ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
Damn belphie
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
After spending 500+ dp on drawing the card And 50 getting enough grim I finally got him
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
Hell-o ,may i request a match up? I'm an 1w2 ENTJ .I majored in biotech and i would describe myself as an adaptable ,perfectionist,analytical ,determined and passionate person.I tend to hold myself to high standards and i can get really stubborn.I enjoy reading a lot and when i become a fan of something new i tend to research everything about it .I drink way too much coffee ,i own a lot of make up and crystals and i have two cats and a cat themed tarot deck .I'm 5'5 and ready to fight god
I match you with Simeon 
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He may not let you fight god but doing tarot with you? Yes! Like him your a perfectionist and hold yourself to high standards! He will help you with your research on your new hobbies so he can learn more about you! He would love playing with your cats maybe bringing Luke along to play with them too
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
Match ups are still available? If so I'll try my shot! I'm a trans man , 5'2 , quite animated but at the same time depressed. I talk quite a bit and can be a little bit annoying sometimes. I love to draw and learn. My hair is brown and short and my eyes are hazel. I like variated music from rock to pop to rap to opera. When I get excited I look like a little child, wave my hand and jump around lol
Lucifer is for you
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He would love hearing you talk while he does his paperwork ! He would try to listen to all the music you like but you might have difficulty making him listen to really cutesy pop! He thinks it’s cute how excited you get about everything!
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
hewwo !! could i please get a match up? 👉🏻👈🏻 i am 5'5", average built, with short black hair, hazel eyes and very pale. i am an intp, 8w7 sagittarius, ravenclaw and i like astrophysics, computer science and psych !! i really like observing people, having fun and also chilling in my room reading. i am very sardonic/cynical, and can be intimidating sometimes, but i also like to crack jokes and i enjoy dank memes and anime. thank you so much for your attention 🙇🏻‍♀️ this game ruined me.
It ruined me too anon
I ship you with Levi
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Dank memes, anime, and something to do with computers? He’s the man for you! Your cynicism will balance out his weebness he will probably take you to one of those manga cafes for a date! You probably will be cooped up in his room playing games or reading!
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
could i please get a match up? i’m 5’5, dark blue eyes, natural blonde but my hair is currently dyed rose gold, and i’m pale af. i’m a capricorn, big overachiever at school but also an anxious procrastinator. i love video games and board games but i’m competitive af. also love to draw and write, very creative. big meme queen, always making dumb jokes, can sometimes be too sarcastic and teasing for my own good. can also be a petty bitch ngl but i’m rly loyal when you win me over.
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Belphie can also be rather petty with things and also be competitive! He thinks your hair color is rather interesting. He enjoys your sarcasm and jokes but only when you’re both alone (gotta keep that aloof front) like you belphie can be a overachiever if he tries but he rarely tries!
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
Hi! Can i get a matchup please? I'm a taurus, ENFJ, and becoming a vet! I play basketball and am artsy too (i draw). I'm bubbly, fun & outgoing, plus i get on well with basically anyone! I'm affectionate & cuddly. I like horror movies & video games. I'm somehow both the mom friend and the crackhead friend - i won't let my friends do stupid things but I do not follow my own rules lmao. My friends and family are so so important to me, i'm really just a big softie with a big heart❤️ thank you x
Diavolo is for you
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Hes also the crackhead of the game besides mammon of course! Friends and family are also important to him! He loves how fun and cuddly you are! He would help you as much as possible with your job! He may ask you to draw him or Barbatos!
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
I'm sorry if I bother you but may I sk for a match up? I'm 5'0, pale with grey-blue eyes and chummy. I'm insecure and shy with great deal of anxiety. I love baking and cooking. I also like to write and draw. I hope that one day I'll own either my own bookshop or bakery. I'm a huge nerd. I love cats and snakes. If someone needs me I'm always here to listen because I know that depression is a bitch. I can be quite sarcastic. Sorry again for the bother and please don't feel like you have to answer
Mammon is yours!
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He’d likely help you manage your finances for your bookstore or bakery! He loves how sarcastic you are he thinks it is hilarious he’d enjoy trying whatever creation you make! You being a nerd? That’s cute to him! He loves how you always seem to listen to him when no one else does
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
I would like a matchup. I'm 5'1", recently dyed my short hair pink. Dark brown eyes. My sign is Cancer, INTP type. Studying to be a programmer. I like games, music, manga, anime, books, cats, technology in general, astrology, sleeping, and eating. But I don't like to cook. I'm the type to seem chill outside but is panicking inside. Sometimes I can be sassy. Sometimes I'm too honest and end up hurting my friends' feelings. I'm the "I'm fine but actually not" type. Thank you for your attention.
I ship you with Beel!
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Even if you can’t cook he’d cook for you! He’s fine with you being to honest he knows you don’t mean anything bad by it! He would try to calm you as he can tell when you’re panicking he would try to play games with you and help you with technology!
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
Matchups are now closed down but you can still ask me questions!
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
Can I have an Obey Me match up? I’m a more quiet and introverted individual. My favorite hobbies are reading and writing. I tend to be more on the quiet side until I open up and become more teasing. I’m teasing by nature and poke fun at friends in a non-malicious way. My friends describe me as the “fun aunt” in the friend group and usually turn to me for advice or to vent. Appearance wise, I am 5’2, Latinx with brown eyes and dark hair.
I ship you with belphie
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He’d also go to you for advice! He likes how you slowly opened to his brothers and tease him which he always laughs at their exspressions. He enjoys the sometimes quiet from you where he can lay on your lap and nap! He may not be a reader but he’d surely read your writing!
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
Do you think I could have a matchup? 🥺 I’m 5’3, pale, dark hair, big doe eyes. People tell me I look like Snow White. I’m an ESTJ, Pisces sun, and my Hogwarts House is Ravenclaw! I love makeup and skincare, especially the science behind it. I’m an advocate for math education, gender equality, and body positivity. I’m a bit airheaded at times, but I study high mathematics, finance, and economics. I love reading, jiu jitsu, beauty, fashion, design, math, baking, and cooking!
You’re matched with asmo!
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Make up and skin care? Great! He can do those for you if you would like! He would try to advocate with you for those things as he agrees with you! He doesn’t understand the mathematics but he would try helping you! He’d try helping you with the baking and cooking! He would most likely take you to the fall for most dates!
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
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I ship you with lucifer!
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Lucifer enjoys that you’re the mom type and old fashioned! He would of course also want kids but later when you’re both ready! He’s rather impressed you can run your own business while being a writer and artist. He can take you to his special place in the observatory if you like astronomy ! Music and reading ? Good thing luci has his own personal library and has many records! He doesn’t understand the yaoi part but he doesn’t mind it! He would love taking you on dates to museums and exspensive restaurants
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
Hello, I would like a matchup but first I would want to know what's your criteria for a matchup? Are there any specifics that I should put? Just in case...
I would need a few things
-your job/major/dream job
-dislikes (optional)
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
Can I have a matchup? I'm a blonde with blue eyes and glasses, I'm 5'9 and pretty skinny. I'm studying to be a vet tech, and after saving enough money, to go through veterinarian school. I love baking, writing, reading and drawing, I'm INFP and a Libra if that helps at all!
I ship you with satan
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He likes that your great with animals like cats! He may sometimes visit you’re work to see them! He’d enjoy seeing your drawings or reading your writing! Maybe he’ll adopt a kitten for you two to take care of!
(Sorry it sounds short there’s not much you gave ^^; )
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
Infj, affectionate, (accidentally) perverted (sometimes) and flirty but I can't handle people flirting back. Dark skinned with neck-length black hair. Dark blue glasses. 5"6, I'm fluffy but cute as heckie! I learn quickly and appreciate the arts (I draw sing And act) I have this habit of leaning on and hugging people who will let me at random and I tend to put up with everything, regardless of what it is. I'm a resourceful perfectionist. I'm socially awkward and super anxious but love talking??
Asmodeus is the demon for you
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Affectionate and perverted? Just like him. He may flirt back but he will tone it way down if you’re uncomfortable with it! He loves hearing you sing and most likely will ask you to every night before his beauty sleep. He will help you calm your anxiety in social solutions (or at least try!) hugs? He loves those! He’d most likely take you to majolish or the fall for dates!
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ask-mochi-romano · 5 years
May I have an Obey Me matchup? I'm 5'2 and very pale, my skin is usually ice cold on the surface, and I have blueish silver eyes. People jokingly call me a ghost or corpse because of my always cold skin. My hair is split dyed, with purple on the left side and teal on the right. Personality wise, I'm not social or a people person at all, and I tend to actually avoid interaction with people. I'm someone who prefers to stand out from the crowd, yet wanting to be accepted by others. Thank you. ♡
I ship you with Levi!
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Your not sociable like him! The only interaction he most likely enjoy is with you. You stand out? You’re like his beloved ruri-Chan! Your cold? That’s great he loves the cold (bc you know the sea thing). He’d gladly accept you from your perfections to your flaws!
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