asksassyjackfrost · 5 hours
Jack smiled as he leaned close to Ryu "I have never seen bunny smile as much as he do around Marko... ever"
Sora took one too, giggling at the texture "so wiiired"
💍 (Cuz it be funny xD)
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Jack opened his eyes slowly. Ugh.. His head felt like it was about to burst, his stomach felt sore and his mouth was as dry as could be.
The boy curled up and groaned slightly to himself, he could not remember a thing.. All he knew was that this was the last time he would challange north to a shot competition.
Something didn't feel right tho, he could feel there was someone else in the bed... Hold on? Whos bed was this? He rolled over, staring into an unfamiliar face. The white haired boy sat up quickly, only to fall out of bed, noticing that he was naked, instead of one thing, a ring on his left hand.
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asksassyjackfrost · 10 hours
Sora followed Emmas lead, doing the same "what does it taste like?" He looked up at Cass with big and bright eyes
Jack hummed softly "Heh! That would be nice for them, finally being able to hang around without being interrupted"
Pitch listened to them mumble amongst themselves, watching Cass and the children bonding over plants and fungi.
💍 (Cuz it be funny xD)
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Jack opened his eyes slowly. Ugh.. His head felt like it was about to burst, his stomach felt sore and his mouth was as dry as could be.
The boy curled up and groaned slightly to himself, he could not remember a thing.. All he knew was that this was the last time he would challange north to a shot competition.
Something didn't feel right tho, he could feel there was someone else in the bed... Hold on? Whos bed was this? He rolled over, staring into an unfamiliar face. The white haired boy sat up quickly, only to fall out of bed, noticing that he was naked, instead of one thing, a ring on his left hand.
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asksassyjackfrost · 10 hours
Sora looked closer at the mushroom "but they are so pretty, i guess we cant pick them and take home ether?"
Pitch smiled softly, seeing as how well cass was with the children
Jack leaned gently on ryu "guess Marko gets to retire now huh?"
💍 (Cuz it be funny xD)
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Jack opened his eyes slowly. Ugh.. His head felt like it was about to burst, his stomach felt sore and his mouth was as dry as could be.
The boy curled up and groaned slightly to himself, he could not remember a thing.. All he knew was that this was the last time he would challange north to a shot competition.
Something didn't feel right tho, he could feel there was someone else in the bed... Hold on? Whos bed was this? He rolled over, staring into an unfamiliar face. The white haired boy sat up quickly, only to fall out of bed, noticing that he was naked, instead of one thing, a ring on his left hand.
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asksassyjackfrost · 20 hours
I feel it. The stares, the judgment. And there’s nothing I can do to change it. Yet, I’m still here.
Jack Frost
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asksassyjackfrost · 20 hours
,,hello gilly! im just dropping by to say that i really love your art and writing!
ngl your art was what made me convinced to ship blackice in the first place ^^"
you mentioned having a bad day? here, have this! hope you feel better! :D
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I saved this in my inbox all day because it cheered me up every single time I saw it 🥺💛 your style is so friggin adorable, I love Jack's expression and how bouncy he is, and how Pitch is just as blushy 💛
I'm so glad my art was able to convince you to ship these two, you draw them so wonderfully!! Their faces definitely helped make today more bearable 💛
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ive been rewatching FMA:B
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Vladimir Mayakovsky, from a letter featured in "Love in the Heart of Everything; The Correspondence between Vladimir Mayakovsky & Lili Brik, 1915-1930,"
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Sora turned to cass "but we can look at them right? They are cute"
Jack looked over at them "watch not touch, you know the rules little ones"
He brought the bottle away from Kori as she started to push it out, indicating she was done. He grabbed a kitchen towel from the basket, patting her back to burp her.
Jack then stood up to rock her back to sleep. Now all nice and full.
Pitch looked up "um... would you like me to do it? So you can rest, perhaps have some refreshments with your husband. You have been patient"
Jack was a bit surprised by the offer. He looked over at ryu before he gently nodded "If you think you can manage"
💍 (Cuz it be funny xD)
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Jack opened his eyes slowly. Ugh.. His head felt like it was about to burst, his stomach felt sore and his mouth was as dry as could be.
The boy curled up and groaned slightly to himself, he could not remember a thing.. All he knew was that this was the last time he would challange north to a shot competition.
Something didn't feel right tho, he could feel there was someone else in the bed... Hold on? Whos bed was this? He rolled over, staring into an unfamiliar face. The white haired boy sat up quickly, only to fall out of bed, noticing that he was naked, instead of one thing, a ring on his left hand.
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asksassyjackfrost · 2 days
There were still loads of food. Tho the sandwiches was getting low as the kids was munching happily
Jack shrugged "that is fair"
💍 (Cuz it be funny xD)
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Jack opened his eyes slowly. Ugh.. His head felt like it was about to burst, his stomach felt sore and his mouth was as dry as could be.
The boy curled up and groaned slightly to himself, he could not remember a thing.. All he knew was that this was the last time he would challange north to a shot competition.
Something didn't feel right tho, he could feel there was someone else in the bed... Hold on? Whos bed was this? He rolled over, staring into an unfamiliar face. The white haired boy sat up quickly, only to fall out of bed, noticing that he was naked, instead of one thing, a ring on his left hand.
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asksassyjackfrost · 3 days
Pitch scratched his ear a bit
" Well, you know..."
Jack chuckled "no need to defend old man, we dont judge things getting comfortable fast"
💍 (Cuz it be funny xD)
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Jack opened his eyes slowly. Ugh.. His head felt like it was about to burst, his stomach felt sore and his mouth was as dry as could be.
The boy curled up and groaned slightly to himself, he could not remember a thing.. All he knew was that this was the last time he would challange north to a shot competition.
Something didn't feel right tho, he could feel there was someone else in the bed... Hold on? Whos bed was this? He rolled over, staring into an unfamiliar face. The white haired boy sat up quickly, only to fall out of bed, noticing that he was naked, instead of one thing, a ring on his left hand.
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asksassyjackfrost · 3 days
Pitch did his best to play coy.
Jack smiled at Cass "did you enjoy your walk? Seems like you walked around the whole lake"
💍 (Cuz it be funny xD)
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Jack opened his eyes slowly. Ugh.. His head felt like it was about to burst, his stomach felt sore and his mouth was as dry as could be.
The boy curled up and groaned slightly to himself, he could not remember a thing.. All he knew was that this was the last time he would challange north to a shot competition.
Something didn't feel right tho, he could feel there was someone else in the bed... Hold on? Whos bed was this? He rolled over, staring into an unfamiliar face. The white haired boy sat up quickly, only to fall out of bed, noticing that he was naked, instead of one thing, a ring on his left hand.
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asksassyjackfrost · 3 days
Pitch's ears look like they should wiggle
Ok but I LOVE wiggly elfish ears yes yes yes ♡
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asksassyjackfrost · 4 days
Jack was sitting with Kori in his arms, feeding her a bottle. Jack was looking down, but his side eye picked up movement. He lifted his head and smiled.
Pitch looked down, realizing that they were still holding hands.
💍 (Cuz it be funny xD)
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Jack opened his eyes slowly. Ugh.. His head felt like it was about to burst, his stomach felt sore and his mouth was as dry as could be.
The boy curled up and groaned slightly to himself, he could not remember a thing.. All he knew was that this was the last time he would challange north to a shot competition.
Something didn't feel right tho, he could feel there was someone else in the bed... Hold on? Whos bed was this? He rolled over, staring into an unfamiliar face. The white haired boy sat up quickly, only to fall out of bed, noticing that he was naked, instead of one thing, a ring on his left hand.
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asksassyjackfrost · 4 days
Pitch smiled "now that is true"
He then started to walk again, the round around the lake slowly coming to an end as the view of the family was getting closer up ahead
💍 (Cuz it be funny xD)
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Jack opened his eyes slowly. Ugh.. His head felt like it was about to burst, his stomach felt sore and his mouth was as dry as could be.
The boy curled up and groaned slightly to himself, he could not remember a thing.. All he knew was that this was the last time he would challange north to a shot competition.
Something didn't feel right tho, he could feel there was someone else in the bed... Hold on? Whos bed was this? He rolled over, staring into an unfamiliar face. The white haired boy sat up quickly, only to fall out of bed, noticing that he was naked, instead of one thing, a ring on his left hand.
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asksassyjackfrost · 4 days
The tall man chuckled "I am sure it is... tho once you reach my age and get stuck there, then moving in that way would just end up damaging you entirely"
He held out his hand yet again "oh eternal youth"
💍 (Cuz it be funny xD)
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Jack opened his eyes slowly. Ugh.. His head felt like it was about to burst, his stomach felt sore and his mouth was as dry as could be.
The boy curled up and groaned slightly to himself, he could not remember a thing.. All he knew was that this was the last time he would challange north to a shot competition.
Something didn't feel right tho, he could feel there was someone else in the bed... Hold on? Whos bed was this? He rolled over, staring into an unfamiliar face. The white haired boy sat up quickly, only to fall out of bed, noticing that he was naked, instead of one thing, a ring on his left hand.
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asksassyjackfrost · 4 days
Pitch gave him a surprised look "oh wow, that hurt just watching. But also, impressive"
The older male could feel his bones hurt just watching.
💍 (Cuz it be funny xD)
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Jack opened his eyes slowly. Ugh.. His head felt like it was about to burst, his stomach felt sore and his mouth was as dry as could be.
The boy curled up and groaned slightly to himself, he could not remember a thing.. All he knew was that this was the last time he would challange north to a shot competition.
Something didn't feel right tho, he could feel there was someone else in the bed... Hold on? Whos bed was this? He rolled over, staring into an unfamiliar face. The white haired boy sat up quickly, only to fall out of bed, noticing that he was naked, instead of one thing, a ring on his left hand.
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asksassyjackfrost · 4 days
Pitch looked a bit pleasantly surprised. "Really? Well you do have the physic for it"
He blushed a bit as he realized what he had just said
"I am sorry, that was a bit out of line... not that i observe your physical appearance to that point"
💍 (Cuz it be funny xD)
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Jack opened his eyes slowly. Ugh.. His head felt like it was about to burst, his stomach felt sore and his mouth was as dry as could be.
The boy curled up and groaned slightly to himself, he could not remember a thing.. All he knew was that this was the last time he would challange north to a shot competition.
Something didn't feel right tho, he could feel there was someone else in the bed... Hold on? Whos bed was this? He rolled over, staring into an unfamiliar face. The white haired boy sat up quickly, only to fall out of bed, noticing that he was naked, instead of one thing, a ring on his left hand.
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