he’s already got enough on his plate..”
Alexander was sitting on a desk in a empty classroom, looking through a list of things the he could do to screw with the jeffersqaud, on his phone. "What do you think, Herc? Got any ideas?"
“Alex we should just leave them alone you know..they’re minding their business..”
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Alexander was sitting on a desk in a empty classroom, looking through a list of things the he could do to screw with the jeffersqaud, on his phone. "What do you think, Herc? Got any ideas?"
“Alex we should just leave them alone you know..they’re minding their business..”
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