askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
(Do you want to rp with one of the kids? Why not let me know and I can try making a starter, ehhh? I bet Waka would be ok with trying to rp, too, but, this post is for Amit and Bernice. )
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
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She walked back towards her picnic blanket, a bounce in her step. She did it. She did it, she talked to the dragon and she got him to come over and sit with her, and Crono would be so excited once he got back. She was excited, too. She lived down her family reputation for running away from new pokemon.
With a quick floofaflap of her wings, the fire child lifted off the ground, tucked her legs under her, and landed on the blanket with a soft thump. A perfect landing. Her candy levels were okay, too, right? She shifted her hold on her tin of candies. It rattled and her smile spread further.
"I'm, um, I'm Bernice. Who're you?"
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āŠ° ā™› āŠ±
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Whyā€¦ Was this happening? Did she not think he was anybody specific? Did she just go around plucking people off the side of the road in attempts to feed them whatever weird hard candies or sandwiches she had packing? Did her parents never teach her not to speak to strangers? Ghetsis would probably wonder where he was if he spent too long away from the baseā€¦ Then again, it was only Cofagrigus thatā€™d been trying to call him back. He hadnā€™t been in all that much of a hurry to get home to begin with. More than anything, thoughā€¦
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ā€¦ He didnā€™t want to disappoint a little girl.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  The way he saw it sheā€™d probably been hosting a picnic and got so upset or bored that she was alone that she thought plucking some random stranger over was a good idea. Normally heā€™d just keep walking and outright ignore whoever tried stopping him, but a kid?Ā A cute little girl, at that?
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Somehow he found himself sighing and shuffling over towards her picnic setup, fumbling with his gloves to try grabbing onto one of the hard candies sheā€™d offered him. He popped it into his mouth; peppermint.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā "ā€¦ Ok. Thanks for the candy, kiddo - sā€™good. Uhā€¦ You got a name?ā€
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
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Requests and doodles from the stream! Thanks for coming guys! Featuring Fuzz from fuzzballflareon, My buddy Jannaā€™s cute lil leaf, askthemineeā€™s pacifica and Anafishartā€™s Bernice
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
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There was no way Nice had mistaken this dragon for someone else. She didn't know a whole lot of dragons, but she'd heard enough about the tree people to know that Crono's friend had three heads. There they were; three heads. She was pretty sure his hands counted as heads. They had eyes and mouths, anyways, and so did most heads she'd seen.
She shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she puzzled over her next step. He hadn't taken her hand, so maybe he wanted something? She couldn't say she knew that he didn't know her. If she did that, he might walk away and she'd have messed up for sure! Was she supposed to mention Crono?
No, no, Crono would have to be a surprise. She never got to surprise anyone with good things back at home. This was her chance!
"That's ok. Um, you can still come with me. I got, um, I got sandwiches and also-"
She paused and stuck a hand into the pocket of her dress. The jacket pockets weren't big enough to carry a lot of things, but daddy made sure the ones in her dress weren't too small. She pulled out her tin of hard candies and held it up towards the dragon.
"Also, um, I got these."
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āŠ° ā™› āŠ±
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  The xtransceiver was shut off amid all of Cofagrigusā€™ yelling on the other side, the device was set to silent for added good measure and Hydreigon turned himself around again to fully face the little girl thatā€™d suddenly come up to him with her hand out like she was waiting for him to give her something. Did he know her? She smelledā€¦ Singed - or like a Fire-type, at any rate. It was unlikely that heā€™d come across her before - was she mistaking him for someone else? Normally heā€™d be rude and abrasive toward anyone suddenly demanding anything of himā€¦
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ā€¦ but he could never be harsh with a small child. Even he had standards. It was that and the fact that his patience just seemed to take extraordinarily longer amounts of time to get whittled down by children.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā "ā€¦ Uhā€¦ Are you - did you not get a good look at my face? I think youā€™re thinking Iā€™m someone Iā€™m not, kiddo.ā€
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
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A hydreigon? During her picnic? Bernice had never seen one before, but Crono knew one real well. She shoved herself to her feet and hurried up to the dragon, eyes locked on the ground. She guessed it was a pretty good ground. It looked kinda hard for walking on, so she was happy daddy made her wear shoes today.
"Um, you can come with me."
She reached a hand up in the dragon's direction. She didn't want to look up. It was a lot safer if she looked at the ground more.
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
(Weā€™re going to put a hold on this plot for a bit to work some things out. For now, we might do a few rps here with the kids, but, for the most part, consider a hiatus in effect.)
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
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(Askabc) Yonaka: Excuse me, how come your all furry like that? I didn't think gourgeists had fur..
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ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½Not smart.ā€
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
((How does Bernice and everyone know what's going on in the other world?))
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OtherDad: So, Nick and I went to find out more details, and-Ā 
OtherDad: Itā€™s kind of a mess. The boys ended up there accidentally, but, Bernice really wants to help, and, I think Vasu sees it as a kind of...chance for the kids to grow and discover themselves while helping a world thatā€™s in a terrible state.Ā 
OtherDad: ...But, Iā€™m just- really worried. Oh! You also asked why Vasu canā€™t jump in and fix everything. I can answer that right now, too. I think itā€™s a god thing? Something about not wanting to just...fix problems? But, learn frm them and gain confidence or something? He must think the kids can handle this, though. He doesnā€™t give anyone more than they can handle.Ā 
OtherDad: ....though, Iā€™m not Vasu. I guess heā€™s the only one who can really answer that question, sorry. Iā€™m talking way too much. Iā€™m just scared and- Iā€™m doing it again. Iā€™ll be quiet now.
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
((So is it not dangerous for you because you're different?))
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Gaspar: ...Iā€™d be cautious usinā€™Ā ā€˜differentā€™ as a descriptor. Everyoneā€™s different from each other.Ā 
Gaspar: Anyways, itā€™s more that Mom could use some help in a world where Time and Space are down. The world crashinā€™ like that- ...Itā€™s like kickinā€™ two legs out from under a table and expectinā€™ the table to still hold books on it. Sheā€™ll need help to just keep the world alive on her own.
Gaspar: ......
Gaspar: Donā€™t really like thinkinā€™ about what all thatā€™s doinā€™ to her health and head... but, Yonaka hereā€™s been traininā€™ with Mom on how to handle distortion. Once she finds a way into the Distortion Realm, sheā€™ll be able to help get things a little better.Ā 
Gaspar: Iā€™d be pretty worried about her cousins, though. One of them loves helpinā€™ a bit too much and the otherā€™s a little firecracker who rushes head first into things. And, if the worldā€™s as bad as Iā€™ve heard it is, it could really hurt them beinā€™ there. They have a lot of heart, but wouldnā€™t have a real goal other than helpinā€™.
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
((Everyone but Bernice seems way too chill about what's going on. What's wrong with her dad?))
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OtherDad: Bernice and Yonaka know this is dangerous, and- ā€¦I donā€™t think any of us want the last memories they have of us to be ones of panic before heading off into this universe.
OtherDad ā€¦
OtherDad: I justā€¦I want to know how I can help her. I already failed to keep Crono safe, and now Bernice has the Creatorā€™s permission to put herself in a dangerous world, too. I keep thinking, what if I never see them again? Will they come back grown up? Will they be hurt or get sick or will I do something to them? I think weā€™re all wondering those things.Ā 
OtherDad: Nick went to spend time with Lady Lethe. Heā€™s not handling it well.Ā 
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
((If Yonaka is helping, are her cousins going to help too?))
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Gaspar: Especially with what happened to Uncle Mel and Uncle Morell around that time. >n> .....*that would be so bad, let's not let the dynamic duo around any of that dark stuff.*
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
Hey Marielle does Ether ever get nervous about being a good dad like lonnie does, or is the space virus a cooler head than the flighty time plant.
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Marielle: But, I donā€™t believe he is in a constant state of anxiety over being a good parent or not. Perhaps you should ask him yourself.
Marielle: ...
Marielle: Hello, Winston.Ā 
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
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(Ignore the bottom group and Mips, Mips is not important here omg)
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
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askabc comm 2/2 B) from August!!! Thank you again for the emerg. comm
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
How /could/ the world be so cruel? Poor, poor Amit. Why doesn't he just learn to do it himself?
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askabcarchive Ā· 9 years
Tell us more about your kid, Marielle. Something cute, maybe.
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