✒ (ask-twistedfate)
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“You poisoned my mind beyond reason.”
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Like the sun rising in the morning Fate saw this coming from a mile away. Fate kicked his chair back and followed in step to avoid the flipped table. The deck holder on his hip snapping open in all the ruckus. As a flutter of cards spilled out, each with a face colored, blue, red, and gold. And just like that, in the time it would take the cards to spill to the ground; Fate was gone, reappearing just outside the Wet Clam. 
Brushing some dust off his shoulder and fixing his hat, Fate tossed a glance back over his shoulder and smiled. “Easy come easy go fellas, be sure to let me know the next time yer’ fixin’ to play a round. Could always use the spare change.” He was hoping to stay and enjoy a round or two of drinks but he wasn’t looking to leave with any extra holes in him. 
   Their reaction was almost automatic, women fluttered from their spot towards the winner’s side, in the off chance that he would choose to spend that money on them. Clingy and flirty hands wandered towards the lapel of his coat, the back of collar and even more so to touch that wide brim hat. 
  The men from the table were another story, as some of them accepted defeat with their heads hung and face covered in shame; there was a number who plot against tonight’s winner. 
Of course, the cardmaster could call victory his at this very moment. 
                           Until the first knife was pulled.
   In the very fashion that Bilgewater and any tavern fight was known, chaos ensued in a matter of a breath. The table they had just played on moments ago was flipped with force against the stranger, as the sheen of blades being revealed from their scabbard and the roar of battle was first given.
                                          “GET ‘IM”
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One after another the games played out the same; Fate would walk the line with the rest of the players, he’d watch the bridge get longer and his odds sorting themselves out neatly before his eyes. The pained expressions as he fearlessly and effortlessly made play after play; always narrowly avoiding defeat. It was a miracle he wasn’t accused of cheating, but the night was still so young. 
With a surplus of chips stacked before him, Fate was growing more and more sure of himself, and his hidden ace in the hole. Tilting his head to the side slowly, the Cardmaster earned a couple of pops releasing some tension in his neck. The soft blue glow of his eyes shown just slightly from beneath the rim of his hat. As the fifth and final card was drawn  Fate heard one of the declare his intentions.
“All in.”
A forced silence fell upon the table, as the stakes of this hand tripled without so much as a warning. “I fold.” A man called out setting his cards down, “Same, Fold.” The price of this hand was far too steep for some. However there were those whose pockets were lined well before coming to this table. 
“All in.” Fate announced in a calm tone, one of his blue eyes shining red now. He could see through this man’s mask, the scent of his bluff could be caught even without the use of these magic tricks. Shoving in his entire mound of chips Fate didn’t so much as glance in the direction of the other big player. His simply waited until they both set their cards down to let Fate decide. 
Before Fate sat a Royal Flush, the red hearts of the flushed hand showed brilliantly on the table. The opponent only having a straight. Those spectating the table let out in a cheer as the winner was decided. Fate had walked away from the table not only undefeated but with everyone’s earnings. Tonight was a good haul no doubt. 
     The tables were turning that night, the cacophony of players and salt-water folk making their loses notoriously loud with their exclamations and hoots. A bunch of rough looking animals, she thought to herself. Perfect for the picking of tonight’s winner.
   The smell of cigar and ale were pungent in the air, a busy weekend at the Wet Clam Tavern without doubt. Men and women of questionable backgrounds filled the hall with their voices, trying to speak over one another. 
 There was a table that was being specially noisy, to the point guests would turn their heads to catch on whatever was happening. Fingers itching to close around sables and pistols, ready for a fight to break out. 
  A certain cardmaster sat at the very edge, his identity had yet to be revealed by his peers or the game wouldn’t have even started. No fun in having a well known identity. 
  Amongst the players tavern wenches hovered and fluttered around them, circling around them like flies to honey. Awaiting for a winner no doubt.
  One of the men huffs, obviously estranged from the attention and pressure of the game. The stakes were growing hot and fast, asking for the wrong call to happen. 
     “All in”
  The murmur increased as the sound of coins twinkled inside the weathered pouch hit the table. 
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"A Fresh Start, and a New Hand."
Like stars in the sky, each memory twinkled brightly in his eyes as the man awoke from what felt like a dream. Leaning forward in his seat Fate rubbed his eyes in an attempt to refresh the image in his mind. A woman, whose smile stuck in his memory, there was something about her that was just dynamite. The Cardmaster couldn't help but smile as his glowing red eyes soon shifted back to blue. Perhaps that dream was more than simple fantasy, ever since he'd gotten his power dreams felt more like visions than anything. Perhaps Fate would see Lady Luck smile in the flesh sometime. 
It wasn't until some time later that he made his way to Bligewater once again, after laying low long enough the air felt safe enough for Fate to return to the scene and resume cleaning the pockets of any sucker foolish enough to sit across the table from him. Fate was having a ball, with his 'all seeing' eye, no one had a poker face good enough to keep a secret from him. So the money began to flow, and it was almost effortless on his part. The stressed exclamations and defeated groans of the poor fellows that left the master gambler's table. The Cardmaster was back in town and word would soon spread like wildfire, hide your gold; Fate is not on your side.
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ask-twistedfate-blog · 10 years
The Cardmaster chuckled, she seemed more pleased with his answer than he did. Which only presented him with more questions, this girl was strange there was no questioning that. Feeling her lean against her Fate happily caressed her feeling her shoulder shaking. 
Upon hearing her request to leave Fate would oblige, "Let's~" He smiled, slipping his arm around her's and leading her towards the door. The night's air was cool even in the pollution heavy clouds over Zaun. The toxic waste in the air caused the lights to cast off an eerie green glow. Looking from side to side the Cardmaster thought of where to take Stella. Zaun was fine sure, but there were no stars to be seen in this sky, and no fresh air to fill their lungs. 
Fate's mind raced as he thought of where they could go, the night was still so young there were so many places they could visit. "Hold on tight." He whispered as he concentrated on a picture in his head. 
As cards soon fluttered through the air surrounding them, the two would soon feel themselves lifted for but a brief moment before stepping down again on the lavish marble floors of museum. The Piltover Museum of Hexetechnical Arts, where the glorious creations of the mind are displayed proudly.
Breaking and entering were so much easier than in the past.Taking Stella's hand Fate led her through the large halls through the museum. All sorts of hextech creations lined the displays. From flying machines to sculptors to weapons any many other marvelous inventions. 
"Let's See Lady Swing Smile~"
  And she laughed, she laughed a laugh that could of been considered obnoxious to strangers and even a few gave them strange stares as the woman continued to give sound to her amusement.
"Perfect, simply superb.”
Her head shook, and taking away a hand from his cheek, she dabbed at the fleeting tears that manage to break through her best efforts to conceal. If they were happy or sad, he wouldn’t know.
With a fluttery sigh, she leaned into her dance partner, her shoulders shaking with sudden emotion. And her left palm slipped down from caressing the man’s skin and stopped once more on the folded flaps of his clothing.
"Let’s leave this place, monsieur.”
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ask-twistedfate-blog · 10 years
Even though her body moved so smoothly with his he could tell her mind was elsewhere. He was dying to know what was on her mind, to see behind her well kept mask. She had always succeeded in holding his interests during their encounters. Maybe that was it, why he always kept smiling even though she left his pockets empty; because he was merely paying her for her services. For keeping him entertained. 
As he felt the fabric of her glove to his cheek Fate couldn't help but smirk. Was she tiring of their little game perhaps? Or maybe she was catching on to all his false gullibility. He did his best to hold a smile for her, however it would falter slightly when she questioned him.
"Why?" He cocked an eye-brow at her question, it was a good question: and it was understandable why she would question his motives. Yet he couldn't find her an answer not one that would settle any long awaited questions. Why did he do many of the things he did. Fate was a mystery to all but himself. 
"Why is a damn good question doll." His smile was crooked, dodging a question was easier when he wasn't compelled to tell the truth. But something about Stella begged for secrets to be shared. 
"Let's See Lady Swing Smile~"
And their bodies spun and twist on the dance floor, the music was just a buzz in the back of Stella’s head and for a moment she idly wondered if they should of stop, that is until she saw that devilish grin. Aw, what the hell. She couldn’t stop now with that face.
It was a funny thing, how their encounters seem to follow this pattern no matter the time or place. He would find her, she would have her way with his pocket, and then the thief would escape scotch free.
Rinse and repeat.
It was a funny infuriating thing.
With a well painted smile, the woman reached past the man’s chest, smoothing over the lapels of his coat and finally stopped to cup his face in her small hands. 
How warm he felt, even with her gloves on she could feel the heat seep through the fabric. It made the knot in her stomach churn with an unfamiliar feeling. Was it frustration? Anger? She couldn’t tell.
The music slowed down to a halt, and their steps followed just as well. Yet Stella was reluctant to stray away, to make her usual play with this man. Her brow had furrowed and knit with perplexity.
"Why…just why all of this, monsieur.”
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ask-twistedfate-blog · 10 years
Fate's warm smile froze ice cold as the young child before him shattered into a pile of stardust. The Red card simply floated down landing softly in the pile of twinkling dust. Biting the inside of his lip as he frowned deeply The Cardmaster actually felt a bit of guilt over what had just happened. Closing his eyes tightly Fate took the card and slid it into his coat pocket. 
Giving one more glance to the pile of dust Fate remembered the young girls face and turned away. Shoving his hands into his coat pockets Fate continued down the road going about his business. He hadn't seen such an encounter in his looks forward, this had been a surprise even to him of all people. That gave him hope for the future, what surprises remained hidden even from his all seeing eyes. 
'Little thing' (ask-twistedfate)
There’s a tug on the magician’s cape and behind it a little girl with a band-aid over her left cheek stepping backwards as she partially hides her face with the help of her raggedy looking stuffed animal.
The tiny girl fidgets before bright looking eyes turn up to see the great figure before her and points at the cards he seemed to be shuffling.
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ask-twistedfate-blog · 10 years
The Cardmaster was caught red-handed while in the act of admiring her. He knew she loved catching him staring, the attention he gave her. Why would she keep coming back if she didn't enjoy on some level. Besides he was always sure she'd make a grab for his gold before ever taking his heart. She knows full well that to this man, they are one in the same. Looking back to the stage as another band took their place. This one with a keyboard and a few other instruments that seemed more electronic than traditional instruments. 
As the beat started, Fate grinned taking Stella's hand again as his body followed the beat. The steady beat increased in pace, electronic sounds followed with the sound of the bass and trumpets. Raphael enjoyed this new sound, a welcome change from his usual favorites. 
The song leveled out, the keyboard setting the tempo as the singer took his place, "Love is a drug for me~" Fate couldn't help but grin a devilish grin as he looked into Stella's eyes again. This woman was his drug, and try as hard as he might, he was hooked. Fate's train of thought was changed as the music kicked up again. The cardmaster admired Stella as she moved, her skirt twirling around her as she spun on her feet. Such a good dancer she was, it reminded him of someone else for a moment. Shaking his head, Fate knew the woman before him was much more. 
"Let's See Lady Swing Smile~"
  She had shuffled her feet for so long that feeling his arms around her were a blessing to her sore feet and her ragged breath coming in quick succession. Her heart beat was at full throttle, feeling it pulsing through her veins, she laughed loud and happily her cheek caressing next to the man’s neck before she was dipped back. 
Her eyes held his, her lips curling into her characteristic coy smile without giving him away  answer or reply.
As she was straightened up to a standing position, she turned her attention to the band silken gloves clapping together, the sound dull by the fabric. But her curiosity took the best of her as she peeked at the man to see where his gaze had gone to only to find them on her.
She chuckled.
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ask-twistedfate-blog · 10 years
Love Is The Drug - Parov Stelar (feat Bryan Ferry)
Amazing mix of now and the past!  And so good to hear Bryan Ferry again.♥
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ask-twistedfate-blog · 10 years
As the young Stella uttered the name of the color her heart had chosen. Fate closed his hand causing the other two colors to fall back onto the top of the deck. The Red card however remained there hovering in the air, floating just before the young girls eyes. 
"The color of passion, powered by the feelings that drive us forward, but also slow us down." Fate held a soft smile as he thought of what meaning this choice would hold for the young girl in the life ahead of her. Holding his hand out, the card following the palm of his hand. "Take it darlin', hold onto it for a second will you?" He asked her, the cards red glow was very noticeable. Streaks of vibrant red shined out from the card, that glow would make the card warm to the touch, if he allowed her to take that card in hand, he'd be allowing her a chance to feel the magic that flows through his veins. "Don't be frightened, this can't hurt you. It will only ever protect you." He smiled softly in an attempt to reassure her. 
'Little thing' (ask-twistedfate)
There’s a tug on the magician’s cape and behind it a little girl with a band-aid over her left cheek stepping backwards as she partially hides her face with the help of her raggedy looking stuffed animal.
The tiny girl fidgets before bright looking eyes turn up to see the great figure before her and points at the cards he seemed to be shuffling.
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ask-twistedfate-blog · 10 years
The music peeked as everybody on the floor was dancing, dozens of hearts racing in the arms of friends, lovers and family, even complete strangers. Feeling her arms tighten around him, leading her body along the dance floor as they swung to the beat. Fate was a bit more moved by the music thanks to his level of intoxication but with Stella being his partner tonight, he would of had fire in his heart either way. 
With another flourish of sound Fate pulled Stella into his arms just as the song ended. Breathing in short quick breaths The Cardmaster looked into Stella's eyes with a happy smile. He dipped her back once more just for the fun of it, and to allow himself a glimpse at her lovely frame as she lay held up by his arms. "Its nice to have you back doll~" Fate whispered gently before standing them both back up together. The dancers on the floor clapped loudly to applaud the band that had just played Fate clapped his hands as well although his eyes didn't leave Stella's. 
"Let's See Lady Swing Smile~"
  Her hands instinctively reach  for his shoulders, barely touching the top due to her small stature that not even the added height to her heels could help her. She felt her toes almost leave the floor in his hold, leaving her to tip toe across the floor as if she was walking on clouds.
She chuckled to herself at the imagery, pressing her face to his chest and simply relaxed as Fate took the lead in their little dance. The sound of music was becoming almost a murmur in her ears, the only important thing at the time was the sweeping of their feet on the dance floor and the sway of his body in tune with hers.
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ask-twistedfate-blog · 10 years
The Cardmaster put the deck of playing cards away into one of the few cases on his belt. Pulling out another deck, one's fashioned by him in order to be used with his magic. After looking into her eyes for so long, Fate had seen enough to know who the little one was already. Maybe that was why her smile got to him. Showing her the new deck of cards, Fate tapped the back lightly causing the top three to begin to float. Each glowing a specific color, Red, Blue, and Gold. The Cardmaster looked forward to the little girl, "How's about you let your heart pick one for you little one." He smiled softly, waiting to see her choice. 
'Little thing' (ask-twistedfate)
There’s a tug on the magician’s cape and behind it a little girl with a band-aid over her left cheek stepping backwards as she partially hides her face with the help of her raggedy looking stuffed animal.
The tiny girl fidgets before bright looking eyes turn up to see the great figure before her and points at the cards he seemed to be shuffling.
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ask-twistedfate-blog · 10 years
Raphael’s smile cracked upon seeing her flinch at the sight of his hand, seeing her silver eyes shake with fear for a moment before giving him that heartwarming smile. Fate clenched his jaw tightly before returning a smile to his face. “You know when I was a youngster, I always wanted to learn magic. You want to learn a magic trick darlin’?” His blue eyes shined with a calming glow. When he was her age he’d been beaten up and chewed out by the world, but he’d had family to help bring him back up. Not everyone was as lucky as him though.
'Little thing' (ask-twistedfate)
There’s a tug on the magician’s cape and behind it a little girl with a band-aid over her left cheek stepping backwards as she partially hides her face with the help of her raggedy looking stuffed animal.
The tiny girl fidgets before bright looking eyes turn up to see the great figure before her and points at the cards he seemed to be shuffling.
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ask-twistedfate-blog · 10 years
Hey, you guys remember that post telling you to open three tabs at once in order to feel classy? Well, for your listening pleasure, I combined all three into one file. Just in case opening multiple tabs was a hassle and you still want to feel elegant.
I give you The Fragrance of Dark Coffee, Rain, & Fire.
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ask-twistedfate-blog · 10 years
Fate noticed her eyes shift from either side, doing the same as if to see if someone was watching her. Upon seeing her nod, clutching her stuffed toy tightly Raphael took his hat off, placing it on the child. "That's swell darlin', cause magic is as real as the stars in the sky. Don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise." He chimed happily, the glow of his blue eyes shining ever so slightly through his eyelids as he smiled. 
'Little thing' (ask-twistedfate)
There’s a tug on the magician’s cape and behind it a little girl with a band-aid over her left cheek stepping backwards as she partially hides her face with the help of her raggedy looking stuffed animal.
The tiny girl fidgets before bright looking eyes turn up to see the great figure before her and points at the cards he seemed to be shuffling.
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ask-twistedfate-blog · 10 years
The Cardmaster blinked as he'd been lost deep in his train of thought. Feeling the slight tug on his cape, Fate smiled warmly at the young girl. Continuing to shuffle the cards of his deck mindlessly, upon hearing her soft voice Fate could swear this little girl was familiar. Looking into her shining silver eyes, the Cardmaster knelt down so that she could better see the backs of the cards. "Do you believe in magic little one?"
'Little thing' (ask-twistedfate)
There’s a tug on the magician’s cape and behind it a little girl with a band-aid over her left cheek stepping backwards as she partially hides her face with the help of her raggedy looking stuffed animal.
The tiny girl fidgets before bright looking eyes turn up to see the great figure before her and points at the cards he seemed to be shuffling.
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ask-twistedfate-blog · 10 years
Fate's smile waned ever so slightly as his gaze remained held by her's. His powers granted him more than just an ability to glimpse forward, but an almost eerie sense of intention. Its amazing how much one person tells you with a simple glance of the eyes, they are truly windows to the soul, and Fate was well aware of what sort of soul Lady Stella was in possession of he'd learned from their past encounters. At least enough to stay cautious of his adorable little thief. Girl after his heart, except in this case, his heart is his purse. 
Caressing Stella as their bodies pressed together momentarily, wanting her, his body language hid his mind's suspicions well. Of course his body couldn't hide his feelings for her, it was part of what made Stella so irresistible to him. How her presence simply commanded the truth to be brought forth. "The brightest stars always shine over me darlin', so let's walk together tonight." He smirked, his stare was piercing and his smile warm. His glance shifted to her lips, the small traces of make-up that painted her already beautiful face. As he held her hand, leading her further onto the dance floor Fate smiled back at Stella. The band started, a blare of trumpets for a moment followed by the kick of the drums. As the music first started intensely it pulled back, into a steady beat. 
"I'll see what magic I can work~" He replied softly, more or less mouthing the words as his feet began to do his talking. Pairs of dancers were scattered across the dance floor, Fate held Stella's hand out as their bodies swung to the beat. Drinks could wait, he had nothing but time to spare for this woman, what sucker he became around her. A pretty face surely was his most fatal weakness. 
"Let's See Lady Swing Smile~"
  The slight slur to his words offered enough of an indication to his current state. It wasn’t bad enough yet that she would have to strain her hearing in the already loud environment but, easy to suspect he already had quite a bit of drinking inside of him.
"Of course monsieur, I only go where ever the brightest of stars shine for me."
Her response was soft and careful, decorated with the bloom of her smile and her eyes holding his glowing stare with her silver tinted pair. Her fingers continued to play with the lapel of his coat, smoothing over to his sides with mischievous intent.
"I like that tone of yours, makes any gal feel special~" 
And off into a spin she was sent, her feet finding the ground with each spin. She could feel the warmth of his body shared against hers, this quip a small giggle from her as she looked up at him with expectation.
"Surprise me~"
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