How often do you exercise your right to be a badass?
There's your answer.
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What is your thought on cigarettes and people that smoke them?
I have more important things to care about, you know. 
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What's the best pizza you've ever had?
Phil once brought left a pizza in my room at HQ on my bed as an apology for the Cancun fiasco. It was absolutely gigantic, covered in grease, bacon, sausage, pepperoni, and green peppers.
It was gone in minutes. 
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Correction: Spider-Man is the best.
I disagree. 
((Okay. Who is the one that closed a portal to an alternate universe? Who brought in the biggest liability as a team member for the Avengers? Who managed to stay objective when emotionally compromised and was able to fight literally one of her best friends and still win even though he was being mind-controlled by the enemy? Who, pray tell, hacked into the computer system for Hammer Enterprises? (I think it was Hammer Enterprises. I'm not entirely sure because I haven't seen Iron Man 2 in a while, but I'm pretty sure she does just that REALLY quickly AFTER slamming one guy's head against a keyboard, but I don't remember. Feel free to enlighten me.) Who not only interrogated a bunch of Russians trying to pull her teeth out and send a message by playing a weakling, but also managed to beat the everloving shit out of them while tied to a chair?
And tell me, anon -- who manages to get every single one of his girlfriends (who must consistently play the iconic damsel in distress role, I tell you -- except for Kat because she's a fucking badass) kidnapped by the bad guys? Who is more concerned with taking down the guy that killed his uncle (and I would be concerned too, I admit it, but come on, he got the first guy that he thought did it, and when he found out it was Sandman he just went fucking nuts)? 
Black Widow wins. 
Peter Parker is just a kid, you butt. Natasha Romanov has been alive for ninety-something years. She's lived, killed, and become a developed character that isn't one huge cliche aside from the fact that she wears literally a skintight catsuit that while reinforced to protect from heat damage and some blunt force, does not protect her from bullets and just makes her ass look really fucking nice. 
Eat my run on sentences, you troll.))
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"It has," she said, letting her fingers settle on his wrist. "Why don't we go to bed?" She proposed, kissing the corner of his mouth quickly. Really she just wanted to sleep now, and she was starting to feel the sleepiness settle, and falling asleep next to him was easy because he was so warm.
Back In Town
She chuckled. “Well, I missed him too. He kind of grows on you after a little while.” She would be okay if the Hulk never told her he missed her, even then, she’d still miss the big guy. He was much more likely to want to hit things than Bruce would ever be, and she found it hilarious. The last time she’d seen the Hulk, he’d actually demolished three buildings with her. She’d have to arrange that again so that she could be around him. He was actually a lot of fun. 
“I guess maybe I missed you more than a little, though,” She said after a little bit, and shrugged out of the hug. She was completely exhausted, actually. “How was the jet lag?”
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She chuckled. "Well, I missed him too. He kind of grows on you after a little while." She would be okay if the Hulk never told her he missed her, even then, she'd still miss the big guy. He was much more likely to want to hit things than Bruce would ever be, and she found it hilarious. The last time she'd seen the Hulk, he'd actually demolished three buildings with her. She'd have to arrange that again so that she could be around him. He was actually a lot of fun. 
"I guess maybe I missed you more than a little, though," She said after a little bit, and shrugged out of the hug. She was completely exhausted, actually. "How was the jet lag?"
Back In Town
Oh, it was obviously a good trip for him. The fact that he was teasing her even though they hadn’t spoken in weeks. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected, honestly, but this was a nice thing to see. Him generally pleased was a great thing, for her. 
“I’m glad,” She said, checking her smile. It had been there long enough. Keeping her gaze strictly off of the table, she moved around it and gave him a hug, just because she wasn’t in a kissing kind of mood and she hadn’t seen him in weeks anyway. “I missed you a little bit,” She admitted.
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Oh, it was obviously a good trip for him. The fact that he was teasing her even though they hadn't spoken in weeks. She wasn't sure what she'd expected, honestly, but this was a nice thing to see. Him generally pleased was a great thing, for her. 
"I'm glad," She said, checking her smile. It had been there long enough. Keeping her gaze strictly off of the table, she moved around it and gave him a hug, just because she wasn't in a kissing kind of mood and she hadn't seen him in weeks anyway. "I missed you a little bit," She admitted.
Back In Town
She smirked. If he asked where, she would tell him, but it was nice of him to not ask. “It was alright. Very productive. Are you enjoying your lab work?” She enjoyed the smile on his face, and then she remembered that she was smiling. But nobody was really watching her, and she knew it because she’d scanned the place for bugs a long time ago, and kept up on them as a matter of principle.
Keeping her eyes strictly on his face, she moved a little closer to the lab table to maintain a better sense of eye contact with him. It was good to just look at him. He didn’t seem at all bothered or out of sorts. The trip seemed to have done him some good. If anything, him not having to deal with her dropping in and out so frequently for S.H.I.E.L.D’s sake probably made him a lot less stressed. She knew that he still hated it. 
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She smirked. If he asked where, she would tell him, but it was nice of him to not ask. "It was alright. Very productive. Are you enjoying your lab work?" She enjoyed the smile on his face, and then she remembered that she was smiling. But nobody was really watching her, and she knew it because she'd scanned the place for bugs a long time ago, and kept up on them as a matter of principle.
Keeping her eyes strictly on his face, she moved a little closer to the lab table to maintain a better sense of eye contact with him. It was good to just look at him. He didn't seem at all bothered or out of sorts. The trip seemed to have done him some good. If anything, him not having to deal with her dropping in and out so frequently for S.H.I.E.L.D's sake probably made him a lot less stressed. She knew that he still hated it. 
Back In Town
Natasha had been out of the country for the last few weeks, mostly handling odd missions here all over the place. On more than one occasion she’d been obligated to play the part of the weak assassin again. It had been productive, though, and she was proud of that. Four recovered documents, and three completed intel assignments.
She had missed Bruce while she was gone. But she was able to keep herself busy, and she had a life without him anyway. Besides, he had spent time in Calcutta anyway. Which was good for him — he was good at taking care of people, no matter how bad for the job he thought he was. 
The warehouse was still there, and she might have come here first if she didn’t have her priorities. She knew he’d been back in town before her, and it would be fun to just drop in on him. But she had to write her reports and she had a job to do. Besides, it wasn’t like they’d implode without contact. 
She went in through the only door there was an wasn’t surprised to find him hovering over his lab table, pooling over papers that were scattered everywhere. She hated the clutter, but he worked better in it. 
“So how was Calcutta?” She asked smoothly, keeping a fair distance from the lab tables. It wouldn’t be good if she caught sight of what he was working on, otherwise she might have to report it to S.H.I.E.L.D.
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Back In Town
Natasha had been out of the country for the last few weeks, mostly handling odd missions here all over the place. On more than one occasion she'd been obligated to play the part of the weak assassin again. It had been productive, though, and she was proud of that. Four recovered documents, and three completed intel assignments.
She had missed Bruce while she was gone. But she was able to keep herself busy, and she had a life without him anyway. Besides, he had spent time in Calcutta anyway. Which was good for him -- he was good at taking care of people, no matter how bad for the job he thought he was. 
The warehouse was still there, and she might have come here first if she didn't have her priorities. She knew he'd been back in town before her, and it would be fun to just drop in on him. But she had to write her reports and she had a job to do. Besides, it wasn't like they'd implode without contact. 
She went in through the only door there was an wasn't surprised to find him hovering over his lab table, pooling over papers that were scattered everywhere. She hated the clutter, but he worked better in it. 
"So how was Calcutta?" She asked smoothly, keeping a fair distance from the lab tables. It wouldn't be good if she caught sight of what he was working on, otherwise she might have to report it to S.H.I.E.L.D.
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[[Get. In. Here.]]
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ask-agentcoulson replied to your post: ask-agentcoulson replied to your post: Are you and...
((WHICH IS WHY I WILL FEED HIM TASTY BAKED GOODS. I AM GOOD AT MAKING THEM. lol Ohhh Bruce mod <3 Bruce mod x computers?))
((Yes. Bruce Mod x Computers. I ship it hard.))
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ask-agentcoulson replied to your post: Are you and the Bruce Mod dating?
((But with Quantum theory there is a universe out there where you ARE .___. And maybe in that universe I’ve successfully married the Hiddles -w- mmm yes…good…))
[[I don't want that universe to exist, ever. Bruce mod is bad dating material in my opinion. I think I've told them that once... I think... if not I'll let them know. But still, that would be a strange universe.
You married to Hiddles. Scary. Personally I don't see the appeal. He's too thin.]]
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What do you think of Spider-Man? You're not the only Spider in town.
I've given him a couple of pointers on fighting people without putting his hands or feet at risk. He's a cocky kid, though, I have to admit. He, however, did not earn his title like I did. There are different kinds of Spiders, grayface. Of course I'm not the only one.
But I'm the best.
0 notes
Did Bruce ever turn To the hulk in the middle of "Kissing"?
Yes. He had a difficult relationship with the big guy at that point so whenever he lost control of his heart rate, he would change. I credit the high heart rate at that time to the fact that he had been avoiding people in a physical nature unless he was taking care of them as a Doctor, and even then he kept it low-key.
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Are you and the Bruce Mod dating?
[[Alright, I've been seeing this question a lot. This is the fifth time, I kid you not. 
No, we are not dating. Neither of us are interested in the other, and frankly the question is a little annoying. We have our own private lives and no. Please don't ask this one again, because it's really annoying to have to keep seeing this.]]
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u got a purty mouth
I am quite sure you do not. But thank you.
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What was the most annoying non classified mission you ever had?
That would be when I was about nineteen, and I was obligated to marry my ex husband. To be fair, we had a lot of fun with it, but it wasn't something I would ever like to repeat. It took an emotional toll on me.
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