askmatcauthon · 9 years
Mat, what a surprise! We were just talking about you. How goes life as the Prince of Ravens? Is Fortuona doing well? -Rand al'Thor
She’s as well as can be, I suppose. For a pregnant Seanchan Empress.
As well as can be is probably the best we could hope for...
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askmatcauthon · 9 years
Do you regret leaving the Two Rivers with Moiraine?
Think of it this way. You can either spend your life, milking your da’s cows and selling horses to the sparse number of travellers who come your way. Making next to nothing and living in the boring routine of marriage and pies.
Or you can leave and find yourself an adventure with a whole range of different people and characters from all around the world! Pretty women to dance with and all the wine and ale one could possibly want to drink and not have to face the consequences of the Wisdom or whoever else.
I mean, sure... yes, there’s the chance of death or mutilation, or Aes Sedai, or even worse... but damn me if I’ll ever milk a cow again with my own bare hands!
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askmatcauthon · 9 years
What was your favourite part of your travels?
Not much one for travelling really. Set me up in a good tavern with some dice and I’d be a happier man.
Of course, I would have to travel to get there. But really it’s the stopping that’s the good part.
Until there’s trouble. Then it’s the leaving.
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askmatcauthon · 9 years
So Olver's like your son, isn't he? What happened to him?
Like my son? Is this Talmanes?
Your sense of humour is still... bad.
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askmatcauthon · 9 years
Listen, we all go through a rebellious phase...
Of course someone has to take something from shadar logoth, Of course it’s Mat and of course he doesn’t tell Moiraine when she asks. Of course.
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askmatcauthon · 9 years
What did you think about that Jasin Natael guy who followed the Dragon around?
Mat shrugs, a slight frown in his burrow. “He was for sure a strange, little man. Rand seemed fond of him though, so I never thought to say much, although he made me uncomfortable at the best of times. Him and his morbid songs...”
He clicks his tongue. “Never did find out what happened to him, either, thinking on it. Just upped and disappeared one day.”
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askmatcauthon · 9 years
How would you react if Rand and Perrin sang Ghostbusters, where Perrin ain't afraid of no ghosts and Rand screams "GHOSTBUSTERS!!"
Mat blinks. “Well, I’d definitely be confused...”
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askmatcauthon · 10 years
“Aiel be glad to join you. We could invite Talmanes also, but he does tend to wine a lot.”
Hey, Mat, how's it...hanging?
“I’m knot really a fan of these kind of jokes.”
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askmatcauthon · 10 years
Hey, Mat, how's it...hanging?
“I’m knot really a fan of these kind of jokes.”
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askmatcauthon · 10 years
Forgive the OOC question, but I've been thinking of making a pseudo-IC anti-sj blog, using Mat. Would you consider this encroaching on your 'domain'?
((No, I wouldn’t consider it encroaching. Mat Cauthon doesn’t belong to me so anyone can make another Mat Cauthon rp blog if they want. Thanks for asking though =)
Just out of curiosity, would the posts be tagged in the ‘wheel of time’ tag?))
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askmatcauthon · 10 years
Was Talmanes always so funny or his sense of humor blossomed recently?
"I have no idea what you mean, man," Mat said with a frown. "Talmanes has no sense of humour that I've ever seen."
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askmatcauthon · 10 years
Did you introduce your parents to Tuon? It was a spectacular scene, I suppose. And how old Abel reacted that his little prankster is ruler of half of the world when you spoke with him? (assuming of course that you did try to make a contact with family Cauthon)
"Of course I made contact with my family." Mat snorted. "Tuon - sorry, Fortuona - hasn't met them yet, but it's soon to come. They were quite surprised when I told them about her nonetheless."He smiled ruefully at the memory. "And that they're soon to be grandparents..."
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askmatcauthon · 10 years
I request a meeting with you and the other rulers to discuss the terms as laid out in the Dragon's Peace, for unless the matter with the Seanchan and their damane is resolved, peace will go nowhere. In the Dragon's memory, we must also seek to provide a future for this Black Tower. Would you prefer to meet in the Stone, Rhuidean, or Tar Valon?
Mat blinks rapidly at the newcomer. 
"Who is this? I'll go nowhere before I see your face, man."
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askmatcauthon · 10 years
Do you remember around when you realised that you will never come back home in Two Rivers?
Mat twists his mouth thoughtfully to the question.
"Vaguely," he answers slowly. "My memory of that time is clouded, you understand, but.. after Moiraine told me I would have to go to Tar Valon to be rid of the curse of that blasted dagger, I began to think it would be a long time before I saw home again."
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askmatcauthon · 10 years
Greetings, Master Cauthon. A query for you this day: were you to be granted the power rewrite a single line of your life, what might be changed, and why?
"Just one?" Mat grinned wryly. "I think I'd need that power a few times more to make my life any easier, stranger."
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askmatcauthon · 10 years
Do you think you would have fallen in love with Tuon if you hadn't gone through the redstone doorframe?
"Hmm," Mat hummed as he thought, blushing profusely. "Erm, well I don't think so, no. I mean, what reason would I have had to kidnap her if I didn't know I was going to marry her?"
An uncomfortable laugh left the one-eyed man. "Less of this 'love' business though, eh? Light help me if Talmanes or one of those fools heard you!"
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askmatcauthon · 10 years
Are you glad or disappointed by the results of the meeting between Hawking and Fortuona?
Laughing, Mat spoke in a jovial manner. "Well, to be honest I'm a little disappointed. It would have been pretty hilarious if Hawking had let Tuon know how many of the Seanchan traditions and such were crazy! But then, who knows what she would have done then, eh?"
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