asksufferer-blog · 12 years
((ho man 4th comic, things are getting cray-zay up in hizzle, fo' rizzle.
i know i've been posting a lot of this, but it would be great if you guys supported this and, by partisan, me! also, i'm going to start working on a new ask-sufferer as of: TODAY OH MAN))
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asksufferer-blog · 12 years
((hopy shit third comic!!! i hope you guys are enjoying this, because i put a lot of work into it, and so did my writer!
<my writer has to get me to work, that's how hard his job is. it's the hardest job i've ever known of.>
but yep, there you go, that's the first three comics! expect the next ones soon enough!))
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asksufferer-blog · 12 years
((comic 2! i'll probably post the third comic as well, when it comes out, unless you guys would rather i keep this focused on sufferer-stuff? lemme know!))
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asksufferer-blog · 12 years
((hey guys I do a webcomic! or at least something kind of like a webcomic. it's supposed to be a webcomic. yeah.
it updates every monday (today) and friday, and I'd really appreciate the support! also, I promise I'll update soon! sorry for all the lack of said updates!
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asksufferer-blog · 12 years
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asksufferer-blog · 12 years
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howw bad can i be
im just doin wwhat comes naturally
((and ask sufferer will continue to sit there, consumed with WIP lust, for the rest of the night))
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asksufferer-blog · 12 years
((Speaking of doing things stupidly similar to each other despite not having talked to each other about such things like, whatsoever, I am also pretty bummed about not doing Ask Sufferer stuff recently! Though I guarantee the next one is going to be kickass.
Also , apparently I might be going to A-kon in Texas??? And also also, I apparently might be going as Karkat???????? More news as the following actually takes place and shit, but yeah, figured I'd go ahead and reblog this stuff just to have a reason to get that out there! Updating fans: complete.))
((OOC: I'm sorry I haven't made any updates recently.))
((I’m currently on school holidays, but I’ve got a ton of homework to do. I’ve also been busy with making my cosplay for the upcoming convention happening in Melbourne, Australia called Supanova!
Let me know if you’re gonna be there! If anyone’s interested, I’ll share some photos of my cosplay when it’s finished within the next week.))
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asksufferer-blog · 12 years
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((woah what's this not ask sufferer oh boy we got some blasphemy on our hands
No but seriously, check this out; while it MAY not be the thing that's SUPPOSED to go on this blog, it did take me a while, and is also directly quoted from John Milton's Paradise Lost. So yeah, bamsedoodle and whatever.))
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asksufferer-blog · 13 years
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look at me
with my awesome beard that i totally have flowing in the wind
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asksufferer-blog · 13 years
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((And now I can't stop updating. I assume this is the rainstorm before the dry spell.))
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asksufferer-blog · 13 years
((Also, I did this art trady blog trady thing with Frost as well. I know nothing of My Little Pony, and yet, can still draw Rainbow Dash. 'Tis a miracle.))
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Guest Artist - Ashtastic, blogmod for Ask Sufferer!
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asksufferer-blog · 13 years
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((Guest Artist - frostedWarlock, master of ponies and blogmod for Rainbow Dash Replies!))
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asksufferer-blog · 13 years
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((also, check out http://askthepsiioniic.tumblr.com/ ; it's got incredible art (far better than my own) and it's very incredible, any way you look at it.))
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asksufferer-blog · 13 years
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((Not AskSufferer, but a psychologically based picture for a friend.))
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asksufferer-blog · 13 years
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you 2eriiou2ly need two 2top tryiing two hook me up wiith random troll giirl2, dude.
... that doe2n't make iit any better.
((AN: Sorry for being gone so long! I know, it's a ridiculous amount of time... but recently, I was put into a behavioral clinic for dysthysmic disorder and chronic suicidal ideations, SO, I wasn't really able to work in my state! Hopefully, now that that's all over, we can move on to BRIGHTER HORIZONS. Like, updating. More often than never.))
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asksufferer-blog · 13 years
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asksufferer-blog · 13 years
((Yes, this isn't an Ask Sufferer thing. Yes, I know I haven't updated in forever. Yes, I'll update soon enough!
... probably.
Point is this is a thing I wanted to show you guys, because this took me... a while, honestly, about a week, and it's based on me and my friends Alternate Universe SBURB RP. And since I was so proud of it, bam, here it is.))
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