askmooncake · 7 years
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It’s years later and I finally decided to do the gda 30 day challenge! Day 1 is first crush and that’s @kumashige‘s Mooncake! He’s such a beautiful boy and I’m always excited to see him
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askmooncake · 9 years
I'd take you to the bakery but there's nothing sweeter than you ⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )
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That’s really sweet of you, anon-san..
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askmooncake · 9 years
Ahh!! Moonkeiki ojii-san!! It has been a long time since I last saw you! //smiles and sparkles
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why hello anon-san! it certainly has been a long time since I last saw you and your beautiful smile
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askmooncake · 9 years
Ahh Moon keiki ojii-san is back, I missed him!! //jump hugs and buries face into his body//
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some warning would be nice for this old man’s heart
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askmooncake · 9 years
Is there food you'd recommend ?? And do you prefer sweet or spicy?
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well… as a dessert, food is unnecessary for me so I don’t think I could recommend any food..
and I prefer sweet….since I had unpleasant experience with spicy…
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askmooncake · 9 years
"Mister Mooncake, I realise this is rather sudden and might seem to have come out of the blue, but I feel like I owe you an apology. I'm not quite sure what happened but it seems like I have done harm to you in a dream once... I'm truly sorry about that."
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I am not quite sure what you mean, young man..but don’t worry about that. you don’t owe me any apology though..
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askmooncake · 9 years
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“it’s been a while hasn’t it? I will try to hang around a bit longer so feel free to drop by”
Heya! Kuma’s here! I am trying to get back to drawing mood so I decide to open this askblog again for awhile, but I might reply late
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askmooncake · 9 years
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I’ve been doing well and my hand is fine too ...gladly  ...how are you?
*waves* hello young lady, its been a while hasn't it? -mooncakesan
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Amu hasn’t seen Jii-san for a loooonnggg while too!! How has Jii-san’s hand doing? \ ^ 7 ^ /
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askmooncake · 9 years
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I will draw him once a year for mid-autumn festival!
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askmooncake · 9 years
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I saw this boy and I was like HHHGN. That face, that art, that wonderful semi-seasonal dessert <3
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askmooncake · 9 years
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you couldn’t cry, so I cry for you
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askmooncake · 10 years
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I saw this boy and I was like HHHGN. That face, that art, that wonderful semi-seasonal dessert <3
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askmooncake · 10 years
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I apologize......it seems I have fragile arms..but oh! on the positive side we solved the chain problem
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9th Person gets: Chained to my muse for three days
I hope I don’t bore you for three days….
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askmooncake · 10 years
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star thing (if you have any room left ;A;)
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8th Person gets: Married to my muse for a week
please take care of me for a week, honey
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askmooncake · 10 years
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9th Person gets: Chained to my muse for three days
I hope I don’t bore you for three days….
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askmooncake · 10 years
star thing (if you have any room left ;A;)
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8th Person gets: Married to my muse for a week
please take care of me for a week, honey
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askmooncake · 10 years
This is probably late but╰☆╮ (halvah-kun)
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7th Person gets: To see my muse cry
how may I help you?
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