Here's the deal.
Concidering there's 19 people following this blog and that my friend also mods this blog I'll give a heads up. I am going to delete this blog. Neither of us go on here and as much as I like to get back into this and such, I am much to busy to do so. Nor were there anyone sending asks and such. If there are people who are still interested in this blog then, I really don't know what to say other then sorry. I would love to continue this. And I actually had planed to continue it before but with a sort of audio log type posting. But that died since neither of us got time to actually do it. When I get things sorted and if my friend still wants to do this kind of thing, we might come back and make another. But I know for sure I'm going to delete this one. This is just a heads up. I'll probably deleted in a weeks time. But yeah.
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So my caretaker is away...
I haven’t seen Kennedy in a while, two scientists come and visit me instead. One observes and takes notes on my dietary habits while the other tries to feed me. I managed to cut off one of my feeders fingers. I don’t like them. I hate them. They don’t know me and they can study all they want but I will kill them if I get the chance. - Scp 2457
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You guys probs don't care bout this blog anymore but I thought you would know
That I will be off. I just can not handle things anymore. Everything is too much and. I'm just gonna leave for now. If anything my friend is still here. So she can answer asks. But I wont. Good bye -mod rakzon
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((and I kinda humanized SCP 860-2, what have I done?!))
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or generally positive. This is kinda my first time doing commissions so sorry if its kinda messy.
ok so these are generally going to range about 2-5 dollars. 
examples of the general price range is shown above in the drawings i done.
You can ask for what kind of monster you like or what you want it to have. If you want a specific message, tell me what it should be directed to like if you had a bad day or someone has insulted you or such. 
You can also tell me what message you want me to put if you are giving it to a friend or such.
It also helps to know if you want the monster to be more scary or more cute too.
I will give the paypal link later for when you are ready to pay
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Photos from my SCP Foundation Researcher costume for PAX. Simplistic, but I think that it was pretty decent for a week’s notice! What else do I add? I’ve seen some cosplay pictures with SCP-logo’d clipboards, and those are pretty tight. The badge is here, as are the cards I handed out.
Bonus: Selfie of me with blaroth and/or midnightofserpents.
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Wait, you’re thinking. Isn’t blaroth grey, and Midnight black? Yes. This was not true cat, but a dangerous anomaly.
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Fortunately, I was able to respond to the threat appropriately.
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I need your guys help
Okay so here is the situation. My damn Pennical Studio’s 15 is freezing and crashing while I try to render videos. It’s gotten to the point where I haft to restart my computer completely, because it refused to close out when I try to quit out of it. It has caused so much stress for me that I am getting headaches. 
The equipment I use for editing my videos is total shit! It refused to work and refuses to make anything I tell it too. The fact I have high blood pressure issues and depression never helps when this crashed after working on a video for hours and I nearly lose all of that progress. I have now resorted to making videos and saving after like 5 minutes. Because I am always paranoid that the system will crash on me. I have had it with this fucking editing software. I am depressed and not having a fun time tonight when I normally enjoy making videos. 
I have little to no money left because of having to pay for schooling. (Which I don;t take out loans I pay for everything) So I don;t have the money at the moment to get any editing software. I am now forced to create a Patreon (Think that how you spell it, I am just so fed up with this shit tonight that I don’t fucking care) to try and get donations. However I am thinking of replacing this editing software. So if you guys have any suggestions please message me, thanks. Idk what I am going to do about all of this….
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"I swear I will beat these people down. It's pointless to bring me to these outings." -Quin
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Quick 049 whilst I work on something a bit better. 
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"No. If anything I'm fairly certain I'm not capable of much emotions." -Quin
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Kennedy, do you watch over 2457 all the time? Or do you sometimes have to watch other SCPs too?
"Yes. It's a pain in the ass. I don't think they want me near the others. Either that or probably want me dead, since this thing is highly dangerous from what I heard." -Quin
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Okay, so, I just managed to figure out how to do a reply. It’s not that different from what you would have to do in the last update that Tumblr did, but I’ll still include screenshots of how I managed to do it. Also to freakxnewxdance I hope you don’t mind my using one of our threads to demonstrate this.
Alright, so here goes! What you want to do is pull up the reply the other person made and copy that person’s reply like so:
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Then you paste your reply into the text box provided below. For the image, what you have to do is right-click on the image and select “copy image”:
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Paste the image into the reply and adjust position as needed according to where the icon was when your partner replied.
Then you go about replying as usual (since I already responded to this thread I just made a random thing tbfh). As a personal preference nowadays, I like separating my partner’s reply from mine with one of those dividing lines on the Tumblr sidebar, like so:
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and then go about formatting how you normally would and also delete the reblogs. If you want to add your partner’s URL at the top feel free, though it’s rather tedious and would involve going into HTML to bring things back to normal, and for those who aren’t experienced with html… it’ll be tough. At this point I wouldn’t worry about blockquoting because I have absolutely no idea how it would turn out if I did happen to blockquote, but until Tumblr either fixes this or X-kit finds a way to create an extension to have the option of going back to the old way, this is what I can provide to help you guys with.
Until notice from either side of the argument, I hope this helps, and happy RPing!
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This is the SCP Guard Guy
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Reblog this post and the SCP Foundation will make sure you don’t have SCP 072, allowing you to sleep with one or both feet out of the covers for a month.
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SCP Foundation fanart, SCP-2719 - Inside.
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This is September 1st with the SCP MTF Pinup Calender
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New SCP game: The Foundation - Prototype launch!
Inspired by XCOM and a legion of brilliant authors this game puts you in the shoes of the newly appointed Overseer of the SCP Foundation, an extraterritoral organization charged to secure anomalous artifacts around the world, contain public knowledge, and protect the world’s existence from the hazards these items possess.
You must Secure. Find anomalous events and SCP entities. Customize your armed forces and research powerful new technologies. Dispatch task forces to lock down and retrieve it. Fight off others interested in the same prize.
You must Contain. Suppress public knowledge of the events. Recruit governments, agents, and organizations to fund and support your goals. You must Protect. Build bases and secure areas to store anomalous items. Stop the spread of anomalous effects. Beware of dangerous containment breaches. As time passes the beginning hastens the end. Something nearly destroyed the Foundation once. It won’t make the same mistake again.
Click here to watch ‘The Foundation - Administrator Teaser Trailer’
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GLOBAL CONTROL: Build a secret extra-territorial organization that spans the globe. Interact and negotiate with rival organizations and governments to contain anomalous threats.
TACTICAL SQUAD COMBAT: Control squads of soldiers to contain or destroy anomalous entities.
BASE DEFENSE: Contain hazardous anomalies for study in custom built containment facilities. Your base becomes the battle map. Design defenses to keep your collections in and rival organizations out.
OPEN ENDED UNIVERSE: Over 2000 different anomalies can appear in game. Connections to the SCP Wiki, a peer reviewed collection, allows for access to new and improved anomalies as they are added to the wiki.
MODDING: Designed for modding from the ground up. Plain text content allows non-technical players to still change the game as they wish.
Want to download the game and help find bugs and give feed back? Click here for a link to download the game and report bugs here on INDIEDB!
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Right now this game is currently a prototype which means there WILL be limitations on what you can do and bugs. Click on ‘Keep reading’ for more pictures, content and websites! 
I’ve had a test run of the game myself! It is VERY promising and the music is really amazing! - Roth
Keep reading
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I swear if they don't stop talking outside my door, I will reach through the metal slot and rip their legs off. Hopefully I will have a chance to break out soon, I'm tired of them 'studying' me. - Scp 2457
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