I'll miss you too buddy
Uh, hi, mod here.
This is an official notice that this blog is shutting down.
Mod here, hi, i might as well just genuinely introduce myself since i won't be coming back. Hi, I'm liem, I'm 15 and trans masc, my friends call me Lime and we are the Citrus gang because all of our names sound like citrus fruits.
I'm sorry to say this but I will no longer be posting on the following blogs
@flying-at-the-speed-of-wagon @ask-the-screeching-popcicle-man @interstellar-egghead @ask-mini-diego-brando or @ask-the-decepti-thots from here on out, I'm sorry to the people who genuinely enjoyed my content but i can't take the constant harassment in dms or asks any longer, i tried to ignore it and not post anything about it or respond to the asks and deleted them after reading them, but i can't anymore. I loved drawing and answering questions for fun, and it was for a while until a group of people started harassing me via dms, and even after blocking them all, they always came back. So there. You win.
I'm sorry i never drew the best or answered questions properly, I'm sorry i wasn't good enough, I'm so sorry for all the time of yours I've wasted.
Between work, home and school this was my only escape, but even that fell apart.... You don't really need to know this but I've always been very mentally weak because my family constantly verbally abuses me and uses me as an output, always calling me by my dead name and pronouns and since I'm ace and trans, i need to be "fixed" and there are constant threats of being sent to a conversion camp if i don't listen. I have always just been a timid little good for nothing child who will do nothing for the world because my passion is the arts, specifically writing and drawing comics, and i want to change that.
Ahh, this got awkwardly personal, I'm sorry about that... Either way, i will not be active, posting or answering anymore questions after 5 p.m east coast North American time.
I will miss posting on this blog but i simply can't take the bullying anymore. I bid you all the best of lives and may your blogs do well in the future, at any time.
Have a little doodle sheet i made of Sidon from legend of Zelda botw before you go ówò
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You don't have to be sorry, this is your choice to stop facing this. I hope the people harassing you will not try to get another one, and that you'll get better dude. Take care of yourself before everything else, that is the most important thing.
//I really hope they don't go after anybody else, I'd hate to see somebody else have to go through what i did. And I'll try to take better care of myself, i hope you will aswell úwù
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Uh, hi, mod here.
This is an official notice that this blog is shutting down.
Mod here, hi, i might as well just genuinely introduce myself since i won't be coming back. Hi, I'm liem, I'm 15 and trans masc, my friends call me Lime and we are the Citrus gang because all of our names sound like citrus fruits.
I'm sorry to say this but I will no longer be posting on the following blogs
@flying-at-the-speed-of-wagon @ask-the-screeching-popcicle-man @interstellar-egghead @ask-mini-diego-brando or @ask-the-decepti-thots from here on out, I'm sorry to the people who genuinely enjoyed my content but i can't take the constant harassment in dms or asks any longer, i tried to ignore it and not post anything about it or respond to the asks and deleted them after reading them, but i can't anymore. I loved drawing and answering questions for fun, and it was for a while until a group of people started harassing me via dms, and even after blocking them all, they always came back. So there. You win.
I'm sorry i never drew the best or answered questions properly, I'm sorry i wasn't good enough, I'm so sorry for all the time of yours I've wasted.
Between work, home and school this was my only escape, but even that fell apart.... You don't really need to know this but I've always been very mentally weak because my family constantly verbally abuses me and uses me as an output, always calling me by my dead name and pronouns and since I'm ace and trans, i need to be "fixed" and there are constant threats of being sent to a conversion camp if i don't listen. I have always just been a timid little good for nothing child who will do nothing for the world because my passion is the arts, specifically writing and drawing comics, and i want to change that.
Ahh, this got awkwardly personal, I'm sorry about that... Either way, i will not be active, posting or answering anymore questions after 5 p.m east coast North American time.
I will miss posting on this blog but i simply can't take the bullying anymore. I bid you all the best of lives and may your blogs do well in the future, at any time.
Have a little doodle sheet i made of Sidon from legend of Zelda botw before you go ówò
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And mod :)
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Mun vs Muse
Tagged by: Stole it from @shizaze
Tagging: Just steal it 8′D
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Uh.. Ask me stuff?
//Hi!! I'm new to the whole ask blog thing, so im sorry if I make a mistake! Promos would be cool! :)
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Hi guys! Mod here, im so sorry but I'm going on hiatus for the time being for personal reasons :(
my health issues are starting to get the better of me and my doctor is saying i have less and less time left to live, it's really scary to be honest and im trying to figure everything out and it's kind of stressful, between 4 active blogs, work, school (high school sucks, 10/10 don't recommend being a sophomore) and family things plus health problems gets a little confusing and is taking a toll on me. So, for now I'm taking off from nearly everything extra such as: blogs, random art posts, animation, extra jobs, and commisions for a little while so I can focus on my comic, so that I can at least get it out into the world before i straight up kick the bucket or something worse.
I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience of this situation, a couple people have dmed me asking why I haven't really been active lately and I felt like I should make an official notice. Of course, i will leave my ask box open for you in case you have any questions while I'm hiatus and don't want to forget them ówò
And just a gentle reminder that i love you all and you all are amazing for sticking with me, i seriously appreciate it, and always remember that even if you feel like you're unwanted or unloved, I'm always here and I'll love you no matter what.
I should be back soon though! Hopefully January
Love you all!
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HECC YEAH BOIS WE HIT 300!!! and 2!!!
And that meannnsss,
Ask mun stuff and they shall comply, we also got the trio and we'll be adding HotPants to our menu :)
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//i love you all you're all amazing, this is a big milestone for me and I'm happy that you all enjoy my content! Of course, it's kinda rare that I post anymore, I'm really sorry about that, I've been having trouble with my family and health and insecurities about my art and its chosen style, but I will be posting more often now cause I don't have to work 3 jobs anymore! Like I said before, you all are lovely, amazing, beautiful people and I'm grateful you're here~
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Jojo-themed ask meme!
☆ - Favorite stand design? 
♡ - Favorite ship? 
◐ - Favorite minor villain? 
☠ - Least favorite character? 
⌧ - Favorite outfit? 
⇧ - Character you’d most like to be friends with? 
∇ - Favorite part? 
♛ - Favorite fight? 
╬ - Favorite stand ability? 
♬ - Scene that made you the saddest? 
☿ - Character you don’t understand the fuss over? 
۞ - Part you would beg Araki to change?
Ω - Figure or other merchandise (existing or not) you’d most like to have? 
☂ - Character you’d most like to cosplay? 
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“Who left this small dinoman figurine here? I don’t recall seeing this anime anywhe-SWEET MIKU YOU MOVED-“
i'M NOT SMALL >:( im baby size
And of course I move, I'm a person too!!
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Reblog so we can interact!
I wanna be able to communicate with blogs! So reblog if you want me to send you an ask or interaction!!
((Mun wants friends 😔✋💕❤️
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🎈- Share a childhood memory!
//well i didn't have much of a childhood, my parents usually keep me confined to one place and that's it, but I do have 5 siblings so I have a good bit of stories
When I was like 4 or 5 (I'm currently 15 so not too long ago) my siblings and I would always find random things to jump/throw ourselves off of in cardboard boxes. One day it was really snowy outside and as expected of northern Canada, the snow was around 4-6 feet deep :), so we grabbed one of our boxes and to ensure it was safe, I, the youngest of the 4 that was alive at the time, was to be thrown off the roof in a box first. It didn't end well cause I hit a tree and we learned not to use that area but it was still a lot of fun.
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Getting to know you Questions for the Mun!
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I hope he does, if you have anymore questions don't hesitate to ask.
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Valentine definitely has something to do with this. He's probably made more copies of me with d4c and the touched eachother.
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Well that isn't normal
A combination of two stands? I've never heard of such a thing
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Oh? That's normal, your stand is probably not able to manifest yet, but don't freak out, that piece of flesh you touched won't hurt you.... probably... But that's besides the point. You'll be fine as long as you can keep it in check, do you know what it looks like? Your stand I mean.
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