So I decided that I would do the thing and carry on over on a side blog, for ease of finding replies. See you over there!
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I'm considering moving this blog over to a side blog
After all, Milord did so and found it easier to keep track of. Just to be clear that I'm not dead!
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↖ is now accepting curious anons.
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Ah, progress! The grouchy mercenary admitting he missed the munchkins, as he fondly called them.
"They've also missed your cooking. I was told to inform you of this."
So I'm thinking about trying to reboot this blog.
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"And I’ve missed them." Sort of. Kind of. Maybe a little.
Ah well, they were used to him pretending he didn’t care at this point.
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Well, I might as well try to do a thing over here as well. Good to see you back from your travels, milord, the children have missed you!
So I'm thinking about trying to reboot this blog.
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{I haven’t been on in ages, so I considered making a new one all together, but it seemed like a waste to let this one gather more dust.
I remodeled my page layout, and I’m going to add links to my other blogs. That way, if I’m not on this one when someone wants me to be (not that anyone would, after all this time, but hey, if you wanna start an RP or want me to reply to something) you guys can pester me on there.
So if any of my RP followers are still active. Hello again!
'Nuff said.}
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My Dee-con photos finally arrived. (and on the day I was all ‘I really want to wear Geitz again’)
Cosplay me: Theonlytoner
Photographer: Scott Baxter/ Outside the box imaging 
The only thing missing from this costume is a Wilson. Desire to google plush swallows is rising.
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Lucius I wonder... Is homosexuality accepted in Araphen? Can two men get married?
Well, that goes beyond the laws of Araphen and into the rules of the Eliminian Church.
As far as the Church is concerned, your sexuality is yours and yours alone. I can perform a marriage ceremony for a man and a woman, two men, two women--I can't imagine Saint Elimine saying that one kind of love is somehow better than another, can you?
As for Araphen, that's another matter. When I first visited Araphen--shortly before I began traveling with Lyn--Marquess Araphen had laws against such a union. When he was succeeded by the new (current) Marquess, those laws were repealed. There are some people in Araphen who would fuss, as I'm sure there are everywhere, but most of the townspeople figure that it isn't bothering them in their lives any.
So, in a word, yes.
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"♣ - Sexuality" It's Munday and you're up Lucius! What's your answer ;)
Well, mine shouldn't be much of a mystery, at this point! I've never really "swung" much either way, but I love milord with all my heart and I doubt that will ever change.
As for the Mun, since this was a Munday question, she says she isn't even sure, and that's the best she can do.
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(Sorry, idk if this got through) Hey Lucius, why did you grow your hair long? Does Raven ever brush it for you? ;)
Ah, this is the hair question with a secondary inquiry. Occasionally, yes--he will brush my hair. He's far gentler about it than one would expect!
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Hey Lucius, why did you grow your hair out long?
Well, originally it was a case of neglect when I was a child. No one ever bothered cutting it. When House Cornwell took me in, Lady Cornwell--Raymond's mother--did cut it, but she still left it about chin-length because she couldn't picture me with short hair. As I got older, we started leaving it a little longer, and so it went until Raymond and I were forced away from home.
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Lucius may I see your wonderful smile? (cosplay)
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This is the best picture I have, GreyFace. Raymond has a bit of a knack for getting pictures with my hair in my face…this one is a rare exception.
((This picture was taken at the Higgins Armory Museum in Worcester, MA just before it closed. The armor collection has since been moved to the Worcester Art Museum—where there’s a building called Chapter House, the first medieval building brought over from Europe—that I’d love to take pictures in as well, but all in good time, hehe))
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Lucius do you twerk?
I beg your pardon, do I what?
....a strange kind of dancing...?
No. I do not. I don't really dance in the first place, but I certainly don't dance in such a...fashion.
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Soraya: Ah! L-Lucius! What happened to Dad-, I mean, Lord Father? Er... No! I should first apologize for disappearing! Y-Yes! S-Sorry!I couldn't find a portal back home! A-Ah! H-Hello!Nice to see you! Er... W-What happened to Father?*panicks* (Ooc: Hello, long time, I doubt you remember me, but I am the anon that roleplayed Soraya ^^', I apologize for the hiatus)
Soraya! Welcome back, dear!
Ah, he was victim to GreyFace magic again...he's long since back to normal, he was a child for three days or so. (I was hit by the same spell, at one point.
((I do remember you! :D I've been spending time on my other RP blog--expatriots-wife, Esla from Sinbad no Bouken--and haven't been checking Lucius much these days. When Awakening came out, Lucius pretty much fell silent. And I didn't have any message notifications, so I figured nothing was happening over here! Much the same thing happened to Raven. We're RPing in the Magi community these days, but we've started playing Fire Emblem again and all the old muses are resurfacing with something of a vengeance XD))
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Hello,Sir Lucius...
Good heavens!
No one ever told me that I had messages! I am so, so sorry for the excessive delay!
Hello to you too, Greyface. I'm terribly sorry for my absence!
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theonlytoner replied to your post:UMM….  So I’m getting an error when I go to make...
i just got one for refreshing my dashboard
I just got one trying to copy your reply O.o wonder if this will publish?
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so I can visit Esla's blog...I can make posts (or could a moment ago)...tumblr what's going on?
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So I'm getting an error when I go to make posts on either my personal blog or my Esla blog. I'm trying to decide if it's just happening to me, just on those blogs, what it is. Anyone else getting 502 Bad Gateway errors?
...I suppose if you were you wouldn't be posting about them...
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