eternal-courage · 2 years
Hello. I'm back.
1960 was the Year of the Rat. The luck flower of people born in the Year of the Rat is...
A lily.
Would you look at that?
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eternal-courage · 3 years
Still alive. Not dead. What's the best shot you can get in a London café ? How do you get your ex-best friend from third grade to stop stalking you because they're in love with you?
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eternal-courage · 3 years
Hi, sparks. hope you're doing alright, and sending hugs xx
Hello Kat! It's wonderful to hear from you! I apologize profusely for not updating in bloody MONTHS. I am horrendously busy. I made the Basketball Club, loads of hours going there, I joined oodles of societies and I'm now job hunting? I remember being a fresher like yesterday, what happened to being an adolescent?? My internship's going rather well, I'm working at a virology lab and I LOVE it, but I haven't got a single free second on me right now. I'm still alive (I think?) and I'm forcing myself to move every day. I'm still reading fanfiction and I'm still into it. No, ma'am, I'm not ditching ANY of my works. In fact, I have a novel about uni students running right now. It'll be on Wattpad ASAP. Can't wait until the semester is over and I'm out of university :)
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eternal-courage · 3 years
NEW FANCASTS! I honestly agree with you, Blake looks MUCH more like I imagine James to than Aaron.
Hello! I discovered Ignite just a few hours ago, binged it and now I'm left craving more! I was wondering... What do Lily and James look like in your mind? I mean... Are there any specific actors you're thinking of? Because in my head they look like @ blvnk-art's (can't tag them for some reason) Lily and James. But I'd like to hear your thoughts! I'd love to see Jily from your perspective, it's always interesting to have a peek at the mind of a writer!
Hi! Welcome to the club. Glad you found and are enjoying Ignite!
This was actually a super fun ask to get. I have an answer general for what I think James and Lily look like, but I realized it doesn't quite fit right for Ignite. At least not for Ignite!James. I think @blvnk-art 's James fits Ignite!James way better, but I don't think her Lily is quite right for Ignite!Lily. More below before this gets way too long.
I normally cast Blake Steven for James. It's the hair and the smile.
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However, I don't think he is quite the smoldering, make you combust with a single look, type that I picture for Ignite!James. Bvnk's James is much, much closer to that. I'll go with him for now, but I'm going to keep my eye out for someone else. (And not Aaron Taylor-Johnson. I've never been fond of him for James.)
For Lily, I usually say Megan Tiernan, and I think she works fairly well for Ignite too.
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However, the pic I have for dress inspo is also a redhead, and I can't really stop picturing her as Ignite!Lily now. Unfortunately, I'm keeping that one under wraps for now. 😉
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eternal-courage · 3 years
It's really awkward when your best mate goes and asks the person you fancy if they think you're nice.
Me: (Groans) Ashley, what did you do now?
Ashley: I just asked [person I fancy] if he thinks you're nice and he says YES!
Me: (Groans)
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eternal-courage · 3 years
To fanfic readers/authors...
I posted this in one of my FFN stories recently under an author’s note, but I thought it would be worthwhile to post here as well.
Don’t be a silent reader. What I mean by that is this. Imagine spending hours creating something. Something you’re really, really proud of. You put thought and care into this thing you’re making, and it could be anything you enjoy–it could be a meal, it could be a painting, a piece of art, it could be into completing a game that you love to play. Hours and hours of work. You’re so proud of it. You put it out there for the public to see. Imagine if nobody but you seemed to care about it. You put all this effort in, you want to share the world, and hundreds, maybe even thousands of people see it. But nobody seems to care. They scroll past it, they maybe even loved to see it, but they couldn’t take a few minutes to tell you they appreciated it.
Us authors, we aren’t mind readers. We’re here, putting our content out for you to read, for you to enjoy, for you to spend a little time and treat yourself to something you love and enjoy. Take a moment, every time one of your favourite authors updates – or any author you love reading, honestly – and show them that appreciation. I don’t think I’m wrong to say that no author worth their salt would dare be upset that you spammed their notifications by commenting on every chapter and telling you what they love. I think I can also say that no author worth their salt would be upset you left them an entire paragraph because you had to tell them all the things you LOVED about their story. It doesn’t always have to be a paragraph. It could just be “thanks for the update”. It could be, “that was such a great chapter/oneshot!” It could be, “this was such a great read, I love it!”
I’m pretty sure if you took the time to do that, you’d make that author’s day. Another person loved that story. It tells them they’re doing a wonderful job, and makes them want to write more.
If you read this whole message, do one more favour. Don’t just like this. Reblog it. In fact, if you love an author, reblog their stuff, retweet it on Twitter if you see it, share it on Facebook if you find it. Don’t just like it and scroll past. Reblogs, retweets, and shares help more people find their wonderful work–not likes.
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eternal-courage · 3 years
Thank you, Mia. Losing my grandmother hurt a lot because I haven't seen her in almost 5 years now. We had planned to travel, but the pandemic cut our plans. I just hope she knows that I miss her.
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eternal-courage · 3 years
I'm crying right now. I know how it feels to lose someone really important to you. I lost my grandmother this year and it hurt a lot. You really captured the essence of loss, and I'm so sorry for yours.
Garden of Grief, And Maybe Acceptance
Posting this one shot that I recently wrote after hearing about the passing of someone close to me. He loved gardening and shared so much wisdom with me always 💕🌿 Also a special thanks to @blitheringmcgonagall for reading it thru and just being so kind always ❤️
TW: losing a parent or loved one
A single sliver of sunlight parts through the gloomy overcast skies, highlighting a small patch of ground in the back corner outside of the quaint house she’s known all her life. The leaves shuffle, fleeting away from the scene, while the remains of wildflowers and overgrown vegetables lay exposed to the elements.
She’s exhausted, beaten down to the core, from the twists and turns of emotions that have encompassed the day; but somehow, Lily slowly makes her way to the back door. She places an outstretched single hand, now cold like the ice that has encased her heart, onto the windowpane of the door, wishing, hoping that a single ounce of the sun’s light will find a way to melt her. It doesn’t. Not yet. A pained exhale briefly fogs the glass in front of her and she watches the moisture evaporate until the air. Gone forever.
She shifts her eyes downwards, focusing the small indent on the lightly stained hardwood floors. She tries to slow her breathing, as the dagger slowly piercing her heart inches just a little bit further.
Lily knows she hasn’t been herself. How could anyone be? Her hero, her role model, her steady force in the world has moved on. Onto where she doesn’t know, nobody truly does; but she does know that the smell of his cologne still lingers throughout the room, the sound of his laugh still echoes in her ears, and the glow of his smile still radiates in her mind.
She had wanted to be alone so much that she had sent mother and sister to the shop without her. They had been here to see her father off, been able to squeeze his hands and look into his eyes, had been able to grief and then accept. She had been at school, oblivious.
Her eyes flutter back to the windowpane of the back door, but it takes longer since they are now carrying the weight of freshly moistened eyelashes. Her breath hitches as she fully takes in the scene.
The sliver of the sun has now grown into a beam, encasing the bricked bordered rectangle with a beautiful yellow glow.
For a second, she sees it as he did, her father’s pride and joy - his beautiful garden.
He was always meticulously examining the soil porosity, laboring over the location of each plant and designing schedules to help them grow.
But then, the dagger inches further when she realizes, like her, the wildflowers and vegetables have lost their caregiver.
She stands there, almost catatonic, willing for the tears to cease. Instead, they splatter onto her feet, leaving watermarks on her cotton socks. They had lost him too soon, even if he was on borrowed time. Time ticks away, and the clouds linger.
Only when her eyes are dry and her breathing is almost normal does Lily notice her still outstretched hand has begun to defrost. She turns back to the scene outside. The beginnings of a path forward scramble together in her mind.
She grabs the curved handle of the door, pulling it open to the brisk autumn air. If he was still here, he would say to grab a coat to prevent a cold, or to wear boots to have a better grip. But he’s not here, and she can’t act sensibly without him. Not yet.
She steps onto the plush grass, allowing each blade prick at the sole of her feet through the socks. Just a couple of steps and she’s made her way to the spot he always stood. At first, she thinks it’s too much. Too much to ask of herself, too much change from the comfort she wishes to cling to. But Lily can’t carry on like this forever, she knows that. He wouldn’t want that.
One sock comes off, then another. Both are tossed to the side and she focuses only on what he had told her just a few months ago.
“Do you know what’s so special about gardening, my flower?” He had asked her.
“All plants follow the same circle we all go through. We start as seedlings, so eager to grow, to be the top pick. Sometimes we shoot up quickly, with no obstacles in our path. But sometimes, we take in too much - we get distracted or blown off our path. This is still okay. We will all need guidance - more water, more nutrients, more love. When we are ready is when we truly blossom.”
Lily remembers the pregnant pause and his shaking hands as he looks into her eyes to say the next lines.
“Plants, too, cannot be as they are forever. They become faded over time, easing back into the same ground from which they grow. But not all is lost, for they have sent off their own seeds into the world to carry on their legacy. These seeds grow just as their parents did and with their help, they are never truly forgotten.”
Lily realizes then it had been his way of saying goodbye. She releases a sob and crouches on the ground, her hands grazing the outside of the garden soil. She replays it all in her head, trying to grasp onto what he had told her.
She doesn’t know if it’ll help but figures she doesn’t have much more to lose in trying. Lily steps into the garden and inhales as deeply as she can.
“Not all is lost, for they have sent off their own seeds into the world to carry on their legacy.” She replays the sentence in her head, once then twice, then a couple more. Each time she does, the piercing dagger seems to ease.
Her feet are coated in the dark brown tones of the soil, but for once in her life, she doesn’t care. This is where he would want her to be. Closest to him. Remembering him.
She lets her toes squirm around, implanting herself just like her father’s wildflowers and vegetables. She casts her head back, closes her eyes, and thinks: I am my father’s seed. With me, he will never be forgotten.
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eternal-courage · 3 years
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This is an absolutely beautiful fanart of Lily my mate Tor did for me. I am absolutely grateful for her. I've known her since I was a mere five year old, and I really wanted to post this to show my appreciation for her. I'm tagging @blvnk-art and @constancezin as well. I really would like for as many people possible to see this because she really deserves the support. She took a lot of time out to do this for me and I think she will really appreciate it.
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eternal-courage · 3 years
yes me too
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oh god what did i do
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eternal-courage · 3 years
What’s your favourite story you’ve written and why? ❤️
Thanks for the ask, Mia, and happy belated birthday! My favourite story is Of Those Who Speak Out, obviously because it's my canon compliant and my inspiration to start writing fanfiction AND my first piece. However, it's currently on hold because of the Jily Challenge for September. Second place is Another Hogwarts Holiday.
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eternal-courage · 3 years
Thanks for the ask, Shreya!
💘 - Favourite line from a fic/hc I’ve finished?
I would say this one, from Another Hogwarts Holiday: He reached for a fingers once more. “You’re not a freak,” he whispered. “Jealousy is a rotten thing, but the fact that you’re in Hogwarts and she isn’t, that’s not your fault, Lily. That’s her own. Maybe her application wasn’t special enough, or maybe she just wasn’t promising enough for the people that run this place, but whatever happened, it’s not because of you. Actually, it is. It’s because you’re one of the most special people I know.”
💌 - Favourite character to write for?
I would say James! I love the little idiot. He's brilliant to write for.
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eternal-courage · 3 years
Ooh yes!
So I got this idea from another ask game I saw going around (by @discocritic ) and expanded. Feel free to use and play with your followers!
Writer/Follower Ask Game
🌹 - Favourite line from a fic/hc I’m working on?
💘 - Favourite line from a fic/hc I’ve finished?
❤ - Favourite fic/hc you’ve ever written?
💩 - Least favourite fic/hc you’ve ever written?
💌 - Favourite character to write for?
💀 - Least favourite character to write for?
💋 - Favourite oc to write for?
👻 - Random fact about the writer?
👽 - Random fact about an oc?
🧠 - Random hc about a character or story plot?
😍 -  Tag 1 other creator you admire, and why?
👶 - How long have you been writing?
😡 - One word you always spell wrong?
✍ - Why did you start writing? What’s was your inspiration?
👀 - Where else do you post your writing? What other accounts do you have?
🤍 - Favourite writing trope?
🖤 - Least favourite writing trope?
☕ - Favourite AU?
🖖 - Do you write for multiple fandoms, is so what are they? 
☀️ - When do you do most of your writing? Do you work better during day or night?
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eternal-courage · 3 years
Until the very end!
Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
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eternal-courage · 3 years
Lily Evans Photoshoot, 1977.
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model: me! (As Lily Evans)
photographer: @clydesdaleART on Pinterest, @clydesdaleart on Instagram
Photo editor: also me ;)
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eternal-courage · 3 years
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Fanart I did of Emmeline Vance.
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eternal-courage · 3 years
Thanks for the tag, @alittlebitofeverything23! Here's a snippet of Down The Red Carpet.
“Alright.” She gulps as he lets go of her and gestures towards the entrance of the pavilion. He grasps the doorknob and opens the door, revealing a luxury suite with a huge bed in the centre. Just behind the bed, a large glass wall separates the inside from a backyard that contains a gigantic swimming pool as well as a cabana overlooking it. Everywhere she looks is a perfect spot to shag. Lily feels the hair on the back of her neck stand up.
“James Potter, you fiend,” she murmurs as she steps through the doorway, hands lingering on the frame for a second as she passes through the arch. She walks up behind him and places a hand on his waist, pressing her cheek against a trapezius. “You designed this place for sexual activity?”
“Maybe,” he hums cheekily in response. He spins around and cups one of her cheeks, bringing his lips down to hers, but she pushes him away.
“Close the door first. Let’s do this properly,” she smirks. Backing up, she feels around for the doorknob and pulls the door shut behind her shut as James walks towards her, pushing her towards the door. When there’s no gap left in between them, and the only thing separating them is two layers of thin fabric, he traps her in place by framing her torso against the door with his hands.
“Where do you want to do it?” he breathes, inches away from his face. She wants to study his beautiful hazel eyes all night long, but she has time for that later. For now, she puts on a simper.
“The cabana looks like a kinky place to try. Shagging on the chaise lounge there sounds sexy as hell.”
He lifts an eyebrow and picks at the cut of fabric that reveals her chest. “We could just do it here, you know,” he suggests. When she shakes her head, he sighs resignedly, scooping her up in his arms, one hand going underneath her knees, the other under her back. “Fine. As you wish, madam.”
“I’m unmarried.”
“We’re about to fuck. My brain’s messed up.” He pushes the revolving door open and steps into the backyard. He walks past the swimming pool and up the stairs, into the cabana. Then, he gently drops her onto the lounge, stretching her legs out, before climbing on top of her and tangling his fingers in her hair.
Lily’s hands find his arse and slowly trail along them. “Are you sure your parents won’t hear?” she questions anxiously. He shakes his head in response.
“Trust me. They’re probably watching that old people reality show or something. We’ll be fine,” he assures her.
Tagging @acid-rain2912, @softxxclouds, @orderofthepygmypuff, and @joyseuphoria.
WIP tag
ok at long last!!! thank you so much for the tag, @cesays @theesteemedladydebourgh @sirenicc @clare-with-no-i~~ 
tagging @startanewdream @arianatwycross @adenei @alittlebitofeverything23 (i know this has gone around a lot so my apologies if you’ve been tagged already!)
here is an excerpt from the next instalment of wtrf, under the cut because…. Because
Keep reading
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