askaraneathesylph · 11 years
I heard trolls don't like sweet foods. Is this true?
Well not all trolls. Sweets are not something that is readily available to most. In fact sweets are a soporific treat for trolls, so some enjoy it a 8it too much…similar to what humans call alcoholism.
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askaraneathesylph · 11 years
I say, you look extra fine in that dress.
Why thank you very much. I am still a 8it shy a8out that photo, so I am glad you appreci8 it. ::::)
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askaraneathesylph · 11 years
((From the author))
Unfortuantely, I had to take my laptop in for repairs today. While I do have an old computer, it does not have the files I've got started up to the asks in my inbox. It might be anywhere from 2-4 weeks before the next answer from Aranea. 
Feel free to ask more questions though, it'll give me more to work with when I do finally get my laptop back. 
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askaraneathesylph · 11 years
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I apologize if this is not what you hoped for...it is a rather old photo. 
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askaraneathesylph · 11 years
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I suppose you are right....you think I am a cutie?
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Thank you. 
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askaraneathesylph · 11 years
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I 8eg your pardon?
No, no you may not!!!!!!!!
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askaraneathesylph · 11 years
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askaraneathesylph · 11 years
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Whale......I suppose I would rather face one 8east instead of many, and quack 8easts are usually rather simple to deal with. 
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askaraneathesylph · 11 years
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Clam up will you, Meenah. It is not as if you never made any mistakes.
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askaraneathesylph · 11 years
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It has 8een 8rought to my attention my ask 8ox was not open. I apologize, it is open now and ready for any questions you want to send me. 
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askaraneathesylph · 11 years
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[Eagerly aw8s questions]
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