#the sweetheart(Hercules mulligan)
~The tailors apprentice was in the nurses office, some ice and bandages over his ankle and thankfully his nose stopped bleeding~
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lylawrites · 1 year
Here you can find all my Hamilton fanfictions! (Click the title for the link)
Say No to This (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: A universe in which John replaces Maria. But Hamilton is still a dirty dog. (Longer summary in fic)
Relationships(s): Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth Schuyler, John Laurens/Martha Manning
Je t'aime (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: Where Hamilton is low-key a tease and John's little gay heart can't take it
Relationships(s): Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens
Never Satisfied (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: Alexander Hamilton. The man she loves with all her heart. Her college sweetheart. The father of her child. Was cheating on her. With his best friend.
Relationship(s): Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth Schuyler
Boredom can be pleasurable (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: Alexander Hamilton was bored. Bored out of his fucking skull. That is never a good thing but you can guess what will happen by the title.
Relationship(s): Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens
Queen fight scene (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: It's been seven songs. Each of the Queens, would you call the boys queens? They are Queens today. Anyway, it has been seven songs sings they all got here. Five different stories have been told. Is it now times to figure out who shall be the lead singer of the group? Will the finally come to an agreement? Or will they all be to angry to listen to reasoning? Find out now on your next episode of Six!
Relationship(s): Alexander Hamilton/Angelica Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton/Aaron Burr
An omega in the cabinet? DAMN (Multi-chapter; Completed)
Summary: Alexander doesn't give a fuck about secondary genders and he's still going to go to work no matter what you say.
Relationship(s): Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Maria Reynolds/Elizabeth Schuyler
Coming Back (Multi-chapter; Completed)
Summary: A fanfic where our favs come back as Reincarnations and deal with life as teenagers in modern society. Ft drama. (Longer summary in fic)
Relationship(s): Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth Schuyler, George Washington/Martha Washington
Black and Blue (Multi-chapter; Completed)
Summary: Where Alexander and Co. are a little bit crazy and are stuck in Yorktown Asylum. (Longer summary plus warnings in fic)
Relationship(s): Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan
But I thought- (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: Alexander soon came towards a hut, and he knows who lies within it. Oh god. Why did it have to be him? It is an omegas instinct to help other omegas, and Alexander kind of hates that trait right now.
Relationship(s): Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens
Like The Stars (One Shot; Completed)
Summary: Alex was sprawled out on the snow, his face glowed with happiness, and somehow his hat fell off. This left his hair to fan out in beautiful red curls. He looked like a painting, an angel. And John felt his heart skip a beat when Alexander turned his head and looked at him with a soft smile and bright eyes. That was the moment John realized he was in love. Fuck.
Relationship(s): Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens
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deja-you · 3 years
m. de lafayette x reader
chapter three | romeo and alpha
summary: it was never your intent to be anything more than a common thief, but fate -- and a rather attractive general -- have other plans for you.
word count: 1.8k
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In the months following your mission on Hesse, you only got better and better at your job. You learned the ins and outs of Philian nightlife, and you were proud to say you were getting more used to jobs on foreign planets. Mostly, you were getting more used to Lafayette and his division of soldiers. In between missions, you had time to lay low at headquarters, and the soldiers quickly became brothers to you.
As all siblings like to do, the soldiers would do their best to pull pranks and tease you when the occasion occurred. The growing relationship–you might even call it friendship–with the man who you had stolen from just a few months ago didn’t go unseen by the men in Lafayette’s division.
“We’ve compiled the information needed for your mission with Alpha,” Hamilton says, sliding a tablet across Lafayette’s desk for him to read.
Alpha–the squadron had affectionately given you the codename; named for the capital, Alpha Cersei, of the tiny planet you had grown up on. You wore the name with pride.
“Anything important I should know?” Lafayette asks as he begins scrolling through the information.
Hamilton coughs softy and nudges Laurens, who in turn nudges Mulligan. Mulligan shoots the other two men a dirty look, but nonetheless steps forward: “Well, the thing is… We thought it would be best, well… well why don’t you tell him, Hamilton?”
“Me? I put this together!”
“That’s why you should be the one to tell him!”
Lafayette sets the tablet down rather unceremoniously. “Would one of you just spit it out?”
A beat of silence.
“We… well, Hamilton decided that a couple of newlyweds would be a rather convincing cover for this particular mission,” Laurens finally says.
“Oh so now it was my idea, huh?” Hamilton says with irritation. “It was our idea when you thought it was funny.”
Lafayette looks between the three men incredulously before looking back down at the tablet to read further into the details. “You didn’t seriously…”
“If it makes you feel any better,” Hercules says (and he says it in a way that makes Lafayette think that the next thing he’s about to say won’t make him feel better at all), “we made sure to book you and Alpha the honeymoon suite. The reviews are great. Supposed to be very ro-man-tic.”
Hamilton and Laurens fail to hide their snickering, but Lafayette silences the two of them with a sharp look. He rests his forehead in his hand when the information he’s reading on the tablet confirms everything his soldiers told him.
“This is the last time I put any of you in charge of mission details,” Lafayette mutters.
“That’s not fair, we gave you a cool codename,” Laurens points out.
Hamilton’s eyes light up and he nods in agreement. “We did! Do you want to hear it?”
“Do I?”
“You’re Romeo,” Hercules says, and the three of them grin widely like it’s the cleverest thing they’ve ever come up with.
“Romeo?” You push open the door and take a seat in one of the chairs in front of Lafayette’s desk that you’ve grown accustomed to. You size Lafayette up with a look, noting how flustered he seems. “Are you a fan of Shakespeare, or somethin’?”
“Actu—” Laurens starts, but Lafayette silences him with a glare.
“Yes. Love Shakespeare. Laurens, Mulligan, and Hamilton were just about to leave.” His words are clipped and the three soldiers seem to understand him, quickly filing out the door in a fit of laughter, but not before muttering something about leaving the two of you alone together.
You raise an eyebrow at their strange behavior but shrug it off. You turn to face Lafayette and give him a mock salute. “Alright, general. Brief me on my mission.”
“Our mission, actually,” he corrects.
This surprises you. “You’re coming with? Ah, I suppose that makes sense. Hence the codename. Alright, Romeo, brief me on our mission.”
The codename catches him off-guard, but he doesn’t let it show. “There’s a British officer who has happened to obtain some… important information concerning future battle plans. We’ve been told he’s staying at a resort on Ambros while his ship is being repaired.”
“So we’re going to steal the information back before he can get it to New Britannia?”
“What’s our cover?”
“There’s more information on here,” Lafayette says, handing you the tablet, “but basically… we’re honeymooners.”
You pause, look up at him with wide eyes, then snort loudly. “You’re going to be my husband?”
He frowns at you. “Is there something funny about that?”
“No, of course not.” Your laughter contradicts your words. “It’s just that… you and I, well… we’d make an interesting pair?”
“Don’t worry, starlight, you’ll only have to put up with me for the length of the mission.”
“Oh, c’mon, don’t you think the situation is a little bit humorous?” You flash him a grin and his expression softens a little. “So should I meet you at the loading dock tomorrow morning, then?”
“Yes,” he nodded. Then, remembering something, Lafayette reached down and opened up a drawer, pulling out a little box. He set it on the desk in front of you.
“What’s this?”
“We’re married. You should have a ring.” He shrugs like it was obvious.
Gingerly, you open the box and your mouth falls open when you see the large diamond in front of you. The ring probably costs more than anything you’ve ever owned, and Lafayette is just giving it to you. You look from the ring to him in shock, and he gives you a small nod, encouraging you to try it on. You slide it onto your finger, and it just happens to fit perfectly.
“Wow” is all you manage to say as you admire the way it sparkles on your hand. You grin and your eyes meet Lafayette’s with a mischievous grin. “I’ve been waiting for this my whole life. Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes!”
Lafayette rolls his eyes at your antics, but he can’t help but smile. “Is it too early to file for divorce?”
You wave him off as a thought suddenly occurs to you. “I’ve got to go show the boys my engagement ring! I’ll see you tomorrow morning, bright and early, sweetheart.”
With that, you sweep out of the room and moments later, Lafayette can hear Hamilton, Laurens, and Mulligan all laughing and congratulating you on the fake engagement. Lafayette shakes his head, but he is incapable of wiping the smile off his face.
The flight to Ambros is short, and you and Lafayette spend most of the trip going over your cover in more detail. Lafayette is more focused on the important details: the name and appearance of your target, strategies, etc. You, on the other hand, argue that it’s just as important to come up with a believable background: how long the two of you have been together, where you got married, who your maid of honor was. You’re mostly teasing, but it would be beneficial to the both of you if your stories lined up.
“How did you propose? I think you took me back to the place we first met,” you muse.
“No, no. Not the place we first met. The place I first realized I loved you,” he suggests.
You look up at him, amusement playing on your features. “Oh, that’s much better.”
“Yes, and you had no idea. And I told you that ‘this is where I fell in love with you’ and suddenly I was down on one knee.”
“Our love story really is the sweetest, isn’t it?”
He nods. “The very best.”
You admire the ring on your hand and a thought occurs to you. “Do you just happen to keep wedding rings in your desk for impromptu proposals? Or… is there someone you were going to propose to?”
Lafayette shakes his head. “That was my mother’s ring.”
Your jaw drops when he says this. You’ve heard the stories about Lafayette’s past. Both of his parents died when he was young, leaving him one of the wealthiest Francos on the planet. Maybe he left Francosia because he had no family left there. Maybe it was something else. You don’t ask.
“This is your mother’s ring? I can’t wear this! Why didn’t you tell me?” You ask.
“We’re supposed to be married, starlight. Unless you’ve got a different ring in your pocket you’d prefer, I think our options are rather limited,” he says plainly.
You see the logic in his statement, but you’re still shocked he would trust you with his mother’s ring. “Yes, I understand, it’s just… this is something important to you. You just gave it to me.”
“Should I be worried about giving it to you?” He teases. “Were you planning on stealing it?”
“Well, now I’m not going to,” you say under your breath.
This elicits a chuckle from Lafayette. “My mother would’ve liked you. If anyone was going to wear her ring, I think she would’ve been glad it was you.”
Lafayette stands when the orange Ambrosian sea begins to cast hued light through the window, but his comment isn’t lost on you. For some reason, your chest grows all warm at the thought that his mother would’ve liked you.
“We’re going to be landing soon, we should both get changed,” Lafayette says.
He’s right. You’re wearing plain tan clothes, hardly suitable for the wife of a wealthy businessman. Lafayette is still wearing his white Amerigo Army uniform; he’ll have to change for obvious reasons. You give him a nod, getting up to your personal quarters to get changed.
For this mission, you’ve packed a closet of outfits that you would never have worn back home on Philia. Evening gowns, dresses that are equal parts too short and too sparkly, gold and silver necklaces, shoes you don’t understand how to put on, much less walk in. You decide you’ll wear one of your simpler options: a black gown that hugs your torso before cascading to the ground in waves, a slit exposes your left leg up to your mid-thigh. When you’re finished getting ready, you catch sight of your reflection in your mirror, and a surge of confidence flows through you. You look beautiful.
When you step back onto the bridge, the look on Lafayette’s face reaffirms your thoughts. His lips part as he takes in your appearance, eyes widening slightly before he remembers that it’s not polite to stare. He clears his throat.
“You look… nice,” he says.
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” you reply. You mean it. Lafayette has changed out of his usual uniform into a fitted suit of all black. A flash of deep red catches your eye when he adjusts his pocket square. He’s wearing the colors of the New Britannia flag; it’s all in the subtle details. You realize that this is the first time you’ve seen him in civilian clothes. You decide you like it.
“Shall we?” Lafayette offers you an arm.
You smile and take it, pulling yourself to his side. “Of course, darling.”
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just-my-fandom · 4 years
Can I pretty please have a Hercules mulligan x reader where he rescues her from a creep that’s hitting on her by pretending to be her boyfriend
DRABBLE. Published November 2, 2 AM (Lord help)
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Some men just don’t give up, do they?
You were invited to a party that George Washington himself was holding, unbeknownst that you had caught the attention of not one man, but two men.
The first one to make a move had been shut down three times. Your reaction would had been different if he hadn’t went straight to touching your back and waist, offering to buy you and drink then “dance the night away”
“I don’t dance,” You told him, already sipping a drink you had bought for yourself, face blank as you glanced at him. He left. Okay, easy.
Three minutes and twenty seven seconds later- yes you counted- he reappeared, suggesting there was a restaurant down the road he wanted to try out, but needed a date to do so,
“Pretty sure you don’t need a date to buy yourself food,” You told him, face now twisted in irriation. He left. Hopefully, for good.
Seven minutes and sixteen seconds later- a new record, woohoo- he came up, but not before a separate arm slid around your shoulders, the blue coat that you had seen Washington wear in your eyesight as you glanced up, to a man not much older from you, his smile wide- acting,
“Hey sweetheart!” He greets, loudly, leaning down when your brows furrow, “Figured I could get that pest away from you, is this alright?”
Your eyebrows raise in acknowledgment and you smile in thanks, sliding your hand up to his jaw so the man from earlier grunted, the gesture swift to send him away,
“Thank you,” You murmur, noticing how your saviors face was incredibly close to yours, which, gave you a view of his handsome face, “I thought he’d never leave me alone,”
“Anytime,” He pulls back, hand at your back for a lingering moment as he scans the room, then pulls it away, “My name is Hercules, by the way. Hercule Mulligan,”
“Y/N L/N,” You introduce, shaking his hand, “Again, thank you so much for that,”
“I couldn’t leave you to suffer,” Hercules grins, and raises an eyebrow, “Do you want to come sit with my and my friends? Cant have that guy coming up again,”
“Your friends?” You look over his shoulder to see three men and two women staring, all then waving when they catch your gaze, “So you know Lafayette?”
“You know Laf?” Hercules allows you to stand up, leading you up to the table of five,
“Of course I know the lady!” Lafayette greets you to a kiss on the hand, missing Hercules pinched brows, “She is a family friend, I apologize for not seeing you sooner,”
“Oh no, that’s fine,” You smile, “At least I had Hercules to save me,”
“Why don’t you sit down?” The girl with dark hair next to Alexander suggests, smiling widely, “Tell us about yourself!”
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” You glance at Hercules, his smile light as he gestures to one of the empty seats,
“Be our guest,”
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Hamiltots 2
"Honey! you've met Alexander, right?" Washington shouts from the reading center. "Yes, he's adorable.. and troublesome. He made a lot of friends on his first day.." Martha says while cleaning the tables over at the crafting table. "He helps Lafayette a lot- What!" George glared at his wife from across the room. "I said one thing about him."
"And that will be it."
"Oh please... Why'd you mention him?"
"He....He almost started a fight with Jefferson. He also called Lafayette 'Laffy' "
" Reason one, of why I called him troublesome... We really have to keep an eye on him. I don't want any fights between the thre- two" Martha says quickly trying to cover her mistake by coughing. "Three?"
"I said two George, did you sleep well?" Martha questions while walking over to her husband, placing a kiss on his forehead. "I should be asking you that question. But yes your right, I don't want him to get hurt.."
A couple hours later...
Hercules and Madison were the first to enter, greeting the two adults. Madison went over to his little spot in the reading center as Hercules goes over to the play center where all the toys were.
A couple minutes passed before Mrs. Martha heard a small knock on the door.
"Oh Alex!" Says the startled woman. "Where's Mom?.."
"Work." Alex blankly stares at Mrs. Martha. "Ok... Um come in.." Alex rushes in hoping to see Jefferson, but had a rush of disappointment when he only saw a book hiding someone's face. Another rush of disappointment when the hair wasn't large and poofy.
"ALEX!" Alexander turns his head around to see Hercules inviting him to the play with him.
I slowly look up from my book to see the new kid run off to Mulligan. I sigh in relief, I don't want to meet anyone I don't recognize without Angelica first. She's better at meeting people than me.. I just get really shaky, and I forget how to speak.
"You ok honey?" I jump in fear. " Oh dear, sorry I didn't mean to startle you.." I look to see Mrs. Martha putting her hand on my head to calm me. "Yeah, I'm ok... Thank you for asking."
She smiles in awe. "Of course honey." She goes back to replace a some of the books.
I'm really surprised she doesn't have any kids... She's so nice and gentle. Always looking after  everyone, maybe that's why she owns the daycare.
I grabbed my blankie and put it over my head, letting the warmth hug around me. No matter how hot or cold it was, I will have my blankie with me. I don't know what I'll do without it.
40 minutes later
"Tu vas devoir lui dire les règles. S'il ne les suit pas, je le ferai-" I listen to the sound of a boy speaking french. "Ouais ouais peu importe. Je vais lui expliquer." Someone sassed back.
I'm taking the guess it was Lafayette, judging by Hercules and the new kid's reaction when he got closer to them.
Sugar.. If he's here, then...
I feel a shadow above me. I'm praying its Angelica, I'd do anything if it's her.
I take a peek. Poofy hair.. ok 50% chance..
It's not done.. 20% chance..
I look down.. It's not her favorite shoe's she said she'd wear today... -20% chance..
Fancy magenta shirt... -80%...
Hands are crossed and their foot is tapping... -99%- oh what's the point. Ladies and Gentleman, here we are, a pink loving, poofy hair southerner, troublemaker... please, you simply must meet Thomas, THOMAS-
He knocks on my book "Thomas Jefferson's home~ Now open up!" He takes the book out of my hands and places it on the floor, then looks back at me with a smug look, waiting for his 'good morning'.
"Good morning Jefferson...." I whisper, not wanting to be loud. "Louder" He demands. "Good morning Jefferson..." I say a little louder. " Come on louder than that.."
"Good morning Jefferson."
"If there was a scale on how loud people spoke, you would be at -10,000" he says removing my blankie out of my face as it falls. I look down, not knowing what to do, I smile.
"Why are you smiling?" He questions. "O-oh uhh, I-I... I don't know... I-I didn't know what to do.."
"Yeah, your pretty sad.." he says sitting next to me.
This is like a routine for us. If Angelica doesn't come first, I have to say Good morning to Jefferson, 'loudly' then read him a book 'loudly' until Angelica comes. When she does, we walk around the classroom and greet everyone, but if Angelica comes first, I have to recite the alphabet 2 times, loud enough for her to hear, then read on of the level two books out loud to her until Jefferson comes. When he comes we go around the classroom to help the adults, but I have to ask. Luckily he gets carried away and he does most of the talking.  
They claim it's to help me out of my shyness, I don't think I'm shy... I just... don't like to talk to people a lot..or be around people a lot... or look them in the eyes... sometimes they look really scary...Sometimes I feel like crying.... I just want to hide under a blanket and read with my blankie. I like that. Ooo! with Ice cream too! Sometimes with Apple pie with a bit of whip cream on it!-
"I don't know why your smiling, but I wanna know!" Jefferson jumps. "Oh I-I was just thinking about reading under a blanket- et w-w-ith Ic-Ice cream"
He looks at me, with this huge smile. His eyes are also lighting up. "Oh I love to do that with Laffy! When it's the summer we hide in under the loft bed I told you about, and-and we take all the ice cream or-or Macaroni and cheese Right? and-and we play all types of games in there. It's so fun" He says throwing his hands in the air then falling back in the bean bag giggling loudly. I giggle too. I love to see him in a giggly fit or excited for the littlest things, it's so cute.
"Ooo what do you do?" He says sitting himself up. "Oh! well um- I- When I'm alone I g-go to the Kitchen-en t-to find-" I try my best to look him in the eye, but when I do, he.. looks so interested... I never really looked him in the eyes while I'm talking to him. Has he always looked like that? "I try to f-find the best t-type of Ic-Ice cream, then I rush over to the bedroom and hide under my blanket and start reading the book I-I was reading for a while now..."
"The book where the girl saves the pig and the pig becomes really famous for some reason." He says cocking his head to the side. " Oh I also started reading it yesterday."
I don't know what I'm feeling but I think I'm doing the thing Hercules does when he's happy.. "Wait really!" I spoke a little louder than usual. "D-Do you like it!? Cause I do! I really hope you like it!-"
Third POV
Mrs. Martha is star struck at how "Loud" James was speaking, she didn't even notice Maria tugging on the ends of her dress. "Oh! Maria deary, what's- James apologize to her now!" Her voice switching quickly from a kitten to a lion in a split second scared both Maria and James.
"Not you Madison, I'm talking to Reynolds"
"O-oh ok" ending with a harsh cough, he turns back to Jefferson to who was bouncing in the bean bag for some reason.
"I didn't do anything to her. She's just a baby." he says playing with scissors. Mrs. Martha leans down to Maria. "What did he do now, sweetheart.."
Maria was on the verge of tears " Whe-When I was picking up m-my paper he dropped, I turned around and saw him go-going to cut my Hair!"
"No. I. Wasn't." He protested from across the room.
"Yes-Yes he did. Yesterday he-he said m-my h-air w-was t-too-"
"Calm down honey.." Mrs. Martha picks up Maria who was now crying out of fear. "Reynolds go over to the corner." He makes this inhumanly noise before getting up to the corner. " And put those scissors down now!"
Maria tugs on Mrs. Martha's necklace trying to grab her attention. "yes sweetheart?"
Maria leans in her and whispers.. " d-don't t-tell him I-I said t-th-this b-b-ut" Maria looks up to see if James was looking. "h-he sai-d h-he would cut m-y li-lips i-if I-I t-attled o-on him a-again" Maria trying her best not to cry out loud covers her mouth immediately.
Mrs. Martha almost freaked out but quickly gained posture to calm down Maria. She gave her husband the 'we need to talk' look. Washington noded strenly, then turned around sharply to rethink his actions this morning wondering if he did something wrong.
A little later more kids came in
" Mr. Washington... you need help with anything?" George looked down at his desk to see Jefferson trying to peek at his work. "You didn't need help yesterday, so what about today?" Washington smiles and pats Jefferson on the head. " We have new books, I think I might need help putting the 'Level 1' stickers on them."  
Jefferson immediately lights up. " Yeah! I can do that! Where are they?"
"The back room.." Jefferson ran over to the back room in insinat. "Don't start any fights!" he hears Washington shout at him. What does he mean by that?.. I mean if jammy is in there I won't start a fight with him... Or Laffy.. Angie.. she's a different story..
As opens the door slowly opens the door, thoughts still going to his head....That is... until he looks up.....
Alexander and Laurens stare at the poofy haired kid for a bit until Alex breaks the silence. "Ew, Get out."
"No! you get out! your not supposed to be here!!" Jefferson points at them, Laurens hides behind Alex as he does the talking. "Nuh-uh your not supposed to be here, annoying babies aren't allowed-"
"Alex! we don't say that to friends." Mr. Washington walked in with a large handful of books and labled stickers. How did he open the door- no idea.
"He's not my friend.."
"Alexander!" Jefferson goes up to hug Mr. Washington's leg. "He-He called me a stupid, poofy idiot."
"YEAH HE DIDN'T SAY THAT-" Laurens finally pitches in. Jefferson glares at both of them. "Yes he did Mr. Washington-n-n...." He whines with a very dramatic pouty expression with large puppy eyes.  " I don't know if he actually said that, but you still need to apologize for calling him a-"
"But I don't want to..." Alex whines. "It not the matter if you want to or not, it's a must Alexander-"
"But why???" He complains once more.
"Alexander.." He says more sternly. Alex whimpers before turning Jefferson who had a fat smug smile on his face. "I'm sorry ...I guess"
"That's better, now I'm gonna leave you guys here for a bit, I will come back I just need to finish some paperwork." Washington says putting the books and stickers on the table. "All you have to do is to put the sticker on bottom right corner, right next to the opening." He shows them an example and tells them to do the same. "Good! Now Don't start any fights or you will stop helping me." He warns.
The three boys nod and smile until he leaves. "Why are you two here!" Jefferson spoke first. "I asked Mr. Washington if me, Laurens, Hercules, and Laffy can help him." ( A/N: I swear he's playing with fire...) "So Herc and-"
"Call him Laffy one more time, I will give you a paper cut" Jefferson threatens holding up a book.
Alexander mouth got closed by Laurens who shook his head and whispered. "He's done it before, it was big too. He once did it to Mr. Washington when he told him no." Alexander gave Laurens an annoyed look before staring back at Jefferson who sat down and grabbed a couple books and stickers.
"Where's Laffy?"
"What?" Laurens picks his head up from the book he was trying to read. "You said Laffy asked to help too, Where is he?" Jefferson says, sounding more like a demand than a question. Alexander rolls his eyes. " yeah he's with Herc and Mrs. Mar-"
"Don't have one." Jefferson smirked. Angelica playfully tackled Jefferson on to the floor. " OW! GELICA!" Angelica flipped her puffy hair and looked down at Jefferson with sass. " First, You didn't greet me today. Now your helping without me!"
"I thought you were with Jemmy!"
"We finish greeting people in about two to three minutes and you know that Mr." Jefferson sticks his tongue out at Angelica before laughing it off.
"Oh that's Angelica, Peggy's older sister. We like to call her Angie but Jefferson's different so he calls her Gelica." Laurens whispers. Alex nods, he remembers her from the reading center incident. She's pretty... and scary
Angelica looks up. "Oh! I didn't know you two where here. You boys had a nice morning?" she smiles.
"Yep! Are you helping us?" Laurens jumps. "Yeah! I was trying to convince Jammy to come but he said he wanted to stay in the Reading center with his blankie..." Angelica sits down in between Alexander and Jefferson.
Alexander thought it would be nice to start a conversation with her but Laurens wanted to talk to him.
"Lexi, HamHam, Hammy, Ham, Alex, exy-"
"Laurens, what are you doing?" Laurens smiles when he finally got his attention. He also has one of the stickers on his forehead-
"I just wanted to name all the nicknames I have for you." Alex smiles wide. "You forgot dunce." Ok Alex's smiles fades into a scowl.
"Jeffy! That's mean!" Angelica protested. "That's the point.." He boops Angelica's nose, making it difficult to keep her scowl.
"Well I think, one of his nicknames should be cutie~" She says booping Alex's nose. Causing the short boy to have a small hint of blush creep across his face.
"Ew, Gelica I thought you had a good nickname for him. Not a lie."
"Jeffy, what is wrong with you." Angelica's hair whipped Alex's face as she scolds Jefferson who only smiled brightly.
"He did nothing wrong, you mother-" "Call that again you bit-" "Oh you wanna fuc-"
"Jefferson hunny! Come here now!" They hear Mrs. Martha call. Jefferson got out of his seat to see what was wrong. The other three got nosey and followed.
As they walked out of the back room Jefferson fell backward due to someone running into him. "OW WH- Oh Jam-"
When Jefferson picked up James' head, he saw tears coming down his cheeks. Jefferson starts to worry. "Hey Jemmy." Jefferson hugs him hoping it'll slow his hard crying. "He started crying when I came back inside. I tried asking him what happened but he just started to cry harder." Mrs. Martha kneels down trying to help both the boys up.
"Jemmy..." Jefferson cups Madison's face and squishes it a little as he does a pouty face. He does this with Lafayette when he's sad. A small smile appears on his face but it doesn't stop the tears from flowing.
"Wha happen?" He finally asks. Madison leans in for a hug as he cries harder.
"I-I can't find my Blankie!"
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companionjones · 4 years
Alex Needs You
Fandom: Hamilton
Pairings: Platonic!Maria Reynolds x Reader, Platonic!Hamilsquad x Reader, Alexander Hamilton x Reader, Past!Alexander Hamilton x John Laurens, Maria Reynolds x Lafayette.
Summary: Your college roommate, Maria Reynolds, wakes you up in the middle of the night to tell you that a boy you’re very close to is having a mental breakdown due to a schoolwork overload.
Warnings: College, panic attack due to schoolwork, cursing
Author’s Notes: -This is a college AU. -Don’t ask me why Maria and Lafayette are together. I don’t know. -I changed Lafayette name around for this because I learned that his first name is not Marquis, it is his title. Lafayette’s full name in this is Gilbert Marie-Joseph Lafayette. -I technically wrote Reader as a female in this, but I think the only proof of that is that Y/n and Maria share a female dorm room, and I think Lafayette refers to Reader as ‘M’dame.’ -The real founding fathers were horrible people (except for John Laurens and John Adams) who profited off slavery. This is not a fanfiction about them.
Please take some time to sign some BLM petitions! Remember not to give any money to change.org because the money would go to the website, not the cause.
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    King’s College was the most prestigious university in the state. You were lucky enough to be awarded the scholarship money you needed to afford an education at the college on top of being accepted.
    Speaking of your luckiness, you made several friends on your first day that you had managed to keep. Your fist friend at the university was your dormmate, Maria Reynolds. She introduced you to her boyfriend, Gilbert Marie-Joseph Lafayette, and Lafayette got you to meet his friends: John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, and Alexander Hamilton. Laurens and Mulligan shared a dorm room, and Alex roomed with Lafayette. You’d been to both dorms plenty of times, but you practically lived in the latter.
    The reason was Alexander.
    He was good friends with everyone, but he barely hung out with anyone. The workaholic virtually never left his and Lafayette’s dorm room except to go to classes. Alex was completely dedicated to his education. On top of that, he was going for a duel-major in Law and Economics. You took pity on the bags under his eyes as soon as you saw them.
    You brought him food when he forgot to eat (which was almost everyday), you forced him to go to bed (which was definitely every night), and you even helped him through his break-up with his high school sweetheart: John Laurens. Needless to say, you and Alexander were the closest out of your new friends group.
    That was why Maria woke you up one night.
    “What is it?” you muttered groggily.
    She was clearly in distress when she told you, “Y/n, we gotta go to Laf’s and Alexander’s place right now.”
    “What?” you sat up a little in bed.
    Maria was putting on her shoes. “Laf just called me. John and Herc are already there. Alex is having some sort of a breakdown. He needs you.”
    Suddenly, you were out of bed. You got up so fast that your eyes did that thing where you went blind for a second. You asked thousands of questions about Alexander’s well-being, but Maria didn’t know much. All she could tell you was that Alex locked himself in his and Lafayette’s room. You and Maria set off to the boys’ dorm building at 2 in the morning.
    “C’est tout, I’m kicking the door in.” John and Hercules were backing out of the way of the Lafayette by the time you arrived on the scene.
    “Whoa! No, no. Stop that right now,” you ordered. “I’m not having you guys wreck school property, and something big like that will only stress out Alex more. Just...tell me what’s going on.”
    Lafayette explained, “I came back from being out with the boys, and I realized the door was locked. I called out to Alexander, but he said he’d be done in a moment and his work was almost done. He sounded like he was crying very hard. I tried to talk to him more, but he hasn’t said anything since. That was an hour ago.”
    “Okay,” you took a deep breath, and approached the door. “Alex? Hey, it’s Y/n. I, uh, I just need to know if you-if you hurt yourself.”
    Alex stuttered, “Yeah-Ye-Yes. Yes. I’m-I’m fine. I just need a little more time, okay? I-I just need to finish this essay for Washington.”
    Hercules was the first to voice his relief. “Oh, thank god. Y/n, I don’t know how you managed to do that. We haven’t been able to get Alex to talk since we got here.”
    “Maybe there’s too many people,” Maria deduced, “We’re probably overwhelming him. He always responds best to Y/n anyway. How about we just leave them alone for a bit?”
    The rest of the group agreed. When they started to leave, John stayed back for a moment.
    He began, “I just want to thank you, Y/n. I know Alex and I broke up before school started, but I still care about him a lot, you know? You being there for him means a lot to me.”
    “I know, John.” You affirmed, “I’ll take care of this.”
    John nodded, and went to follow the others.
    You walked back up to the door. “Alexander? The others are gone. Can I come in?”
    At first, there was silence on the other side of the door. Then, you heard his chair roll back from his desk. Footsteps approached the door. It opened to a tear-stained Alexander.
    Alex looked a mess. His dorm room wasn’t much different. There were crumpled papers everywhere It looked like he freaked out. That resulted in his blankets and pillows being whipped off his bed. His phone and laptop had been thrown to the floor and their screens had been shattered. Alex was currently working off of Lafayette’s laptop.
    He noticed that you were looking around the room as you entered. “I’m sorry. Half of my fucking essay got deleted, and...and I...lost it, I guess? I locked the door because I didn’t want Laf to see what I did...I was going to let him in once I got a chance to clean up a little, but I-I have to finish this essay.” It was like he just reminded himself, and Alex sat down to get back to work.
    “Alex.” You put your hands over his and intertwined his and your fingers. “Take a break,” you urged him.
    His eyes hadn’t left the screen of the laptop.
    “I’ll email Professor Washington, and ask for an extension for you. I’m sure you’ll get it.”
    Alex was still unresponsive. He’d moved his gaze to your connected hands. They were in his lap, and you were kneeling in front of him.
    “Alexander, please,” you begged for his attention.
    Finally, Alex met your eyes. He nodded.
    “Good.” You couldn’t help but smile a little at the sight of his eyes again. “Now, I’ll help you clean up in here. We can get you a new laptop, and the phone’s fixable. Then, maybe you can talk to the guys and Maria. Show them you’re alright, maybe?”
    He looked back down at your hands again. “I don’t want them to see me like this. It’s bad enough having you all come out in the middle of the night just to check on me.”
    “We came here because we care about you, Alexander. It scares us when you work yourself to the bone like this. Well, I know it scares me--”
    Alex’s eyes snapped up to yours. “I scare you?”
    “Well, you worry me, yeah,” you confirmed. “Why do you think I’m here everyday, checking in on you. It’s because I care--”
    No warning taking place beforehand, Alexander kissed you. The sudden impact made you realize the two of you had been building up to it for a long time. You stood up to better kiss him. Alexander followed you. You could’ve sworn you hadn’t been making out for that long, but when you broke the kiss, both you and Hamilton were breathless. He had his hands on your waist while yours were softly cupping his neck.
    “You’re in a really emotional place tonight, Alex,” you voiced the first reason that came to mind that Alexander possibly hadn’t meant what he had just done.
    Alexander immediately disagreed, “No. I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time. I’ve loved you for a long time.”
    Not knowing if Maria had actually woken you up that night in the first place or if you were instead dreaming then, you shakily nodded, “Okay. This Friday, at 8, let’s go out to dinner. But let’s not discuss this anymore tonight. You need sleep.”
    Fifteen minutes later, the dorm room was clean as it was going to get at 3am, and the shattered electronics were tucked under Alexander’s bed. Professor Washington was for some reason awake at that ungodly hour, and he had already responded to your email, agreeing to give Alexander a three-week extension.
    “Thank you, Y/n. Really.” Alex leaned on his doorframe while you were on your way out. He was holding your hand. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
    Softly smiling, you leaned in to give Alex another kiss. “You can call me, anytime, anywhere, and I’ll come right to you,” you whispered.
    “Oooo,” a harmony of teasing voices sounded from down the hallway. It was the rest of the gang.
    Laurens called, “I knew it! I knew you two were going to get together!”
    Hercules seemed serious when he informed, “I want to be the flower guy at y’all’s wedding. You hear me?”
    “Oh my god!” squealed Maria, “Now you, me, Alex, and Laf can go on double dates!”
    You helped everyone else away from Alexander and Lafayette’s door. “Okay, yes, me and Alex are...together now. But this is all stuff we can talk about tomorrow. Alex needs to sleep. We all need sleep. You hear that, Laf? That means no pestering Alex about him and me. Understand?”
    He gave a mock-salute. “Oui, M’dame.”
    “That goes for you, too.” You turned to Maria. “I’m going to bed as soon as we get back.”
    Maria raised her eyebrows at you. “Not a chance. I’m getting every detail out of you!” she proclaimed as she dragged you back to your dorm.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it! If you would like to read more, I have more fics on Hamilton over on my page. You should go check it out. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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What Disney character would the RFA members be?
Yessss! I actually love this so much, I adoreeee Disney 🥺 I’ll add V and Saeran too! Btw this is just my opinion!
Also I for some reason did way to much research on this? Like?? I dunno lmao I got super into it pfttt
And if you want to add some other characters and stuff, feel free to do so!
RFA+ V and Saeran as Disney characters:
Ya boi it’s Flynn Rider! First of all, they’re both super flirty lmao, and it’s just, you cannot tell me that Zen isn’t Flynn like holy shit! They’re both ambitious, and when they care for someone they will do whatever they can to protect them. Both Flynn and Zen have sad pasts who make them who they are now, aaandddd! They also have different names! Just wanted to point that out lmao.
If he were to be another one I’d say Pirince Naveen, from Princess and the Frog. They’re both super playful, and want to have fun, and they also really care deeply for people close to them!
And to add another one: Aurora! Both of them are elegant and hopeless romantics!
Our sweet child Yoosung is Anna from Frozen!
Both of them are sweethearts, and they really want to find someone they can spend the rest of their lives with! At the same time, even though they may be a bit naïve, they’re both pretty brave! I mean (spoiler for Yoosung’s Route) the poor boi literally got his eye hurt for MC, and no matter what he insisted on going to Mint Eye with Seven. Both of them also really care about family, and they’re super loyal to them and everyone around them.
Another thing, it’s that both Yoosung and Anna are super playful, and bubbly! So I honestly think Yoosung would just be Anna. Imagine him singing love is an open door tho, that’d be fucking adorableeeeee
Tiana, from Princess and the Frog!
First of all, they’re both so similar with the work a little harder theme, like honestly that’s all they ever do! They’re both super workaholic, which may sometimes get in the way for spending time with family and friends. Both Tiana and Jaehee are super intelligent and strong women! And they’re always there to help their friends. Honestly Jaehee and Tiana are queens 👑
And they both are passionate with something to do with food! Jaehee with her coffee shop and Tiana with her restaurant, so I think they’re just super similar.
Alright listen! So when I was doing this I mostly do it on similarities on personality and such, and for Jumin both Belle and Jasmine seem the most similar
First of all, Jasmine! Both Jumin and Jasmine are in a role where they have to be the perfect heir. While Jasmine rebels against it in various ways, Jumin is more subtle about it. Whenever his father tries a new business idea because of a woman he met, Jumin firmly tells his father no. Even when Sarah Choi or whatever her name is (fuck herrrr lmao) is supposed to get married to him, Jumin yeets her and goes nope. They both care deeply about what they’re supposed to be ruling (?) over, Jumin with his company and Jasmine with her kingdom. And lastly, they both care deeply for their friends and family, and would do anything for them!
Now with Belle, Jumin loves reading. That’s a thing they have in common, and the both of them are super smart, and love learning about new things. Like Belle, he doesn’t have many friends, and is pretty confident, Iike our boy Jumin ;)
Peter Pan
But not the animated one, it’s the one we all had a crush on when it was like 2003, this Peter Pan:
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It’s absolutely perfect. Both him and Peter are super playful, they like joking around and just you know, living the high life.
But at the same time they’re both scared of their feelings. At one point, when Peter Pan and Wendy are dancing (best scene ever btw) Wendy asks Peter about his feelings, and Peter yells that no, he doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings and that he has none. He tells her that in the end everything was pretend and he doesn’t want to grow up, or admit his feelings for Wendy.
It’s like when Saeyoung was pushing away the MC, so they wouldn’t catch feelings for him. He wants to ignore his emotions and he feels they are useless. Also the gif above it’s perfect for my sweet child it’s adorable lmao.
There’s also Aladdin, because they’re both playful but they can be serious at times!
Now for our boy V! I choose Tarzan and Elsa! Now you may be wondering, Amanda, what the hell?
Well let me explain!
First of all Elsa! (Ignoring the whole Let It Go part of course lmao) Both Elsa and Jihyun have had super traumatic experiences. V with Rika, and Elsa with literally almost killing her sister. Due to that, they both isolate from their friends and loved ones, to protect them. Elsa to protect them from her power, and V does it to protect them from Rika and Mint Eye. They both only want the best for their loved ones, and they don’t care if they have to sacrifice themselves. Jihyun and Elsa are scared of hurting those around them, Jihyun doesn’t want anyone in the RFA to be involved with Rika, to get hurt. That’s why I think Elsa and V are just super similar. They both repress how much they’re suffering on the inside, and they are always the ones acting as a shield for the rest. (Also it’s part of perfect because Yoosung is Anna holy crap Frozen/Mystic Messenger au????)
Now for Tarzan, of course it’s not everything that’s similar, but one thing they have in common is that they care deeply for family, no matter what. Even when Tarzan is being shunned by gorilla dad (or Yoosung -oh damn-) because he says that he’s not part of the family, Tarzan still does whatever he can to protect them.
Now, since our boy is actually like 6 boys (Unknown, Ray, Suit, Saeran GE, Saeran SE, and Saran Judge and Forgive)
So I did the ones in another story and Saeran post SE!
Ray: So! Our boy Ray reminds me so much of Rapunzel from Tangled! Both Ray and Rapunzel are both being kept in a tower (Ray’s tower being Mint Eye.) They’re both smart and creative, and well, they’re loyal (except to Saeyoung lmao.) I feel like Ray is also pretty artistic (he made the cute little emojis for himself and everything, just adorableeeee.) I honestly totally forgot about a Disney character that doesn’t want to be abandoned (maybe Jessie?) because Ray is scared of other people leaving him.
Now Suit! He was my favorite to do :P
He is The Beast! First of all, they’re both hot headed and they’re mad all the time, but beneath all that, they’re both hurting and lonely. Honestly I need a freaking AU of Suit Saeran as the beast, they’re just so similar! Even though they may seem distant and grumpy, they care about the MC in the same way. When the beast saw that Belle was actually pretty sad and everything, he got her a room (I mean he did feel pretty sad you could see it in his little face :( ) and Saeran actually tries to postpone the MC’s Mint Eye ceremony because he actually cares a lot about them (awww)
And for GE Saeran: I just see him as Pocahontas. They’re both mature, kind and loving, but they still have a playful side to them. Also they both love nature, and they are pretty smart. Good Ending Saeran just reminds me so much of Pocahontas honestly, because Saeran can be serious when he needs to, but he is also pretty mischievous and playful (I love the call where he’s like “HA got you to say what I wanted lmao”)
And now, SE Saeran: He reminds me of Kristoff.
At the beginning of the film, Kristoff is actually pretty selfish, and is uninterested on Anna’s stuff lmao. He’s a loner, and pretty cold (you know that’s what ice does to you pft) but he actually cares deeply about his family and friends, and he does have an actual fun side to him! Saeran in the SE is a loner too, he mostly shuts himself off and doesn’t really like to socialize (me thoooo) but even though he acts distant and like he doesn’t give a fuck, Saeran actually does give a fuck. He secretly cares about MC, his brother and maybe even the RFA members, even if he doesn’t show it. He is also pretty cold, and fiesty.
Since Hamilton is on Disney+ now, technically they’re all Disney characters so here are the RFA members as Hamilton characters, like imagine if they were to do the musical this would be the roles they’d get (also I won’t elaborate on my choices pft) oh and for the MC’s here’s a little guide just in case lmao
MC 1: Brown hair, no eyes the one and only lmao
Mc 2: Blonde hair, (I feel like she’s a Karen but don’t tell her I said that)
MC 3: red curly hair, she’s actually pretty hot like wtffff
MC 4: short hair, she’s the one that would be done with everyone’s bs lmao
MC 5: the beautiful unicorn pony thing lmao
Now, Hamilton:
Hamilton: Zen
Aaron Burr: Jumin
John Laurens/ Phillip: Saeran
LAFAYETTE/Thomas Jefferson: Saeyoung, yes Saeyoung
HercULES MULLIGAN: I dunno, MC 5 probably pft
Angelica: Saeyoung once again (he FOUGHT for the role alright?)
Eliza: Yoosung
And Peggy: MC 1
George Washington: Jaehee (hell yeah)
Charles Lee (I’m a general WHEEE): Rika fuck her pft
James Maddison: MC 2
Mariah Reynolds: Saeyoung once again, it was supposed to be MC 3 but Saeyoung pulled some strings and became Mariah Reynolds at the last minute and when Zen finds out after the whole ‘Say No to This’ he is triggered and is about to kill him
James Reynolds: MC 4
And that’s all I remember for now lmao, hope you enjoyed it :D
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imaginitiveescapism · 4 years
hey there! I love your writing and I was wondering if I could request a Hercules x Reader fic? :D maybe a fic where reader is pregnant and Herc is really excited to be a dad? I could totally see him pacing back and forth at the birth XD thank you so much for considering, I hope you have an amazing day/night!
A/N: Hi Anon! Thank you for the request! I have to admit to a complete deficit of experience with pregnancy and babies, but I’ve done my best and I hope you enjoy!
Hercules Mulligan was a man who was used to being in control of situations. He was a very large man, not someone many people wanted to be on the wrong side of. Even that was only half of it. That covered strangers, people who didn’t know him well enough to know that Herc was about the softest guy you would ever meet in your life, unwilling to hurt a fly unless it hurt someone he cared about first. He was in control with friends and family for exactly that reason, because they trusted him to look out for them. Not many people could handle being the dad friend to a group that included Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, and Lafayette. Still, he lived up to his mythical name, and Hercules was usually in control.
He had never felt so out of control as he did the day he found out you were pregnant. It wasn’t as though the idea of a baby was unwelcome. The two of you had been married a little over a year, and Herc was more sure he wanted to have children with you than he had been of most things in his life. It was just that you hadn’t exactly been trying quite yet, either. You’d gotten a promotion at work, he took you out to dinner to celebrate, one thing led to another in the excitement in the back seat of the car, and, well… the two of you weren’t as prepared for that as maybe you should’ve been, but hey, you were married so it wasn’t that big of a deal.
One missed period later had you begging to differ, and Herc waiting outside the bathroom door while you had an appointment with a stick.
For a while, he’d waited patiently, sitting on the couch. At least, it felt like a while to him. He knew in his head that the test itself only took three minutes, and the whole process probably wasn’t longer than five, but it seemed to him like he’d spent an eternity sitting patiently before he started pacing outside the bathroom door. What did he even want the answer to be? There was a reason you hadn’t been trying, after all. The two of you had discussed it, both wanted a family but both had planned a few years to yourselves before that day would come. He wanted to be a father, but did he want to be a father right now? He supposed it didn’t matter what he wanted, really, because either you were pregnant or you weren’t, but he wanted to predict his reaction so he could control it better, try to be the right thing for you.
You opened the bathroom door. There were tears streaming down your face, but you were smiling wider than Herc had ever seen before. Words were beyond you at the moment, so you just held up the little stick and nodded. Herc was completely unprepared for the wave of joy and love that overtook him the moment he knew the answer was yes, he was going to be a father, you were going to be a mother, both of you were going to be parents, together. Even if he could’ve predicted his reaction, there was no way he could’ve controlled it. First, he started laughing, big and joyful. His smile about split his face in half. Then he picked you up in his huge arms and spun you around. “We’re going to have a baby!”
After that, the overprotectiveness kicked in. You had been prepared for it. You knew your husband. There was no way he was going to be anything other than doting with you while you were pregnant with his child. He fell just short of it on a regular Tuesday. You knew what he needed, so you did your best to give it to him. You let him do some things for you, didn’t even attempt to carry anything larger than your usual bag as early as the first trimester. The two of you designed the nursery together, keeping busy. You watched with love as big careful hands sewed tiny delicate clothes for the baby you had on the way.
There were some lines, however, that had to be drawn. Seven months along, you swatted your husband’s hands away indignantly as he tried to take over making dinner from you. “Hercules Mulligan, I am pregnant not ill. I swear, if you don’t go sit down I will, I will…”
Herc crossed his arms over his chest and gave you a cocky smirk. “You’ll what?”
“I will…” You struggled for something to threaten your husband with that you wouldn’t feel bad about or regret later. “be… sad?”
“Well, we can’t have that.” Still, instead of going away as you bid, Herc wrapped his arms around you from behind while you cooked, resting his head on your shoulder and has hands on your stomach. “I just love you so much, both of you, and it can’t be comfortable to stand for a long time anymore.”
“I know.” You turned your head so you could kiss him. “But we love you too. Let me take care of you tonight. It’s your birthday.”
Two months later, and someone else’s birthday had clearly come. The first part, Herc could handle. Get pregnant wife in the car, get go bag in the car (hopefully in the same trip, but things do have a way of going wrong when one is panicking), get everyone and everything safely to the hospital. Tasks to accomplish. Actions to take. All very familiar and comfortable. It was the waiting that killed him, and he had to wait a lot longer than five minutes this time. Luckily, he got to wait with you. Herc couldn’t imagine if he’d had to pace outside the door while you screamed in pain. Instead, he was right there with you, letting you do your level best to crush his hand. Finally, your screams were replaced by a baby’s cries.
The doctors got your child cleaned and wrapped while you and Herc watched with unwavering attention. Finally the perfect little thing was placed in your arms. You couldn’t help crying. “Hi, sweetheart. I’m your Mommy.”
The child watched you with baby blues that were quickly fading. You suspected they would have their father’s eyes. You looked up to find Herc staring at the pair of you like a man who’d never seen the stars catching a glimpse of them for the first time. “Here. Hold your baby.”
As the baby grabbed one of his fingers in their hand, you were sure you’d never seen your husband look as happy as he did in that moment. You weren’t sure you’d ever been quite that happy before yourself.
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hiddenwashington · 4 years
mwm's? i hope the admins are having a good day/night !
what a sweetheart! we hope you’re having a lovely day/night too, my love! we’ve asked our wonderful members who they would like to see and we’ve got a big ol’ list for you to choose from, angel, so get ready!
our most wanted males are: reginald hargreeves, raymond chestnut, hazel, pogo (the umbrella academy), jon snow, robb stark, ned stark, bran stark, theon greyjoy, tyrion lannister, tywin lannister, gendry baratheon, robert baratheon, stannis baratheon, renly baratheon, joffrey baratheon, tommen baratheon, khal drogo, viserys targaryen, jorah mormont (game of thrones), stefan salvatore, damon salvatore, kol mikaelson, elijah mikaelson, finn mikaelson, tyler lockwood, matt donovan, alaric saltzman, enzo st. john, kai parker, luke parker (tvd/to/legacies), hercules mulligan, aaron burr, philip hamilton, george washington, thomas jefferson (hamilton), johnny rose, ted mullens, mutt schitt, roland schitt (schitt’s creek), james rhodes, happy hogan, bruce banner, erik lensherr, ned leeds, thanos, t’challa, clint barton, howard stark, phil coulson, nick fury, sam wilson, peter quill, rocket raccoon, groot, drax the destroyer, vision, stephen strange, wong, odin, heimdall, the grandmaster (marvel), albus dumbledore, aberforth dumbledore, ron weasley, percy weasley, amycus carrow, peter pettigrew, lorcan scamander, seamus finnigan, travers, mulciber, rodolphus lestrange, tom riddle/voldemort, oliver wood, blaise zabini, rubeus hagrid, newt scamander, cedric diggory, colin creevey, dennis creevey, barty crouch jr., dudley dursley, marcus flint, cygnus black, evan rosier, orion black (harry potter), clark kent, bruce wayne, oliver queen, wally west, dick grayson, cisco ramon (dc comics), mike wheeler, steve harrington, dustin henderson, lucas sinclair, jonathan byers, billy hargrove (stranger things), gomez addams, uncle fester, lurch (the addams family), riley biers, laurent, garrett, eleazar, aro, caius, marcus (twilight), coop, leo wyatt, chris halliwell, wyatt halliwell, cole turner (charmed), tarkin, jabba the hutt, chewbacca (star wars), frenchie, mm, billie butcher (the boys), mike munroe, chris hartly, matthew taylor (until dawn), ben hanscom, bill denbrough, mike hanlon, (stephen king’s it), giles, angel, xander, oz, wesley (buffy the vampire slayer), gordon cole, harry truman, tommy 'hawk' hill, albert Rosenfield (twin peaks), tommy ross, billy nolan (carrie), lestat de lioncourt (the vampire chronicles), percy jackson, grover underood, luke castellan (percy jackson), glenn rhee, rick grimes, daryl dixon, gabriel stokes, alden, aaron, morgan jones, abraham ford, eugene porter, paul ‘jesus’ rovia, ezekiel, jerry, tyreese williams, shane walsh, hershel greene (the walking dead), flynn rider, the stabbington brothers, varian, jacques, gus gus, prince kit (disney), and finally…. shrek!
members, of course feel free to reply to this if you think of any more for this lovely anon!
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eliza-i-wish · 4 years
36, 20, and 1 💕
oh rt. you sweetheart. I love you so much.
1. favorite? ms Eliza Schuyler Hamilton  ( QUEEN )  in a very close second is Angelica. ( QUEEN AS WELL )
20. New song/event. I would love to see or hear a bit more about the children, seeing Phillip’s little stint in take a break is BLESSED. I know Theodosia isn’t important to the plot. but I would like to see her. or give Hercules mulligan/Madison some more lines. thats my man right there. basically what I would like to see doesn’t move the plot along. if there was a cut song that I’d like to see, (one that actually moved the plot along a teeny bit more), I’d enjoy hearing let it go. (basically it’s Eliza and Washington teaming up on Hamilton telling him to chill.) someone needs to tell this man to calm down and I am envisioning lovely harmonies.  36. Favorite Hamilton nickname? I’ve seen many in my time. I’m always one for a good Alex or A. Ham. But the things I’ve seen range from creative to downright cursed.
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ao3feed-lams · 4 years
Never Satisfied
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZZTgsd
by Lyla_Joy
Alexander Hamilton.
The man she loves with all her heart.
Her college sweetheart.
The father of her child.
Was cheating on her.
With his best friend.
Words: 10280, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Hercules Mulligan, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Angelica Schuyler, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Philip Hamilton, George Washington, Aaron Burr
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/John Laurens, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, John Barker Church/Angelica Schuyler
Additional Tags: Light Angst, poor eliza, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler Deserves Better, Happy Ending, Cheating, Cheating Alexander Hamilton, Infidelity, Lafayette knows, Thomas and Lafayette are bffs, Lawyers, Almost everyone is a lawyer, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Philip is adorable, Peggy is single, Good Sibling Angelica Schuyler, Good Sibling Peggy, protective angelica, Gay John Laurens, Bisexual Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton Being an Asshole, kind of, not really - Freeform, this ends happy I promise, Divorce, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, One Shot
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZZTgsd
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~The tailors apprentice had came back to school, he was on crutches sadly and he couldn’t fight until he was healed so now was the challenge he rarely ever won was “try not to get chewed out by John” which was gonna be tough~
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boyackamo-blog · 5 years
Hamilton teachers!au
Part 1
Alexander Hamilton
- tired social studies teacher
- dictates so quickly that you will only have time to write down the date, and he will already tell the whole paragraph
- wears glasses on the nose or on the head. In the second case he sometimes forgets where they are and asks the poor children to find it
- his writing on the blackboard is worse then you had in 4 years, and all because the handwriting is too clumsy and angular
-in his lessons, you must know the subject, otherwise you get C
-his lessons are completely silent, because everyone is really listening
-"the school is not to blame if a person" * puts his hands in the mouthpiece* "HAS PROBLEMS WITH HEAD"
- by the end of the year, you have to attach the leaves to the 96-page notebooks, because of writing
- does not check homework, and does not ask. "just learn the notes please"
- argues with Thomas believing that his subject is more important, because: "your entire history without certain rules of society and politics is just a solid list of stupid numbers and some guys with balls"
- there is always a mug of coffee on his table
- treats students with respect. sometimes comes up with funny nicknames, like: comrade, woodpecker
- doesn't get along with technologies. He doesn't need to.
- "how should i turn on this thing if THERES SO MANY BUTTONS." *breaks the computer* "well.. okAy class, today we exist without presentation.. again"
- so many aphorismes, like so many
- on the same wavelength as the students
-"this week you have a test and.. the o f f s e t"
- *groaning in the background*
- all those who studied with him passed exams only with good grades
- "you're a tough guy, i see"
John Laurens
- funny biology teacher
- knows his subject perfectly and will easily give you F if you don't know it
- it is easy to find hin in school due to:
• loud laughter
• curls sticking out in all directions
- if John is sick, the children just watch the cartoons about biology
- you can find anything in his office table, except pens
- sometimes it causes some difficulties to the whole class
- "can i borrow your pe- well no is no"
- in a day can use a pack of chalk because of hundreds of drawings
- "and this is what you need to pass final exams"
- has a habit of biting pens and losing pencils behind the ears
- uses the same pencils to fix the hair
- treats favorite students with homemade cookies
- he loves it when former students come to school, because then you can ask them to take him away from here
- honestly, this school didn't deserve him
- there is a small turtle and a snake named Thomas in the class
- founded the "no one edicts fashion" squad, with the help of his hoodies with stupid phrases
- very concerned about the environment
- always late for school meetings and student councils
- "I'm sorry I'm late. Not really, because I didn't want to come"
- "it would be better to arrange an ecological week"
- don't let him fall asleep while he's watching animal planet
- a can of Baltika 9 (another beer) is always hidden in the table
- he wanted to become a doctor and treat children, but became a teacher and now he is treated by a psychiatrist
- once he confused the class and almost told the sixth-graders about intercourse
Gilbert Lafayette
- teaches foreign languages
- French accent from nowhere
- aue Parlez-vous français
- in English pliz
- every vacation rolls around Europe
- where he brings a bunch of stories and tells the students
- presentations✨
- prefers to devote time to the spoken language so that children really SPEAK
- on teacher's day, he receives an insanely large number of gifts and holds back tears of joy
- believes that mental health is very important. So, if you are very bad mentally, you will be told to stay at home or sent there
- at high school, he teaches kids to swear in French, because everyone knows English anyway
- if half the school in love with Jefferson, the other half definitely caught the crash on this man
- curly bun, which he constantly corrects if he is nervous
- "I did not think about a career as a teacher in my youth, because I wanted to become a linguist"
- travel to a couple with Elisa
- he gets seasick on buses, so don't even try to talk to him on the road
- almost always in a good mood
- no FIGHTS!!!
- seriously, very scrupulous about the relationship between students and teachers
- "Well don't give him a bad grade look he's an excellent student and such a sweetheart"
- cool story about travel throughout September
- there are no control works in his lessons, but there are tests, so you can always use the magic poking
- "if you do not know the answer, then poke at the most attractive expression for you. Maybe it's the véritable réponse"
- the principal wanted to kick him out of school because of his black nails, but no one told fashion how to function
- to the glory of God he burrs like a kitten
Hercules Mulligan
- pe teacher
- arranges a foot day
- loves to play sports with children, but can't because of professionalism
- mountain of muscles
- "my grandmother ran faster"
- but he runs very slowly
- "nothing, it's just a little rain outside," he says, standing under an umbrella
- if you are not a sports person at all and prefer not to take the form, then you will have to take a textbook and read it
- "don't want to play volleyball, lad? So, go to the pitch"
- but girls can practice yoga
- can't judge because he's too proud of the kids and wants to give everyone points
- favorite lessons with first graders
-is afraid to accidentally crush them, because he is too high and wide, and they are small cockroaches
- but at the same time afraid to go into the corridor, because it is a hellhole
- were you named after a cartoon??
- people call him George, which makes him mad
- looks like might kill you, but he's actually a sweet caramel bun
- afraid of spiders. Very, very. And there are no mops in the gym. At the sight of furry climbs on a rope and hangs there
- children, of course, love him, but sometimes they are afraid when lessons start on the street. There was a time when children ran around the school and he appeared from around corners to catch those who did not run
-Walks funny, slightly pigeon-toed
- the loudest teacher in the entire school, he can be heard literally everywhere. Even if he doesn't scream
- nanny for the kindergarten, which consists of Alex, Gilbert and John
- once got mad and gathered teams in volleyball, basketball, football and cricket.
- got the nickname "Bear" from high-schoolers because of his gait and strong hugs
writing for the first time, sorry for mistakes~
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deja-you · 4 years
angel wings + wedding rings
part four | angels in the early morning
m. de lafayette x reader
summary: both of you say things that you don’t really regret.
word count: 3.4k
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When his eyes were shut, Lafayette could only feel guilt.
He felt guilty for everything. For convincing you to marry him when you were both so clearly drunk. Then for trapping you in this marriage even though he had nothing to offer you. For keeping the apartment so cold. And for making you stay up late worrying where he was. Now, he felt guilty for not telling you no when you asked for meaningless sex; he knew it wasn’t meaningless to him.
The kind of guilt that embedded itself into your soul and swallowed you from the inside out. An ocean of guilt that he was now drowning in, the icy water filling his lungs and preventing him from calling out for help. The guilt was a siren, a warning of impending doom, a disaster about to make landfall and destroy everything in its path. 
But then he opened his eyes and saw you. 
Staring right back at him, the corners of your lips turned up at the corners and bright eyes staring back into his. Lafayette’s heart began to beat again-- when had it stopped beating? Your smile was infectious, and he couldn’t stop a smile from forming on his face as well. He hoped you couldn’t see right through his smile, to the heart hammering in his chest. 
“You’re beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking,” he said after awhile, his eyes following the slope of your nose and traced your jawline. 
You laughed through your nose. “You don’t have to keep flirting with me, love. I already had sex with you. Three times.”
His grin widened and he slowly nodded in agreement. “Three times.”
“I have to say, I’ve heard the rumors, but I didn’t think they were true.” You let your head fall back onto the pillow, sighing softly and allowing for your eyes to close shut.
“What do the rumors say about me?” Lafayette asked curiously, propping himself up on his elbow. 
You opened one eye to see him grinning smugly at you, and you scoffed softly. “Oh, no. Your ego’s already big enough as it is.”
“I’m curious. Come on, mon ange, tell me.”
You only shook your head. “I’m sure you have girls tell you how good you are in bed all the time.” You paused, your eyes snapping open as a thought occurred to you. “Maybe you should be on the complimenting side of the post-sex conversation.”
“You want me to talk about how good you are in bed?” He raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t know. Coming from you, it’s a big deal.” You shrugged, then pinned him with an expectant stare. 
Lafayette considered you for a moment, and found no words to be acceptable. It wasn’t that there was a lack of things he could compliment you on; that wasn’t the problem. There were so many things he wanted to say. Words filled with affection and love, but mostly truth. He knew he wouldn’t be able to tell you how much he adored you without letting it all slip out. 
Especially since you were so insistent last night that this was purely about the sex, no emotions involved. No strings attached, you had said. Lafayette hated himself for agreeing, but he knew he would agree again in a heartbeat. He would do anything if he got to be the one to draw those lyrical moans from your lips, if he was the one who got to make you feel that good.
“Well?” You raised an eyebrow, waiting for a response.
Lafayette reminded himself to breathe, and offered you an indifferent smile. “I guess you were alright.”
“Just alright?” You scoffed, sitting up in bed, and pulling the sheet to your chest. “We both know I was more than alright.”
He grinned, and wanted to tell you that yes, you were much better than alright, but Lafayette knew he wouldn’t stop himself there. He turned away from you, grabbing a pair of sweats and pulling them on. 
“I’m going to make breakfast, feel free to use my shower. The water pressure’s much better than the guest bathroom’s.” He stood up from the bed, giving you a nice view of his toned back, and the early morning light from the window outlined him in an almost heavenly way.
Your eyes followed his figure as he exited the room, and you sighed softly, letting your head fall back against the soft pillows. It was so easy to wake up next to him. In his bed. In his house. It was just easy. 
After taking a moment to stretch, you forced yourself to climb out of bed and pad into his bathroom. You started the shower, and once the water got hot, you got in and let the water wash you clean. You had time to really think now. To think about this whole arrangement. To think about last night. To think about how much you wanted to feel his lips on yours again. To think about how much nicer his shower was than the guest bathroom’s was. 
You figured you had taken long enough in the shower at this point. California experienced frequent droughts, it wouldn’t be environmentally conscious to stay in the shower any longer. You shut off the water, and wrapped yourself in one of the fluffy white towels Lafayette kept in his bathroom. Had he really been hoarding the quality towels and soaps in his bathroom? You made a mental note to reprimand him about it later. 
Barefoot and concealed only in a towel, you walked out into the kitchen where the fragrant smell of coffee wafted through the air. Lafayette heard you enter the room, and he turned to face you. You could’ve sworn the relaxed smile he wore grew ever so subtlety when he saw you. Or maybe you had just hoped it had. 
“Made you coffee. To your exact specifications.” He slid the hot mug over to you.
Your heart began to beat a little faster at the thought of caffeine and potentially at the thought that of Lafayette memorizing how you like your coffee. “What did I ever do to deserve such an amazing husband like you, sweetheart?”
He snorted softly. “You got drunk in Vegas.”
“I suppose drunken mistakes have their benefits.” You took a sip of the coffee and let it warm you from the inside out. 
“Careful, mon ange, you keep calling me a mistake and you might hurt my feelings.” His tone was teasing, but he was careful to look away from your gaze and turn back to the breakfast he was working on. 
“Now I could ask more questions about your upcoming film, but I think we need to discuss the elephant in the room. Your secret marriage to Victoria Secret’s angel, Y/n L/n.”
The conversation you were currently having with Alex and John paused at the mention of your name on the TV screen. 
Lafayette was on Ben Franklin’s talk show, and John had convinced you and Alex to come over to catch up and watch the interview. John and Alex were dying to ask you about your marriage, since they really hadn’t been told much more than what was printed in the tabloids, but Ben had beaten them to the question in his interview. 
You watched Lafayette put on a practiced smile. A smile viewers would just assume was a result of the mention of his wife, but you knew Lafayette better than that. He was mentally preparing the rehearsed story the two of you had crafted together. 
“Well, Ben, what do you want to know about Y/n and I?” Lafayette asked.
The eccentric host’s eyes lit up and he leaned forward on his desk. “Everything. For starters, when did you two start dating? And how could you keep this secret from dear old me?”
Lafayette chuckled. “We met through our mutual friend, Hercules Mulligan, and... and I was just awestruck from the moment I met her. I had the biggest crush on her, and one day I finally got the guts to ask her out.”
You pursed your lips as you watched the interview. Was it at all possible that Lafayette had liked you? You couldn’t stop yourself from imagining what would’ve happened if he had asked you out, but then you reminded yourself that he was a professional actor. He didn’t mean any of it. It was just a cover. And that didn’t bother you.
“Somehow I convinced a literal angel to go out with me, and for some reason she’s stuck around. What’s it been? A month and a half? We had a small ceremony, neither of us wanted anything big.” Lafayette laced his fingers together and leaned back in his chair. “I still can’t believe that she’s my reality.”
The audience and Ben aww’d at his statement, and the irony of his statement tugged at your heart. This fake marriage was fucked up, you both knew it, and you found yourself waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
“Y/n must be one special girl to make the Gilbert de Lafayette settle down. You have quite the reputation y’know,” Ben said suggestively. 
“That’s all in the past. Y/n’s my present and my future.” Lafayette looked away from Ben for a moment, his eyes lingering on the ring on his finger. “This last month and a half being married to her has been the best month and a half of my life. I just... I love her.”
Another round of awws from the audience, and this time Alex and John joined the audience, glancing at you for a reaction. You gave them what you hoped looked like a contented smile, but inside you were a twisted knot of shock and anxiety. 
Lafayette had just said he loved you on national television. There was really no going back now; surprisingly, that’s not what you were focused on. He had said it with such sincerity that even you were convinced he meant it. You forced the warm, overflowing sensation back into your gut and reminded yourself it was all an act. A very compelling act that manipulated your emotions with ease, but an act nonetheless. 
Ben and Lafayette thankfully moved onto another topic, and John turned down the volume on the TV. Alex and John turned to face you, ready to begin their own investigation. 
“You have to know, we’re both very upset that we weren’t invited to the wedding,” Alex began. “We’re supposed to be friends, Y/n!”
“It was pretty spontaneous.” Understatement of the year. “We really didn’t invite anyone. Not even family.”
“You didn’t even tell us. I read about your wedding in a magazine. We didn’t even know you were dating,” John said. 
You shrugged. “You heard Lafayette. We kept it quiet, but had been dating for awhile.”
“If we’re being honest,” Alex said, “I think I knew you two were dating.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Is that so?”
He nodded. “Yeah. It was pretty obvious in the way you guys would stare at each other all the time.”
“We didn’t... We didn’t stare at each other all the time.”
John nodded in agreement. “No, no. Alex’s right. It was right in front of us the whole time. You guys always spent so much time together. I should’ve suspected something was going on.”
“I always knew you liked him, Y/n,” Alex said, “but you’re really in love with him? You never thought to tell us?”
“We’re married. Of course I love him.” And God, did you wish you were lying. 
“I brought you lunch.”
You examined the box in Lafayette’s hand, smiling a little when you recognized the logo from your favorite restaurant. You grabbed his arm and pulled him out of earshot from the group of models who were watching the two of you and whispering to each other.
“Y’know you don’t have to bring me lunch, we’re not really married,” you said quietly when you were sure no one could hear you. 
Lafayette only shrugged and thrusted the box of food into your hands. “I know. Just think of it as a way for me to say thank you.”
“I think you’ve thanked me enough. I’ve got a new Rolls-Royce, don’t I?” You grinned. 
“She’s all yours, mon ange.”
You were smiling up at Lafayette, and he responded with a dazzling smile of his own. To any onlookers, it was a sweet moment between two newlyweds in the Honeymoon stage. And it sure felt like it. You remembered where you were and quickly looked away from him.
“I wish I could eat lunch with you, but I have to get back to work,” you said. 
He nodded. “Of course. Tuesdays are busy for you. But Wednesday is your day off. Get lunch with me tomorrow.”
Sure, you’d had plenty of breakfasts and dinners with him, and a few lunches just for public appearances, but this felt different. It was the soft way he asked; the slight shaking of his voice that told you he was nervous. The way his eyes were a wider, more hopeful and tender. 
“Lunch? Tomorrow?” You asked slowly. 
Lafayette swallowed thickly. “Yes. Lunch tomorrow.”
You paused. “Like a date?”
“Like a date.”
Maybe all the planets had aligned perfectly in outer space just to make sure you made a decision you promised yourself months earlier that you wouldn’t. A decision you knew was stupid and could end poorly. But between the tugging in your gut and the nervous smile on Lafayette’s face, any coherent thought was drowned out in a pink haze. 
“Okay. Let’s go on a date,” you said.
Any doubt about whether you had made a bad decision flew out the window when you saw Lafayette’s shoulders relax and his smile take over his face. That smile could light up the darkest room. He bounced excitedly back and forth on his feet. 
“Great! I’ll make reservations.” He took your hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
You couldn’t help but laugh a little at his excitement, shaking your head a little. “We’re married and we’ve already slept together, but this is what gets you excited?”
“Maybe it’s because I just really like lunch,” he said. Maybe it’s just because this is actually real, he thought. 
“You’re ridiculous. I really need to get back to work now before Hercules comes and yells at you for distracting me,” you told him. 
He nodded and leaned forward to kiss you on the cheek. “Have a good day, mon ange.”
The first date was perfect.
It wasn’t anything special. Lafayette took you to a quiet restaurant just outside of L.A. He didn’t buy flowers or have anything spectacular planned, it was just a casual lunch. You ordered your food, talked about your day, ate, paid the bill, and left. That was it. And it was perfect. 
The problem was that once you said yes to a date once, you couldn’t say no. And in Lafayette’s opinion, the second date was more significant. 
Lafayette tried to calm himself when he asked you again. When he was around you, he couldn’t help but feel panicked. Not panicked in the scared or terrified kind of ways, but panicked in the way he didn’t know how to stop or slow down. He was a car going full speed down the highway with no breaks and no intentions to stop. 
But you weren’t the same. He knew you had to bend your morals and ideals to even say yes to a first date. He would slow down for you. Or, at the very least, he would hide his panic. 
“Do you want to go out?”
Out like a date? you’d wanted to ask. Or maybe just out like ‘you’ve been in my apartment for too long and I’m afraid there’s going to be a permanent you shaped indent in my couch.’ You glanced up at him, first noticing the easy smirk he wore. Then you saw the slight panic in his eyes and you nodded to yourself. Yes, he means like a date. 
“Yes.” You would’ve thought that one little word was a drug the way Lafayette’s face lit up at the mere sound of it. 
If Lafayette was still trying to contain his panic, he wasn’t doing a very good job at it. He took your hand in his and grabbed the keys to his car with the other. In a second you were situated in the passenger seat of his car and Lafayette was pulling out into the road. 
“Where are we going?” You asked him while he helped you connect to the car’s sound system.
“I... I hadn’t thought of that yet,” he admitted, and you laughed. “Where do you want to go?”
“Don’t ask me, this was your idea. I don’t want to make a decision.”
“Okay, okay. Then we’ll just drive until we find somewhere we want to stop.”
The word ‘we’ felt so natural on his tongue. Like it was his mother language. You were his wife, his partner. Even if you just saw it as a temporary thing, and even if Lafayette knew it could only be a temporary thing, every now and then he liked to pretend that this was all real. 
Neither you nor Lafayette would remember every detail from that night. The two of you were intoxicated, not by alcohol or any other form of inebriation, but by something stronger and more languid. Memories came back in poetic proses, broken glass on the sidewalk that looked like glittering stars, camera flashes that documented a fake marriage and real smiles, and desperate displays of affection that only delayed catastrophe. 
You don’t think anything Lafayette ‘plans’ to do that night is intentional. In fact, you don’t know if anything he’s done in his entire life has been intentional. Sometimes that worries you, but right now you can’t help but love the spontaneous man that pulls you out onto the Santa Monica beach. 
It’s already getting dark, and you’re certain that if you take your shoes off now to meander around the beach, you’ll never find them again. And you like these shoes. But Lafayette insists you run around barefoot with him. You mutter something about “I don’t know why I do these things for you.” You know the answer. You’re careful to make sure that because I love you doesn’t slip out. 
“Lafayette, I swear if I lose these shoes, I’m getting a divorce,” you say as your bare feet sink into the cool sand. 
He scoffs. “Well I wouldn’t want your shoes to be ruined by ocean water.”
“Why would they be...” your eyes meet his, then move to the waves lapping at the beach, then back to Lafayette. “No.”
You’re not given the opportunity to say no again, because his hands snake behind your knees and the next thing you know, you’re thrown over his shoulder and he’s racing toward the water. You yell a few times for him to stop, but it’s drowned out by your own laughter. 
Lafayette is waist deep in the water, your feet, calves, and knees sink into the water, but you grab fist fulls of his shirt in a feeble attempt to keep the rest of your body warm and dry. Your actions are made in vain, because he takes a deep breath then pulls the both of you under the waves. He lets go of you after you’ve been completely submerged and you quickly resurface. 
“I’m going to kill you,” you say as you gasp for air. 
He laughs, and it’s so warm and full you forgive his previous transgressions for just a moment. “You might want to take out a larger life insurance policy before you do that.”
Lafayette wades over to you, his hands falling to your waist. They fit there perfectly, like your body was made for his hands to hold. He pulls you into his warmth. 
“I don’t know what possessed you to drag me into this freezing water at night,” you groan, burying your face in his chest.
You can feel the soft vibrations of his laughter. “We’ve got warm, fluffy towels at home.”
Your heart flutters a little bit at the mention of home. “I do love your towels.”
“They’re your towels. I got them for you,” he admits. 
“You did?”
Lafayette rests his head on top of yours. “Got new pillows, too. And a new coffee maker.”
“Just for me?” 
“Mmhmm,” he hums softly. “I’d do anything for you.”
You sigh out the name of some deity, maybe it’s his name, and you just stop thinking. “I love you. I’m so in love with you.”
He pulls away to stare at you with wide eyes.
taglist: (lmk if you want to be added ! )
@nyxie75 @elizard-hamilton @einfachniemand @fans-of-the-damned @riiyy @garlicbreadnotchewable @ohsoverykeri-blog @notebookgirl30 @irrational-bitch-syndrome @3leni @boomfm23 @summerofsnowflakes  @sillyteecup @braidedchallah  @i-know-i-can @checkurwindow @pretty-and-pink-284 @astralaffairs @thecoffeehouse204 @farihafangirls @hamilton-and-hockey @marvel-love-posts @id-do-it-for-free-babe @moosoobi @officiallykuute @ramp-it-up @laic2299 @phoenixswhytock @abbylouamanda @obsessedalpaca @luckyfriesss
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The Hamilsquad have just started their first year of high school and they are waiting for your questions!
Alexander Hamilton
Aaron Burr
Elizabeth Schuyler
Angelica Schuyler
Peggy Schuyler
John Laurens
Marquis De Lafayette
Hercules Mulligan
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Maria Reynolds
George Washington
Martha Washington
Charles Lee
Samuel Seabury
George Fredrick (King George)
Theodosia Bartow
James Reynolds
Maria and James Reynolds -> Siblings
Lafayette and Jefferson -> Cousins
Madison and Mulligan -> Cousins
Martha and George Washington -> Married + Adoptive parents of Alex
The Dormitory System
Hamilton , Burr, Laurens, Lafayette, Mulligan, Jefferson, Madison, Lee, Seabury, George Fredrick and James Reynolds all share one dorm house since they’re boys in the same class.
Maria Reynolds, Theodosia, Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy all share one dorm house since they’re girls in the same class.
The two dorm houses are next to eachother connected by a hallway since everyone is in the same class.
The boys dorm is looked after by George Washington who is the class’s teacher.
The girls dorm is looked after by MArtha Washington who is also the school’s librarian.
Get to know the characters!!!
Alex -> Alex is the adopted and only son of the Washingtons. He‘s the youngest and shortest in his class being 14 years old, a year younger than everyone else. He has a serious coffee addiction and is a workaholic. He majors in Social studies. Alex does refer to Washington as dad in the dormitory but he hates it when Washington refers to him as son during school hours and often refers to him as sir. He is Disney’s number one fan and even has a few posters in his room. His favorite movie is the little mermaid. Alex doesn’t like reaching out but he trusts only Aaron enough to tell him everything. However, one thing Alex hadn’t told Aaron about yet is his mental health and his depression and suicidal thoughts. He has mental breakdowns regularly and tends to self-harm sometimes. He also hadn’t told anyone about his severe fear of storms. Alex is in the boys dorm room 8.
Aaron -> Aaron is the oldest in his class and he’s basically the dad of the group. He’s the most if not only responsible person in the class and always gets Alex and his friends out of trouble. He can seem like a party pooper who doesn’t talk much at first but once you get to know him he’s a lot of fun. He has his own little library in his room since he’s such a bookworm. Surprising, Aaron is a big fan of Sherlock Holmes and has a collection of all the books in his library. Aaron knows everything about Alex, probably enough to socially destroy the boy but he would never do that. He’s in boys dorm room 9.
Eliza -> Eliza is the mom of the group. She is the second most responsible person after Aaron. Everyone confides in her in everything except Alex who only confides in Aaron. She’s the one who makes the cakes and snacks for everyone when watching a movie and the only one who goes grocery shopping besides Theodosia who often helps her with shopping. She is a saint but can be a badass when she needs to be. She is in girls dorm room 1.
Angelica -> Angelica’s one of the popular kids in school. Being a Schuyler and a sassy badass got her in the top charts of popularity. She may not like organizing things at parties or gatherings like Eliza but she’s the one who throws parties and buys all the necessary stuff for the group. She may seem intimidating at first but she’s pretty chill once you get to know her. If you mess with her sisters, she will make you regret the second you came into existence. She’s in girls dorm room 3.
Peggy -> Peggy’s just Peggy. She’s the ball of sunshine in the group. She always knows how to make everyone laugh even at the most stressful times. She’s Maria’s and Alex’s bestie and is the one who drags them to all the parties. She has a sweet tooth. Peggy’s probably the second loudest person in the friend group after Herc. She’s in girls dorm room 2.
John -> John’s one of the kindest people in the friend group. He’s the one who brings the group together and separates the group during fights. He is OBSESSED with turtles and ocean life and even has a pet turtle in his room which is kinda breaking the rule of no pets in the dormitory. He’s the one who keeps up with Alex’s bullshit most of the time. He’s in boys dorm room 11.
Lafayette -> Laf is the most fashionable person in the group. He keeps up with all the latest fashion trends and is the one who takes the group out shopping for clothes for hours. He and Thomas choose Alex’s clothes for parties and gatherings since Alex has no sense of fashion whatsoever. He’s also the one who would change the channel to some french show which only he, Alex and Thomas would be able to watch and fully understand. He’s the only one who eats dinner when it’s Thomas’s turn to cook. He’s in boys dorm room 7.
Herc -> Herc is the loudest person in the friend’s group. He’s the one who carries Alex to bed when he accidentally falls asleep while working. He’s pretty irresponsible and has broken multiple bones while doing stupid stuff. He’s probably the hardest to handle for Aaron when he’s tryna control the group. Surprisingly, he likes tailoring and is the one who fixes the groups clothes when the accidentally rip them while doing stupid stuff. He often uses Alex as a model for his clothes which Alex surprisingly doesn’t mind much. He’s in boys dorm room 3.
Thomas -> Thomas is the sassiest person in the group. He LOVES Magenta and Mac & cheese. His favorite class is Social studies since he gets to debate with Alex and beat his ass verbally, though Alex always crosses the line in those debates. His best friend is James M who is always sick and Thomas always ends up taking care of him. Thomas doesn’t really hate Alex as a person but he does hate him with a passion whenever they’re talking about their political opinions. However, when they’re not doing that he discovered that Alex can be a pretty cool guy, mostly when him and Laf are picking out clothes for him. His favorite thing to do is tease Alex about his height and age. Thomas is in boys dorm room 12.
James M -> James is the sick boy of the group. He is ALWAYS sick. If anyone ever needs tissues, he’s the first person they ask. He can be a handful at times when he’s very sick and he does feel guilty for needing to constantly rely on everyone but the others don’t really mind. He’s a good listener and problem solver making him the second person Alex confides in. Even though Thomas and Alex are enemies, James is actually a pretty good friend with Alex and agrees with him on a lot of political opinions. Overall, he’s a kind and gentle sick smol bean though he is a little taller and older than Alex. He’s in boys dorm room 4.
Maria -> Maria is the most chill person in the group. She’s the one who’ll stay calm when everyone else is panicking and running around like maniacs because there’s a cockroach around and Alex is screaming louder than JD when he screamed “VERONICA!!!” (That was specific...). She’s also one of the most fashionable in the group. She’s the one who’s seen every single movie on Netflix and would recommend movies to the group and set up everything to watch the movies. She’s in girls dorm room 5.
James R -> He’s the big brother figure to Alex. He’s always competing with Aaron over who’s a better big brother to Alex. He somehow always manages to say the most inappropriate things at the most inappropriate times. He loves embarrassing Alex with a passion. He’s the guy who’d get everyone smoothies even if they didn’t want them. He’s quite protective of Alex and is the one who calls him to make sure he’s safe when he’s been out for too long. He’s in boys dorm room 6.
Charles -> Charles is probably the most normal person in the group. He’s just a chill dog lover. He dislikes John for many reasons, one being that he could keep his pet turtle in his room while Charles couldn’t keep his dog and instead had to leave him outside the house in the backyard. He can be seen as a coward at first but he just likes being careful and playing it safe. He’s in boys dorm room 1.
Samuel -> Samuel is the nerd in the group. He’s pretty shy and quiet. He has a passion for plants and nature. He also loves the galaxy and stars and even has a telescope in his room to stare at the sky. He’s also really good at writing and poetry. He doesn’t like Alex much because of his very rude nature. Samuel is the most polite and approachable person in the group. He’s in boys dorm room 2.
George -> George is the formal guy in the group. He LOVES throwing tea parties and gets really mad whenever people refuse to attend them. He views himself as the king of the high school and likes keeping Samuel by his side as his royal, loyal subject. He comes from a very wealthy British household which explains his bratty selfish attitude most of the time. However, deep inside he’s actually a good guy. He also has a brand-new black Mercedes-Benz g63 which he got as a gift for his birthday which he can SOMEHOW drive very well. He’s in boys dorm room 5.
Theodosia -> Theodosia is the big sister of the group. She’s the one who helps Aaron and Eliza in keeping everyone under control. She’s a sweetheart and is very soft-spoken and smart. She’s probably the genius of the group since she tends to get the highest grades in class which Alex fails to do since he exceeds the writing limit all the time which gets him to lose marks. She’s in girls dorm room 4.
Martha -> Martha is the school’s librarian. She is also Alex’s adoptive mother. She really kind and soft-spoken. She often takes care of the group and sees them all as her children. She’s also the one who calms down George when he’s too stressed from having to deal with the group.
Washington -> Washington is in no doubt the fatherly-figure to everyone in the group. He is also Alex’s adoptive father. He always calls Alex “Son” and feels really happy and proud when Alex calls him “dad”. He is definitely a bit of a doting father towards Alex and loves him dearly. He HATES Alex’s workaholic habits and have tried multiple times to stop him from overworking himself. He’s also such a worrywart when it comes to Alex. He has a few suspicions about Alex’s mental health but hadn’t talked to him about it yet.
Marcel -> Marcel is a pretty chill guy. He was raised in Britain and moved to New York to continue his studies. He is also the boys housekeeper and the class Vice President. He can be really inappropriate at times and make the most inappropriate disgusting jokes. He’s dream is to graduate college and join the police and become a police officer. He’s quite strict when it comes to breaking the law but can let some things slide to have fun with the group. He’s in boys dorm room 10.
Allyn -> Allyn (MEH) is the president of the class. She’s the total opposite of Marcel since she’s pretty goofy and cheeky and all around weird. She likes staying in her room with the lights turned off under the blanket binge watching musicals and drawing. Her favorite subject is Art. Even though she’s the class president, Eliza is not surprisingly better at doing that job than her. She sometimes randomly looks straight at the camera and says stuff making everyone else confused and seriously concerned for her mental health. Beware, if wild Allyn is found feed her some cookies and slowly retreat to safety. If she starts screaming, run. Do not make eye contact with a wild Allyn or your life will be in danger. She’s in girls dorm room 6.
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jack-the-sol · 5 years
Do you have any (modern or non modern) Washington headcanons? If so do tell please.
Historic Time: 
Washington considered all his aides his sons (except Martha, of course). 
Wash would request Martha to bring his dogs from Mount Vernon when she visited. The aides and himself would all have fun with new companions. 
He occasionally hit his head on a doorframe, but of course, he doesn’t curse when he does. Laurens, however, does curse. Quite vehemently. 
Washington is a better father than almost all of the aides’ own fathers. However, Tilghman is only ten or so years younger, but Wash still keeps up the father role. 
He assigned his aides ribands and cockades because when he didn’t originally have them, they were easily lost in a crowd. Now, the green markers let him know who is where. Even better: Laurens and Hamilton are nearly always with each other, so if Laurens wears his cockade on his hat, Washington knows that the tall aide that easily stands out is most certainly with the short aide that easily blends in. 
Even though he tries to deny it, Washington loves gossip. It’s extremely helpful that Martha and Lafayette do too. Some days, his office is buzzing with Lafayette and Martha exchanging the day's hot news. 
Lafayette once accidentally outed Laurens and Hamilton, but after a quick explanation of “their love is like yours and your wife’s”, Washington relaxed and understood better. He let them go on as they were because he couldn’t afford to lose a tie to Congress and two skilled aides. 
When he heard of Laurens’ death, he felt like he’d lost a son, and he was heartbroken to realize that it was the only official aide that he’d lost to the war. The reality of Laurens and Lawrence’s names sounding so similar made it even more painful for him. 
Washington loved his mother, but he definitely didn’t like how she didn’t really love him back as much. 
Lafayette’s son, Georges, is technically Washington’s grandson. 
Modern AU time!: 
Washington has pictures of his dogs in his wallet along with a card expressing that if he ever gets in an accident, he needs someone to check on them and his family, and on the card, he lists how to contact his family (his wife, mother, and ‘sons’). 
He would’ve consoled Laurens a lot, assuming his father is still an ass. 
He buys a newspaper every day because he appreciates it more than online articles which can be less trustworthy. Martha also likes to snip out headlines, sections that are funny or important, or mentions of people she knows, because she wants to keep them to remember later. 
Washington was a football star in his high school years. The aides are surprised when he finds an old yearbook and scrapbooks from then. Martha made the scrapbooks in high school. 
Martha and George are high school sweethearts. 
Washington was friends to Hercules Mulligan when he took in Hamilton when he was in high school. He saw potential in his and offered Ham a paid internship at his business (you guys can decide what that is), and it paid off. Ham learned a lot and earned extra cash. 
Henry Laurens managed to “snag” (he uses the term to make it sound like John should be grateful for the opportunity when really a paid internship wouldn’t even be hard to get) John an unpaid internship at Washington’s business and said to keep a close eye on him. His helicopter parenting on John was nearly abusive and Washington started providing false info to Henry to give John some wiggle-room away from his dad. Needless to say, John was very grateful and even happier when Washington promoted him to be a PAID intern without letting his dad know. 
Washington is actually kinda shy and doesn’t enjoy big groups and parties, so when he’s at a big gathering or conference, he tries to scoot out of there as fast as he can. Usually, he claims that something happened at the business and he needs to go ASAP, but the call he gets is Tench calling to ask what movie he would want to watch for the upcoming Holiday Party they throw in Washington’s inner circle. 
Washington is preferable to women reporters because he knows they don’t get as much focus as men. It’s nothing sexual. It’s giving the spotlight to people who deserve it. 
He has no wage discrimination in his business. Everyone is paid equally based on the work they do and their position in the company. If they’ve finished their daily work, they’re free to go home. Their pay remains the same. 
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