If you have a watermelon that has 15 seeds and you throw it on the track then how many pancakes can you fit in a water bottle going 27 miles per hour? :)
What??? That made absolutely no sense, not even my scientist self can figure that out!
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Don’t be ashamed fruits go great with cheese 🧀 🏳️‍🌈👍
Also have a lovely day:)
I know I really loved apples with cheese but damn... you have a lovely day too!!
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Thank you @cheese-eater62 and everyone who got me to 25 reblogs!
HUH WHAT THANKS TYSM YALLL-swampy @yodelingcomputers
Do you still like cheese? If not, what's your favourite food now that you're free of it? :D
Yeah, I do. But I like cheese like a normal person would, not obsessed with it like Dr. Two-Brains. I do really love sandwiches and ravioli, though!!
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Do you still like cheese? If not, what's your favourite food now that you're free of it? :D
Yeah, I do. But I like cheese like a normal person would, not obsessed with it like Dr. Two-Brains. I do really love sandwiches and ravioli, though!!
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Hellooooo it’s me again but without any traumatizing questions yayyyy!!
Are you staying away from crime completely or do you have your occasional uhhh… moments?? It doesn’t have to be something big, for example helping out old villain friends with one of their schemes would count! - Q :PP
Woohoo!! I am definitely staying away from crime, but I wouldn't mind helping a friend out sometimes, you know? Maybe if they were holding me hostage or something.... but other than that, no crime! WordGirl is always counting on me not to commit any crimes, not that I would anyway.
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why do you tag all your posts with #invisibill, it makes it very difficult to traverse the Invisibill tag? /nm, /genq
I don't know lol
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hello again!! i just realized that those questions might have been a bit too personal… im so sorry if i made you think of some stuff you didn’t want to remember D: /gen
what do you do for a living now? how has your current life been like? favorite type of sandwich? that’s all i have for now :3 - Q //damn, this bad boy can fit to many traumas in it//
No no that's okay!! I'm only, well, slightly traumatized I guess..... I'm still a scientist, but I'm trying to stay away from danger, lol. My life has been okay now, I guess buf it's not that bad either. My favorite type of sandwich will forever be pastrami, obviously. I can fit a lot of trauma into me, lolll
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Professor Steven boxleither, how do you feel about being seen as a father figure? >_> asking for a friend <_<
Honestly I love being seen as a father figure! I love giving people advice, it's something I'm really good at. I was and I guess still am a father figure to WordGirl, her and Huggy still come over to my lab all the time!
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Damn I’m sorry about that.. I’m glad you’re better now!!! And I kinda get what you mean by missing squeaky’s voice.. I mean, if I got used to being around someone 24/7 and then they just.. disappeared I would feel pretty distressed, even if they are a bad influence..
Did this…. experience (?) leave you with any other permanent side effects ?? How did you manage to get through those first weeks? - Q :D (yay emoticons!!!)
Not really, although I am highly traumatized by the whole thing. My whiskers still grow back for some reason, and I always have to shave them off. I got through the first weeks with no one but myself, I don't know how I did it. I barely remember because I feel like it was so long ago...
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Steven , Have you been Keeping up or Chatting with , Professor Robert Tubing. Lately ?
No, I have met him before, though. He's a really nice guy, to be honest. I think the last time I talked to him was before I turned into Dr. Two-Brains, but I know I did see him multiple times as Dr. Two-Brains.
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Hi hello!! It’s so exiting getting to talk to you doc!! Did wordgirl show you this website lol?
Soo… From what I can see it’s been years since you were able to separate yourself from squeaky.. has life treated you well after that? Is there something you miss about your past.. “identity”? How where the first weeks of you being back like? - Q
Hello! I'm very excited to answer your question!! I found this website myself, haha :P (look, I can even make emoticons!!) Life's been good, I guess. I've gotten used to being myself again. I definitely don't miss being Dr. Two-Brains, but I can't help but kind of miss Squeaky's brain, like a twisted version of Stockholm Syndrome or something. The first few weeks were total agony, though. My head was really sore, I had to get used to seeing because it did affect my vision slightly.
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Was the pastrami sandwich worth it?
Well, I didn't even get to take a bite of it, so no I guess.
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Hey Professor Boxleitner! Can I give you a hug I feel like you need one? :3
Awww of course!!! Thank you so much for asking, I appreciate it so much!!! <3 *hugs*
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hey professor boxlitner, do u have a favorite type of cheese?
Not really, I think a side effect of me being Dr. Two-Brains for so long is that I just love every type of cheese now.
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True!! Is this a multiverse of Steven Boxleitners??!?
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Omg another Steven variant has been spotted!
Lmao I figured this would be a funny scenario you might enjoy lol
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Omg another Steven variant has been spotted!
Lmao I figured this would be a funny scenario you might enjoy lol
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I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE 🫵🫵🫵 (🏳️‍🌈)
Are you saying that I'm gay....? I AM NOT although I do support 100%!!
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