Question: How are y’all doing? And what is the power dynamic between Jason and Will?
Will: We’re doing great! Thanks for asking! And uhm, I’d have to say when it comes to me and him… I’m bottom, he’s top. 
Jason: Sometimes we switch it up though.
Will: Mhm!
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Nico Nico Chorus! :D
Will: We interrupt your usual pestering of Nico to announce to the world that he truly does enjoy that content.
Nico: Will! Don’t tell them that!
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Nico is a queen. True or False. The rest of ya'll are princes
Nico sits in the corner pouting while the rest of them try to force him into an Elsa dress.
Percy: Duh!
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I'll do you one better, Nico Nico Douga :D
Nico: … Better… But I know you’re using it as a play-on-word thing to my name. Therefore, I don’t like it.
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Hi! First of all Happy Pride Month to Nico and Will :) Question to Nico: Who is the second hottest camper after Will?
Will: Thank you! Happy pride month! 
Will, whispering: By the way, Jason and Percy are part of the community too ;)
Nico: Uhhhh, hard to choose, I have a pretty good selection ;)))
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nico nico nii?
Nico: How about fucking nico nico no?
Jason, Will, and Percy all giggling in the background.
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I just wanted to say that you guys are awesome and I'm so happy for you all
Nico: On behalf of all of us, I'd like to say
thank you.
Nico: It's in gay.
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Heya. If you guys were girls, what would your names be?
Percy: My mom said she named me Perseus because he was one of the few demigods who had a happy ending. I assume she'd do the same if I was a girl so...maybe Penelope? She was a legacy, technically, but she had a happy ending still. And she was known for her loyalty.
Jason: I was named Jason since he was Hera's most favoured hero. She didn't really favour many girls from what I know...I may have been named Eriopis. After Jason's only daughter... hopefully Hera would've had mercy and changed it to Erin.
Will: As you may have noticed, every Apollo kid has a pun for a name. Thanks Dad. Emma means 'healer of the universe' so I figure that would be my name.
Nico: ...Nicoletta. Just because.
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This is weird question, but how snobby is Nico about coffee? I watch a video with two Italians explaining how alot if Italians don't like/hate instant coffee. Does that translate into Nico at all? Or does he not really care?
I don't really remember a lot of my Italian upbringing. Spending years in a hotel can do that to you. Plus, while I was on the run, instant foods like ramen and coffee were the only things keeping me going. So I wouldn't say I'm completely against instant coffee. However, I very much prefer a good cappuccino.
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Happy halloween!
Jason: No...
The walls start shaking
Will: What have you done?!
A loud cacophony of noise is heard in the distance
Percy: It's only April!!!
Nico kicks the door open, a troupe of dancing skeletons behind him as he blasts Spooky Scary Skeletons on the stereo at top volume
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Would Nico be interested in receiving a flower crown?
Nico: Persephone makes me way too man-
Will, Jason, Percy: YES!
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To all of you: what's the best part of being a foursome?
Nico: Tons of cuddling.
Jason: So many kisses.
Will: Extra hands to hold!
Percy: So. Much. Love!!!
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Hey I have a dumb question. If Nico turned into corn again, would he be a Nicorn? And if he could sing as a corn, would he be a popcorn?
Will: I think I'm in love with you.
Nico: Stop.
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So sense you guys gave almost been together for a year, do you guys have anything special planned for your anniversary?
Nico: Actually, we went down to the Underworld to spend some time together away from camp, just the four of us.
Will: Nico has his own room down there! Though it's less of a room and more of a suite. There were so many books and games-
Jason: A four poster king sized bed! I've never slept so well in my life.
Percy: And there was a bathroom with a giant jacuzzi tub!! Big enough to fit all four of us, if you know what I mean ;)
Will: Giant bubble bath fights!!
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What is percy and Nico's couple dynamic
Will: Percy and Nico's relationship was rocky in the beginning. This is before we all got together of course, but it took a really, really long time for both of them to start trusting each other on an intimate level. Winning the war didn't erase all the past hurt after all. 
Jason: Will and I helped smooth things over when we could but for the most part we left it up to Percy and Nico to forgive each other and move on. And they did. 
Will: All that hard work and effort had a really big effect on their relationship. We all trust each other of course, but Nico and Percy definitely have a sort of 'ride or die' aspect to their relationship now. They're tight knit and intimate and very in tune with each other's moods. Percy helps Nico learn to have fun and let go while Nico reminds him that it's okay to not be okay sometimes, and that he doesn't have to be the hero everyone expects him to be.
Jason: Their trust level also stems from the fact that they can talk about their night terrors with each other. Will and I can do our best to help but only they really understand how it feels to be....where they were. Percy helps Nico realize he's not alone anymore and Nico helps Percy forgive himself for all the arai curses. 
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Nico is an adorable uNICOrn!
Nico: No.
Will, Percy, Jason: Yes.
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This might have been asked before, but how long ago did you all get together?
Nico: ….I haven’t been keeping track, how long has it been?
Will: Um…I think…about a year actually?
Jason: Yes, it’s almost been one year since we got together.
Percy: A year?! It’s already been that long?! Time sure flies by fast when you’re with the people you love.
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