#tank the tortoise
carlycmarathecat · 1 year
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Bond with their pets
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 1 year
exact same post again but with audio 'cause I felt like it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
♡ ˢᶠʷ ᶦⁿᵗᵉʳᵃᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵒⁿˡʸ ♡
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deadboystims · 1 year
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Rainbow dash & Tank stimboard !! <3
🐢 - ☁️ - 🐢 / 🐢 - 🏳️‍🌈 - 🐢 / 🐢 - ☁️ - 🐢
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 6 months
People with tanks of fish for "decoration" can never know how beautiful actual fish tanks when fully done could ever look like. "It hides the expensive fish I got. >:((((" NO, it brings out the beauty of your fish. Your super expensive fish that you took time to research to ensure the most beneficial life for them look GORGEOUS when not in danger of a terrible tank nor other fish they wouldn't get along with. They vanish behind plants and you see glimpses of their colourful scales, and when they come out? It's better than seeing them 24/7 in A Void.
Anyway, taking this moment to say I went into a thrift store some weeks ago and there was just a big ass tank in the middle of it. Of course I'm not super well versed in fish, but I think I could spot fish that aren't healthy nor getting along, so I naturally went to it because if your store is going to want to be vibe checked so openly, then kudos. The tank was completely decorated and had mostly cichlids (if any other fish, I think just bottom feeders). It was clean, and I took time to inspect as many as I could and from what I saw, no injuries or illness. I was pretty surprised, but delighted, and I can only hope it was as good as I think it is. I'm so used to only seeing fish in stores for buying, so seeing an actual, complete tank like this was really fun. It was pretty big, as well, but I don't know my tank sizes, so I couldn't tell ya just how big. ^^"
Right! Not to mention, fishes are most comfortable in conditions suitable for them, with the company or lackthereof that they enjoy. Adding hides can even increase the time you see your fish, funnily enough, because it means the fish have more places to seek refuge in and therefore they can afford to explore a bit more knowing there is a safe place right next to them! If someone has the money to buy several expensive fishes, they should also have the money to invest in a large tank with lots of gorgeous and fitting decor. A beautiful aquarium truly does bring out the beauty of fishes even more; a daydream of mine is that if I had the space and the money, I would like a massive, massive blackwater tank with lots of driftwood, vegetation, and healthy, earthy brown water from tannins. I would then stock it with dozens of cardinal or neon tetras, or another iridescent fish. Tetras are usually recommended to be kept in schools of at least six, but in the wild their schools can be massive! A large aquarium would allow for the fish to have schools more like they do in the wild, and I bet that seeing dozens of shiny tetras swimming side by side would be amazing.
As for your friends adrift at the thrift store! I do not think of myself as a pessimistic person, but I must admit that more often than not, I expect aquariums in stores and the like to be rather badly maintained. I'm happy to hear that out there, there is a thrift store with a big tank and healthy fishes! Perhaps the owner(s) like fishes but were worried that being away all day would mean they can't monitor the health and/or enjoy their fishes as much as they like? In any case, happy to hear these news! :)
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tiikerikani · 8 months
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I didn't paint this quite as quickly as the previous one, I think it took about 90 minutes. It's also out of the Dungeons & Lasers Animal Companions box.
I tend to prefer naturalistic color schemes over bright and fantastical. Even if it IS a fantasy Panzertortoise.
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kindheart525 · 1 year
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ashleyfableblack · 2 years
...and because sometimes bigots put multiple feet in the same mouth:
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oddlyhale · 3 months
Anyways, on some cute ideas:
One of my coworkers said he has a pet tortoise who is 60 pounds and is ten years old. He didn't tell me her name, but he did tell me that she lives in his backyard where he's made it her own little haven.
She is obsessed with digging - as in, she dug a little place underground for herself in his backyard to sleep, but she always crawls out when she hears him. He said she loves digging so much that she will try and dig into the neighbor's yard by making a hole under their fence.
She's trying to make everybody's yard her yard, lol.
And she's such a tank that she will headbutt the backdoor of my coworker's house. She just wants to come in and see him, but he says she's like a bulldozer when she hits the door - very, very loud!
So if Ironwood had a pet tortoise, she or he would be a tank but in a golden retriever type of way. The tortoise mainly eats greens, but three times a month, James might surprise it with an apple or some strawberries. He knows sugar isn't great for them but he's not one for the rules all the time, so he found loopholes lol.
When he has a meeting, there's a loud banging at the doors. James excuses himself, saying, "I need to let my pet tortoise in."
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militarymodeller · 2 years
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Remember the Tortoise tank I made some years ago? I didn't like the camo colors I used so I decided to give it a new coat as I think It should have been from the start. It wasn't that hard to do and it was completed in a few hours.
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carlycmarathecat · 1 year
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My Little Pet
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 1 year
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rainbow och sköldis 🌈🐢
♡ ˢᶠʷ ᶦⁿᵗᵉʳᵃᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵒⁿˡʸ ♡
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doctor-catpi · 9 months
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Coby and tank outside eating lettuce
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sylveony · 1 year
Pet of the day is: Tank the Tortoise!
This pet belongs to Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony! 𓆉
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Thursday 18th May 2023
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tortoisebore · 1 year
looking at you playlist and seeing touch tank there i'm so excited for ch7 omg but still i can't wait to read angry remus
currently pregaming to ethel cain & this made me smile so hard i switched to touch tank 😈
ur gonna like chapter 6 for a lot more reasons than angry remus i promise 👹👹👹👹👹
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midnightmoonbeams · 2 years
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Freebird drew Angel and Tank from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
April 20th, 2019
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dylanrosales25 · 9 months
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