#second of all
redsray · 2 months
that trope where jason gets caught by the justice league and has to get (a) rescued by bruce or (b) reveal his connection to bruce or (c) both except it's steph.
and it's not because she was doing anything incriminating, no, it's because she wanted to find Bruce, who was not answering his communications nor was he in the cave; so obviously, the next place she'd look is, y'know, the watchtower. because surely they'd know who she is, right? there's a bat on her chest.
she's proven entirely incorrect.
because for some reason, bruce is not only not on the watchtower, but has also neglected to tell the justice league about any associates outside of the robins they've met. these superpowered wonderful people are all under the impression that the only person batman works with is robin.
since they never met steph as robin, the bat on her chest doesn't mean much. she could be anyone. she insists she works with batman, but none of them can contact him to confirm this, so they just kind of... let her stay. monitored, of course, because she could be a threat, but they do.
cue steph chatting with the justice league and them realising that oh, batman has more children. oh, batman works with others than just the robins. oh, batman has not introduced them to a robin- they'd thought they've met them all.
Green Lantern: So you were... also Robin?
Steph: Yeah. not for long though.
Green Lantern: But you're not...
Steph: Not what, green boy? Black-haired and blue-eyed? A boy??
Green Lantern, backtracking: No, no, no that's- that's not what I meant-
Steph, laughing: Hood was right, you are easy to tease. good lord.
eventually Dick swings by and explains that Bruce got kidnapped in his civilian persona and that the others are handling it. as soon as the League sees him, they complain about not being told about Steph, Cass and Duke. Dick's only response is;
"Oh, he didn't tell you?"
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wis-art · 1 year
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fishing and proud
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giganticism · 3 months
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The Hughes brothers actually are that close and obsessed with each other. You just have to accept it.
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jerswayman · 3 months
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First of all, fucking LOVING how many times I’m gonna see them dance together cause YESSSS PLEASSSEEEE 🥹😫😭🙌🏼
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heretodestroyou · 1 year
i was expecting a full course meal. foolishly. they gave me a SINGLE crumb.
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you are fooling no one you silly old man
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we know who you are.
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my-name-is-apollo · 10 months
Broke: solar eclipse is Artemis yelling at Apollo in front of the whole world for doing something stupid
Woke: solar eclipse is Artemis T-posing in front of Apollo to assert dominance
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tekitothemagpie · 3 months
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in-naeher-we-trust · 4 months
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mw-draws · 1 year
I love that crowleys idea of "running a bookshop" is cutting about just ??? carrying books and suddenly when something comes up, you just launch them
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ikarakie · 6 months
me: i loveeeeee matt. matthew holt. let me talk ur ear off about matt holt
my friend, who has also watched the entirety of voltron: who the FUCK is that
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cementcornfield · 5 months
[Jerry Rice] said if he could have he would have dated you...
Joe will tell you, sometimes a receiver comes along that just... there's something easy about him...
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ellistruggle · 14 days
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oh my god?????
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youling-the-ghost · 2 months
Oh the pain of your favourite ship being an unpopular pairing for one of the characters...
Erasermight my beloved you deserve the world.
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psych-incorrectquotes · 9 months
Lassie: “First of all”, I say indignantly, with absolutely no idea where I’m going with this
Gus: “First of all”, I say with an immense amount of confidence and then immediately forget what I was about to say
Shawn: “First of all”, I say loudly, and leave it at that
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crispywizardtale · 7 months
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