askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
Submitter deleted post
I left a message saying sorry for not posting and saying thank you to new and old followers for still following but the person who submitted the art deleted it so this is here. sorry
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
Sorry for not posting recently been busy with other things.
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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Did she have to leave? maybe that scroll will help me.
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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(Mod: Thank you everyone, hopefully i will start actually updating on a more regular basis.)
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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Hope it works.
(Mod: sorry i got lazy on the second to last picture it was 2am when i did it.
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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I really don't l-like it when P-pinkie gets like this
(Mod: Sorry for posting another thank you post so soon, I just thought it would be humorous for Fluttersketch being followed by Pinkamena. Thank you btw.)
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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He really is a sweetheart
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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(mod: Thank you, jumped-out-pinkieanswers, for the follow sorry it was a bit late.)
(also, not canon)
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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That wasn't here earlier.
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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Fluttershy: Better do what Zecora asked and fast.
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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Thank you all so much! It's only been about a week since I created this blog and I've already hit 100.
(also if anyone could help me with shading in Paint Tool Sai mt art could greatly improve; just contact me at my mod blog.)
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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You have no idea how s-scary the floor of the Everfree Forest is.
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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(Mod:This is non-cannon)
(I just wanted and excuse to draw a TARDIS)
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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They kind of remind me of that thing pinkie can do with hers...
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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What happened? What am I? Hel-l-lp!!
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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(Mod: If it wouldn't be too much to ask I need more asks sense this is the beginning of the first arc. Also thank you all so much)
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askfluttersketch-blog · 11 years
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I might Have gotten a bit carried away...maybe?
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