ask-irl-gou · 10 years
((Hmm, maybe I should see if anyone asked Kou any questions--
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dang guys that's awesome! if you send questions maybe i'll add somethin' a lil extra at the end there ;]  ))
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
((I'm also back and totally ready for asks haha if i ever get them............................))
((It certainly has been quite some time, hasn’t it? Well, I’M BACK! I’ve had so much work. Finals, Almacon, just life as a highschooler. I pinky promise to post more!))
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
((Is there a Seijuuro ask blog??? If there is one I would totally have flirted my little Kou butt into being their valentine holy shit
As it is, I hope you all are having a lovely Valentine's Day, and that even if you don't have a valentine you can always remember that it was named after Saint Valen's penis.))
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
Your character overhears someone calling mine 'a slut', what does your character do?
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
((Should I do a 50% Off day? in that I answer questions as the thug Kou from 50% Off))
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
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((Siiiiiiigh, anon, you have much to learn about the stubborn Nagi.))
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
((alright ask box is once again open for business!!! Please send asks!))
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
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Don't give up!
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Good to see you kept your promise! How productive has this little adventure been?
Well, to be truthful Gou-chan, most people aren’t asking about the swim club
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But one person did say they were interested! only they didn’t live in Iwatobi…
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
so what do you guys do instead of swimming ifs it storming outside?
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If I can’t schedule a joint practice, they have to run. Or lift weights.
They always moan and groan about it but they’ll never win anything with that attitude!!
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
Have you ever got sweet revenge on anyone? If so what happened and what did you do in response? If not, has anyone done anything that you want to get them back for?
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Nagisa-kun still calls me Gou. I’ll get him back one day.
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
If you had to describe yourself as an animal, what would it be? What about your brother? (Can't use 'fish,' be a little more specific.)
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I think I’d be an otter.
As for Rin…
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I think he’d be a shark without teeth
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
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((I missed Munday so here’s some hottie megane Nagi for the soul))
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
((It's munday!! I'm gonna post a pic you can't stop me
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HA see I did it))
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
((Sorry I haven't been active! I have school starting on Tuesday so I'm hoping to get into cosplay that evening and answer some of the questions in my box!))
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
Reblog if you RP SFW and NSFW
I do.
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
((Hey so if you want me to read smut out loud I need a fanfic! If you don't have one to recommend, try giving me a pairing including Gou!))
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ask-irl-gou · 11 years
((Merry Christmas everybody! And if you don't celebrate Christmas I hope this week is just generally awesome and I wish all of you a happy new year!!!!!!!))
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