ask-teamsunrise · 4 years
Well, I think it’s kinda safe to say that this blog is dead.
I was planning on rebooting it, but things happened and I didn’t really have the motivation to do anything else. I still want to do something with Explorers of Sky, especially since I’ve settled on an idea for an original comic that I need to practice for.
But thank you all for enjoying the blog, I had a lot of fun with it but I think it’s time for Pallas and Saki to be retired.
So thank you all for everything! (especially for never questioning how Pallas’ glasses were staying on her face, but I’ll be honest. I have no idea how that worked)
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ask-teamsunrise · 4 years
Hey, ya’ll. Long time no see, huh?
So I’ve been doing some thinking, and I’ve realized something. I made this blog to try and improve my art, but thinking about it, I haven’t actually used this blog to... improve my art. You see, one thing I really wanna do is make a web comic, but I don’t exactly... have the right skills to make one as of yet. So I was planning on using this to focus on backgrounds and panel design, and stuff like that.
So I’ve decided that I’m going to turn back the sands of time on the timeline of this blog, and do a screenshot redraw of Explorers of Sky with the characters. You’ll still be able to ask people questions, it’s just now this blog will have an ongoing timeline.
However, upon doing this, I’m going to be needing to take the time to play through the game again to get the screenshots, and I’m also going to need to redesign everyone. (The webcomic I wanna make is set in a fantasy world, so I want to practice fantasy character designs) I am also going through some techincal difficulties called “my laptop is literally falling apart” so I don’t think I’m going to restart the blog this way until around March or April.
Thanks for taking your time to read this, and I hope you look forward to this blog’s future! (or past?)
And, for those curious, I will still be keeping everything on this blog. So nothing that is already on here is going anywhere. (Except for that hate ask, I think I’m going to just go ahead and delete that.)
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
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Did a couple more Huevember characters. And proceeded to give up on Loudred. Guess I should probably try and come up with an actual design for him.
Today is Oh My Gosh is actually my favorite of the special episodes. I liked that it was a lot shorter than the other ones (especially Wigglytuff and Grovyle’s. Those take FOREVER. It’s also one of the reasons why grass is my favorite type, as the moves you can get (I think Sunflora’s moves are random) really showcase what grass types can do.
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
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I know it’s late in the month, but I figured it would be fun to draw a few PMD characters for Huevember. Despite the fact I have literally no idea what I’m doing. As some actual drawing commentary, you can pry Wigglytuff’s wigglytuff slippers out of my cold dead hands, and I regretted the pose I did for Chatot the moment I began drawing it.
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
What's the weirdest quest you guys have ever done?
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Pallas: It was nice knowing that they’re still alive! But what was with those glasses?
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
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Sorry for not Y’know, touching this blog in so long. Here’s a Saki, and a promise that I’ll come back in November. (I would try to come back sooner, but y’know... Inktober.)
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
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Is this meme still happening?? lol Send me some smooches y’all~ you know the drill 💖 (character+number ) -Check out the FAQ for more info and questions-
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
how about a6 saki?
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When Team Skull prevents you from getting the perfect apples but you’re the one who gets punished.
I’m still accepting these if you wanna send them!
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
It’s 2am I can’t sleep, so here’s the reasoning behind the names I gave the characters because I’ve been known to spend HOURS trying to find the perfect name for a character.
Saki (Treecko, hero)- The name Saki comes from two Japanese words, Sa which means blossom and Ki which means hope. I thought it was a fitting name. Also, you might have noticed from the one time I drew her human form, but Saki is supposed to be Japanese.
Pallas (Eevee, partner)- Pallas means wisdom, and in Greek Mythology Pallas was the name of Athena’s best friend who she accidentally killed during a spear contest. The partner in EoS is probably the smartest out of all the partners, and explains many things to the player (Mystery Dungeons, the Time Gears, Treasure Town, etc.)
Andy (Bidoof)- Andy is the shortened form of Andrew which means manly. However I didn’t give this name to Bidoof because of the meaning, but instead association. I’ve grown to really love the name Andy (it’s my favorite male name) because I find that most fictional characters with the name to be adorable and really endearing. (Andy from Fantasy Life is a big reason as to why.) So I figured I’d give it to Bidoof.
Maximus (Wigglytuff)- Maximus means greatest. I thought it would be a good name because the name can be shortened to reflect the two sides of Wigglytuff. Max- a shorter, more childlike name (When I hear the name I tend to think of the show “Max and Ruby) to associate with Wigglytuff’s friendly carefree side. While Maximus stands for his more serious and “dangerous” side hence the longer and more intimidating name.
Antonio (Chatot)- Finding the meaning for this was a bit harder, but the most I saw for the meaning is priceless. And a synonym for that word is invaluable. Which is fitting considering that Wigglytuff calls him his “invaluable partner” in Brine Cave. Though funnily enough, that was just a coincidence. Since Chatot’s my favorite character I had some specific requirements for his name. The first was that I wanted it to be musical related. The design of Chatot is heavily based off of music (The quarternote head and metronome tail for example) and even during the game Chatot tends to sing out his words. The second was that I wanted a name I could get a nickname out of. Because the idea of Wigglytuff giving Chatot a nickname was too cute to pass up. I chose Antonio for Antonio Vivaldi, who was a composer. (I played one of his violin solos for a contest once) and for a nickname I came up with Annie.
Clytia (Sunflora)- Clytia means renowned, famous, splendid, and excellent. Okay, I got the mythology wrong, but oh well. In Greek mythology there was a nymph who had that name, and that nymph fell in love with Helios. However he left her for someone else. Angered, she killed that other girl but didn’t gain back Helios’ love. Filled with dispair she sat unclothed without eating or drinking and on the ninth day was turned into a flower called the heliotrope. However, when I read the myth it just said she was so in love with Helios that the gods took pity and turned her into a sunflower. Bit of a mistake on my part.
Louis (Loudred)- Louis means renowned warrior. I think I really was just lazy with this one.
Joey (Corphish)- Joey means he/god may add, which is pretty ironic considering Corphish doesn’t really... do anything. Honestly if you got rid of him there would be no consequences. Anyway, when you go on deviant art and look up Corphish gijinka some of the top results have Corphish with a blue headband wrapped around his forehead. And that headband plus the orange hair reminded me of Joey Richter’s version of Ron Weasley. So now whenever I think of Corphish I think of Joey Richter. (Fun fact! My design of Corphish is actually based off of Joey Richter as well.
Adonis (Croagunk)- Adonis means lord. Now that I think of it there really was no reason for me to give him this name, though if you wanna have a weird time you can look up some information about the Adonis from Greek Mythology! Man... I really need to brush up on my stuff.
Terence (Dugtrio)- Apparently this name has no meaning. It just reminded me of the word “terrain” so that’s why I chose it.
Noah (Diglett)- Noah means rest/comfort. In the Bible Noah and his family were spared from the flood by God. I chose it because of Digtrio’s obsession with the ocean.
Suzi (Chimecho)- Suzi means lily or rose. Originally the name I chose for Chimecho was Suzuki which means bell tree. But when I found it they said it just meant bell... and that it was a first name. And when I realized my information was wrong I was already fond of the name so I chose the next closest.
Hemlock (Koffing)- Hemlock is a poisonous plant that can kill you.
Oleander (Zubat)- Oleander is a poisonous plant that can kill you. (He’s called Ollie for short)
Nightshade (Skuntank)- Nightshade is a poisonous plant that can kill you. However this isn’t Skuntank’s real name. He was just jealous that Hemlock and Ollie were named after deadly poison and he wanted in on the fun.
Hector (Grovyle)- Hector means to check or restrain. In Greek mythology Hector was a Trojan prince, who was considered the opposite of Achilles. He’s known as being kind, even telling Helen that the war wasn’t her fault, and that it was just a war over a man’s sense of pride. One of the scenes from The Iliad involving Hector that stick out the most is the scene in which his son sees him in his armor and starts to cry, and doesn’t stop until he takes his helmet off. Hector is also the name of my mom’s cat.
Faye (Celebi)- Faye means fairy, though it could also mean loyalty or belief. I chose this name because Celebi gijinkas tend to look like fairies and I find that adorable. There’s also a character in Fire Emblem that’s in love with the hero. (Though obviously that’s the only thing they have in common.)
Alastor (Dusknoir)- Alastor has many meanings “he who does not forget” avenger, persecutor and tormentor. Ya’ll really didn’t think I’d give Dusknoir a nice name, did you?
Caspian (Lapras)- Named for the Caspian Sea. Also in CS Lewis’ book “The Dawn Treader” Caspian was sailing a ship for whatever reason. I haven’t read or watched it in awhile. But Lapras’ gijinka captains a boat so it fits. Also Caspian’s uncle was kind of a mad king that tried to kill him and I headcanon Lapras as being Dialga’s adopted son. (Which is why he can go to the Hidden Land.)
Kronos (Dialga)- Kronos means to cut. In Greek mythology he was the Titon of Time.
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
a1 saki?
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This is exactly how Saki flirts.
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
for the expressions- pallas c1?
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Saki defiantly said something to her to cause this.
(Also please send more, this was so much fun to draw.)
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
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i never know what to do with the body when i do these so here’s one of those things with arms™
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
Say the cast of Duck Dynasty attends a performance of Swan Lake and thinks there are real waterfowl on stage. In their confusion, which character would they most likely shoot? | A. Siegfried | B. Von Rothbart | C. Odette | D. Benno
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
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I dunno why I headcanon Croagunk as trans, but I do.
I... also couldn’t get the effect I actually wanted for this
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
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Hey, remember when I promised some pride things, and then didn’t?
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
(ur gijinka designs are fantastic!!!!!!!!!)
Thank you so much!
I was a bit worried about them, considering people tend to prefer gijinkas with a more fantasy look to them so it makes me really happy to know that people like Saki and Pallas’ look!
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ask-teamsunrise · 5 years
Finally got around to making an information page about this blog!
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