“Ah, perhaps I should introduce myself first.” There is a small, almost embarrassed smile from the woman. “My name is Gloriosa, although my friends call me Glori. I would be fine with you addressing me as such as long as you address me in a manner befitting one of my friends.” The tieflings smile remains small, but there is an obvious edge in it.
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An Introduction
A large country estate sits in the middle of a forested valley, its five stories kept in good repair yet simple and unassuming in design. Currently, only one of its many bedrooms is occupied, one on the top floor that provides its denizen a lot of natural light. A woman sits in the room in front of a blank canvas, pencil in one hand and the other on her chin, an expression of deep thought on her face. Pure silver eyes gaze through the paper, and as she struggles for inspiration her smooth tail swishes lightly against the floor. The afternoon sun is reflected in both her waist length black hair and violet coloured skin, occasionally glinting off the sharp white horns that curl from the back of her head.
“This is getting me nowhere fast”, she sighs despondently, “perhaps some meditation could provide inspiration, or at least a distraction.”
With that, the tiefling woman stands from the chair and moves to the window, turning her back to it before kneeling down, placing her hands palm down on her legs and closing her eyes. She takes a few deep breaths and raises her head up and with eyes still closed she says:
“Hello there. Perhaps you’d like to ask me some questions?”
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