ask-scraft-a-new-one · 5 months
may the force be with you
Forth be with you, also may!
Ok yoda.
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ask-scraft-a-new-one · 5 months
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ask-scraft-a-new-one · 5 months
I've noticed some people doing redesigns of there's or other characters and it got me curious of what I could mess around with. Low and behold!
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Grace re-design overhaul!
I had some good fun messing around with her new Design and wanted to challenge myself with using a set color pallet from @color-palettes
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I may or may not have been listening to deadly blast on loop as I drew this
Separate pictures
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ask-scraft-a-new-one · 6 months
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A late birthday thing I made. (I had to work yesterday) After getting word that @noblejanobii & I share that same birthday and I was like, why not. Happy Belated-Birthday Noble.
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ask-scraft-a-new-one · 6 months
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A late birthday thing I made. (I had to work yesterday) After getting word that @noblejanobii & I share that same birthday and I was like, why not. Happy Belated-Birthday Noble.
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ask-scraft-a-new-one · 6 months
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I think I'm finally getting back i to pokemon...slowly. also my lil siblings got me hooked back on ben 10 so here's a cosplay of sorts with vinny, grace and emma i just doodled :p
Vinny the human belongs to @ask-guardian-gallade and is ben 10! Or Ven 10
Grace is dressed as ghost freak [Ectonurite] And Emma is four arms [tetramand]
Also reblog idea for fellow ben 10 and poke ask peeps, reblog this with your oc turned into a ben 10 alien cause that would be neat.
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ask-scraft-a-new-one · 11 months
2nd if you want, for the crackship meme could you do grace and crewel please?
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Congratulations on your baby emo Pluto! This little Ghost/Psychic type boy is very laid-back and happy, but he's always chatting... even when nobody is around. I wonder who he's talking to...
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Romeo: And Vinny? He's good. I couldn't find a sitter this time since I got dragged here quicker than I imagined. But he's under Lock's watch so he's in good hands. So what about you? Your finding your own fun here?
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Romeo: Wait...this is wine? I honestly thought this was punch. Wow, for a alcohol drink, this is not bad. I mean I still need to get use to stuff like this since I've been avoiding stuff like this but...I think I can get use to it. I think?
*seems like Romeo is slowly staring to enjoy the party. Would be a shame if someone gave him more*
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After traveling around the Sinnoh region, The two Pokémon's finally made to the Gala. The Gallade looking around and already sighed with disbelief while being accompanied with a familiar face.
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Romeo: I would of preferred if I didn't go with someone who happens to work with somebody that owns my soul.
Abathur: Oh hush now Romeo, You'll be fine. Ain't nobody here gonna try to have a scrap with you. Now, let us socialize with the guests here.
Romeo: I'm getting a drink...
Romeo and Abathur has arrived at the Gala
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The mew practically flings their drink across the room in their excitement, the spots floating on their body barely having time to properly catch up to them as they instantly get closer to Grace Etoile begins circling her in excitement, looking her up and down in amazement Etoile: I Never would have guessed that mortals could manage to find a way to produce LIFE!! Outside of standard reproduction anyways!! This is so amazing to see! TO WITNESS IN THE FLESH! The mew stops circling Grace and attempts to compose themselves to be more behaved, but you could barely tell from the amount of excited fidgeting they were doing. The tip of the mews tail flicking back and forth at a rapid pace Etoile: Apologies for getting to close! BUT I am just SO AMAZED BY YOU! Just.. JUST LOOK AT YOU! A ARTIFICAL POKEMON.... I never would have thought of something like you! YET HERE YOU ARE!
Etoile: And what was that thing you mentioned?? Mew.. TWO?? Have your universe's mortals created something akin to my own KIND?? HOW?? THAT'S JUST.. SO FASCINATING!! Etoile: OH I wonder if mortals in my own universe have mastered this as well??? Or maybe your universe is just more advanced than mine own! Just.. WOW! The mew gazes once again at Grace, eyes full of excitement and almost.. pride? As if they were proud of Grace for merely standing before them. Etoile smooths down their fur slightly, as it had gotten slightly fluffed up during their excitement. Flashing Grace a slightly embarrassed glance Etoile: I apologize for my outburst! You probably.. don't enjoy having a stranger yell in astonishment at you! My apologies, I've just.. never heard of or witnessed this before! And I do mean it all in the most kindest of ways of course! The mew does a small bow, as if both a mixture of a apology for their outburst and a sign of respect towards her. Etoile's ears prick up suddenly however, as if they were just now able to fully process all of what she had told them. A sudden wave of confusion washes over the mew at the final part of Grace's question Etoile: But... What do you mean... "resent you"?.. Who would resent you? Are... other legendaries not amazed by this feat??? - - - - [ @mod-bubamon ] [ Backgrounds made by @/sinnohsiblings ]
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M: mis grace why are you sneaking around?
She stepped back and looked back.
Oh,hello m...
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I guess I just feel like I don't belong,but I wanna try.
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Etoile floats above the grass, almost touching it but not quite They begin to flutter their fingers in a mildly nervous manner Etoile: ... I do hope that no pokemon here recognizes me... I would hate for my past reputation to ruin a evening... Alaxia's ear flicks mildly in annoyance Reputation? Of what? Being annoying? Mucking around in space and doing nothing for your universe? Or maybe someone else here knows how big of a ignorant twat you really are The mew looks over at Etoile with a soft smile Alaxia: I don't think you'll have anything to worry about My Mew. Let's just try to have.. a nice evening. Etoile: MmMMMMMM You're right! Etoile: Oooohhhhh I do hope they still have some fruity drinks left.... Alaxia: I'm sure they do... Although.. Can't you just make one? Etoile: Doesn't feel as fancy if I make it myself! - - - - - [ Etoile and Alaxia have arrived at the event ] [ Final Panel background credit goes to @/sinnohsiblings ] [ Event Refs and About+ ]
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Asks hint! (Level 1)
• do you eat/drink?
• how/what do you see?
• what do you think of your creators?
• what if you get damaged?
• Do you have/Can you _____?
• what do you think of your co-workers?
• what's Lucina to you?
• what's your favourite part of your job?
• how's the lab divided/organised?
• what do you like/dislike about the Lucina project?
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(@ask-the-shiny-pokemons) Rimi: "Oh, hey!" she welcomes a pair of a Gardevoir...-like humans. "Honestly ya both lookin' gorgeous. How did you make those dresses? Honestly, dresses are not my passion, but just curious..."
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Emma:"sorry boss but its the truth."
Patchwork:"...fine. the sweet and short version is i made mine based off my mega form as for lady Goliath next to me...I've been cooking that dress for a while but business has been slow so Emma was the perfect subject!"
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[Reshi has arrived at the Gala!]
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Ginjiro @ Reshi: "My oh my, what a lovely sight! Such a pleasant surprise to see you here, Reshiram~ And who is your tailor might I ask? I must know! They did an exemplary job on that dress!"
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“Your outfit is gorgeous as well, I adore the embellishments so much! Your tailor is exceptionally skilled!” She laughed, excited to see a familiar face. It made it all the more relaxing to know that the effort that went into her outfit was noticed, rather than criticized by some pathetic absol. Inwardly she smiled knowing she did infact look nice and not like curtains.
It took but a moment for her to re-enter the conversation, noting the silver sheen on the deity’s skin had been brighter than when they had previous met. “Your shimmering more than usual! I assume you must be quite excited for the event?” She asked curiously, before giving a playful laugh. “I hope you don’t mind that I stole some of your sparkles, I just couldn’t resist!” She said referencing the gentle shimmer on her own skin.
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Event References - North, Wisteria + Silas
For The Abbadons’ Gilded Gala Event
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Wisteria's Pokemon Event Outfit + Wisteria's Human Form
Silas & North will be their default references. They can be found below, their heights have been added to their profiles:
Silas's Normal Ref | Silas Profile
North's Pokemon Ref | North's Profile
North's Human Form Ref
In North's own words, "This is the nicest thing I own."
The intro to the event will be posted in a few days! Thank you.
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