random facts about my oc’s part idk out of eh -Lucy has on multiple occasions sang the entirety of six…in her sleep -Courage really likes camping -Nyx is extremely touch starved but god know they’ll never admit it (and they’ll prolly slap your hand if you try anything) -Summer is a pretty good cook the best out of his siblings but he doesn’t understand how microwaves work leading to him setting the old microwave on fire and even worse burnt popcorn  -Cubix always loses bets, always, unless it who can cook a better thing him or someone else he will lose -bleed heart pigeons don’t actually bleed like the real bird unless they’re a demon of half demon like gray then yeah but hey they can’t die of blood loss -god’s an alcoholic and the only time anyone has to worry about her wrath is when she’s hungover -Nyx doesn’t have a drivers license (this is actually really important)   -Courage really likes road trips -Lucy is ambidextrous but not naturally, she was left handed but a teacher made her write with her right and over time since she always used he right at school and left everywhere else she just ended up skilled with both -Virgil is also ambidextrous but naturally -Frankie is claustrophobic, Gala is thalassaphobic, and Virgil is afraid of ice (but not in a drink that’s fine) -Autumn likes reading fantasy, sci-f and basically any comic they can get their hands on -Autumn sewed all of their clothes and most of their siblings (Summer insisted on getting a proper football uniform but appreciated the offer) -Virgil’s pretty good about swearing, Ash only cuses when he’s angry, but surprisingly Gala’s the one who swears like a sailor out of the trio -Gene has cousins in over 20 countries in every continent (he’s from somewhere in south america) -the amount of coffee in the chaotic season house is insane but with Addi be a coffee addict, Nyx’s hatred of sleep, and Summer & Winter needing their morning cup (even though Summer’s more of a morning person) it’s kinda needed -every Friday night the chaotic season house holds a horror movie night for friends of the residents and their friends (the biggest turn out was 45 people)
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Reblog if it's okay for people to come into your askbox and ask about your OCs
Even if I’ve never spoken to them, even if I don’t know them from a hole in the wall, even if they’re on anon, people asking questions about my OCs make my day.
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frankie can now answer questions again
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(Gene the memelord who is also fluent in spanish and takes nothing seriously so you get two versions of this)
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(guess who finally remembered Courage has a stutter)
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From now on
You are not allow to complain about lack of content if you don't reblog content.
You're part of the problem. I don't care if it doesn't fit your aesthetic or you think that a like is "just as good". Reblogs are way more important than likes.
A like is like a quick almost mindless thing you do as a "neat" before you keep scrolling. At least that's what it feels like they are.
A reblog is telling that creator: Hey, I really like your stuff and want you to make more. I'll help by spreading your content around so more people can see it.
We all appreciate likes but they don't do any good if no one is sharing the content.
Every time I see such a difference in likes and reblogs it discourages me from writing more and I'm sure others feel the same.
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(NOTE: Frankie will temporarily be unable to answer questions however everyone else is fair game)
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not all these characters are on the list of characters you can ask but most are so this might help figuring out who the characters are
Oc’s music playlist
because why not , though it’s more so the bands and general types of music they listen to (also inspo music so it might make the playlist make more sense)
Nyx- Set it off, various musicals, Daughter, Voltaire ,Kesha Virgil-Various musicals, Glee soundtrack, songs from Adventure Time & Steven Universe, Kacey Musgraves, Carrie Underwood,Alec Benjamin Courage-Owl City,various musicals (top:DEH), AJR, Kesha, Upbeat or sad tunes Frankie-Postmodern Jukebox, Elvis Presley, Katy Perry, Lofi, electroswing, Jazz, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Voltaire Lucy-mostly musicals, glee soundtrack (top:Heathers, Mean Girls, Six) Autumn-various musicals,orchestral soundtracks Gene-trashy music Addison-cartoon soundtracks Xzim-Various musicals (top: Greatest Showman) Cubix-Panic! at the Disco, Nate-Michael Jackson, Meghan Trainor, dance and pop music Gala-movie sound tracks, various musicals (favorites include: Anastasia, Wicked,Heathers) Mason-90′s music, dance music, traditional Canadian first nations music, Backstreet Boys Ash-Creature Feature, Halloween and Christmas music, Circus Contraption, Jill Tracy Summer- Train, Maroon 5 Liam- Todrick Hall, various Drag Queens, Pandora-Melanie Martinez  Skylar-Halsey, Green Day, Set it Off K.O.-Green Day,Elvis Presley  Ari-Covers on youtube
obviously this isn’t everyone nor all their favorites but it’s some (I forgot some bands as well)
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Frankie: Addi how tall are you?
Addi:around 5 feet... I think
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little note ,I know not everyone here’s gonna know much about these characters so the first post has some info on the characters currently available for questioning and you can ask them anything from favorite game to how’s their day been, i’m not expecting much yet so i’m not gonna be picky
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Frankie: there’s some good music from the time and some great musicals like les miserables and into the woods
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when you’re an ask blog that had ask turned off
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Okay, I’m kind of curious about Lucy and Nyx? Could you elaborate on them?
ok so initially i was going to do a doodle with this when you had mentioned in the tags in a reblog but i lost interest in that sketch so i’ll just info drop first off Nyx
-Nyx was originally my persona over time they’ve become their own character though I do still use their design as my sona-little fun fact originally their name was Mix-Nyx is a puppet a rarer species in the comic that be better suited as it’s own post-Nyx is rich but they rarely acknowledge it to avoid having to acknowledge their family which isn’t exactly an easy task as the Chaos family is rather important -Nyx’s family is cursed due to a deal with the devil from centuries ago ,this curse affects everyone differently the way it affects them is via bad luck of course there’s a positive to the curse being that they can’t be killed nor kill themself (it’s unknown if they can actually die) they also have regeneration and quick healing but when you’re getting hurt almost all the time it kinda doesn’t matter at least in their opinion-due to that last bit they’re pretty nonchalant about deadly situation -the only reason they were born was to be a weapon and to take over a company neither of which they accept however due to this they are skilled with many weapons preferring swords ,even taking fencing in their high school-Nyx is prone to fainting from physically stressing themself and never sleeping due to insomnia and constant nightmares -they also zone out a lot -Nyx is actually rather childish and not just due to liking kids cartoons-Nyx often refers to Cubix and Nate as their brothers despite none of them being related-they should honestly see a therapist -they are the perpetually pissed of short person
second Lucy
-Lucy is short for Lucinda-most people see Lucy as that cool girl who’s not bothered by much which is kinda true except for something you’ll read soon- her family (and Nyx) gave her the nickname Lulu and anyone other then them caller her that makes her feel uncomfortable -Lucy is often seen as attractive and has for years , she can remember situations when she yes 13 FUCKING YEARS OLD where people including grown ass adults would catcall her  (which is horrible but does happen unfortunately)-that problem got worse as she got older and guys would get more grabby to the point she doesn’t trust men (which is horrible and gross and not made better by the fact she’s 17 a minor) unless he was friends with one of her friends first, the first person to break this rule of sort in the two years it’s been a thing is Liam but that’s mostly due to the fact he was A. very clearly gay and he’s very open about that and B. he’s nice and they share interest-Lucy is a lesbian (despite dating a non-binary person but her crush started before they were out and the feeling never left)-as she’s one of my most musical characters wanting to be a broadway actress-she’s dyslexic (which I believe I brought up in a previous post)-she has 12 siblings, she and her twin brother ar the 4th and 5th oldest (lucy’s the younger twin)-most people will underestimate her at first however being from a family of lumberjacks living near the woods of Arcania she know how to defend herself and how to throw an axe from really far away-honestly challenging her to an axe throwing or archery contest is a horrible idea-Lucy’s a bit of a target to get to others but she usually gets herself out by the time the others come to pick her up-Lucy is a pure werewolf meaning that the only time her instincts go crazy is on the full moon however she has a special necklace to help with that the only remaining problem is not being in control of her form-speaking of her werewolf form she prefers her human one which is why she’s usually seen looking like a humanBoth since there are a few fact about them that apply to both
-the two are dating (not at the start of the comic but it happens early enough it’s not really a spoiler)-the two are in a band along with Cubix, Nate ,Xzim, and Gene with Frankie, Courage, and virgil occasionally joining-both sing and play guitar so depending on the song who’s doing what can change though Nyx will usually end up playing keyboard -both have moments where they can’t stand physical contact except from each other though on the rare occasion even that’s not true-both a big fans of musical theater and are in in the theater class
that’s all i can think of right now there’s definitely more i could say without going into spoiler territory especially positive stuff but this is getting long and i’m out of ideas at the moment ,i’d also like to note that some of the triggering content is not to be rude to people with those problems and i’m sorry if any of this causes problems please tell me to add any tags you think i should add.
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something on this to note is that dolly is now the name of a different character (the drama teacher) and the original is no longer a character at all 
oc facts
my last post was rather dark so here’s just a bunch of random facts about my oc’s (not all have been shown yet)
-Nate, Cubix, and Nyx are the 3 i’ve had the longest in that order being 2016, early 2017 and Nyx is my sona who became their own character over time
-Virgil’s not really good with emotions 
-Nate can play nearly any instrument given to him like a pro in minutes the exceptions to this are things like a launchpad which he fails miserably at
-Courage can’t play any instruments very well but he’s a god at guitar hero
-Gods a drunk and honestly Lucifer’s decision to start a war against her is a bit more justified since she’s p much the god from those god creates, not to say she can’t be a terrify force to mess with though cause you fuck up and god ain’t gonna help or show mercy.
-Nyx has crazy bad luck like getting hit by lightning every time there’s a thunderstorm or just having heavy shit fall on them, this is made worse by the fact they’re immortal and really want to die
-Xzim is fluent in many different languages most of which his uncle Xzixzi taught him
-Xzim was basically raised by his uncles since his moms job is so crazy, not that Malic and Xzixzi minded the two already adopted a son (Vavneir) at that point so it wasn’t a big deal
-two songs that primarily inspired Treble are “the king of broadway” and “betrayed” from the producers
-Xzim has really thick skin, he’s rarely insulated but if you insult someone else around him watch out
-Dolly and Taylor are both from Jewish family’s, Pandora’s was until her mom went out to get cigarettes and never came back and her dad decided to drop the religion like before he was in that relationship
-Frankie and Nate tend to smile a lot and it’s rare to see either without a smile, some think Nate’s smile is permanent
- Aurora is mute but sass af
-Marx name is well Marx because we were learning about Marxism ‘n shit in social and despite how much I tried to think of something else it stuck so rip me I guess 
-Courage and Lucy have this game anytime they hang out at places like a mall where they’ll try to see who can read the most signs ‘n shit properly because they’re both dyslexic the person who reads the most right gets to choose a drink or snack that the other pays for
if this interest you in any of my characters and wish to know more about any of them just ask i’d love to tell you more
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Characters you can ask (current)
As more characters are figured out and named more will appear on this blog as for now here’s who you can ask (pictures coming soon)
Nyx-a puppet with a short temper (as short as them) and is pretty used to the weird sh*t happening  Virgil-the 16 year old anti-christ who’s not great with the whole emotions thing (great job Lucifer ya f*cked up a perfectly good child) Courage-a mutt with social anxiety that’s learned how to function great socially despite that  Lucy-a werewolf teen with a who’s life is p much music and dance Cubix-a recent graduate going to a nearby culinary school while helping at his dads toy shop Nate-a fat cat with a knack for playing instruments and dance (not a drama student though) Xzim-a hybrid with a love for mystery stories,musicals and acting like sherlock Autumn- the youngest of the 4 seasons with a love of adventure Spring-a kind doe with a love of gardening an the eldest of the seasons Summer-proof you can be on the rugby team and drama Winter-a quiet reindeer that’s very hugable Gene-a witch and scientist that’s basically the human equivalent of a sh*tpost Ari- a shy A.I. that’s afraid of her own shadow Aux-a glitching robot everyone just accepts is actually insane Ash-the youngest child of the spirits of halloween and christmas  Frankie-an energetic green mamba with a love for vintage stuff and photography Addison-a great white shark with a lot of punny sweaters and a caffeine addiction Liam-a mafioso Vampire who loves dressing in drag and pirates Skylar-a feral werewolf  K.O.-a hybrid that lives by be gay do crime Nico-a nervous bat that just wants a break Pandora-the leader of a small local group of delinquents Ricin-a constantly p*ssed off snake bird hybrid that insults eveyone Taylor-an crocodile with a love of sports Treble-one of Virgil’s caretakers and a previous broadway star Jackie-one of Virgil’s caretakers and a pyromaniac Crystal-a puppet with a love of vintage 1920′s and 30′s things Gala-a very shy and kind girl with some less than kind friends
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