ask-yuumitsu · 5 years
Not a question but I just wanted to say that I love this blog!
[Aww thank you so much anon!]
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ask-yuumitsu · 5 years
Did you guys do anything for valentine's?
Mitsuba had a blush creep on her cheeks as she thought back to Valentine’s day: Well, we didn’t do anything special really. Thinking back on it now, it was really just Yuu giving me a card and me giving Yuu some chocolates.
Yuu looked at his partner and had a small smirk on his face when he noticed the blush dusting her cheeks: You say that but you’re blushing alot. Are you thinking about what I wrote on the card?
Mitsuba looked down, the tips of her ears now turning red showing how embarrass she was getting under Yuu’s gleeful smirk. Yuu placed a hand under Mitsuba’s chin and gave her a small peck on the lips and kissed her forehead: I meant every word of it Mitsuba. 
Mitsuba’s blush darken as a smile began to spread on her lips: I know. I just- I just can’t believe how cheesy you can be sometimes.
Mitsuba thought back to the card Yuu gave her and recalled the words on it.
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Really. Such a stupid cheesy thing to say.
[photo: Otomen
A pretty good manga about a guy who likes girly things but hides it.
Also, late as heck Valentine's post. But happy that this is out there now uwu]
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ask-yuumitsu · 5 years
This is to Yuu. What do you like most about Mitsuba?
Yuu: Her playful side. It’s not as annoying as Shinoa’s. And it’s also a rare side of her that she only shows around people she feels her most at self with. I’m happy that I get to see this side of her all the time. 
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ask-yuumitsu · 5 years
When did you realized you liked one another?
Mitsuba, thinking: Hard to say.
Yuu: So it wasn’t when I saved you?
Mitsuba: Please. I am not that easily won over.
Yuu, with a cheesy smile on his face: So when did I “win you over”?
Mitsuba, lost in thought: I don’t think you have? Honestly, I don’t think I can tell when or where I realized I liked you, I just did. I guess I realized I wanted to be by your side since we met. First, it was because you were reckless and impatient, I thought you needed me to keep you in line. Then it was because you were my comrade then that grew to being my friend, my family and someone I could trust. And somewhere along there, I wanted to be the person you went to just to be….well you. Someone you could be yourself with.
Yuu, staring at Mitsuba mesmerized by how lost she was when she spoke about her feelings: I think the same thing can be said about me. But to you. I really like having you by my side Mitsuba.
Mitsuba, blushing: Idiot. Ditto.
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ask-yuumitsu · 5 years
Who asked who?
[Disclaimer: Hi! Just a little note from me, the person who created this. This is a personal headcanon I have and is how I see Yuu and Mitsuba’s characters. It’s cool if you don’t see it the same way I do. I just ask that those who differ in how I see it be respectful and ignore this if it isn’t something you like or agree with. Thanks in advance. Back to the ask with Yuu and Mitsu. Cause that’s what you’re all here for. Okay, bye-bye!]
Mitsuba: Yuu is the one who asked me out. Although he used advice he got from Shinoa. So he did a lot of um, weird things.
Yuu: They weren’t that weird and at the time, I thought it was good advice until I actually did it. But I’m definitely not taking Shinoa’s advice ever again.
Mitsuba: Anyway, thanks for the ask!
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ask-yuumitsu · 5 years
Hi Yuu ! , how do you feel dating such a cutie that is mitsu ?
Yuu: Between you and me anon, it feels right.
My new family each have their own roles that I gave them and since meeting Mitsuba, none of the roles fit her except this one. The role of being my girlfriend just fits her.
But um, Mitsuba is cute I guess...she seems more beautiful than cute.
Thanks for the question!
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ask-yuumitsu · 5 years
Hi! This is a YuuMitsu ask blog where you can ask Yuuichiro, Mitsuba, or both a question about anything!
And I mean anything, from what is happening to relationships, to family, to random questions, etc.
Feel free to send us any question!
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